Flora of Ecuador
The Flora of Ecuador project has published taxonomic treatments of vascular plants occurring in mainland Ecuador, based on original research since 1973.
Big discount of Flora of Ecuador
We now offer 75 % discount on the entire set (volumes 1–98) of Flora of Ecuador, 50 % discount on single volumes*.
Total price for the entire set is then 831,75 USD after discount.
Please send orders via e-mail to ewa.batorowicz@bioenv.gu.se
The offer is valid until 31 October 2024; shipping costs not included.
* on all volumes published before 2021
The project
The Flora of Ecuador project publishes taxonomic treatments of vascular plants occurring in mainland Ecuador, based on original research. Ecuador is the floristically richest country in South America in proportion to its area. About 270 families of vascular plants are known and the number of species has been estimated to be perhaps as many as 20 000, of which 1/4 are endemic. The richness of the flora is largely due to the diverse ecological conditions at altitudes from sea level to nearly 6 300 m. The vegetation varies from xerophytic scrub to rain forest and high-Andean páramos.
The present Flora of Ecuador comprises all vascular plants, including commonly cultivated and escaped species, of the Ecuadorean mainland. It describes families, genera, and species, and provides keys to genera and species. Remarks on variation, nomenclature, distribution, and ecology are included, and synonyms and collection localities are listed. Many species are illustrated with drawings or photos, and some of them are described for the first time.
The Flora is published family by family, or in the largest families as parts of them. Small families are sometimes published together in a volume. The volumes are issued at irregular intervals, as manuscripts become ready for printing. The sequence and circumscription of the families basically follow Engler's Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, except in some cases where the latest taxonomic views are used. Up to now, 140 families have been published, some families (Compositae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Orchidaceae, Polypodiaceae, Rubiaceae) only partially so. Treatments of many families are currently in preparation by specialists from different parts of the world. The Flora is based on material from many important herbaria of the world, including the herbarium at University of Gothenburg, and often also extensive field work.
Flora of Ecuador is published by Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, in co-operation with Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito.
For further information about the Flora or individual volumes, please contact any of the editors (addresses below).
Volumes published
Volumes published in Flora of Ecuador (May 2019)
Prices excluding shipping and the 6% VAT paid by EU customers
Claes Persson (claes.persson@bioenv.gu.se), Editor-in-Chief, Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Box 461, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Roger Eriksson (roger.eriksson@bioenv.gu.se), Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Box 461, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Bertil Ståhl (bertil.staahl@ebc.uu.se), Dept of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University - Campus Gotland, SE-621 67 Visby, Sweden
Katya Romoleroux (kromoleroux@puce.edu.ec), School of Biology, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Avenida 12 de Octobre 1076 y Roca, Quito 17012184, Ecuador
Editorial Board
Carmita Bonifaz, Guayaquil
Michael O. Dillon, Chicago
Lauritz Holm-Nielsen, Aarhus
James L. Luteyn, Beaver Island
Paul J. M. Maas, Leiden
Hugo Navarrete, Quito
David Neill, Puyo
Bertil Nordenstam, Stockholm
Ghillean T. Prance, Kew
Peter H. Raven, Saint Louis
Dieter C. Wasshausen, Washington
Send orders via e-mail to ewa.batorowicz@bioenv.gu.se or via postal mail to
Flora of Ecuador
Attn: Ewa Batorowicz
Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University of Gothenburg
Box 463
SE-405 30 Göteborg
Please indicate which volume(s) you want to buy, your e-mail address, and your delivery address. You will get an order confirmation by e-mail, and an invoice with the delivery.
Orders of a complete set of back volumes will get a 75% discount on the entire set (volumes 1–98) and free shipping. We also have a 50% discount on single volumes*.
The offer is valid until 31 October 2024; shipping costs not included.
* on all volumes published before 2021