Behavioral Development Economics
Our research under this theme studies the impact of behavioral biases such as biased beliefs, on the outcomes of those in developing countries.
We know that behavioural biases exist in developed countries but because of the institutional environment these biases have the potential to have far larger impacts on preferences and decision making in a developing country setting. Our research in this area has studied the impacts of gender biases, psychological biases and biased beliefs (among others) on agricultural, education and health outcomes.
Works in progress (selection)
"Locus of Control, Economic Decision-Making and Aspirations: A Field Experiment in Odisha, India" with Cecilia Jansson (Gothenburg), Vikram Patil , Prakashan Veettil, Yashodha and Joe Vecci
"Spouses' Relative Influence in Household Decision-Making: Does decision domain make a difference?", Louise Jeppsson
Recent publications
Christina Gravert, Kai Barron, Mette Trier Damgaard and Lisa Norrgren (2021), "Time Preferences and Medication Adherence: A Field Experiment with Pregnant Women in South Africa" CEBI working paper series
Kovacs, R. J., Lagarde, M., & Cairns, J. (2020). Overconfident health workers provide lower quality healthcare. Journal of Economic Psychology.
Bhalotra, S., Clots-Figueras, I., Iyer I., and Vecci J., (2021) "Leader Identity and Coordination", Forthcoming in Review of Economics and Statistics
Gangadharan, L and Jain, T., Maitra, P. and Vecci, J (2019) "Female leaders and their response to the social environment", Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation.
Gangadharan, L and Jain, T., Maitra, P. and Vecci, J (2016), "Social Norms and Governance: The Behavioral Response to Female Leadership", European Economic Review.