Be Part of WCMTM
At The Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine (WCMTM), you have the opportunity to reach your full potential as a research leader or as part of the research teams. We offer a thriving, interdisciplinary research environment and collaboration for the advancement of molecular medicine in Sweden.
Open Positions Within WCMTM Research Groups
Postdoctor in obstetrics and gynecology (Project collaboration with AstraZeneca)
Mainly postdoctoral associate, PhD student, or laborative staff are recruited to the WCMTM research groups.
Reach your full scientific potential
The Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine at the University of Gothenburg is a collaboration between the university, Region Västra Götaland (Sahlgrenska University Hospital), and AstraZeneca. The centre receives funding the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, currently until 2028.
The centre recruits research leaders with both experimental and clinical research background. The common focus is expertise and good scientific credentials in translational molecular medicine. The incentive for the position is a support package including funding for group members as postdoctoral associate and/or PhD student as well as support for expenditures. Both PI:s and research group members become part of the WCMTM network in Gothenburg.
"I was a fellow in the research program myself and I know what a fantastic opportunity this is for young researchers, both through financial security enabling focused research, and a fantastic interdisciplinary network locally and nationally that stimulates new perspectives."
Gustav Smith
Director of WCMTM in Gothenburg
Open Positions as WCMTM Fellow
We currently do not have any open fellow positions planned.

Research environments in the interface between academia, health care and the pharmaceutical industry
The Centre includes activities at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Faculty of Science at the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, and AstraZeneca in order to ensure unique translational research environments in the interface between academia, health care and the pharmaceutical industry.
Activities at the Centre in Gothenburg are particularly focused on molecular medicine for metabolic and degenerative diseases, neuroscience, inflammation, and cancer as well as life science chemistry. The Centre has since 2016 recruited 27 young researchers within these areas who each contribute with their expertise with the aim of improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.