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- Claes Persson
Claes Persson
Senior Lecturer
Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences-
A Phylogenomic Analysis of Genipa (Rubiaceae) Using Target Sequence Capture
Rhonda Ridley, Claes Persson, Bengt Oxelman, Tobias Andermann, Christine D. Bacon
Alibertia mahechae (Gardenieae, Rubiaceae), a new species from the Eastern
Rocio CORTÉS-B., DIEGO A. ZAPATA-CORREA, Claes Persson, Piero G. Delprete
Phytotaxa - 2024 -
Flora of Ecuador – Berberidaceae, Brassicaceae. Vol.
Claes Persson, Roger Eriksson, Katya Romoleroux, Bertil Ståhl
2024 -
Phylogenomics and the rise of the
Alexandre R. Zuntini, Tom Carruthers, Olivier Maurin, Paul C. Bailey, Kevin Leempoel, Grace E. Brewer, Niroshini Epitawalage, Elaine Francoso, Berta Gallego-Paramo, Catherine McGinnie, Raquel Negrao, Shyamali R. Roy, Lalita Simpson, Eduardo Toledo Romero, Vanessa M. A. Barber, Laura Botigue, James J. Clarkson, Robyn S. Cowan, Steven Dodsworth, Matthew G. Johnson, Jan T. Kim, Lisa Pokorny, Norman J. Wickett, Guilherme M. Antar, Lucinda DeBolt, Karime Gutierrez, Kasper P. Hendriks, Alina Hoewener, Ai-Qun Hu, Elizabeth M. Joyce, Izai A. B. S. Kikuchi, Isabel Larridon, Drew A. Larson, Elton John de Lirio, Jing-Xia Liu, Panagiota Malakasi, Natalia A. S. Przelomska, Toral Shah, Juan Viruel, Theodore R. Allnutt, Gabriel K. Ameka, Rose L. Andrew, Marc S. Appelhans, Montserrat Arista, Maria Jesus Ariza, Juan Arroyo, Watchara Arthan, Julien B. Bachelier, C. Donovan Bailey, Helen F. Barnes, Matthew D. Barrett, Russell L. Barrett, Randall J. Bayer, Michael J. Bayly, Ed Biffin, Nicky Biggs, Joanne L. Birch, Diego Bogarin, Renata Borosova, Alexander M. C. Bowles, Peter C. Boyce, Gemma L. C. Bramley, Marie Briggs, Linda Broadhurst, Gillian K. Brown, Jeremy J. Bruhl, Anne Bruneau, Sven Buerki, Edie Burns, Margaret Byrne, Stuart Cable, Ainsley Calladine, Martin W. Callmander, Angela Cano, David J. Cantrill, Warren M. Cardinal-McTeague, Monica M. Carlsen, Abigail J. A. Carruthers, Alejandra de Castro Mateo, Mark W. Chase, Lars W. Chatrou, Martin Cheek, Shilin Chen, Maarten J. M. Christenhusz, Pascal-Antoine Christin, Mark A. Clements, Skye C. Coffey, John G. Conran, Xavier Cornejo, Thomas L. P. Couvreur, Ian D. Cowie, Laszlo Csiba, Iain Darbyshire, Gerrit Davidse, Nina M. J. Davies, Aaron P. Davis, Kor-jent van Dijk, Stephen R. Downie, Marco F. Duretto, Melvin R. Duvall, Sara L. Edwards, Urs Eggli, Roy H. J. Erkens, Marcial Escudero, Manuel de la Estrella, Federico Fabriani, Michael F. Fay, Paola de L. Ferreira, Sarah Z. Ficinski, Rachael M. Fowler, Sue Frisby, Lin Fu, Tim Fulcher, Merce Galbany-Casals, Elliot M. Gardner, Dmitry A. German, Augusto Giaretta, Marc Gibernau, Lynn J. Gillespie, Cynthia C. Gonzalez, David J. Goyder, Sean W. Graham, Aurelie Grall, Laura Green, Bee F. Gunn, Diego G. Gutierrez, Jan Hackel, Thomas Haevermans, Anna Haigh, Jocelyn C. Hall, Tony Hall, Melissa J. Harrison, Sebastian A. Hatt, Oriane Hidalgo, Trevor R. Hodkinson, Gareth D. Holmes, Helen C. F. Hopkins, Christopher J. Jackson, Shelley A. James, Richard W. Jobson, Gudrun Kadereit, Imalka M. Kahandawala, Kent Kainulainen, Masahiro Kato, Elizabeth A. Kellogg, Graham J. King, Beata Klejevskaja, Bente B. Klitgaard, Ronell R. Klopper, Sandra Knapp, Marcus A. Koch, James H. Leebens-Mack, Frederic Lens, Christine J. Leon, Etienne Leveille-Bourret, Gwilym P. Lewis, De-Zhu Li, Lan Li, Sigrid Liede-Schumann, Tatyana Livshultz, David Lorence, Meng Lu, Patricia Lu-Irving, Jaquelini Luber, Eve J. Lucas, Manuel Lujan, Mabel Lum, Terry D. Macfarlane, Carlos Magdalena, Vidal F. Mansano, Lizo E. Masters, Simon J. Mayo, Kristina McColl, Angela J. McDonnell, Andrew E. McDougall, Todd G. B. McLay, Hannah McPherson, Rosa I. Meneses, Vincent S. F. T. Merckx, Fabian A. Michelangeli, John D. Mitchell, Alexandre K. Monro, Michael J. Moore, Taryn L. Mueller, Klaus Mummenhoff, Jerome Munzinger, Priscilla Muriel, Daniel J. Murphy, Katharina Nargar, Lars Nauheimer, Francis J. Nge, Reto Nyffeler, Andres Orejuela, Edgardo M. Ortiz, Luis Palazzesi, Ariane Luna Peixoto, Susan K. Pell, Jaume Pellicer, Darin S. Penneys, Oscar A. Perez-Escobar, Claes Persson, Marc Pignal, Yohan Pillon, Jose R. Pirani, Gregory M. Plunkett, Robyn F. Powell, Ghillean T. Prance, Carmen Puglisi, Ming Qin, Richard K. Rabeler, Paul E. J. Rees, Matthew Renner, Eric H. Roalson, Michele Rodda, Zachary S. Rogers, Saba Rokni, Rolf Rutishauser, Miguel F. de Salas, Hanno Schaefer, Rowan J. Schley, Alexander Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alison Shapcott, Ihsan Al-Shehbaz, Kelly A. Shepherd, Mark P. Simmons, Andre O. Simoes, Ana Rita G. Simoes, Michelle Siros, Eric C. Smidt, James F. Smith, Neil Snow, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Robert J. Soreng, Cynthia A. Sothers, Julian R. Starr, Peter F. Stevens, Shannon C. K. Straub, Lena Struwe, Jennifer M. Taylor, Ian R. H. Telford, Andrew H. Thornhill, Ifeanna Tooth, Anna Trias-Blasi, Frank Udovicic, Timothy M. A. Utteridge, Jose C. Del Valle, G. Anthony Verboom, Helen P. Vonow, Maria S. Vorontsova, Jurriaan M. de Vos, Noor Al-Wattar, Michelle Waycott, Cassiano A. D. Welker, Adam J. White, Jan J. Wieringa, Luis T. Williamson, Trevor C. Wilson, Sin Yeng Wong, Lisa A. Woods, Roseina Woods, Stuart Worboys, Martin Xanthos, Ya Yang, Yu-Xiao Zhang, Meng-Yuan Zhou, Sue Zmarzty, Fernando O. Zuloaga, Alexandre Antonelli, Sidonie Bellot, Darren M. Crayn, Olwen M. Grace, Paul J. Kersey, Ilia J. Leitch, Herve Sauquet, Stephen A. Smith, Wolf L. Eiserhardt, Felix Forest, William J. Baker
NATURE - 2024 -
Three new species of Valeriana (Valerianoideae, Caprifoliaceae) from
Claes Persson, Bente Eriksen, Alvaro Perez, Nicolás Zapata, THomas Couvreur, Petr Sklenar
Phytotaxa - 2023 -
Phylogeny and evolution of flower symmetry of Posoqueria
Sebastian Giraldo, Claes Persson, Christine D. Bacon
0524-0476 - 2023 -
First record of Phlegmariurus pruinosus (Herter) B. Øllg. (Lycopodiaceae) for Ecuador from the Cordillera del Cóndor
Alvaro Perez, Nicolás Zapata, Daniela Cevallos, Claes Persson, Edison Rea, Benjamin Olgaard
Revista Ecuatoriana de Medicina y Ciencias Biológicas - 2021 -
Pseudolycopodiella iuliformis (Lycopodiaceae, Lycopodielloideae) in Ecuador and Peru; a disjunct species between the Guyana Shield and the Cordillera del
Nicolás Zapata, Alvaro Perez, Kevin Burgess, K Rea, David Neill, Daniela Cevallos, Claes Persson, Benjamin Øllgaard
Revista Ecuatoriana de Medicina y Ciencias Biológicas - 2021 -
Settling a family feud: a high-level phylogenomic framework for the Gentianales based on 353 nuclear genes and partial
Alexandre Antonelli, James J. Clarkson, Kent Kainulainen, Olivier Maurin, Grace E. Brewer, Aaron P. Davis, Niroshini Epitawalage, David J. Goyder, Tatyana Livshultz, Claes Persson, Lisa Pokorny, Shannon C.K. Straub, Lena Struwe, Alexandre R. Zuntini, Félix Forest, William J. Baker
American Journal of Botany - 2021 -
Zamora Chinchipe - Plants between the Numpatakaime River, 1600 m and the top of the Andean Tepuy, 2900
Nicolás Zapata, Edison Rea, Daniela Cevallos, Francisco Tobar, Rommel Montúfar, Claes Persson, Washington Santillán, Thomas Couvreur, Alvaro Pérez
Field guides Field Museum - 2021 -
Claes Persson
Flora of Ecuador - 2020 -
Burmeistera quimiensis (Lobelioideae, Campanulaceae): A New Species from the Cordillera Del Cóndor Range in Southeast
Brock Mashburn, Alvaro Pérez, Claes Persson, Nicolás Zapata, Nathan Muchhala
Phytotaxa - 2020 -
Magnolia lozanoi (Magnolia subsect. Dugandiodendron, Magnoliaceae)
rediscovered on Ecuadorian “tepuis” in Reserva Biológica El Quimi, Cordillera
del Cóndor: critically endangered by open-pit
Alvaro Perez, Claes Persson, Nicolás Zapata, BROCK MASHBURN, J. ANTONIO VÁZQUEZ- GARCÍA
Phytotaxa - 2020 -
Erik Ljungstrand, Claes Persson
Flora of Ecuador - 2020 -
Flora of Ecuador – Dilleniaceae, Caryocaraceae, Quiinaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Adoxaceae, Dipsacaceae. Vol.
Claes Persson, Roger Eriksson, Katya Romoleroux, Bertil Ståhl
2020 -
Riccardia verticillata Gradst. & Reeb, a new dendroid species of Riccardia (Aneuraceae) from the Cordillera del Condor,
S. R. Gradstein, C. Reeb, Claes Persson, N. Zapata, A. J. Perez
Journal of Bryology - 2019 -
Flora of Ecuador – Myrtaceae. Vol.
Claes Persson, Roger Eriksson, Katya Romoleroux, Bertil Ståhl
2019 -
Flora of Ecuador – Leguminosae – Ingeae, part 1: Inga. Vol.
Claes Persson, Roger Eriksson, Katya Romoleroux, Bertil Ståhl
2019 -
Flora of Ecuador – Compositae-Vernonieae. Vol.
Claes Persson, Roger Eriksson, Katya Romoleroux, Bertil Ståhl
2018 -
Lectotypification of Pentagonia macrophylla (Rubiaceae)
J. H. E. Rova, Claes Persson, Erik Ljungstrand, Alexandre Antonelli
Phytotaxa - 2017 -
First record of Chomelia triflora (J.H. Kirkbr.) Delprete & Achille (Rubiaceae) from
Maria do Céo R. Pessoa, Claes Persson, Alexandre Antonelli, Maria Regina de V. Barbosa
Check List - 2017 -
Simira colorata (Rubiaceae), a new species from western
Bertil Ståhl, Claes Persson
Phytotaxa - 2017 -
Cinchona anderssonii (Rubiaceae), a new overlooked species from
C. Maldonado, Claes Persson, J. Alban, Alexandre Antonelli, N. Ronsted
Phytotaxa - 2017 -
The Alibertia Group (Gardenieae–Rubiaceae)– Part 1 (Agouticarpa, Alibertia, Cordiera, Melanopsidium, Riodocea, and
Claes Persson, Piero Delprete
2017 -
Phylogeny Predicts the Quantity of Antimalarial Alkaloids within the Iconic Yellow Cinchona Bark (Rubiaceae: Cinchona
C. Maldonado, C. J. Barnes, C. Cornett, E. Holmfred, S. H. Hansen, Claes Persson, Alexandre Antonelli, N. Ronsted
Frontiers in Plant Science - 2017 -
Flora of Ecuador vol. 93. Leguminosae - Phaseoleae, part
Claes Persson, Bertil Ståhl
2016 -
Flora of Ecuador, Vol. 92. Leguminosae – Key to
Claes Persson, Bertil Ståhl
2015 -
A striking new species of Amaioua (Gardenieae-Rubiaceae) from the Colombian
Claes Persson, Enrique Mendez Vargas
Phytotaxa - 2015 -
Estimating species diversity and distribution in the era of Big Data: to what extent can we trust public
C. Maldonado, C. I. Molina, Alexander Zizka, Claes Persson, C. M. Taylor, J. Alban, E. Chilquillo, N. Ronsted, Alexandre Antonelli
Global Ecology and Biogeography - 2015 -
Flora of Ecuador, volume 91. Myricaceae. 23 Juglandaceae: 24. Salicaceae. 25A. Betulaceae. 25B. Casuarinaceae. 26A Ulmaceae. 26B.
Claes Persson, Bertil Ståhl
2014 -
Phylogenetic structure and clade circumscriptions in the Gardenieae complex
Arnaud Mouly, Kent Kainulainen, Claes Persson, Aaron P. Davis, Khoon Meng Wong, Sylvain G. Razafimandimbison, Birgitta Bremer
Taxon - 2014 -
Sphinctanthus fluvii-dulcis (Rubiaceae: Gardenieae), a new species from the Rio Doce Valley, Atlantic forest of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with detailed observations on ovary
Piero G. Delprete, Claes Persson
Kew Bulletin - 2013 -
Flora of Ecuador, Volume 90, Part 113A: Icacinaceae, Part 113B:
Claes Persson, Bertil Ståhl
2013 -
Flora of Ecuador. Volume 89, Part 179:
Claes Persson, Bertil Ståhl
2013 -
Alibertia. In: Delprete, P. G.– Rubiaceae, Flora do distrito
Piero Delprete, Claes Persson
Flora do Distrito Federal, Brasil - 2012 -
Cordiera. In: Delprete, P. G. – Rubiaceae , Flora do Distrito
Claes Persson, Piero Delprete
Flora do Distrito Federal, Brasil - 2012 -
A dated species-tree approach to the trans-Pacific disjunction of the genus Jovellana (Calceolariaceae,
Stephan Nylinder, U. Swenson, Claes Persson, S. B. Janssens, Bengt Oxelman
Taxon - 2012 -
Piero Delprete, Claes Persson
Flora Mesoamericana - 2012 -
Octavia sessiliflora DC. and Mussaenda glomerulata Lam. ex Poir., two obscure taxa from French Guiana synonymous with members of the Alibertia group (Rubiaceae,
P Delprete, Claes Persson
Adansonia - 2012 -
Sphinctanthus fluvii-dulcis (Rubiaceae: Gardenieae), a new species from the Rio Doce Valley, Atlantic forest of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with detailed observations on ovary
Piero Delprete, Claes Persson
Kew Bulletin - 2012 -
Claes Persson
Flora Mesoamericana - 2012 -
Screening for leaf-associated endophytes in the genus Psychotria
Benny Lemaire, Claes Persson
FEMS Microbiology Ecology - 2012 -
Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXVIII: New Taxa, New Combinations, New Names, and Lectotypification for Several Species Found in Mexico and Central
Charlotte M. Taylor, Joaquin Sanchez-Gonzalez, Barry Hammel, David H. Lorence, Claes Persson, Piero G. Delprete, Roy E. Gereau
Novon - 2011 -
Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXVIII: New Taxa, New Combinations, New Names, and Lectotypification for Several Species Found in Mexico and Central
Piero Delprete, Claes Persson
Novon - 2011 -
Flora of Ecuador
Claes Persson, Bertil Ståhl
2011 -
Alibertia- in Rubiaceae, Flora dos Estados de Goiás e
Piero Delprete, Claes Persson
Flora dos Estados de Goiás e Tocantins - 2010 -
Cordiera- in Rubiaceae, Flora dos Estados de Goiás e
Claes Persson, Delprete Piero
2010 -
Polygalaceae in Neotropikey - Interactive key and information resources for flowering plants of the
Claes Persson, Bente Eriksen
Milliken, W., Klitgård, B. & Baracat, A. (eds) [year]. Neotropikey - Interactive key and information resources for flowering plants of the Neotropics. www.kew.org/neotropikey - 2010 -
Cordiera longicaudata sp. nov. and Duroia valesca sp. nov. of the Alibertia group
Claes Persson, Piero G. Delprete
Nordic Journal of Botany - 2010 -
Molecular Systematics and Morphological Character Evolution of the Condamineeae
Kent Kainulainen, Claes Persson, Torsten Eriksson, B Bremer
American Journal of Botany - 2010 -
Flora of Ecuador 87 – Orchidaceae, Genera
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2010 -
Flora of Ecuador 86 –
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2010 -
Tracing the impact of the Andean uplift on Neotropical plant
Alexandre Antonelli, Johan A. A. Nylander, Claes Persson, Isabel Sanmartin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2009 -
Phylogeny of the Herbaceous Tribe Spermacoceae (Rubiaceae) Based on Plastid DNA
Inge Groeninckx, Steven Dessein, H Ochoterena, Claes Persson, T Motley, J Kårehed, B Bremer, Suzy Huysmans, Erik Smets
Annals of Missouri Botanical Garden - 2009 -
Flora of Ecuador 85 – Moraceae
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2009 -
Flora of Ecuador 83
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2008 -
Flora of Ecuador 84 Orchidaceae
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2008 -
Agouticarpa spinosa sp nov - a thorny member of the Alibertia group (Rubiaceae-Gardenieae) from northern
Claes Persson, Piero G. Delprete
Nordic Journal of Botany - 2008 -
Gardenieae, extravagant Rubiaceae with problematic
Arnaud Mouly, Kent Kainulainen, Claes Persson
Scripta Botanica Belgica - 2008 -
Rubiaceae - Checklist of the Plants of the Guiana
Araujo da Anunciação, Claes Persson
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium - 2007 -
Flora of Ecuador 80
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2007 -
Flora of Ecuador 81
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2007 -
Flora of Ecuador 82
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2007 -
The role of biotic and abiotic factors in evolution of ant dispersal in the milkwort family
F. Forest, M. W. Chase, Claes Persson, P. R. Crane, J. A. Hawkins
Evolution - 2007 -
Flora of Ecuador 78 – Gramineae
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2006 -
Flora of Ecuador 79 Rubiaceae
Gunnar Harling, Claes Persson
2006 -
Evolution of the Spermacoceae (Rubiaceae) based on plastid
Inge Groeninckx, Suzy Huysmans, Claes Persson
Scripta Botanica Belgica - 2006 -
Bente Eriksen, Claes Persson
The families and genera of vascular plants - 2006 -
(1716) Proposal to conserve Duroia, nom. cons. (Rubiaceae, Gardenieae) against an additional name,
Claes Persson, Erik Ljungstrand
Taxon - 2006 -
New Combinations in Kutchubaea
Claes Persson
Revista de Biologia Neotropical - 2005 -
Genipa -
Julian A. Steyermark, Claes Persson
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana 8 Poaceae-Rubiaceae - 2004 -
Claes Persson
Flowering Plants of the Neotropics - 2004 -
Stachyarrhena -
Julian A. Steyermark, Claes Persson
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana 8 Poaceae-Rubiaceae - 2004 -
Cordiera -
Claes Persson, Piero G. Delprete, Julian A. Steyermark
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana 8 Poaceae-Rubiaceae - 2004 -
Piero G. Delprete, Claes Persson
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana - 2004 -
Phylogenetic relationships among species of the neotropical genus Randia (Rubiaceae, Gardenieae) inferred from molecular and morphological
Claes G. R. Gustafsson, Claes Persson
Taxon - 2002