Healthcare research in collaboration
The network "Healthcare Research in Collaboration" was launched in 2015 as a cooperation platform for healthcare research projects and research activities.
The network was formed as a reaction to the Swedish Research Council's mapping and evaluation of Swedish healthcare research, which indicated a fragmented, overlapping and weakly developed national cooperation. Against this background, the University of Gothenburg, Jönköping University College, Borås University College, University College of Skövde, University West, the University of Halmstad, the city of Gothenburg and the Västra Götaland region started a collaboration. The network has developed a model called the Wellness model as a starting point for its work.
Purpose and goal
The parties must jointly work for the development and visibility of healthcare research and its utilization, specifically through:
- Increased collaboration between the parties' researchers to strengthen the quality of research
- Identification of long-term care research needs and development of a common strategy for these
- Increased collaboration between researchers and care providers to plan and implement joint research projects in care and care
- Increased collaboration between researchers and health care providers to improve utilization of research results
- Increased dissemination of knowledge and an active dialogue about Swedish healthcare research
- Increased impact on policy areas with relevance for healthcare research
Organization and governance
The collaborative organization consists of a steering group with a chairman from the University of Gothenburg. The steering group consists of a member appointed by each participating organization. The steering group decides on goals and direction for cooperation, budget, plans and strategies. There is also an administrative coordinator who plans and coordinates the activities of the network.
The parties jointly run various research projects. Activities in the network are presented in an annual workshop/webinar.