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Workshop on Medical Innovation and Healthcare 2020

Samhälle & ekonomi

This year's Workshop on Medical Innovation and Healthcare will be held online from 09 December 2020 to 11 December 2020.

9 dec 2020 - 11 dec 2020
Virtual Workshop

Maynooth University, Gothenburg Center for Knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurship and the University of Gothenburg

The COVID-19 pandemic has created enormous social and economic challenges as many areas of public and economic life have been severely restricted. To overcome this situation, the great hope lies in medical innovation particularly in the development of effective drugs or vaccines that cure the disease or protect against it. The various attempts of responding to the global pandemic emphasize the importance of the core topics discussed at the Workshop on Medical Innovation and Healthcare (WOMI), including innovation, entrepreneurship and the organisation of research and development in the context of healthcare organisations, medical devices and pharmaceutical industries and the broader field of medicine and life-sciences.

Following the successful events held in Pisa, Utrecht, Reykjavik, Brighton, Valencia, Gothenburg, and Oslo, this year’s Workshop on Medical Innovation and Healthcare (WOMI 2020) will be organised by Maynooth University School of Business and GOT KIES - Gothenburg Center for Knowledge-intensive Innovative Ecosystems. WOMI 2020 will be held online from 09 December 2020 to 11 December 2020.

The workshop will give us another precious opportunity to discuss current and emergent challenges in the study of innovation in healthcare organisations, medical devices and pharmaceutical industries, and the broader field of medicine and life-sciences.

We will aim to have one session in the afternoon on Wednesday, 09 December 2020 at 15:00 (CET). Depending on the number of submissions, we plan to have one or two sessions on Thursday morning and one session on Thursday afternoon. We may have one or two sessions on Friday and aim to finish no later than 14:00 (CET) on Friday, 11 December 2020. It is planned that sessions are shorter than in the last years to take the particularities of the online format into account.

Call for extended abstracts

Submissions for paper and panels is now closed. Registration is possible for people who are not presenting.

As in the previous events, WOMI 2020 aims to provide a platform for papers at various stages, early stage more elaborated contributions are equally welcome. You are warmly invited to send us an extended abstract of 1500-2500 words by 09 November 2020.

Social interactions and the opportunity to exchange ideas have always been an important part of WOMI. We may use the digital format to reinvent WOMI a bit and to create opportunities for in-depth interactions and discussions that go beyond the presentation and discussion of research papers. Therefore, you are encouraged to propose panel discussions or other formats of sessions that are particularly well suited for online interactions and are not traditional presentations of research papers.

Please submit your extended abstract or your proposal for a session to