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- Helena Dahlberg
Helena Dahlberg
Senior Lecturer
Learning and Leadership for Health Care ProfessionalsAbout Helena Dahlberg
Helena Dahlberg is an Associate Professor in caring science, a PhD in History of ideas, and a Feldenkrais practitioner and dancer.
Research The research concerns the connection between theory and practice in health, sickness and care. The research is the twilight zone between embodied experience and scientific knowledge, and it is on the border between the theoretical knowledge of approach and method, and how the embodied praxis could develop the theoretical area. It is the doubleness of the body as both subjective and active, active and passive that has interested her, and its concern of the human being in the world. With the starting point in Merleau-Ponty's embodied phenomenology, se speaks about the aspects of the lived body, and how the body in practical movement is affecting and developing the empirical research.
Her research is investigating qualitative methodology and she has been one of the authors in a phenomenological and hermeneutical research approach (Reflective Lifeworld Research), and has written several articles. Her research in methodology has also concerned the openness of the researcher and the controversy between description and interpreting in phenomenological/hermeneutic research approaches.
Teaching Her education concerns qualitative methodology, epistemology and ontology, phenomenology, theory of science and Feldenkrais pedagogy. Her lectures have been both in Sweden and abroad for graduate and undergraduate students in caring science, architecture, physiotherapy and psychology as well as for students in global studies, interactive design and art. She has also lectured in philosophy and history of ideas.
Key words Lived body, theory-praxis, qualitative methodology, qualitative methods, phenomenology, Merleau-Ponty.
The search for meaning in health care inquiries: introducing qualitative meaning
Helena Dahlberg, Karin Dahlberg, Christopher Holmberg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2024 -
Balancing at the Beginning of Words-Revisiting the Idea of Open Awareness in Qualitative
Helena Dahlberg
Qualitative Inquiry - 2022 -
The birthing room and its influence on the promotion of a normal physiological childbirth-a qualitative interview study with midwives in
Anna Andrén, C. Begley, Helena Dahlberg, Marie Berg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2021 -
Open and Reflective Research: Methodological Reflections on the Importance of Body Awareness in Qualitative
Helena Dahlberg
The Art and Science of Embodied Research Design Concepts, Methods and Cases - 2021 -
The lived experiences of healthcare during pregnancy, birth, and three months after in women with type 1 diabetes
Helena Dahlberg, Marie Berg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2020 -
Medical Defibulation as a Possibility-the Experiences of Young Swedish-Somali
Anna Chavez Karlström, Louise Danielsson, Helena Dahlberg
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being - 2020 -
Open and Reflective Lifeworld Research: A Third
Helena Dahlberg, Karin Dahlberg
Qualitative Inquiry - 2020 -
Phenomenology of Science and the Art of Radical
Helena Dahlberg, K. Dahlberg
Qualitative Inquiry - 2020 -
Beyond the absent body-A phenomenological contribution to the understanding of body awareness in health and
Helena Dahlberg
Nursing Philosophy - 2019 -
The question of meaning-a momentous issue for qualitative
Helena Dahlberg, Karin Dahlberg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being - 2019 -
Fænomenologisk filosofi som kundskabsteoretisk grundlag for meningsorienteret
Karin Dahlberg, Helena Dahlberg
Fænomenologi og hermeneutik. Anvendelse og argumentation i sygeplejen - 2019 -
Till frågan om beskrivning eller tolkning, eller; Behöver vi filosofin i den kvalitativa
Helena Dahlberg
Fenomenologi i praktiken. Fenomenologisk forskning i ett skandinaviskt perspektiv / Helena Dahlberg, Sidsel Ellingsen, Bente Martinsen, Susanne Rosberg (red.) - 2019 -
Den fenomenologiska forskningens
Helena Dahlberg, Karin Dahlberg
Fenomenologi i praktiken. fenomenologisk forskning i ett skandinaviskt perspektiv / Helena Dahlberg, Sidsel Ellingsen, Bente Martinsen, Susanne Rosberg (red.) - 2019 -
Fenomenologi i
Helena Dahlberg, Sidsel Ellingsen, Bente Martinsen, Susanne Rosberg
2019 -
Phenomenological philosophy in empirical research – what’s the
Helena Dahlberg
Vid konferensen för Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP), Köpenhamn - 2019 -
Kroppens betydelse i och för fenomenologisk
Helena Dahlberg
Fenomenologi i praktiken - 2019 -
Ecological health and
Helena Dahlberg, Albertine Ranheim
Routledge Handbook of Well-being - 2018 -
Gut Feelings: Towards a Phenomenology of Irritable Bowel
Helena Dahlberg, Ida Björkman
Oral presentation at the International Conference of Phenomenology of Medicine and Bioethics, June 13-15th, 2018 - 2018 -
Towards a new understanding of the lived body in health and
Helena Dahlberg
Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP) 2017 - 2017 -
The breath of life. Patients' experiences of breathing during and after mechanical
H. S. Haugdahl, Helena Dahlberg, P. Klepstad, S. L. Storli
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing - 2017 -
Exclusion/inclusion in healthcare meetings (oral presentation and art installation at Galleri Monitor Valand) PARSE Conference on Exclusion 2017,
Victoria Brattström, Helena Dahlberg, Linda Sternö
Parse Conference 2017 - 2017 -
Gut feelings- towards a phenomenology of irritable bowel
Ida Björkman, Helena Dahlberg
Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference, Quebec, Canada - 2017 -
Ecological health – Revisiting the original ideas of caring
Helena Dahlberg, Albertine Ranheim, Karin Dahlberg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2016 -
Vårdande mellanrum och
Helena Dahlberg, Karin Dahlberg
Teoretiska grunder för vårdande. Maria Arman, Karin Dahlberg, Margaretha Ekebergh (red.) - 2016 -
On the stillness of movement: A reading of Bergson, Sartre, and
Helena Dahlberg
Humanistic Psychologist - 2016 -
Att skapa rum. Om beröring i
Helena Dahlberg, Emma Gran
Kroppsfunktion : en antologi / [redaktör: Frida Sandström] - 2015 -
Karin Dahlberg, Carl-Magnus Stolt, Helena Dahlberg
2015 -
Vad är kött? Kroppen och människan i Merleau-Pontys
Helena Dahlberg
2013 -
On flesh and eros in Sartre´s Being and
Helena Dahlberg
The Humanistic psychologist - 2012 -
On flesh and eros in Sartre´s Being and
Helena Dahlberg
Phenomenology of Eros - 2012 -
Vikten av kropp. Frågan om kött och människa i Maurice Merleau-Pontys Le visible et
Helena Dahlberg
2011 -
Reflective Lifeworld
Karin Dahlberg, Helena Dahlberg, Maria Nyström Pettersson
2008 -
Patients longing for authentic personal care: A phenomenological study of violent encounters in psychiatric
Gunilla Carlsson, Karin Dahlberg, Margaretha Ekebergh, Helena Dahlberg
Issues in Mental Health Nursing - 2006 -
Idéhistorikern som
Helena Dahlberg
I skuggan av samtiden. En vänbok till Sven-Eric Liedman och Amanda Peralta - 2006 -
Being a Fleshy Part of Nature. An Understanding of Merleau-Ponty's Revolution of Philosophy through his Reading of
Helena Dahlberg
International philosophical symposium, Florens, Italien - 2005 -
Description vs. interpretation--a new understanding of an old dilemma in human science
Karin M E Dahlberg, Helena Dahlberg
Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals - 2004 -
To not make definite what is indefinite. A phenomenological analysis of perception and its epistemological
Helena Dahlberg, K. Dahlberg
Journal of the Humanistic Psychologist - 2003 -
The debate between dualism and the in-between -an analysis of the philosophical and political quarrel between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty during the years 1945 to
Helena Dahlberg
22nd International Human Science Research Conference, Stockholm - 2003 -
To not make definite what is indefinite: A phenomenological analysis of perception and its epistemological consequences in human science
Helena Dahlberg
21st International Humans Science Conference, Victoria, Canada - 2002