University of Gothenburg


Kristineberg Center is operated and developed jointly by Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.

General Meeting

The centre's parties exercise their influence over the centre through the general meeting.

Each part has a representative at the meeting:

  • Chairman, Göran Hilmersson, University of Gothenburg

  • Annika Stenson Trigell, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

  • Jonas Ringsberg, Chalmers University of Technology,

  • Karin Sjöberg, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, 

  • Pernilla Walkenström, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

The following representatives have the right to attend the general meetings, but no voting rights:

  • Michael Johansson, Lysekil municipality
  • Linda Bohlin Trajkovski, Innovatum Science Park


The board is responsible for the development, operation and management of the centre.

The board consists of the following members:

  • Chair, Katarina Gårdfeldt, Polar Research Secretariat
  • Åsa Arrhenius, Gothenburg University
  • Stefan Hulth, Gothenburg University
  • Mikael Olshammar, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
  • Jonas Branden, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
  • Sverker Molander, Chalmers University of Technology