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- Bengt Larsson
Bengt Larsson
Department of Sociology and Work ScienceAbout Bengt Larsson
BENGT LARSSON is professor in sociology. His research interests are in the area of economic sociology/economy and society. His current research is on industrial relations in Europe and individual wage determination. He has previously conducted research on the debt relief process at the Swedish Enforcement Authority, consumption patterns of lottery winners, children’s environmental education and influence on their families’ consumption, and economic crime and regulations; particularly crime control by company auditors and media representations of economic crime and corporate scandals. Larsson is affiliated with CERGU (Centre for European Research at Göteborg University) and is a member of its board. He is also a member of the CFK-board (Centre for Consumer Science).
Researchgate-profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bengt_Larsson2
Ongoing and recently finished research projects (for publications see tab above)
-Principal investigator (2020-2022): The workers collective and polarization: trade unions and workers representation. The project is WP5 in the program The challenges of polarization on the Swedish labour market, financed by FORTE (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare). PI: Prof. Tomas Berglund. Project Website
-Project Coordinator (2020): FutureFit Sweden. The project, carried out by researchers Erica Nordlander and Sofia Björk, is a research evaluation of an education in digital skills developed and funded by Nesta, Google and Futurion. The training is conducted by Hyper Island in collaboration with the unions Unionen, Vision and Finansbundet.
-Project Partner (2018-2020): EESDA – Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation in Europe, funded by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion). The project is led by the research institutes CEPS (Brussels) and CELSI (Bratislava). The project studies the articulation between European and national social dialogue. Project Website
-Principal investigator (2016-2020): Individual wage setting, from policy to practice – a comparative study of the meaning and application of wage criteria in different sectors, funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR). The project aims to describe the valuation and translation processes that occur in local wage setting, to identify and understand the actors' various arguments and valuations in these processes, and to explain what variations that affect the design and implementation in five different sectors. Project Website
-Project partner (2016-2018): SPEEED – Social Partner Engagement and Effectiveness in European Social Dialogue, funded by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion). PI: Dr. Barbara Bechter, Durham University. The project aims to identify what factors that determine the effectiveness of the 43 sectoral social dialogues between employer organizations and trade unions in the EU-28, and, through an in-depth study of the health care and metal sectors, to understand what creates engagement and obstacles in the dialogues. Project Website
-Principal investigator (2014-2018): Conditions for and obstacles to trade union cooperation in Europe. A comparative study of countries and sectors, funded by The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (RJ]. This project is a comparative study of trade union cooperation and network-building at the sector level in Europe, aiming to explain what factors that enable or hinder cooperation.Project Website
Teaching and tutoring Larsson has lectured on industrial relations in Europe, economic sociology, sociology of law/social control, and classical and modern social theory, and has written and edited four textbooks in Swedish. Larsson has supervised students at both undergraduate and postgraduate/doctoral levels, and is currently supervisor for the doctoral students Jane Pettersson and Jesper Prytz.
Social status qualifiers:
dimensions and determinants of
factors shaping social status for
women and men in
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson
Frontiers in Sociology - 2024 -
Digital disruption diversified—FinTechs and
the emergence of a coopetitive
Bengt Larsson, Bertil Rolandsson, Anna Ilsøe, Trine Pernille Larseon, Alex Lehr, Jaan Masso
Socio-Economic Review - 2023 -
‘You see similarities more than differences after a while’. Communities of Practice in European industrial relations. The case of the hospital European Sectoral Social
Manuela Galetto, Sabrina Weber, Bengt Larsson, Barbara Bechter, Thomas Prosser
Industrial relations journal - 2023 -
Social partners and OSH: a multilevel and cross-country exploration in the hospital and social services
Sabrina Weber, Barbara Bechter, Manuela Galetto, Ramune Guobaite, Inga Blaziene, Linda Hiltunen, Bengt Larsson, Maciej Pankow, Jan Czarzasty, Dominik Owczarek
Journal of Social Policy Research/ Zeitschrift für Sozialreform - 2023 -
The digital transformation of financial services and labour relations in the FinTech sector - Summary
The Legitimacy of Performance-Related Pay in Swedish Public Sector
Bengt Larsson, Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Petra Adolfsson
Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration - 2022 -
Employment Relations as Networks. Methods and
Bernd Brandl, Bengt Larsson, Alex Lehr, Oscar Molina
2022 -
Multilevelness and Multiplexity in Trade Union Cooperation Networks in
Bengt Larsson
Employment Relations as Networks. Methods and Theory - 2022 -
Institutions or resources and capabilities? Explaining engagement in European sectoral social
Thomas Prosser, Barbara Bechter, Manuela Galetto, Sabrina Weber, Bengt Larsson
Economic and Industrial Democracy - 2022 -
Motivating and Demotivating Effects of Performance-Related Pay in Swedish Public Sector
Bengt Larsson, Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Petra Adolfsson
Review of Public Personnel Administration - 2022 -
Conclusions and Outlook: Structures, Actors and Mechanisms in Employment
Bernd Brandl, Bengt Larsson, Alex Lehr, Oscar Molina
Employment Relations as Networks. Methods and Theory - 2022 -
Bernd Brandl, Bengt Larsson, Alex Lehr, Oscar Molina
Employment Relations as Networks. Methods and Theory - 2022 -
Exploring FinTech development in Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands and
Sectoral networks of transnational trade union cooperation in
Bengt Larsson, Anton Törnberg
Economic and Industrial Democracy - 2021 -
Opening the black box: Actors and interactions shaping European sectoral social
Barbara Bechter, Sabrina Weber, Manuela Galetto, Bengt Larsson, Thomas Prosser
European journal of industrial relations - 2021 -
Under the Surface of Individual and Differentiated Pay in Sweden: A Zero‐Sum Game of Performance‐Based
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson, Petra Adolfsson
British Journal of Industrial Relations - 2021 -
Employees of Greatness: Signifying Values in Performance Appraisal
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson, Petra Adolfsson
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2021 -
Cultural Obstacles in Transnational Trade Union Cooperation in
Bengt Larsson
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2020 -
What’s the point of European Sectoral Social Dialogue? Effectiveness and polycontexturality in the hospital and metal
Bengt Larsson, Manuela Galetto, Sabrina Weber, Barbara Bechter, Thomas Prosser
Industrial relations journal - 2020 -
Trade Union Cooperation in Europe. Patterns, Conditions,
Implementing and Integrating Policies on Performance-Based Pay: Coordinating the “One-Employer Approach” in a Swedish
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson, Petra Adolfsson
International Journal of Public Administration - 2019 -
Enhancing the effectiveness of social dialogue articulation in Europe: Case Study for
Managers’ and co-workers’ co-creation of individual performance in public
Petra Adolfsson, Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson
not published - 2019 -
The co-creation of performance – salary talks as part of performance
Petra Adolfsson, Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson
not published - 2019 -
Bengt Larsson, Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson
Akgüc, M., Martišková, M. and Szüd, G., Stakeholder’s views on and experiences with the articulation of social dialogue and its effectiveness - 2019 -
Ett finansekonomiskt
Oskar Engdahl, Jane Pettersson, Bengt Larsson
Soneryd, L. & Sundqvist, G. (red) Vetenskapligt medborgarskap. - 2019 -
To Get Or Not To Get A Yearly Pay Increase – And Other Peculiarities In Performance-Based Pay Raise In
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson, Petra Adolfsson
14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester, United Kingdom, 20 – 23 August 2019 - 2019 -
Motivating and Demotivating Effects of Performance Appraisal. Performance-based Pay in SE Public Sector
Bengt Larsson, Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Petra Adolfsson
ESA-Conference 2019, 20-23 august, Manchester - 2019 -
Patterns of transnational trade union cooperation in Europe: The effect of regimes, sectors and
Patrik Vulkan, Bengt Larsson
European journal of industrial relations - 2019 -
Dimensions of worth in work. Values from markets, performances and
Bengt Larsson, Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Petra Adolfsson
36th International Labour Process Conference, March 21-23, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2018 -
Valuing work in wage policies and
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson, Petra Adolfsson
36th International Labour Process Conference, 21-23 March, Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 2018 -
Transnational trade union co-operation networks on sectoral level in
Bengt Larsson, Anton Törnberg
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 10-12 sept, Leuven - 2018 -
European sectoral social dialogue: insight into the experiences of Germany, Italy and Sweden. So faraway, so
Manuela Galetto, Bengt Larsson, Sabrina Weber, Barbara Bechter, Tom Prosser
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 10-12 sept, Leuven - 2018 -
Personalvetenskapliga perspektiv på lön och
Individual wage setting in the public sector- Fulfilments of an "one company
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson, Petra Adolfsson
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, RN17 Work, Employment and Industrial Relations. Athens, Greece: 29 Aug - 01 Sept - 2017 -
Cultural borders as obstacles to European trade union
Bengt Larsson
Andrén M. (Ed.) Cultural Borders and European Integration - 2017 -
Forms and content in European trade union cooperation: The importance of resource-, sectoral- and industrial regime
Patrik Vulkan, Bengt Larsson
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA). Athens: 29 august - 1 september - 2017 -
European Sectoral Social Dialogue. Insight into the Swedish and Italian experiences: so faraway, so
Manuela Galetto, Bengt Larsson
Industrial Relations European Conference. Warsaw: 7-8 September - 2017 -
Effectiveness and Engagement in European Social
Barbara Bechter, Gizem Bozdemir, Bengt Larsson, Manuela Galetto, Thomas Prosser, Sabrina Weber
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association. Athens, Greece: 29 august -1 september - 2017 -
Cultural obstacles to transnational trade union cooperation in
Bengt Larsson
24th Int. Conference of Europeanists. Glasgow, UK: 12-14 July 2017 - 2017 -
Europeiska arbetsmarknader - institutioner, aktörer,
Mattias Bengtsson, Bengt Larsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén
Bengtsson M. & Berglund T. (red.). Arbetslivet - 2017 -
Individual wage setting in a Swedish municipality - A one company
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Bengt Larsson, Petra Adolfsson
Duties to Distrust: the Decentring of Economic and White-Collar Crime Policing in
Oskar Engdahl, Bengt Larsson
British Journal of Criminology - 2016 -
Kreditsamhällets baksida – överskuldsättning och
Bengt Larsson, Jane Pettersson
Vardagslivets finansialisering - 2016 -
Vardagslivets finansialisering – introduktion till ett
Erik Andersson, Oskar Broberg, Marcus Gianneschi, Bengt Larsson
Vardagslivets finansialisering - 2016 -
I kreditsamhällets
Bengt Larsson, Jane Pettersson
Ord & Bild - 2016 -
Kulturella skillnader och fackligt samarbete i Europa. Nordiska erfarenheter av ett gränsöverskridande
Bengt Larsson
Gränsöverskridande - Vänbok till Claes G. Alvstam. (red.) Linda Berg, Inge Ivarsson, Rutger Lindahl & Patrik Ström - 2016 -
Nordic Perspectives on Transnational Trade Union Cooperation in
Bengt Larsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén, Mattias Bengtsson
ILERA 2016 European Regional Congress, Milano 8-10 sept - 2016 -
Nordiska perspektiv på transnationellt fackligt samarbete i Europa – former, hinder, utmaningar och
Bengt Larsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén, Mattias Bengtsson
2016 -
Erik Andersson, Oskar Broberg, Marcus Gianneschi, Bengt Larsson
Ord & Bild - 2016 -
Erik Andersson, Oskar Broberg, Marcus Gianneschi, Bengt Larsson
2016 -
Trade Union Channels for Influencing European Union
Bengt Larsson
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2015 -
Trade union cooperation and networking in Europe – from the perspective of Nordic trade
Bengt Larsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 2015, 25-28/8, Prague - 2015 -
Erik Andersson, Oskar Broberg, Marcus Gianneschi, Bengt Larsson, Jane Pettersson
Konsumtionsrapporten 2014 - 2014 -
Emotional professionalism in a bureaucratic context: emotion management in case handling at the Swedish Enforcement
Bengt Larsson
International Journal of Work Organization and Emotion - 2014 -
Studying trade union cooperation and networking in Europe with a comparative approach – potentials and
Bengt Larsson
Industrial Relations in Europe Coference, IREC 2014, Dublin Eurofond - 2014 -
Facket och
Bengt Larsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén
Förhoppningar och farhågor - Sveriges första 20 år i EU - 2014 -
Duties to distrust. The decentring of economic crime policing in
Oskar Engdahl, Bengt Larsson
Score International Conference on Organizing Markets, Stockholm 16-18 oct 2014 - 2014 -
Transnational Trade Union Action in Europe. The significance of national and sectoral industrial
Bengt Larsson
European Societies: The Official Journal of the European Sociological Association - 2014 -
'Professionalism' as an emotional regime in a bureaucratic service context. Emotion management in case handling of debt
Bengt Larsson
Nordic Working Life Conference 2014 - 2014 -
Neo-liberalism and polycontextuality: banking crisis and re-regulation in
Bengt Larsson
Ekonomisk brottslighet. En nordisk reader - 2014 -
Konsumtion och
Bengt Larsson
Ekonomisk sociologi - En introduktion - 2014 -
Reza Azarian, Adel Daoud, Bengt Larsson
Ekonomisk sociologi - En introduktion - 2014 -
Den nya ekonomiska
Adel Daoud, Bengt Larsson
Ekonomisk sociologi - En introduktion - 2014 -
Ekonomisk sociologi - En
Resa Azarian, Adel Daoud, Bengt Larsson
2014 -
Discretion in the “Backyard of Law”: Case Handling of Debt Relief in
Bengt Larsson, Bengt Jacobsson
Professions and Professionalism - 2013 -
Trade union channels for influencing European Union
Bengt Larsson
31st International Labour Process Conference, ILPC2013, Rutgers University, New Brunswick 18-20/3 2013 - 2013 -
Konsumtion och
Bengt Larsson
Interimskonferens ekonomisk sociologi, Uppsala 24-25/9 2013 - 2013 -
Den nya ekonomiska
Adel Daoud, Bengt Larsson
Interimskonferens ekonomisk sociologi, uppsala 24-25/9 2013 - 2013 -
Accounting for Personal Overindebtedness: Debtors' Accounts in Applications for Debt Relief at the Swedish Enforcement
Bengt Larsson, Bengt Jacobsson
Sociological Research Online - 2012 -
The Cosmopolitanization of Childhood: Eco-Knowledge in Children's Eco-Edutainment
Bengt Larsson
Young - 2012 -
Transnational Trade Union Cooperation in the Nordic
Bengt Larsson, Mattias Bengtsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén
Management Revue - 2012 -
Obstacles to transnational trade union cooperation in Europe - results from a European
Bengt Larsson
Industrial Relations Journal - 2012 -
Conclusions: re-engineering the Swedish welfare
Håkan Thörn, Bengt Larsson
Transformations of the Swedish welfare state: from social engineering to governance? / Bengt Larsson, Martin Letell, Håkan Thörn (Eds.) - 2012 -
Nordic unions’ experiences of and attitudes towards union cooperation within
Bengt Larsson, Mattias Bengtsson
The 6th Nordic Working Life Conference, Elsinore, Denmark, April 25th-27th 2012 - 2012 -
Decentring economic regulation and control: reinforcing trust through
Bengt Larsson, Oskar Engdahl
Transformations of the Swedish welfare state - 2012 -
Transformations of the Swedish welfare state: from social engineering to
Bengt Larsson, Martin Letell, Håkan Thörn
2012 -
Transformations of the Swedish welfare state: social engineering, governance and governmentality - an
Bengt Larsson, Martin Letell, Håkan Thörn
Transformations of the Swedish welfare state: from social engineering to governance? / Bengt Larsson, Martin Letell, Håkan Thörn (Eds.) - 2012 -
Standards and discretion in the “backyard of law” – case handling of debt relief at the Swedish Enforcement
Bengt Larsson, Bengt Jacobsson
26th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association, 15-18 August 2012, University of Iceland, Reykjavik - 2012 -
Kreditsamhällets framväxt – om konsumtionskrediter och konsumism ur ett historiskt
Bengt Larsson
Sociologidagarna 2012 - 2012 -
European trade union
Bengt Larsson
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2012 - 2012 -
Kontroll och diskretion på "juridikens
Bengt Larsson, Bengt Jacobsson
Kontrollens variationer - 2012 -
Becoming a Winner But Staying the Same. Identities and Consumption of Lottery
Bengt Larsson
American Journal of Economics and Sociology - 2011 -
Economic Sociology - Old and
Adel Daoud, Bengt Larsson
International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education - 2011 -
Sociologiska perspektiv. Grundläggande begrepp och
Accounting for personal overindebtedness: Debtors’ accounts in applications for debt relief at the Swedish Enforcement
Bengt Larsson, Bengt Jacobsson
10th Conference of the European Sociological Association - 2011 -
Conditions for and obstacles to transnational trade union cooperation in Europe – results from a European
Bengt Larsson
Industrial Relations In Europe Conference IREC 2011, Barcelona sept 1-3 - 2011 -
Arbetsmarknadsrelationer i
Mattias Bengtsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén, Bengt Larsson
EU och välfärdens Europa - 2011 -
Självreglering på opersonliga marknader. Professionalisering och
Bengt Larsson, Oskar Engdahl
Social kontroll. Övervakning, disciplinering och självreglering - 2011 -
Barns fostran till världsmedborgare. Om eko-disciplin i skola och
Bengt Larsson
Social kontroll. Övervakning, disciplinering och självreglering - 2011 -
Vad är social kontroll? Samhällsteoretiska
Bengt Larsson, Christel Backman
Social kontroll. Övervakning, disciplinering och självreglering - 2011 -
Bengt Larsson, Oskar Engdahl
Social kontroll. Övervakning, disciplinering och självreglering - 2011 -
Social kontroll. Övervakning, disciplinering och
Bringing Environmentalism Home: Children’s influence on family consumption in the Nordic countries and
Bengt Larsson, Magnus Andersson, Christina Osbeck
Childhood - 2010 -
Union cooperation in a time of crisis? Transnational union cooperation in the Nordic
Bengt Larsson, Mattias Bengtsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference - IREC 2010, 8–10 September 2010 at Fafo, Oslo, Norway - 2010 -
Decentring the regulatory state – the production of trust through self regulation and control in
Bengt Larsson, Oskar Engdahl
XII ISA World Congress in Sociology - 2010 -
Självreglering på opersonliga marknader – professionalisering och
Bengt Larsson, Oskar Engdahl
Sociologförbundets årsmöteskonferens 2010 - 2010 -
Bengt Larsson
Acta Sociologica - 2010 -
“You can save the planet”—environmental representations and responsibilization in children’s
Bengt Larsson
9th Conference of the European Sociological Association - 2009 -
The power of money and identity in the lives of Swedish lottery
Bengt Larsson
Sociologförbundets årsmöteskonferens 2009 - 2009 -
Revisorn och den institutionaliserade misstron – professionalisering av svensk
Bengt Larsson
Sociologisk Forskning - 2007 -
Tillit och institutionaliserad misstro – professionaliseringen av företagsrevisionen i
Bengt Larsson
paper presenterat vid arbetsgruppen ”ekonomisk sociologi” vid Sveriges Sociologförbunds årsmöte/konferens 2007-02-08-2007-02-09, Lunds Universitet. - 2007 -
Unpacking Professional Trust – Dimensions of Trust in Swedish Auditors’ Client
Bengt Larsson
Sociological Research Online - 2007 -
Sociologiska perspektiv : grundläggande begrepp och
Patrolling the corporation - the auditor's duty to report crime in
Bengt Larsson
International Journal of the Sociology of Law - 2005 -
Auditor regulation and economic crime policy in Sweden
Bengt Larsson
Accounting, Organizations and Society - 2005 -
Den medialiserade ekonomin -avslöjanden, afffärer,
Bengt Larsson
Fiffelsverige - sociologiska perspektiv på skandaler och fusk - 2005 -
Den medialiserade ekonomin – avslöjanden, affärer,
Bengt Larsson
Fiffelsverige – sociologiska perspektiv på skandaler och fusk - 2005 -
Bengt Larsson
2004 -
Professional State Agents: Auditors’ Duty to Report on Economic Crime in
Bengt Larsson
paper presenterat vid arbetsgruppen ”avvikelse och kontroll” vid Sveriges Sociologförbunds årsmöte/konferens 2003-01-30-2003-01-31, Örebro Universitet. - 2003 -
Neo-Liberalism and polycontextuality: banking crisis and re-regulation in
Bengt Larsson
Economy and Society - 2003 -
Bankkrisen, medierna och politiken. Offentliga tolkningar och reaktioner på 90-talets
Bengt Larsson
2001 -
What is ’Economic’ about ’Economic
Bengt Larsson
White-collar Crime Research. Old Views and Future Potentials. Brå-Report 2001:1 - 2001 -
Kreditförluster och kontrollförluster. Politiska, moraliska och juridiska problematiseringar av den finansiella sektorn i samband med
Bengt Larsson
Forskning om ekonomisk brottslighet - 1999 -
Penser mot Björnligan - Mediala framställningar av ekonomisk
Bengt Larsson
Häften för kritiska studier - 1998