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Internationell konferens om analys och utveckling av simuleringar för professionellt lärande (SimPro2023)

Naturvetenskap & IT
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The Third International Conference on Analyzing practices and advancing pedagogies for professional learning (SimPro2023) is a free, hybrid conference taking place on April 26, 2023 at Lindholmen, Gothenburg.

26 apr 2023
09:30 - 15:45
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Konferensen hålls på engelska

SimPro2023 is co-hosted with PROSIM. PROSIM is a research project that gathers researchers from three Nordic universities to study the use of simulations across three domains - health science, biomedicine, and maritime education.

PROSIM aim is to develop knowledge and further understanding of the use of simulations for professional learning and to stimulate cross-disciplinary learning of best practices as well as a shared system of concepts.

The conference turns to researchers and educators in simulation-based training, as well as to practitioners and students.