- Mikroplaster i hjärnan ökar
Published in Aftonbladet 2025-02-09 - Ny EU-förordning ska minska spill av plastpellets – professorn Martin hoppfull
Published in SVT Väst 2025-01-07 - Robot ska hjälpa forskare på Göteborgs universitet att bättre förstå havsbotten
Published in SVT Väst 2025-01-03
- Harmful chemicals found in plastic cooking utensils
Published in Deutsche Welle 2024-12-19
- Forskarna eniga: Plasten måste minska
Published in Nyheter från Vetenskapsradion 2024-12-03
- Faran med plasten du inte ser: "Plötsligt händer något"
Published in Syre 2024-11-27
- Historisk möjlighet att stoppa plastfloden
Published in Syre 2024-11-25
- Facing an Imminent Deadline, Nations Struggle to Agree on a Global Plastics Treaty
Published in Inside Climate News 2024-11-15
- Plastic pollution is changing entire Earth system, scientists find
Published in Canada's National Observer 2024-11-14
- Studie: Plast slår mot alla planetära gränser
Published in Syre 2024-11-07
- 20 år av forskning om mikroplast-det här vet vi
Published in Vetenskapsradion Nyheter 2024-09-20
- Forskarlarm: "Finns mer plast än alla djur tillsammans".
Published in Bohusläningen 2024-02-10
- Gå inte i pappersfällan: Även muggar i papper är skadliga för miljön
Published in Skånska Dagbladet 2023-12-11
- Återvunnen plast varken säker eller cirkulär
Published in Kurera 2023-12-01
- Pappersmuggarnas tid kan snart vara förbi – i Paris serveras snabbmaten redan i plastkärl
Published in Svenska Yle 2023-11-22
- Forskarens larm: Hittade hundratals farliga ämnen i återvunnen plast
TV4 2023-11-19
- Återvunnen plast innehöll okänd cocktail av giftiga kemikalier
Sveriges Radio 2023-11-13
- Krafttag mot skräpet: Så ska vi lära oss slänga rätt
Published in Dagens PS 2023-09-28
- Därför är pappersmuggen en klimatbov
Published in Forskning & Framsteg 2023-08-31
- Pappersmugg inte mindre giftig än plastmugg
Published in TT 2023-08-25
- Studie: Pappmugg lika giftig som plastmugg
TV4 2023-08-23
Forskarlarm: Världens vanligaste skräp läcker dödliga gifter
TV4 2023-05-03
Forskarnas krav: Förbjud cigarettfilter – för miljöns skull
P4 Göteborg 2023-05-03
Delta i unikt forskningsprojekt – leta skräp på stränder
Hamnen 2023-04-19
Gäst: Bethanie Carney Almroth om plast i haven
Nyhetsshowen Göteborgs-Posten 2023-02-14
- Giftbomben: Snäckor får penisar – inte Volvos fel enligt egen rapport
Published in Göteborgs Posten 2022-09-06
Toxic toys
Both Swedish (eg SVT, SR and TT) and international media (Daily Mail) drew attention to research showing that older plastic toys often contain higher levels of health-hazardous substances than new ones. "There is a lot of talk about recycling as a solution to our waste problem, but recycling cannot be done safely if there are as many chemicals in the products as we have now," said Bethanie Carney Almroth, professor of ecotoxicology to SVT.
To the press release: A health risk to reuse old toys
Daily Mail: Warning over hand-me-down plastic toys: 84% of old figurines and dolls contain illegal levels of toxic 'forever chemicals' that can stunt their growth and cause cancer, study warns
SVT: Så giftsäkras hemmet för barnen – rensa bland leksaker
- Thomas Sterner: "We must not forget the harmful plastic"
Published in GöteborgsPosten as a "Guest column" 2019-09-16
- "Efter floden" (Eng. After the flood)
Thomas Backhaus is one of the interviewed researchers.
Published at SVTPlay 2019-08-27
- "Time to deal with the chemical cocktail"
Published at GT Debatt 2019-04-05
- "We climate scientists support Greta and the school children"
Published in Dagens Nyheter 2019-03-14
- Jessica Coria: "What does it really cost to save the climate?"
Published in Svenska Dagbladet 2018-09-08
What does it really cost to save the climate? Vad kostar det egentligen att rädda klimatet?
The cocktail-effect is including all chemicals
Published in Svenska Dagbladet 2018-02-14.
The cocktail-effect is about all types of chemicals (English translation)The cocktail-effect is about all types of chemicals (debate article in Swedish)
- The eco-verdict against Coop contradicts science
Published in Svenska Dagbladet 2017-07-07
The eco-judgement against Coop contradicts science (English translation)The eco-judgement against Coop contradicts science (debate article in Swedish)
- The European Unions does not dare to take the battle against hazardous chemicals
Published in Svenska Dagbladet 2016-11-12 link to SvD
The European Union does not dare to take the battle against hazardous chemicals (English translation) The European Union does not dare to take the battle against hazardous chemicals - debate article in Swedish 12th of November 2016
- Six steps to succeed with the safety of nanomaterials
Published in Ny Teknik 2016-05-17 link to Ny Teknik
Opinion paper - Six steps to succeed with the safety of nanomaterials (English translation)
Opinion paper - Six steps to succeed with the safety of nanomaterials (debate article in Swedish)
- More ambitious chemicals policy needed - the phase out of hazardous substances in Europe is unreasonably slow
Published in Svenska Dagbladet 2016-04-21 link to SvD
More ambitious chemicals policy needed - the phase out of hazardous substances is unreasonable slow - opinion papers 21st April 2016 (English translation)
- Chemical Taxation Contributes to a Non-Toxic Environment
Published in Svenska Dagbladet 2015-07-01 link to SvD
Chemical Taxation Contributes to a Non-Toxic Environment - opinion paper 1st of July 2015 (English translation)
- FRAM-researchers Lena Gipperth and Martin Hassellöv made a study about plastic pellets
Published in about 60 channels around the world.