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- Ola Bratt
Ola Bratt
Avd för urologiOm Ola Bratt
Forskningsområden: Praktisk implementering av screening för prostatacancer, prostatacancerdiagnostik och cancerepidemiologi.
Forskning: Huvudfokus är den forskning som bedrivs inom The Swedish Consortium for Research on Organised Prostate Cancer Testing (SweCROPT), som Bratt är ordförande för sedan dess start 2022. Forskningen baseras på de populationsbaserade regionala projekten med organiserad prostatacancertestning (OPT) med mål att fylla de kunskapsluckor som behöver fyllas innan ett nationellt screeningprogram för prostatacancer kan införas. Forskningen om OPT spänner från informatik och psykisk påverkan till diagnostik och epdidemiologi.
Ola Bratt är huvudprövare för en nationell, randomiserad multicenterstudie om aktiv monitorering vid lokaliserad prostatacancer (SAMS) och är medlem i styrgruppen för en internationell,randomiserad multicenterstudie om aktiv monitorering (SPCG-17). Han är också med i referensgruppen för PCBaSe, en forskningsdatabas som utgår från det nationella prostatacancerregistret och är länkad till andra nationella register.
Pågående doktorandprojekt: Huvudhandledare: Joakim Örtegren: “Prostate biopsy: sampling and infectious complications” Jovana Maljkovic: “Active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer” Emil Järbur: “Organised prostate cancer testing: diagnostics and socioeconomic aspects” Biträdande handledare: Charlotte Alvebratt, Sahlgrenska Akademin
Några finansiärer av projekten ALF, Cancerfonden, Göteborgs Läkaresällskap.
Undervisning: Examinator och lärare för Kliniska forskarskolan, som ger en komplett teoretisk utbildning för kliniska doktorander under fyra gånger fem kursveckor.
Klinisk verksamhet: Ola Bratt är överläkare vid Prostatacancercentrum, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. Fram till 2014 arbetade han vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund och Helsingborgs lasarett, och var då knuten till Lunds Universitet. Efter tre år vid universitetssjukhusen i Oxford och Cambridge anslöt han till Sahlgrenska år 2017.
Nationella uppdrag: Ola Bratt är ordförande för den nationella arbetsgruppen för organiserad prostatacancertestning (NAG OPT) och registerhållare för det nationella kvalitetsregistret för organiserad prostatacancertestning (SweOPT).
ORC-ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9198-9445
Läs mer om Ola i vårt personporträtt: Möt språkstilisten Ola Bratt – ny professor i klinisk cancerepidemiologi
An online national quality assessment survey of prostate MRI reading: interreader variability in prostate volume measurement and PI-RADS
Jonas Wallström, Erik Thimansson, Jim Andersson, Mathias Karlsson, Sophia Zackrisson, Ola Bratt, Fredrik Jaderling
Prostate Cancer Screening: Setting the Controls on the Mixing
Ola Bratt
European urology - 2024 -
Associations between socioeconomic factors and PSA testing in a population-based organised testing programme and routine healthcare: a register-based study of 50-year-old
Emil Järbur, Erik Holmberg, Thomas Björk-Eriksson, Ola Bratt, Rebecka Arnsrud Godtman
BMJ Oncology - 2024 -
Time trends for the use of active surveillance and deferred treatment for localised prostate cancer in Sweden: a nationwide
Jovana Maljkovic, Anna Bill-Axelson, Hampus Hållberg, Anders Berglund, Pär Stattin, Ola Bratt
Scandinavian journal of urology - 2024 -
[Treatment of non-metastatic prostate
Johan Stranne, Stefan Carlsson, Adalsteinn Gunnlaugsson, Jon Kindblom, Anna Lantz, Ola Bratt
Läkartidningen - 2024 -
[Prostate cancer - from the patients'
Kent Lewén, Calle Waller, Henrik Grönberg, Ola Bratt
Lakartidningen - 2024 -
[Prostate cancer - a disease in
Ola Bratt
Lakartidningen - 2024 -
Serum Androgens as Predictive Biomarkers: Results From a Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Enzalutamide and Abiraterone Acetate in Men With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate
Klara K. Ternov, Mikkel Fode, Jens Sonksen, Rasmus Bisbjerg, Henriette Lindberg, Ganesh Palapattu, Ola Bratt, Peter B. Ostergren
Screening for Prostate Cancer With Modern Diagnostics-Another Piece of the
Ola Bratt
JAMA network open - 2024 -
Normalised repeat serum prostate-specific antigen: associations with age and magnetic resonance imaging
Hang Dang, Victoria Huang, Ola Bratt
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2024 -
Risk Factors for Infection After Transrectal Prostate Biopsy: A Population-based Register
Joakim Örtegren, Kimia Kohestani, Olof Elvstam, Hakan Janson, Daniel Aberg, Henrik Kjölhede, Gunnar Kahlmeter, Ola Bratt
Socioeconomic inequality in prostate cancer diagnostics, primary treatment, rehabilitation, and mortality in
Ulf Strömberg, Anders Berglund, Stefan Carlsson, Camilla Thellenberg Karlsson, Mats Lambe, Ingela Franck Lissbrant, Par Stattin, Ola Bratt
Baseline Serum Prostate-specific Antigen Value Predicts the Risk of Subsequent Prostate Cancer Death-Results from the Norwegian Prostate Cancer
Johan Bjerner, Ola Bratt, Kirsti Aas, Peter C Albertsen, Sophie D Fosså, Rune Kvåle, Hans Lilja, Christoph Müller, Stig Müller, Andreas Stensvold, Owen Thomas, Oluf D Røe, Andrew Vickers, Jochen Walz, Sigrid V Carlsson, Jan Oldenburg
European Urology - 2024 -
Population-based Organised Prostate Cancer Testing: Results from the First Invitation of 50-year-old
Ola Bratt, Rebecka Arnsrud Godtman, Thomas Jiborn, Jonas Wallström, Olof Akre, Stefan Carlsson, Tobias Nordström, Erik Thimansson, Max Alterbeck, Sophia Zackrisson, Jonas Hugosson, Anders Bjartell, Anna Lantz
European Urology - 2024 -
Family History and Risk of Renal Cell Carcinoma: A National Multiregister Case-Control
Rasmus Jakobsson, Salmir Nasic, Ola Bratt, Martin E Johansson, Anna Grenabo Bergdahl
The Journal of urology - 2024 -
Men's Perception of Being Invited for Prostate Cancer Testing and the Information About Its Pros and Cons-A Survey from Two Population-based Testing
Linda Svensson, Karin Stinesen Bratt, T. Jiborn, A. C. Borjedahl, Ola Bratt
European Urology Open Science - 2023 -
Screening för
Ola Bratt, Mirjam Elfström
Cancersjukdomar - 2023 -
Ola Bratt, Camilla Thellenberg Karlsson
Cancersjukdomar - 2023 -
Clinical Value of a Routine Urine Culture Prior to Transrectal Prostate
Joakim Örtegren, A. Wimmerstedt, D. Åberg, H. Janson, Henrik Kjölhede, G. Kahlmeter, Ola Bratt
European Urology Open Science - 2023 -
First population-level results of pre-biopsy prostate
Ola Bratt
Scandinavian journal of urology - 2023 -
First diagnostic results from Gothenburg-2 screening
Ola Bratt, Anssi Auvinen
Scandinavian journal of urology - 2023 -
Current policies on early detection of prostate cancer create overdiagnosis and inequity with minimal
Andrew Vickers, Frank O'Brien, Francesco Montorsi, David Galvin, Ola Bratt, Sigrid Carlsson, James Wf Catto, Agne Krilaviciute, Michael Philbin, Peter Albers
BMJ (Clinical research ed.) - 2023 -
Re: Prostate Cancer Screening with PSA and MRI Followed by Targeted Biopsy
Ola Bratt, Anssi Auvinen
European urology - 2023 -
A note on the importance of
Ola Bratt
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2023 -
The Long and Winding Road from Guideline Recommendations to Improved Quality of
Ola Bratt
European urology - 2023 -
Screening for prostate cancer: evidence, ongoing trials, policies and knowledge
Ola Bratt, Anssi Auvinen, Rebecka Arnsrud Godtman, Mikael Hellström, Jonas Hugosson, Hans Lilja, Jonas Wallström, Monique Roobol
BMJ Oncology - 2023 -
2022 Update on Prostate Cancer Epidemiology and Risk Factors-A Systematic
O. Bergengren, K. R. Pekala, K. Matsoukas, J. Fainberg, S. F. Mungovan, Ola Bratt, F. Bray, O. Brawley, A. N. Luckenbaugh, L. Mucci, T. M. Morgan, Sigrid Carlsson
European Urology - 2023 -
How to follow the new EU Council recommendation and improve prostate cancer early detection: the Prostaforum 2022
O. Majek, M. Babjuk, M. J. Roobol, Ola Bratt, H. Van Poppel, R. Zachoval, J. Ferda, M. Koudelkova, O. Ngo, J. Gregor, S. Collen, K. Hejduk, L. Dusek, V. Valek
European Urology Open Science - 2023 -
The provision of prostate cancer patient information leaflets on an electronic tablet: A further step to paperless health-care
S. Miah, J. Maw, K. Pang, V. Nair, S. Hori, A. Lamb, A. Martin, Ola Bratt, B. Lamb, N. M. Shah
Urology Annals - 2022 -
The Swedish national guidelines on prostate cancer, part 2: recurrent, metastatic and castration resistant
Ola Bratt, S. Carlsson, P. Fransson, J. Kindblom, Johan Stranne, C. T. Karlsson
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2022 -
Long-term Outcomes Among Men Undergoing Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer in
Eugenio Ventimiglia, Anna Bill-Axelson, Ola Bratt, Francesco Montorsi, Pär Stattin, Hans Garmo
JAMA network open - 2022 -
Is it time to abandon routine antibiotics for transperineal prostate
Ola Bratt
The Lancet. Infectious diseases - 2022 -
Integrating magnetic resonance imaging and prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography results into prostate cancer treatment decision
Ola Bratt
BJU international - 2022 -
Designing and Implementing a Population-based Organised Prostate Cancer Testing
Max Alterbeck, Emil Järbur, Erik Thimansson, Jonas Wallström, Johan Bengtsson, Thomas Björk-Eriksson, Anders Bjartell, Ola Bratt, Thomas Jiborn, Rebecka Arnsrud Godtman
European urology focus - 2022 -
Low-grade prostate cancer should still be labelled
Kenneth A Iczkowski, Mariel Molina, Lars Egevad, David G Bostwick, Geert J L H van Leenders, Francisco G La Rosa, Theodorus van der Kwast, Daniel M Berney, Andrew J Evans, Thomas M Wheeler, Katia R M Leite, Hemamali Samaratunga, John Srigley, Murali Varma, Toyonori Tsuzuki, Marshall Scott Lucia, Elward David Crawford, Richard G Harris, Philip Stricker, Nathan Lawrentschuk, Henry H Woo, Neil E Fleshner, Neal D Shore, John Yaxley, Ola Bratt, Peter Wiklund, Matthew Roberts, Liang Cheng, Brett Delahunt
BJU international - 2022 -
The Swedish national guidelines on prostate cancer, part 1: early detection, diagnostics, staging, patient support and primary management of non-metastatic
Ola Bratt, S. Carlsson, P. Fransson, C. T. Karlsson, Johan Stranne, J. Kindblom
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2022 -
A prospective phase II study of prostate-specific antigen-guided salvage radiotherapy and Ga-68-PSMA-PET for biochemical relapse after radical prostatectomy-The PROPER 1
A. Gunnlaugsson, V. Johannesson, E. Wieslander, E. Brun, U. Bitzen, O. Stahl, Ola Bratt, G. Ahlgren, T. Ohlsson, E. Kjellen, P. Nilsson
Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology - 2022 -
Rates of Positive Abdominal Computed Tomography and Bone Scan Findings Among Men with Cambridge Prognostic Group 4 or 5 prostate cancer: A Nationwide Registry
C. Stenman, E. Abrahamsson, M. Redsater, V. J. Gnanapragasam, Ola Bratt
European Urology Open Science - 2022 -
Experience Measures after Radical Prostatectomy: A Register-Based Study Evaluating the Association between Patient-Reported Symptoms and Quality of
O. Christiansen, O. Kirkevold, Ola Bratt, J. S. Benth, M. Slaaen
Healthcare - 2022 -
Predictors of upgrading from low-grade cancer at prostatectomy in men with biparametric magnetic resonance
O. Christiansen, Ola Bratt, O. Kirkevold, J. S. Benth, P. Manoharan, A. Selnes, E. S. Haug, M. Slaaen
Central European Journal of Urology - 2022 -
Has the time come for routine use of PET/CT for guiding treatment of biochemical recurrence after radical
Ola Bratt
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2021 -
Modern prostate cancer diagnostics reduce overdiagnosis - will they open up for population-based
Ola Bratt, Hans Lilja
Scandinavian journal of urology - 2021 -
Rate and characteristics of infection after transrectal prostate biopsy: a retrospective observational
A. Forsvall, H. Jonsson, M. Wagenius, Ola Bratt, A. Linder
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2021 -
Evaluation of the Forsvall biopsy needle in an ex vivo model of transrectal prostate biopsy - a novel needle design with the objective to reduce the risk of post-biopsy
A. Forsvall, J. Fisher, J. F. P. Cardoso, M. Wagenius, J. Tverring, B. Nilson, A. Dahlin, Ola Bratt, A. Linder, T. Mohanty
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2021 -
Quality of life in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer treated with enzalutamide or abiraterone: a systematic review and
K. K. Ternov, A. B. Nolsoe, Ola Bratt, M. Fode, H. Lindberg, C. Kistorp, G. Palapattu, T. W. Klausen, J. Sonksen, P. B. Ostergren
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases - 2021 -
Construct Validity of the Questionnaire Quality From the Patients Perspective Adapted for Surgical Prostate Cancer
Ola Christiansen, Jūratė Šaltytė Benth, Øyvind Kirkevold, Ola Bratt, Marit Slaaen
Journal of patient experience - 2021 -
Predictors of histological upgrading at radical prostatectomy in patients with localised low-grade prostate cancer and pretreatment biparametric
Ola Christiansen, Øyvind Kirkevold , Ola Bratt, Jūratė Šaltytė Benth , Pathmakulendran Manoharan, Anders Selnes , Erik Skaaheim Haug , Marit Slaaen
Central European Journal of Urology - 2021 -
Prostate cancer diagnosis, staging, and treatment in Sweden during the first phase of the COVID-19
G. Fallara, F. Sandin, J. Styrke, S. Carlsson, Ingela Franck Lissbrant, J. Ahlgren, Ola Bratt, M. Lambe, P. Stattin
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2021 -
Prostate biopsy quality and patient experience with the novel Forsvall biopsy needle - a randomized controlled non-inferiority
A. Forsvall, J. Fisher, M. Wagenius, C. Broman, D. Korkocic, Ola Bratt, A. Linder
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2021 -
Single institution followed by national implementation of systematic surgical quality control and feedback for radical prostatectomy: a 20-year
Johan Stranne, Elin Axén, Ingela Franck Lissbrant, P. Fransson, Maria Frånlund, Jonas Hugosson, Ali Khatami, Katarina Koss-Modig, Pär Lodding, Maria Nyberg, P. Stattin, Ola Bratt
World Journal of Urology - 2020 -
Risk of Postoperative Up Staging or Upgrading among Men with Low Risk Familial Prostate
F. Jansson, F. Folkvaljon, P. Stattin, Ola Bratt, O. Akre
Journal of Urology - 2020 -
The value of a first MRI and targeted biopsies after several years of active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer - results from the SAMS
S. Carlsson, Ola Bratt, D. Kristiansson, F. Jaderling
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2020 -
Prostate cancer in kidney transplant recipients - a nationwide register
Ola Bratt, L. Drevin, K. G. Prutz, S. Carlsson, L. Wennberg, P. Stattin
Bju International - 2020 -
PSA decay during salvage radiotherapy for prostate cancer as a predictor of disease outcome - 5 year follow-up of a prospective observational
Adalsteinn Gunnlaugsson, Elisabeth Kjellén, Göran Ahlgren, Ola Bratt, Vilberg Johannesson, René Blom, Per Nilsson
Clinical and translational radiation oncology - 2020 -
Changes in lifestyle among prostate cancer survivors: A nationwide population-based
O. Bergengren, A. P. Enblad, H. Garmo, Ola Bratt, L. Holmberg, E. Johansson, A. Bill-Axelson
Psycho-Oncology - 2020 -
Comparative performance and external validation of the multivariable PREDICTProstatetool for non-metastatic prostate cancer: a study in 69,206 men from Prostate Cancer data Base Sweden
D. Thurtle, Ola Bratt, P. Stattin, P. Pharoah, V. Gnanapragasam
Bmc Medicine - 2020 -
Optimising the number of cores for magnetic resonance imaging-guided targeted and systematic transperineal prostate
N. L. Hansen, T. Barrett, T. Lloyd, A. Warren, C. Samel, Ola Bratt, C. Kastner
Bju International - 2020 -
Development and validation of a prediction model for identifying men with intermediate- or high-risk prostate cancer for whom bone imaging is unnecessary: a nation-wide population-based
Rebecka Arnsrud Godtman, Marianne Månsson, Ola Bratt, D. Robinsson, E. Johansson, P. Stattin, Henrik Kjölhede
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2019 -
PCASTt/SPCG-17-A randomised trial of active surveillance in prostate cancer: Rationale and
Mats Steinholtz Ahlberg, Hans Olov Adami, Kerri Beckmann, Helena Bertilsson, Ola Bratt, Declan Cahill, Lars Egevad, Hans Garmo, Lars Holmberg, Eva Johansson, Antti Rannikko, Mieke Van Hemelrijck, Fredrik Jäderling, Cecilia Wassberg, Ulrika W.N. Åberg, Anna Bill-Axelson
BMJ Open - 2019 -
A randomised trial comparing two protocols for transrectal prostate repeat biopsy: six lateral posterior plus six anterior cores versus a standard posterior 12-core
Joakim Örtegren, J. T. Holmberg, E. Lekas, S. Maria, S. Martensson, J. Richthoff, P. Sundqvist, Henrik Kjölhede, Ola Bratt, F. Liedberg
Scandinavian Journal of Urology - 2019 -
Using prognosis to guide inclusion criteria, define standardised endpoints and stratify follow-up in active surveillance for prostate
V. J. Gnanapragasam, T. Barrett, V. Thankapannair, D. Thurtle, J. Rubio-Briones, J. Domínguez-Escrig, Ola Bratt, P. Statin, K. Muir, A. Lophatananon
Bju International - 2019 -
Defining Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer Suitable for Active
Stacy Loeb, Yasin Folkvaljon, Ola Bratt, David Robinson, Pär Stattin
The Journal of urology - 2019 -
The Value of an Extensive Transrectal Repeat Biopsy with Anterior Sampling in Men on Active Surveillance for Low-risk Prostate Cancer: A Comparison from the Randomised Study of Active Monitoring in Sweden
Ola Bratt, E. Holmberg, O. Andren, S. Carlsson, L. Drevin, E. Johansson, A. Josefsson, M. Nyberg, J. Sandberg, P. Stattin, D. Robinsson
European Urology - 2019 -
Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer and risk of
D. Robinson, H. Garmo, M. Van Hemelrijck, Jan-Erik Damber, Ola Bratt, L. Holmberg, L. O. Wahlund, P. Stattin, J. Adolfsson
Bju International - 2019 -
TECLA-an innovative technical approach for prostate cancer
Ola Christiansen, Ola Bratt, Erik Skaaheim Haug, Arild Vaktskjold, Anders Selnes, Marit Jordhøy
Scandinavian journal of urology - 2019 -
Determinants for choosing and adhering to active surveillance for localised prostate cancer: A nationwide population-based
O. Bergengren, H. Garmo, Ola Bratt, L. Holmberg, E. Johansson, A. Bill-Axelson
BMJ Open - 2019 -
Defining the incremental value of 3D T2-weighted imaging in the assessment of prostate cancer extracapsular
Iztok Caglic, Petra Povalej Brzan, Anne Y Warren, Ola Bratt, Nimish Shah, Tristan Barrett
European radiology - 2019 -
Pre-treatment 18F-choline PET/CT is prognostic for biochemical recurrence, development of bone metastasis, and cancer specific mortality following radical local therapy of high-risk prostate
Henrik Kjölhede, Helén Almquist, Kerstin Lyttkens, Ola Bratt
European Journal of Hybrid Imaging - 2018 -
Concordance of Non-Low-Risk Disease Among Pairs of Brothers With Prostate
F. Jansson, L. Drevin, T. Frisell, P. Stattin, Ola Bratt, O. Akre
Journal of Clinical Oncology - 2018 -
Genetic Reasons to Walk the Extra Mile to Prevent Prostate
Ola Bratt, Alastair D Lamb
European urology - 2018 -
Satisfaction with Care Among Men with Localised Prostate Cancer: A Nationwide Population-based
O. Bergengren, H. Garmo, Ola Bratt, L. Holmberg, E. Johansson, A. Bill-Axelson
European Urology Oncology - 2018 -
Factors Influencing Men's Choice of and Adherence to Active Surveillance for Low-risk Prostate Cancer: A Mixed-method Systematic
N. Kinsella, P. Stattin, D. Cahill, C. Brown, A. Bill-Axelson, Ola Bratt, Sigrid Carlsson, M. Van Hemelrijck
European Urology - 2018 -
The Cambridge Prognostic Groups for improved prediction of disease mortality at diagnosis in primary non-metastatic prostate cancer: a validation
V J Gnanapragasam, Ola Bratt, K Muir, L S Lee, H H Huang, P Stattin, A Lophatananon
BMC medicine - 2018 -
Quantification of Total and Intracellular Sodium Concentration in Primary Prostate Cancer and Adjacent Normal Prostate Tissue With Magnetic Resonance
Tristan Barrett, Frank Riemer, Mary A McLean, Josh Kaggie, Fraser Robb, James S Tropp, Anne Warren, Ola Bratt, Nimish Shah, Vincent J Gnanapragasam, Fiona J Gilbert, Martin J Graves, Ferdia A Gallagher
Investigative radiology - 2018 -
Nationwide, population-based study of post radical prostatectomy urinary incontinence correction
Eugenio Ventimiglia, Yasin Folkvaljon, Stefan Carlsson, Ola Bratt, Francesco Montorsi, Daniela Volz, Olof Akre, Eva Johansson, Pär Stattin
Journal of surgical oncology - 2018 -
A paradigm shift for prostate cancer
Ola Bratt
Lakartidningen - 2018