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- Louise Danielsson
Louise Danielsson
Senior Lecturer
Department of Health and RehabilitationAbout Louise Danielsson
I am a mental health physiotherapist with a clinical background in primary health care, psychiatry, and pain rehabilitation. My research investigates exercise and body awareness therapy for people with depression, and work-related rehabilitation in common mental disorders. I have conducted qualitative studies, randomized controlled trials and psychometric studies (item response theory). Social interaction, embodiment and person-centered rehabilitation are subjects of great interest to me in clinical practice, teaching and research.
I am part of the research group Health, sickness absence and return to work – TIDAS https://www.gu.se/forskning/tidas
Women's experiences of physical therapy treatment for
Emelie Johansson, Louise Danielsson
Physiotherapy theory and practice - 2024 -
Exercise and health-related quality of life and work-related outcomes in primary care patients with anxiety disorders - A randomized controlled
Alexander Wall, Malin Henriksson, Jenny Nyberg, Kristina Holmgren, Jörgen Isgaard, Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Johan Svensson, Louise Danielsson, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg, N David Åberg
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2024 -
Belief, hope and help from others: a qualitative study on what facilitates physical activity in people with
Maria Björkman, Louise Danielsson
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2024 -
Reaching for connection: a qualitative study of communication and interaction in video-based
Elvira Lange, Louise Danielsson
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2024 -
One-year follow-up of a primary care-based 12-week exercise intervention for adults with anxiety
Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Malin Henriksson, Alexander Wall, Jenny Nyberg, Kristian Bolin, Berit A M Larsson, Louise Danielsson, Margda Waern, N David Åberg, Maria A I Åberg
Work-related stress is associated with low work ability, but not with poor self-rated health: A cross-sectional study in primary
Louise Danielsson, Anna Frantz, Kristina Holmgren
Experiences of rehabilitation coordination among people on sick leave with mental health
Kristin Lork, Louise Danielsson, Maria E H Larsson, Kristina Holmgren
Experiences of pain debut and healthcare received in men with chronic pelvic pain
Shirin Zarur, Louise Danielsson
BMC urology - 2023 -
The relationship between forward head posture and neck pain disability in chronic whiplash-associated
Helene Svensdotter, Louise Danielsson, A. Seferiadis
Physiotherapy Practice and Research - 2022 -
Effects of exercise on symptoms of anxiety in primary care patients: A randomized controlled
Malin Henriksson, Alexander Wall, Jenny Nyberg, Martin Adiels, Karin Lundin, Ylva Bergh, Robert Eggertsen, Louise Danielsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Maria Westerlund, N David Åberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of affective disorders - 2022 -
Measurement properties of the Swedish clinical outcomes in routine evaluation outcome measures (CORE-OM): Rasch analysis and short version for depressed and anxious out-patients in a multicultural
Louise Danielsson, M. L. Elfstrom, J. G. Henche, J. Melin
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes - 2022 -
Exploring clinical reasoning in Austrian mental health physiotherapy: the physiotherapist ' s
S. Perner, Louise Danielsson
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2022 -
Motivators for patients with schizonhrenia spectrum disorders to start and maintain exercising: a qualitative interview
V. Karlsson, Louise Danielsson
European Journal of Physiotherapy - 2022 -
Corrigendum to "Effects of exercise on symptoms of anxiety in primary care patients: A randomized controlled trial", published online ahead of print as J Affect Disord. 2021 Oct
Malin Henriksson, Alexander Wall, Jenny Nyberg, Martin Adiels, Karin Lundin, Ylva Bergh, Robert Eggertsen, Louise Danielsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Maria Westerlund, N David Åberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of affective disorders - 2022 -
A short work-directed rehabilitation to promote work capacity while depressed and anxious: a qualitative study of workers'
Kristin Lork, Kristina Holmgren, Louise Danielsson
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2021 -
Anxiety severity and cognitive function in primary care patients with anxiety disorder: a cross-sectional
Jenny Nyberg, Malin Henriksson, Alexander Wall, Torbjörn Vestberg, Maria Westerlund, Marion Walser, Robert Eggertsen, Louise Danielsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, N David Åberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
BMC psychiatry - 2021 -
Goal-setting in physiotherapy: exploring a person-centered
Jeanette Melin, Åsa Nordin, Caroline Feldthusen, Louise Danielsson
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2021 -
Doula support in office hysteroscopy: results from a pilot
R. Montejo, J. Hermansson, Lena Sandin Wranker, Louise Danielsson
Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology - 2021 -
Work-directed rehabilitation or physical activity to support work ability and mental health in common mental disorders: a pilot randomized controlled
Louise Danielsson, Margda Waern, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren
Clinical Rehabilitation - 2020 -
Medical Defibulation as a Possibility-the Experiences of Young Swedish-Somali
Anna Chavez Karlström, Louise Danielsson, Helena Dahlberg
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being - 2020 -
Anxiety management: Participants’ experiences of a physiotherapeutic group treatment in Swedish psychiatric outpatient
Helena Ström Öhlund, Louise Danielsson, Susanne Rosberg
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2020 -
Development and Construct Validity of the Work Instability Scale for People With Common Mental Disorders in a Sample of Depressed and Anxious Workers: A Rasch
Louise Danielsson, Robin Fornazar, Kristina Holmgren, Åsa Lundgren Nilsson, Gunnel Hensing
Rehabilitation Process and Outcome - 2020 -
Support to informal caregivers of patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A qualitative study of caregivers' and professionals' experiences in Swedish
Susann Strang, Josefin Fährn, Peter Strang, Agneta Ronstad, Louise Danielsson
BMJ Open - 2019 -
Adolescents' experiences of being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A phenomenological study conducted in
I. Andersson Frondelius, V. Ranjbar, Louise Danielsson
Bmj Open - 2019 -
Strategies to keep working among workers with common mental disorders – a grounded theory
Louise Danielsson, Mikael Elf, Gunnel Hensing
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2019 -
Effects of exercise on symptoms of anxiety, cognitive ability and sick leave in patients with anxiety disorders in primary care: study protocol for PHYSBI, a randomized controlled
Jenny Nyberg, Malin Henriksson, N David Åberg, Alexander Wall, Robert Eggertsen, M. Westerlund, Louise Danielsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
BMC Psychiatry - 2019 -
Development of an Academic Course in Person-Centred Care for Students in Higher Education: Teachers'
Kristina Rosengren, Louise Danielsson, Inger Jansson, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
Education Research International - 2018 -
Call me, later! Patients’ experiences of Swedish healthcare call-back services and access to
Magnea Unnarsdottir, Henry Ascher, Jonas Hermansson, Louise Danielsson
Journal of Hospital Administration - 2018 -
Working in dissonance: experiences of work instability in workers with common mental
Louise Danielsson, Monica Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing
Bmc Public Health - 2017 -
When abilities and job demands no longer match: work instability in common mental
Louise Danielsson, M. Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing
9th European Public Health Conference 2016, Vienna, Austria - 2016 -
Försprång i framtiden – programöverskridande kurs i
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Irma Lindström, Qarin Lood, Christina Finnsbäck, Louise Danielsson, Inger Jansson, Kristina Rosengren, Marie Walther, Denislava Mintcheva
Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning - Att lära i team för att verka i team. 17-18 november 2015, Göteborg, Sverige. - 2015 -
Programöverskridande kurs i
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Irma Lindström, Louise Danielsson, Qarin Lood, Kristina Rosengren, Inger Jansson, Denislava Mintcheva, Marie Walther, Christina Finnsbäck
högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2015). 22 oktober 2015, Göteborg, Sverige. - 2015 -
Moved by movement: A person-centered approach to physical therapy in the treatment of major
Louise Danielsson
2015 -
Opening toward life: Experiences of basic body awareness therapy in persons with major
Louise Danielsson, Susanne Rosberg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2015 -
Depression embodied: an ambiguous striving against
Louise Danielsson, Susanne Rosberg
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2015 -
"I'm kind of not there": The lived body in experiences of
Louise Danielsson, Susanne Rosberg
The 5th International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health, Utrecht 5-7 February 2014 abstract book - 2014 -
Exercise or basic body awareness therapy as add-on treatment for major depression: A controlled
Louise Danielsson, I. Papoulias, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Jane Carlsson, Margda Waern
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2014 -
To sense and make sense of anxiety: Physiotherapists' perceptions of their treatment for patients with generalized
Louise Danielsson, Marianne Hansson Scherman, Susanne Rosberg
Physiotherapy theory and practice - 2013 -
The lived body in
Louise Danielsson, Susanne Rosberg
21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). May 22-24, 2013 Gothenburg, Sweden - 2013 -
Effects of aerobic exercise and body awareness training in major depression - a pilot
Louise Danielsson, Ilias Papoulias, Margda Waern, Jane Carlsson
21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). May 22-24, 2013 Gothenburg, Sweden - 2013 -
Exercise in the treatment of major depression: A systematic review grading the quality of
Louise Danielsson, Anna Maria Noras, Margda Waern, Jane Carlsson
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2013 -
There is more to it than talking - physiotherapists' experiences of physiotherapy for patients with generalized
Louise Danielsson
4th International Conference Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health IC-PPMH, Edinburgh, Scotland, 8-10 February 2012 - 2012