Science and Technology Studies (STS)
Short description
Science- and technology studies (STS) focuses on the close interaction between scientific knowledge, technological artefacts and society. In light of widespread beliefs that contemporary societies are particularly vulnerable and knowledge-intense, STS research has an increasingly important role in social science research. Exploring how knowledge claims are presented and comparing it with the practises of knowledge production, STS researchers often find tensions and gaps of importance to highlight between how science is performed and talked about.
Current research at the department focuses on the boundaries between science and politics, nature and culture, and expertise and lay knowledge. We research practices where scientific knowledge is produced, used and diffused. We also investigate the role of science and technology in the organization and management of participatory decision-making, especially concerning controversial issues. Empirically our research includes areas such as the environment, health and medicine, risk and security, and public understanding of science.
Research projects within Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- A Social Science Perspective on “Transgender Brains”
- Assembling transnational toxic bodies: Embodying and mobilizing responsibility …
- Beyond Covid? Using Patient Knowledge to Improve the Care and Management of Lon…
- Challenging Futures: Embracing Innovation by Criticising Technocracy
- Controversy about age in asylum cases 2015-2017
- Enacting legitimate concerns: constituting and managing stakeholder involvement
- Empowerment and stigmatisation: Patient organisations, gynaecological cancer an…
- Governance of transboundary risk: The Göta Älv water system
- Implementing HPV vaccination for boys in Sweden: gender equality and sexual hea…
- Individual wage setting, from policy to practice – a comparative study of the m…
- Learning to Engage with Science and Technoscientific Issues in a Digital Landsc…
- Maintenance matters. Exploring common context of heritage (e)valuation
- Menstrual mess - about menstruation, dirt, and cleanliness
- Modern2020 - Development and Demonstration of monitoring strategies and technol…
- Online medical records with patient access: How do they affect doctors' practic…
- Radioactive Waste, Technology and Politics
- The popular science of dietary recommendations - a sociological study on the cr…
- To govern through the neighborhood.
- The values of welfare technologies in FoU i Väst/Göteborgsregionens kommunalför…
- Translating Person-Centred Care from Theory into Practice