University of Gothenburg

Study Counselling at the Department of Cultural Sciences

Are you faced with a difficult choice, wondering about a particular dilemma or confused about your studies and your future? Are you one of our students – past, present or future – with questions about something to do with your study situation? Then you can email, phone or visit the Study Counsellor to book an appointment or ask your questions there and then.

You are welcome to talk to us about anything to do with your studies and career choices. You can come to us before, during and after your studies. No question is too big or too small and you don’t have to have a clear question or know exactly what you want to talk about to get in touch. We’ll use our conversation to try to dissect your current situation at university or at work, who you are and what needs you have, how the various options shape up for you and how best we can move forward with your questions. 

You are also more than welcome to approach us with more specific questions about courses, programmes, applications, eligibility, admissions, study planning, examinations, leave from studies, special educational support for a disability, graduation or any other study-related matter.

Lise-Lotte Gustafsson
Room F209, Student Office corridor, Renströmsgatan 6, Göteborg
Phone: +46 (0)31-786 5321

Camilla Alvhage (for the subject gender studies)
Room F221,
Student Office corridor, Renströmsgatan 6, Göteborg
Phone: +46 (0)31-786 4580

About study counselling and career guidance

As study counsellors, our job is to help people to manage their situation in life and find acceptable ways forward in relation to their studies and career – often in situations where people are considering their options and want or need to make choices or find a direction. We do this in various ways, but our main asset is that we are trained in holding professional discussions, both individually and in groups. The aim of a discussion with a counsellor is to help the individual or group to clarify and sort their thoughts, identify needs, find and explore options, weigh up different alternatives, make decisions and create structure and plans.

As counsellors at the University of Gothenburg, we work with and in the interests of the students. We observe the relevant rules and regulations, but within those parameters we focus on the cases and issues that matter to the students. Counsellors have a neutral and impartial status in relation to the University. All exchanges are centred around the student and subject to a duty of confidentiality.

Guidelines and policy for study counselling and career guidance

The Swedish Guidance Counsellors Association is an industry body that works to promote and develop study, vocational and career guidance. The association has drawn up ethical guidelines to cover the contact between the counsellor and the person seeking guidance.

We operate in line with the Policy for Study and Career Guidance at the University of Gothenburg.