University of Gothenburg
Personen the floor during a workshop in glashuset
Art Publishing Workshop OPEN UP
Photo: OPEN UP Gothenburg Team

OPEN UP - Gothenburg

OPEN UP is a project to build visibility and experience for under-represented artists, designers, craftspeople and performers. We work to support creative makers and performers who face obstacles in building their arts practice or who are seeking access to further education or support networks.

OPEN UP is a four-year long cultural project (2019-2023) hosted by HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg and co-funded by the Creative Europé. HDK-Valand is working with six other partner organizations across Europe to realise OPEN UP. This is your partner organizations and there websites:

The International OPEN UP project website is accessible here.

We are interested to meet all kinds of artist, makers, performers who want to build visibility and awareness of their work, and to develop their work for a local and an international audience.

Photos to the right:
1. Participants in the OPEN UP workshop: "How can I access further educational opportunities as an arts practitioner trained outside of Sweden?" 2 September 2022.
2. Flag by Aladdin Mofakheri at the exhibition "OÖPPNINGAR" Temporary Stabilizations. 1- 9 October 2022.

Photo: OPEN UP Gothenburg Team
Photo: OPEN UP Gothenburg Team


The OPEN UP Gothenburg Festival, marking the last year of the EU Project. The festival was free of charge and open for the public.

When: 17 juni - 1 July 2023
Were: HDK-Valand, Vasagatan 50

The festival includes:

  • Exhibition in Galleries Rotor and Monitor at HDK-Valand
  • Performance Event – an evening of dance and music in the Glasshouse at HDK-Valand
  • Film Screenings – a programme of new film works by OPEN UP participants Bio Valand (Cinema) at HDK-Valand
  • Book launch – “OPEN UP Sampler: A collection of experimental art publishing” – at HDK-Valand
  • OPEN UP Gothenburg Catalogue (2019-2023)

During the festival a new programme was announced - "STAY OPEN 2024-2025" - of continuing activities to promote access to higher arts education.

The OPEN UP group will meet in HDK-Valand Academy, at The Glasshouse on the following dates. By coming to these project meetings you can join OPEN UP:

  • Saturday 28 January 11:00
  • Saturday 25 February 11:00
  • Saturday 11 March 11:00
  • Saturday 22 April 11:00
  • Saturday 27 May 11:00

Fins more information on our workshops in 2023 here

In October 2023 artists from all over Europe will gather together in Nicosia, Cyprus to profile the work that has been produced during the four years of OPEN UP (2019-2023).

Photo: OPEN UP Gothenburg Team

Disclaimer. This project has been funded with support from the Culture Programme of the European Union. This online resource reflects the views only of the authors, and the institution, Gothenburg University, our civil society partners and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which maybe made of the information contained herein.