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- Catarina Wallengren Gustafsso
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsso
Senior Lecturer
Learning and Leadership for Health Care ProfessionalsAbout Catarina Wallengren Gustafsso
Research Presentation: Catarina is a researcher who focuses on how the learning of Person-Centered Care (PCC) can be promoted within clinical practices, academic environments, and civil society. She is an associate professor in nursing education. She is a licensed nurse and a licensed subject teacher in nursing.
Research: Catarina study how the development of PCC can take place and how support, in the form of education and training, can be developed and applied within clinical practices, academic environments, and civil society.
Academic Leadership Roles: Catarina is the research group leader for the complete academic environment “Health Care Pedagogics and Leadership” and the subject responsible for the institution’s academic subject “Health Care Pedagogic”. Catarina is the research group leader for the research group GPCC-Edu, Center for Person-Centered Care (GPCC), University of Gothenburg. She is one of the coordinators for education and utilization of PCC at GPCC, University of Gothenburg.
Teaching: Catarina is the course leader for the course “Leadership and Learning” (15 university credits, term 6) which is included in the nursing program. Furthermore, she is the course leader for the course “Degree Project Part-time Education” (15 university credits) which is included in the specialist nursing program. She supervises and examines degree projects at the undergraduate and advanced level and supervises doctoral students at the research level. Furthermore, she teaches around the knowledge areas of learning, innovation, and PCC, at the undergraduate and advanced level.
· Annie Jonnergård
· Malin Lindberg
· Kiana Kanini
· Sara Bergström
Research associates
· Mari Lundberg
· Caroline Feldthusen
· Emma Forsgren
· Ida Björkman
· Axel Wolf
· Elin Siira
· Kristina Rosengren
· Hanna Falk
· Ramona Schenell
Keywords: Learning, Person-Centered Care, Pedagogy, Innovation, Implementation, Intervention, Facilitation.
Person-centred care in the context of higher education - a discourse analysis based on interviews with programme
Annie Jonnergård, Ida Björkman, Emma Forsgren, Caroline Feldthusen, Mari Lundberg, Catarina Wallengren
Person-centered care content in medicine, occupational therapy, nursing, and physiotherapy education
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Håkan Billig, Ida Björkman, Inger Ekman, Caroline Feldthusen, Irma Lindström Kjellberg, Mari Lundberg
BMC medical education - 2022 -
Person-centred care on the move - an interview study with programme directors in Swedish higher
Ida Björkman, Caroline Feldthusen, Emma Forsgren, Annie Jonnergård, Irma Lindström Kjellberg, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Mari Lundberg
BMC medical education - 2022 -
Person-centred support programme (RESPECT intervention) for women with breast cancer treated with endocrine therapy: a feasibility
Susanne Ahlstedt Karlsson, Ingela Henoch, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Catarina Wallengren
Bmj Open - 2022 -
An intervention mapping-based support program that empowers patients with endocrine therapy
Susanne Ahlstedt Karlsson, Ingela Henoch, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Catarina Wallengren
Evaluation and Program Planning - 2022 -
Development and evaluation of the measurement properties of a generic questionnaire measuring patient perceptions of person-centred
H. Fridberg, Lars Wallin, Catarina Wallengren, A. Kottorp, H. Forsman, M. Tistad
BMC Health Services Research - 2020 -
Women’s coping strategies during the first three months of adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast
Susanne Ahlstedt Karlsson, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Ingela Henoch
Nursing Open - 2020 -
Preparedness for colorectal cancer surgery and recovery through a person-centred information and communication intervention - A quasi-experimental longitudinal
Joakim Öhlén, Richard Sawatzky, Monica Pettersson, Elisabeth Kenne Sarenmalm, Larsdotter Cecilia, Frida Smith, Catarina Wallengren, Febe Friberg, Karl Kodeda, Eva Carlsson
PLoS ONE - 2019 -
Burden on parents of children with haemophilia: The impact of sociodemographic and child's medical
Linda Myrin-Westesson, Carina Sparud Lundin, F. Baghaei, K. Khair, S. von Mackensen, Mariela Acuña Mora, Catarina Wallengren
Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2019 -
“It is not just any pill”—Women’s experiences of endocrine therapy after breast cancer
Susanne Ahlstedt Karlsson, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Ingela Henoch
European Journal of Cancer Care - 2019 -
Experiences of endocrine therapy after breast cancer
Susanne Ahlstedt Karlsson, Roger Olofsson Bagge, Ingela Henoch, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
Annals of Oncology. Abstract Book of the 44th ESMO Congress (ESMO 2019) 27 September – 1 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain. Vol. 30, Suppl. 5, s. v840 - 2019 -
Preparedness for Colorectal Cancer Surgery and Recovery Through a Person-Centred In-formation and Communication Intervention – A Quasi-Experimental Longitudinal
Cecilia Håkanson, Joakim Öhlén, Richard Sawatzky, Monica Pettersson, Elisabeth Kenne Sarenmalm, Frida Smith, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Febe Friberg, Karl Kodeda, Eva Carlsson
Psycho-Oncology, Vol. 27 (suppl. 3), s. 208 (abstract no. 676) - 2018 -
Exploration of dynamics in a complex person-centred intervention process based on health professionals'
Febe Friberg, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Cecilia Håkansson, Eva Carlsson, Frida Smith, Monica Pettersson, Elisabeth Kenne Sarenmalm, Richard Sawatzky, Joakim Öhlén
BMC Health Services Research - 2018 -
Challenges When Translating and Culturally Adapting a Measurement Instrument: The Suitability and Comprehensibility of Materials
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Kristina Rosengren, Richard Sawatzky, Joakim Öhlén
Global Qualitative Nursing Research - 2018 -
Development of an Academic Course in Person-Centred Care for Students in Higher Education: Teachers'
Kristina Rosengren, Louise Danielsson, Inger Jansson, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
Education Research International - 2018 -
Reaching Independence Through Forced Learning: Learning Processes and Illness Management in Parents of Children Affected by
Lind Myrin Westesson, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Fariba Baghaei, Carina Sparud Lundin
Qualitative Health Research - 2018 -
Prepared for surgery - Communication in nurses' preoperative consultations with patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer after a person-centred
Monica Pettersson, Joakim Öhlén, Febe Friberg, Lars-Christer Hydén, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Elisabeth Kenne Sarenmalm, Eva Carlsson
Journal of clinical nursing - 2018 -
Dynamics in a complex person-centred intervention process in colorectal cancer care. An exploration based in health professionals ́
Cecilia Håkanson, Febe Friberg, Joakim Öhlén, Eva Carlsson, Elisabeth Kenne Sarenmalm, Monica Pettersson, Richard Sawatzky, Frida Smith, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
Psycho-Oncology. Vol 27 (Suppl 3), abstract no. 674 - 2018 -
Participatory design in education materials in a health care
Frida Smith, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Joakim Öhlén
Action Research - 2017 -
Achieving The Highest Patient Satisfaction Through Efficient
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Inger Ekman
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. 12-15 april 2016, Göeborg, Sverige. - 2016 -
A tortuous route to a capable fatherhood: the experience of being a father to a child with severe
Linda Myrin Westesson, Carina Sparud Lundin, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Fariba Baghaei
Haemophilia - 2015 -
Försprång i framtiden – programöverskridande kurs i
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Irma Lindström, Qarin Lood, Christina Finnsbäck, Louise Danielsson, Inger Jansson, Kristina Rosengren, Marie Walther, Denislava Mintcheva
Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning - Att lära i team för att verka i team. 17-18 november 2015, Göteborg, Sverige. - 2015 -
Implementation of person-centered care - professional`s
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Irma Lindström
The 23rd international conference on health promoting hospitals and health services. June 10-12, 2015 Oslo, Norway - 2015 -
Skapa en kultur med patienten som en aktiv
Göran Henriks, Emma Henriksson, Lisbeth Löpare Johansson, Pia Rydell, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
Kvalitetsmässan 2015, 3-5 november 2015, Göteborg, Sverige. - 2015 -
Programöverskridande kurs i
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Irma Lindström, Louise Danielsson, Qarin Lood, Kristina Rosengren, Inger Jansson, Denislava Mintcheva, Marie Walther, Christina Finnsbäck
högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2015). 22 oktober 2015, Göteborg, Sverige. - 2015 -
Commentary: Swedish initiative on person centred
Inger Ekman, H. Hedman, Karl Swedberg, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
BMJ - 2015 -
Implementation of person-centred care -professional’s
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Irma Lindström Kjellberg
The 23rd International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services. 10-12 Juni 2015. Oslo, Norge. - 2015 -
When, Why and How are Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Using the Internet for Knowledge and Support
Filipa Ventura, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Ingalill Koinberg, Joakim Öhlén, Per Karlsson, Richard Sawatzky
Psycho-Oncology. 23 (s3), s. 257 - 2014 -
75 är det nya 20 - en åldrande befolkning är en global
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
Almedalen 2014 - 2014 -
Meanings of existential uncertainty and certainty for people diagnosed with cancer and receiving palliative treatment: a life-world phenomenological
Magdalena Karlsson, Febe Friberg, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Joakim Öhlén
Bmc Palliative Care - 2014 -
Making Sense of Receiving Palliative Treatment: Its Significance to Palliative Cancer Care Communication and Information
Joakim Öhlén, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Febe Friberg
Cancer nursing - 2013 -
Qualitative Outcome analysis: a method for developing clinical interventions from qualitative results with examples of information processing in palliative cancer
Febe Friberg, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Linda Berg, Joakim Öhlén
6 th Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Qualiative Methods in the Service of Health, May 2-4, 2010 - 2010