
Double degree students graduated with honors and kick-started their careers


Anton and Sofie, alumni from the Master programme in Innovation and Industrial Management, both took part in the double degree programme between LUISS Università Guido Carli, in Rome, Italy and the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg. The double degree programme is structured so that the students study one year in each country and Anton and Sofie spent the first year of the Master programme in Italy and the second year in Sweden.

Both Sofie and Anton applied for the double degree programme in Innovation and Industrial Management, since they wanted the international experience that could help them with an international career.

- I sought for something that combined relevant courses for today’s business environment and international possibilities. I’ve strived for an international career since a young age and so I wanted to pursue a master that would both support and align that vision. Hence, when reviewing the composition of courses following the program and seeing the chance of combining it with one year in Italy, it was a no-brainer, says Sofie.

Studying at LUISS was quite different from studying in Sweden. In Italy, Sofie and Anton conducted about five to six courses parallel to each other per semester, while in Sweden they usually focused on one to two courses at a time. With several group works and presentations in nearly every course, there was definitely more to keep track of and plan as a result.

- The exams were scheduled a bit different than what they were used to. At the end of each semester there's an exam session in which students are supposed to sit the exams related to the courses that you've taken that semester. This means that exams could end up on the same dates, or on consecutive days which could be quite stressful, says Anton.

After a year at LUISS they both graduated with honors in July 2018. The procedure of obtaining your Master’s degree and final overall grade (Laurea Magistrale) is different from the Swedish. The Italian equivalent of a final GPA is awarded after successfully defending your master’s thesis in front of an academic jury and audience, after which they decide upon a final grade based on your study results and thesis discussion.

The Italian grading system operates on a scale of 110 points and if the total sum of your points is higher than 110, you have the chance to graduate with honors.

- As a student you get a medal and a standing ovation from the commission as a result when they announce your final grade, says Sofie. It was definitely a moment to remember!

Anton och Sofie utanför universitetet

Good friends, hard studies and great experiences

Back in Sweden and looking back at their time in Rome they have some great memories.

- The year at LUISS was fantastic. Really amazing, says Anton. All of the people that we met and all the friends that we now get to keep are really indisputably what made the year so great. This made it much more fun to complete the courses offered by LUISS in times when we had to study extra hard.

- It passed in lightning speed but it was truly rewarding. You get to know people from all around the world while really experience how it is to live in Rome/Italy. Each day you get to learn something new and in a city like Rome, there’s always something to do. LUISS is filled with events, student sport teams, student organizations and has great partnerships with the business world. That is, you can definitely decide upon what type of experience you want to have yourself. Even though the studies could get busy as times, we still managed to fill the year with tons of great memories and I’ll cherish the experience always!

Both kicked off their careers

Anton currently works as an IT consultant at a company called Exsitec, which offers customers solutions within ERP systems and integrations towards apps, services and other programmes, as well as building own applications. At the moment his position entails travelling around Scandinavia and attending classes to learn more about the programming languages, programmes and how to work as a consultant. The education as helped to get an oversight of business processes and with the ability to look towards a solution when firms might be stuck in problems.

- I believe that the programme has helped us in shaping a creative problem solving skillset that is invaluable when working as a consultant, says Anton.

Sofie just started as a trainee within the International Talent Program at H&M. During the programme and the years after, her main tasks will relate to expansion and store portfolio management of the brands belonging to the H&M Group located within the UK. She believes the double degree programme was really valuable in order to be relevant for a more international role. She also refers to the IIM-program to be very up-to-date and it offers frequent practical applications of what’s being taught.

- I think that’s really important to later be able to apply it in any given work setting. When you graduate you feel prepared for what’s to come, which I personally found very comforting and I think attests to the quality of the program, says Sofie.

Highest recommendations for this programme

Both Anton and Sofie would recommend this programme to other students and also Gothenburg as a great destination for studying. Anton thinks that the University offers a variety of intercultural experiences that I think most students appreciate when they come to Gothenburg. The sheer range of students' different interests and fields of expertise also facilitate an amazing platform to share ideas and grow. And Sofie agrees and also emphasis that there are great opportunities to create networks with fellow students, companies and academics.

They can also give some tips that could make your studies even more rewarding.

"If you have the chance to go abroad, or even to partake in the double degree programme that we did, take it!"

Anton Emanuelsson

"Seize opportunities where you meet new people and step outside your comfort zone – you’ll be happy you did! Be open-minded and humble towards the differences you may embark during your 2 years, it will make the daily stuff a lot easier."

Sofie Persson

Anton Emanuelsson

Anton EmanuelssonFrom: Höganäs, outside Helsingborg, Sweden
Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor of Economics from the School of Business Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg
Master’s degree: Master of Science degree in Innovation and Industrial Management from the School of Business Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, as well as a Master of Science degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from LUISS Università Guido Carli, in Italy, Rome
Graduated: June 2018
Current employment: IT consultant at Exsitec

Sofie Persson

Sofie PerssonFrom: Ljunghusen, a small area south of Malmö, Sweden
Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics from Linnaeus University
Master’s degree: Master of Science degree in Innovation and Industrial Management from the School of Business Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, as well as a Master of Science degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from LUISS Università Guido Carli, in Italy, Rome
Graduated: June 2018
Current employment: Trainee within the International Talent Program at H&M