Case Study: Lake Victoria - multiple chemical pollution in the largest freshwater lake in Kenya
Chemical pollution in Kenyan waters is receiving increasing attention with media alarms about high level of pollution of rivers and lakes. Existing studies indicate multiple pollutants, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, industrial chemicals and heavy metals. However, despite the importance of these fresh water resources for millions of Kenyans, existing data is weak and scattered and environmental governance is fragmented.
Starting in 2020, FRAM has initiated a multi-disciplinary case study in Lake Victoria and it´s Kenyan tributaries.
The purpose of this case study is:
- to enhance the knowledge about multiple chemical pollution in this important water resource
- to identify drivers and management options to reduce pollution
- to develop a partnership with Kenyan researchers
As a first step, the Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP) at the University of Nairobi has conducted the study Sources and Impacts of Multiple Chemical Pollution on Kenya’s Lake Victoria: a Scoping Study.

Collaboration partner
The Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP) at the University of Nairobi