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- Henry Ascher
Henry Ascher
Senior Researcher
School of Public Health and Community MedicineAbout Henry Ascher
My work focuses on social differences in health and ill health and how to reduce it. A particular interest is migration and health, with a special focus on children and families. My work is about health promotion, both individually, by strengthening the resources of children and adults, and structurally by studying barriers and changing structures. Human rights, children's rights, the right to health and a focus on participation are other interests that also permeates my research. In the research project Undocumented Children's Everyday Strategies, we have followed undocumented children over time to explore different strategies for dealing with an everyday life that is permanently dangerous and threatening. What strategies work? How do these relate to age and development? What are the threats to children's health, well-being and development and how can they change? How can adults around the children work to support them? Are there lessons learned from this group of children that are valid for other children who live with well-protected secrets, such as children who live with parents with abuse or who are mentally ill? The study uses qualitative methodology with a high degree of user influence in accordance with a Convention on the Rights of the Child. Schoolchildren (6-18 years) are included. The study has grants from the Allmänna Barnhuset Foundation and the Västra Götaland Region. The research project Health and ill health of undocumented migrants is a survey study of undocumented migrants about self-perceived health, living conditions and access to human rights, which is carried out in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö. As research on the situation of the undocumented migrants is very limited and usually consists of smaller interview-based studies, this study fills an important gap in order to increase the knowledge of a hidden group with potential major health needs. The study was designed in consultation with people who are or have been undocumented and is done with the support of the Swedish Research Council and the Västra Götaland Region.
Examples of other areas I work with are studies on undocumented women's experiences of maternal health care and childbirth, unaccompanied children and adolescents, age assessments, children with severe withdrawal syndrome, vulnerable groups' access to care and child abuse and neglect.
The project ‘Socio-economic determinants of health and physical growth of children from birth to five years in rural and urban areas of Hanoi’ is a completed research project in collaboration with Hanoi Medical University that followed two cohorts of pregnant women in Vietnam, one in urban environment and one in rural areas. Birth outcomes as well as children's growth and health were monitored over time and related to socio-economic factors and utilization of care. The project led to three doctoral dissertations. In the last dissertation, the prevalence and risk factors for obesity and obesity were examined in relation to socio-economic factors and urbanization. My research work is conducted in collaboration with Angered Hospital’s Research Unit, where I also participate in the hospital's work on human rights as a tool for reducing socially inequality in health. I am a professor of public health and an associate professor and consultant in paediatrics. I work clinically at the Child Refugee Team in Gothenburg, am vice chairman of the Swedish Pediatric Society’s Association for Global Child and Adolescent Health (https://gbuh.barnlakarforeningen.se). I have had assignments for e.g. the National Board of Health and Welfare, Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU), The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) and the Discrimination Ombudsman. I am also a jury member of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, the world's largest children's and youth literature award (www.alma.se).
Oacceptabelt att GU inskränker lärares och studenters rätt att
Henry Ascher, Staffan Granér, Adrián Groglopo, Feras Hammami, Martin Harling, Annika Lindberg, Helena Lindholm, Mikela Lundahl, Lena Martinsson, Pernilla Myrne, Sarah Schmidt, Catharina Thörn, Håkan Thörn
Göteborgs Posten - 2024 -
Health outcomes in young adulthood among former child refugees in Denmark, Norway and Sweden: A cross-country comparative
A. Dunlavy, K. Gauffin, L. Berg, C. J. De Montgomery, R. Europa, K. Eide, Henry Ascher, A. Hjern
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2023 -
Suicidal thoughts among undocumented migrants in
Lena Andersson, Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care - 2021 -
Barriers to accessing health care among undocumented migrants in Sweden - a principal component
Mona Hatem, Lena Andersson, Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher
BMC Health Services Research - 2021 -
Vad främjar och hämmar ensamkommande barns hälsa och integration? En
Åsa Backlund, Henry Ascher
Rättssäkerheten och solidariteten – vad hände? En antologi om mottagande av människor på flykt. - 2021 -
Living situations among undocumented migrants in Sweden: The effects of exclusion from fundamental housing
Matti Wirehag, Lena Andersson, Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher
International Journal of Social Welfare - 2021 -
Signe Smith Jervelund, Allan Krasnik, Henry Ascher, Andrea Dunlavy, Ketil Eide, Karl Gauffin, E. Heikkilä, Anders Hjern, A-K. Rosencrantz de Lasson, Lutine de Waal Pastoor
Coming of Age in Exile. Health and Socio-Economic inequalities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies - 2020 -
The Health of Child Refugees as Young Adults – a Nordic Quantitative
Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher, L. Berg, Andrea Dunlavy, Ketil Eide, R. Tamayo Europa, Karl Gauffin, Malin Maili, Cristopher Jamil de Montgomery
Coming of Age in Exile. Health and Socio-Economic inequalities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies - 2020 -
Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: A Comparative Study in Norway and
Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher, L. Berg, Andrea Dunlavy, Ketil Eide, R. Tamayo Europa, Karl Gauffin
Coming of Age in Exile. Health and Socio-Economic inequalities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies - 2020 -
A human rights-based approach improves the mental health care for
E. Envall, G. Backman, Henry Ascher, B. Ramel, E. Ryman
Läkartidningen - 2020 -
Exploring childhood immunization among undocumented migrants in Sweden - following qualitative study and the World Health Organizations Guide to Tailoring Immunization Programmes
K. Godoy-Ramirez, E. Bystrom, A. Lindstrand, R. Butler, Henry Ascher, A. Kulane
Public Health - 2019 -
Medical, Ethical, and Legal Risks in Forensic Age Assessment Procedures in Current Swedish Asylum Processes Involving Unaccompanied
Josephine T. V. Greenbrook, Henry Ascher
Program and proceedings of the Oxford Global Health & Bioethics International Conference in Oxford, United Kingdom, July 1-2, 2019 (oral presentations) - 2019 -
When Law and Medical Ethics Conflict: Physicians’ Perceptions of Their Roles as Gatekeepers in Satisfying Undocumented Migrants’ Right to Healthcare Access in
Josephine T. V. Greenbrook, Henry Ascher, Graeme T. Laurie
Programme of the 21st Nordic Conference for Professionals Working with Traumatised Refugees in Stavanger, Norway, June 6-7, 2019 (oral presentation and workshop) - 2019 -
Invånare med respektive utan flyktingbakgrund i Västra Götaland - jämförelse av vårdkonsumtion, diagnosförekomst samt utveckling över
Anna Kjellström, Bo Palaszewski, Maria Telemo Taube, Henry Ascher
2019 -
Undocumented adult migrants in Sweden: mental health and associated
Lena Andersson, Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher
BMC Public Health - 2018 -
Overweight, stunting, and concurrent overweight and stunting observed over 3 years in Vietnamese
Loan Minh Do, Henry Ascher, Lauren Lissner
Global health action - 2018 -
The need for trust and safety inducing encounters: a qualitative exploration of women's experiences of seeking perinatal care when living as undocumented migrants in
My Barkensjö, Josephine T. V. Greenbrook, Josefine Rosenlundh, Henry Ascher, Helen Elden
Bmc Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2018 -
Apropå! »Alla vet att man ska äta frukt och grönt och röra på
Alexandra Krettek, Maria Magnusson, Moa Hallmyr, Henry Ascher
Läkartidningen - 2018 -
Hälsans betydelse för nyanlända barn i skolan och skolans betydelse för nyanlända barns
Henry Ascher
Kästen-Ebeling G & Otterup T (red.). En bra början – Mottagande och introduktion av nyanlända elever. 2:a upplagan - 2018 -
Identification: age and identity
Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher, Marianne Vervliet, Ilse Derluyn
Research Handbook on Child Migration. Bhabha J, Kanics J, Senovilla Hernández (ed.) - 2018 -
Stöd till ensamkommande barn och unga – effekter, erfarenheter och
Henry Ascher, Åsa Backlund, Christian Munthe, Pernilla Östlund, Göran Bertilsson, Gunilla Fahlström, Kickan Håkansson, Ann Kristine Jonsson, Knut Sundell
2018 -
Call me, later! Patients’ experiences of Swedish healthcare call-back services and access to
Magnea Unnarsdottir, Henry Ascher, Jonas Hermansson, Louise Danielsson
Journal of Hospital Administration - 2018 -
”Utvecklingen går i en annan riktning än vad forskningen visar krävs för att stödja ensamkommande barn och
Henry Ascher, Åsa Backlund, Titti Mattsson, Christian Munthe
Sydsvenskan - 2018 -
Living conditions and self-rated health among undocumented migrants in
Lena Andersson, Henry Ascher, Anders Hjern
European Journal of Public Health. Vol 28, Supplement 1 - 2018 -
Betydelsen av hälsa och skola för barn på
Henry Ascher
En god fortsättning. Nyanländas fortsatta väg i skola och samhälle. - 2018 -
Prevalence and incidence of overweight and obesity among Vietnamese preschool children: a longitudinal cohort
L. M. Do, T. K. Tran, Bo Eriksson, Max Petzold, Henry Ascher
BMC Pediatrics - 2017 -
Physical and mental health inequalities between native and immigrant
Vania Ranjbar, Robin Fornazar, Henry Ascher, Ann Ekberg-Jansson, Gunnel Hensing
International migration - 2017 -
Adolescent health care in a multi-cultural area: a qualitative study from adolescents’
Mikaela Hällström, Vania Ranjbar, Henry Ascher
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth - 2017 -
En ovärdig behandling av
Henry Ascher
Göteborgs-Posten - 2017 -
BLF:s arbetsgrupp för flyktingbarn 25
Henry Ascher, Lars H Gustafsson, Anders Hjern, Marie Köhler, Tor Lindberg
Barnläkaren - 2017 -
Asylsökandes vårdkonsumtion i Västra Götaland
Anna Kjellström, Bo Palaszewski, Zina Cherigui, Maria Taube, Gunnar Henning, Henry Ascher
2017 -
”Bli inte hopplösa”. En studie om vardagsstrategier hos barn på flykt i en papperslös
Forskning tillsammans med flyktingbarn i papperslöshet. Etiska utmaningar och
Åsa Wahlström Smith, Henry Ascher
Irreguljär migration i Sverige. Rättigheter, vardagserfarenheter, motstånd och statliga kategoriseringar. Maja Sager, Helena Holgersson och Klara Öberg (red.) - 2016 -
Se till mig som ny i landet
Henry Ascher
Pedagogiska Magasinet - 2016 -
Vietnamese mother's conceptions of childhood overweight: findings from a qualitative
Loan Minh Do, V. Larsson, T. K. Tran, H. T. Nguyen, B. Eriksson, Henry Ascher
Global Health Action - 2016 -
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mobile care: A participant-focussed and human rights-based
Vania Ranjbar, Anna Hjalmarsson, Henry Ascher, Ann Ekberg-Jansson
Health Services Management Research - 2015 -
Asylförslaget rycker undan mattan för barns
Henry Ascher
Dagens Nyheter - 2015 -
För osäkert att avgöra ålder
Gunilla Klingberg, Henry Ascher, Anders Hjern
Svenska Dagbladet, svd.se - 2015 -
Feeding of preschool children in Vietnam: a study of parents’ practices and associated
Loan Minh Do, Toan Khanh Tran, Bo Eriksson, Max Petzold, Henry Ascher
BMC Nutrition - 2015 -
Svårt att säkert fastställa ålder hos asylsökande barn. Medicinska metoder håller inte måttet – psykosocial bedömning bör
Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher
Läkartidningen - 2015 -
Preschool overweight and obesity in urban and rural Vietnam: differences in prevalence and associated
Loan Minh Do, T. K. Tran, Bo Eriksson, Max Petzold, C. T. K. Nguyen, Henry Ascher
Global Health Action - 2015 -
From apathy to activity: experiences of refugee children with severe withdrawal
Henry Ascher, A. Hjern
Nordic work with traumatised refugees: Do we really care, Overland G, Guribye E, Lie B (eds.) - 2014 -
Hälsans betydelse för nyanlända barn i skolan och skolans betydelse för nyanlända barns
Henry Ascher
En bra början — mottagande och introduktion av nyanlända elever. Kästen-Ebeling, G & Otterup, T (eds) - 2014 -
In the Best Interest of the Child? The Politics of Vulnerability and Negotiations for Asylum in
Marita Eastmond, Henry Ascher
Tyrrell, M & White, et al. (Eds.). Transnational Migration and Childhood. - 2013 -
A Possible Mechanism behind Autoimmune Disorders Discovered By Genome-Wide Linkage and Association Analysis in Celiac
Malin Östensson, Caroline Montén, Jonas Bacelis, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Svetlana Adamovic, Johan Ek, Henry Ascher, Elisabet Pollak, Henrik Arnell, Lars Browaldh, Daniel Agardh, Jan Wahlström, Staffan Nilsson, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
Papperslösa barns rätt till utbildning i
Anna Lundberg, Henry Ascher
Medborgerlig bildning. Demokrati och inkludering för ett hållbart samhälle. Hartsmar, N. Liljefors Persson, B. (Eds.) - 2013 -
Samverkan mellan Sahlgrenska akademin och Angereds Närsjukhus — ett profilområde med unika möjligheter till forskning och
Henry Ascher, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg, Ann Ekberg-Jansson, Tove Hedenrud, Jan Olsson, Nenad Stankovic
2013 -
Factors associated with physical growth of children during the first two years of life in rural and urban areas of
Huong T Nguyen, Bo Eriksson, Max Petzold, Göran Bondjers, Toan K Tran, Liem T Nguyen, Henry Ascher
BMC Pediatrics - 2013 -
Från apati till aktivitet. Teori och behandling av flyktingbarn med svår psykisk
Henry Ascher, Anders Hjern
2013 -
Policies of access to healthcare services for accompanied asylum-seeking children in the Nordic
H Sandahl, ML Nørredam, A Hjern, Henry Ascher, S Smith Nielsen
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2013 -
Henry Ascher
Från apati till aktivitet. Teori och behandling av flyktingbarn med svår psykisk ohälsa - 2013 -
Henry Ascher
Från apati till aktivitet. Teori och behandling av flyktingbarn med svår psykisk ohälsa - 2013 -
Henry Ascher, Anders Hjern
Från apati till aktivitet. Teori och behandling av flyktingbarn med svår psykisk ohälsa - 2013 -
Trauma, stress och
Henry Ascher, Anders Hjern
Från apati till aktivitet. Teori och behandling av flyktingbarn med svår psykisk ohälsa - 2013 -
Birth weight and delivery practice in a Vietnamese rural district during 12 year of rapid economic
Huong Thu Nguyen, Bo Eriksson, Toan Khanh Tran, Chuc Thi Nguyen, Henry Ascher
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2013 -
Access to health care for undocumented migrants from a human rights perspective: A comparative study of Denmark, Sweden, and the
D. Biswas, B. Toebes, Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher, Marie Nørredam
Health and human rights - 2012 -
Factors associated with antenatal care adequacy in rural and urban contexts-results from two health and demographic surveillance sites in
TK. Tran, K. Gottvall, HD. Ngyuen, Henry Ascher, Max Petzold
BMC Health Services Research - 2012 -
Breastfeeding practices in urban and rural
Huong Nguyen Thu, Bo Eriksson, Toan Tran Khanh, Max Petzold, Göran Bondjers, Chuc Nguyen Kim, Liem Nguyen Thanh, Henry Ascher
BMC public health - 2012 -
Susan Wright, Henry Ascher
The right to health : theory and practice / editor: Gunilla Backman. - 1. ed. - 2012 -
Hälso- och sjukvård för nyanlända
Anders Hjern, Henry Ascher
Barnmedicin. - 2012 - 4., [rev. och uppdaterade] uppl. / redaktörer: Katarina Hanséus, Hugo Lagercrantz - 2012 -
Vardagsmiljöns betydelse för hälsofrämjande arbete för
Henry Ascher
Barn i Malmö - skilda livsvillkor ger ojämlik hälsa./Marie Köhler (red.) - 2012 -
Urban - rural disparities in antenatal care utilization: a study of two cohorts of pregnant women in
Toan K Tran, Chuc Tk Nguyen, Hinh D Nguyen, Bo Eriksson, Göran Bondjers, Karin Gottvall, Henry Ascher, Max Petzold
BMC health services research - 2011 -
In the best interests of the child? The politics of vulnerability and negotiations for asylum in
Marita Eastmond, Henry Ascher
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - 2011 -
Opportunistic virus DNA levels after pediatric stem cell transplantation: serostatus matching, anti-thymocyte globulin, and total body irradiation are additive risk
Carola Kullberg-Lindh, Karin Mellgren, Vanda Friman, Anders Fasth, Henry Ascher, Staffan Nilsson, Magnus Lindh
Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society - 2011 -
Mellan det förflutna och framtiden. Asylsökande barns välfärd, hälsa och
Hans E Andersson, Henry Ascher, Ulla Björnberg, Marita Eastmond
2010 -
Elis Envall, Sanna Vestin, Carin Björngren Cuadra, Henry Ascher, A Staaf, S Khosravi
Social Rapport 2010 - 2010 -
Four novel coeliac disease regions replicated in an association study of a Swedish-Norwegian family
Silja Svanström Amundsen, Julia Rundberg, Svetlana Adamovic, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, Staffan Nilsson, Benedicte Alexandra Lie, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Ludvig M Sollid
Genes and immunity - 2010 -
Ulla Björnberg, Marita Eastmond, Henry Ascher
Socialpolitik - 2010 -
Cross-country variation in stillbirth and neonatal mortality in offspring of Turkish migrants in northern
Sarah Fredsted Villadsen, Erika Sievers, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Annett Arntzen, Marjorie Audard-Mariller, Guy Martens, Henry Ascher, Anders Hjern
European journal of public health - 2010 -
Rätten till hälsa för papperslösa migranter i
Henry Ascher
Mänskliga rättigheter — juridiska perspektiv. Lundberg A (redaktör). - 2010 -
Asylsökande barns tankar om
Henry Ascher, Lotta Mellander
Mellan det förflutna och framtiden. Asylsökande barns välfärd, hälsa och välbefinnande. Andersson, HE. Ascher, H. Björnberg, U. Eastmond, M. (redaktörer) - 2010 -
Mottagandets policy och praktik — rekommendationer och
Henry Ascher, Lotta Mellander, Mirzet Tursunovic
Mellan det förflutna och framtiden. Asylsökande barns välfärd, hälsa och välbefinnande. Andersson, HE. Ascher, H. Björnberg, U. Eastmond, M. (redaktörer) - 2010 -
Att möta asylsökande och papperslösa barn och deras
Henry Ascher
Barns och ungas rätt i vården. Söderbäck M (redaktör). - 2010 -
Making meaningful space for oneself: photo-based dialogue with siblings of refugee children with severe withdrawal
Malin Svensson, Solvig Ekblad, Henry Ascher
Children's Geographies - 2009 -
[Lonely refugee children must get support. Respect and care can reduce the effects of earlier
Henry Ascher
Läkartidningen - 2009 -
Att skapa meningsfullt utrymme: syskon till "apatiska barn" fotograferar och
Malin Svensson, Solvig Ekblad, Henry Ascher
Geografiska notiser - 2009 -
Association Between Genotypes and Phenotypes in Coeliac
Audur Gudjonsdottir, Staffan Nilsson, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Johan Ek, Silja Amundsen, Jan Wahlström, Henry Ascher
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - 2009 -
Refugee children living in hiding. What do we know and what don’t we
Henry Ascher
Children living in hiding today and tomorrow. A seminar about health and human rights. Malmström C.The Solstickan Foundation and Nordic School of Public Health. January 28, 2009 - 2009 -
Searching for genes influencing a complex disease: the case of coeliac
Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Henry Ascher, Staffan Nilsson, Jan Wahlström
European journal of human genetics : EJHG - 2008 -
Fine mapping study in Scandinavian families suggests association between coeliac disease and haplotypes in chromosome region
Svetlana Adamovic, S. S. Amundsen, Benedicte Alexandra Lie, Åsa Hellqvist, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Johan Ek, Staffan Nilsson, Jan Wahlström, Henry Ascher, Ludvig M Sollid, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
Tissue Antigens - 2008 -
Association study of IL2/IL21 and FcgRIIa: significant association with the IL2/IL21 region in Scandinavian coeliac disease
Svetlana Adamovic, Silja Amundsen, Benedicte A Lie, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, David A van Heel, Staffan Nilsson, Ludvig M Sollid, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
Genes and immunity - 2008 -
[Discrimination in access to health care of undocumented migrants results in suffering and death. The new law proposal a threat against the patients, the health care and the
Henry Ascher, Anders Björkman, Lars Kjellström, Tor Lindberg
Läkartidningen - 2008 -
[Clearing conference about children with refusal
Henry Ascher, Torgny Gustavsson
Läkartidningen - 2008 -
Association between genotypes and phenotypes in celiac
Audur Gudjonsdottir, S. Nilsson, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, J. Ek, S. S. Amundsen, J. Wahlstrom, Henry Ascher
Poster presentation, International Coeliac Disease Meeting 2007, Maribor, Slovenia - 2007 -
A comprehensive screen for SNP associations on chromosome region 5q31-33 in Swedish/Norwegian celiac disease
Silja Amundsen, Svetlana Adamovic, Åsa Hellqvist, Staffan Nilsson, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, Kristina Larsson, Jan Wahlström, Benedicte Lie, Ludvig M Sollid, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
European Journal of Human genetics - 2007 -
[Health as a human right. Sharp criticism of Sweden by the UN calls for
Henry Ascher
Läkartidningen - 2007 -
Gömda barn i skolan: Varför och hur gör
Anne Sjögren, Henry Ascher
Skolhälsovård - 2006 -
Abnormal fatty acid pattern in intestinal mucosa of children with celiac disease is not reflected in serum
D. M. Steel, Walter Ryd, Henry Ascher, Birgitta Strandvik
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr - 2006 -
Epstein-Barr viremia levels after pediatric liver transplantation as measured by real-time polymerase chain
Carola Kullberg-Lindh, Henry Ascher, Robert Saalman, Michael Olausson, Magnus Lindh
Pediatric transplantation - 2006 -
How do Swedish paediatric clinics diagnose coeliac disease? Results of a nationwide questionnaire
Lars Stenhammar, Lotta Högberg, Lars Danielsson, Henry Ascher, Anders Dannaeus, Olle Hernell, Anneli Ivarsson, Eva Lindberg, Bo Lindquist, Kerstin Nivenius
Association analysis of MYO9B gene polymorphisms with celiac disease in a Swedish/Norwegian
S. S. Amundsen, A. J. Monsuur, M. C. Wapenaar, B. A. Lie, J. Ek, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, C. Wijmenga, L. M. Sollid
Hum Immunol - 2006 -
FOXP3 polymorphisms in type 1 diabetes and coeliac
M. Bjornvold, S. S. Amundsen, L. C. Stene, G. Joner, K. Dahl-Jorgensen, P. R. Njolstad, J. Ek, Henry Ascher, Audur Gudjonsdottir, B. A. Lie, B. Skinningsrud, H. E. Akselsen, K. S. Ronningen, L. M. Sollid, D. E. Undlien
J Autoimmun - 2006 -
Rapes in war: effects on mother-child
Henry Ascher
The asylum seeking child in Europe. Andersson HE, Ascher H, Björnberg U, Mellander L. - 2005 -
The Asylum-seeking Child in
Hans E Andersson, Henry Ascher, Ulla Björnberg, Marita Eastmond, Lotta Mellander
2005 -
[New legislation is against human rights and medical ethics: Health services for asylum seeking
Henry Ascher, Anders Björkman, Goran Bodegård, Lars H Gustafsson, Anders Hjern, Olle Jeppsson, Ingvar Karlsson, Lars Kjellström, Tor Lindberg, Pehrolov Pehrson
Läkartidningen - 2005 -
Characterization of the humoral immune response in two paediatric patients transplanted with split livers from ABO-incompatible living-related donors: appearance of cytomegalovirus-induced ABO
Lennart Rydberg, Henry Ascher, Marie Krantz, Carola Kullberg-Lindh, Michael Olausson, Christian T. Svalander, Michael Breimer
Transfus Med - 2005 -
The risk of celiac disease in 107 families with at least two affected
Audur Gudjonsdottir, Staffan Nilsson, Johan Ek, Bengt Kristiansson, Henry Ascher
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - 2004 -
Nio barn av tio med celiaki missas i
Henry Ascher
Läkartidningen - 2004 -
HLA-DQ relative risks for coeliac disease in European populations: a study of the European Genetics Cluster on Coeliac
P Margaritte-Jeannin, M C Babron, M Bourgey, A S Louka, F Clot, S Percopo, I Coto, J P Hugot, Henry Ascher, L M Sollid, L Greco, F Clerget-Darpoux
Tissue antigens - 2004 -
Intestinal tissue transglutaminase in coeliac disease of children and adults: Ultrastructural localization and variation in
H Skovbjerg, GH Hansen, LL Niels-Christiansen, D Anthonsen, Henry Ascher, G Midhagen, C Hallert, O Noren, H Sjöström
Oats to children with newly diagnosed coeliac disease: a randomised double blind
L. Högberg, P. Laurin, K. Fälth-Magnusson, C. Grant, E. Grodzinsky, G. Jansson, Henry Ascher, L. Browaldh, J.-Å. Hammersjö, E. Lindberg, U. Myrdal, L. Stenhammar
GUT - 2004 -
Genetic analysis of the CD28/CTLA4/ICOS (CELIAC3) region in coeliac
S. S. Amundsen, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Henry Ascher, J Ek, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Jan Wahlström, B. A. Lie, L. M. Sollid
Tissue antigens - 2004 -
Candidate gene region 2q33 in European families with coeliac
Päivi Holopainen, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, S Moodie, S Percopo, I Coto, F Clot, Henry Ascher, L. M. Sollid, P Ciclitira, L Greco, F Clerget-Darpoux, J Partanen
Tissue antigens - 2004 -
Meta and pooled analysis of European coeliac disease
Marie-Claude Barbron, Staffan Nilsson, Svetlana Adamovic, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Jan Wahlström, Henry Ascher, Paul Ciclitera, Ludvig M Sollid, Jukka Partanen, Luigi Greco, Francoise Clerget-Darpoux
European Journal of Human Genetics - 2003 -
Quantitative analysis of CMV DNA in children the first year after liver
Carola Kullberg-Lindh, Henry Ascher, Marie Krantz, Magnus Lindh
Pediatric transplantation - 2003 -
HLA in coeliac disease families: a novel test of risk modification by the 'other' haplotype when at least one DQA1*05-DQB1*02 haplotype is
A S Louka, Staffan Nilsson, Marita Olsson, B Talseth, B A Lie, J Ek, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, L M Sollid
Tissue antigens - 2002 -
The IL12B gene does not confer susceptibility to coeliac
A S Louka, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, S D'Alfonso, Henry Ascher, I Coto, J Ek, M Giordano, Audur Gudjonsdottir, M Mellai, P Momigliano-Richiardi, S Percopo, L Samuelsson, Jan Wahlström, L Greco, L M Sollid
Tissue antigens - 2002 -
Genome-wide Linkage Analysis of Scandinavian Affected Sib-pairs Supports Presence of Susceptibility Loci for Celiac Disease on Chromosomes 5 and
Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Staffan Nilsson, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Andrew Louka, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, Birgitta Hallberg, Lena Samuelsson, Bengt Kristiansson, Tommy Martinsson, Olle Nerman, Ludvig M Sollid, Jan Wahlström
European Journal of Human Genetics - 2001 -
The CTLA4/CD28 gene region on chromosome 2q33 confers susceptibility to celiac disease in a way possibly distinct from type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune
Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Staffan Nilsson, Lena Samuelsson, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, Bengt Kristiansson, Tommy Martinsson, Olle Nerman, Ludvig M Sollid, Jan Wahlström
Tissue Antigen - 2000