
Erik Gustafsson panel member at Master's alumni event


On Friday, the 24th of April the Graduate School Alumni Association (GSA) held their annual “Networking Event”. The idea of this event is for the master’s students to come and listen to our alumni speak about their current positions and how their education has helped them in their careers. It’s a great opportunity not only for students and alumni to mingle and network, but also for students to ask about what life is like after graduation.

This year the GSA hosted a debate session, where panel members could discuss and reply to questions on the topic of "Cooperative Competition - The networking way of helping others to help you". Below you can find a list of this year’s panel members, including our PhD student Erik Gustafsson. The topic revolved around how networking is not just a way to sell your business to others, but how trust is being built and how people might help you in your career. The participants also discussed about how “knowledge is power” and how competition can impede the quality of your work.

This event was highly appreciated by both students and alumni, for providing valuable insight and a platform for networking. The GSA will continue this type of format for this event, continuing to focus on building long-term relationships that will help your career. Follow the GSA’s Facebook page to stay up to date with future events: https://www.facebook.com/GSAlumniAssociation.

Panel Members:

  • Erik Gustafsson – Innovation and Industrial Management, 2014, PhD Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
  • Linnan Yu - Innovation and Industrial Management, 2013, Volvo Group Europe.
  • Jennie Kvintåhs – International Management 2006, Communication and Marketing expert, Certified Networker Trainer via the referral institute US and Business Coach with referral marketing as a strategy.
  • Mike Debelak – IBT 2011, Started his own business: www.inclusivebusiness.se
  • Karin Nilsson – International Business 2001, business owner, www.samhällsnyttan.se, KANI Consulting AB.
  • Olumide Euba – Tourism and Hospitality Management 2006, Global Mobility Business Partner for MediaCom UK, London.

Bild på panelmedlemmarna