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- Kerstin Johannesson
Kerstin Johannesson
Senior Researcher
Department of Marine SciencesAbout Kerstin Johannesson
Professor in Marine Ecology and Director of Tjärnö Marine Laboratory.
Visiting address:
Department of Marine Sciences, Tjärnö Marine Laboratory, Strömstad
Research Interests
My professional interest is evolution and the mechanisms generating locally adapted populations, ecotypes and species. A main focus in my research is the study of adaptation over environmental gradients and the evolution of barriers to gene flow under divergent selection.
In my studies I use marine organisms, such as snails of the genus Littorina (periwinkles) and seaweeds of the genus Fucus (wrack). In collaboration with colleagues, I apply genetic and genomic tools, field and laboratory experiments, and modelling.
Research Activities
CeMEB - The Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology
A ten-year research centre initiated by me and funded by the research councils VR and Formas during 2008-2019. Currently the centre is run as a network with minor funding from the university. The centre has provided 8 new reference genomes and more than 500 publications on marine evolutionary biology.
Please visit www.cemeb.science.gu.se
Evolution and speciation in marine snails (Littorina)
1980- ongoing Originally, my graduate student project, but today a large collaborative research project on the evolutionary ecology, genetics and genomics of Littorina saxatilis and L. fabalis. With a draft genome, a gene map and large numbers of resequenced snails, we explore parallel ecotype formation and genetic clines formed over hybrid zones in these snails. A new and interesting finding is that much of the divergence between ecotypes is hosted by several inversions. All this work is done in close collaboration with Roger Butlin, Anja Westram, Rui Faria, Marina Rafajlovic and many others.
Funding: Swedish Research Council VR (since 1987).
Evolution and conservation genetics of brown seaweed (Fucus)
2004-ongoing This project was initiated to address the taxonomic status of a dwarph morph of Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosus. When we applied genetic analyses, the dwarf morph unveiled a separate species, Fucus radicans. This species is endemic to the Baltic Sea and a major perennial seaweed in the north. We have also discovered that a unique trait of Baltic Sea fucoids is cloning, which is important knowledge in conservation and management of these species. I run this project together with Ricardo Pereyra and in collaboration with many others.
Funding: Swedish Research Council, Formas (2004-2011), BONUS-BaltGene (2009-2011), BONUS-Bambi (2014-2017), MARFOR (2017-2019).
Earlier Research Activities
BaltGene – Baltic Sea Genetic Biodiversity
2009-2011 (KJ coordinator, 20 researchers involved from 7 universities in 4 countries) A multidisciplinary research project under the BONUS programme with focus on describing the population genetic structure of 8-10 Baltic Sea species. The program produced more than 40 scientific publications (all listed on the web page), 5 PhD thesis, and a web-tool providing guidelines for end users. Funding: BONUS EEIG, 1.6 m€
MARBIPP - Marine Biodiversity, Patterns and Processes
2001-2006 (KJ coordinator, 35 Swedish researchers involved from 5 research organizations) This was a broad research program with the objective of producing new knowledge and end-user friendly advices in the area of marine coastal biodiversity. The program dealt mainly with five coastal biotopes; seagrass beds, macroalgal forests, shallow sandy bottoms, mussel beds and deep coral reefs. The program produced more than 80 scientific publications, 9 PhD thesis (see www.marbipp.tmbl.gu.se) and web-tool guidelines for end-users (see www.marbipp.se). Funding: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 35 million SEK
EUMAR - European Marine Genetic Biodiversity
2001-2004 (KJ coordinator, 30 EU researchers involved from 5 countries) Research program addressing conservation genetics of marine invertebrate species of coastal Europe, with special emphasis on mechanisms that generated genetic structures in macro algae, seagrasses, snails, limpets, and barnacles. Collaborating partners from Italy (2 partners), Spain (1 partner), Belgium (1 partner), UK (2 partners). This program produced about 70 scientific publications and 5 PhD theses. Funding: 5th FP European Union, 1.8 million EURO.
Scientific publications
A selection of recent publications (for more recent publications download my CV)
Johannesson K, Le Moan A, Perini S, André C. A Darwinian laboratory of multiple contact zones. Trends in Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2020.07.015
Nunez JCB, Stephen Rong S, Damian-Serrano A, Burley JT, Elyanow RG, Ferranti DA, Neil KB, Glenner H, Alm Rosenblad M, Blomberg A, Johannesson K, Rand DM. Ecological load and balancing selection in circumboreal barnacles. Molecular Biology and Evolution (in press)
Kinnby A, Jonsson PR, Ortega-Martinez O, Töpel M, Pavia H, Pereyra RT, Johannesson K. 2020. Combining an ecological experiment and a genome scan show idiosyncratic responses to salinity stress in local populations of a seaweed. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:470.
Westram AM, Faria R, Butlin RK, Johannesson K. 2020. Inversions and evolution. eLS_A29007
Morales H, Faria R, Johannesson K, Larsson T, Panova M, Westram AM, Butlin RK. 2019. Genomic architecture of parallel ecological divergence: beyond a single environmental contrast. Science Advances 5:eaav9963
Faria R, Johannesson K, Butlin RK, Westram AM. 2019. Evolving inversions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34:239-248. (Equal contribution all authors, KJ corresponding author.)
Faria R, Chaube P, Morales H, Larsson T, Lemmon AR, Lemmon EM, Rafajlovic M, Panova M, Ravinet M, Johannesson K, Westram AM, Butlin RK. 2019. Multiple chromosomal rearrangements in a hybrid zone between Littorina saxatilis ecotypes. Molecular Ecology 28:1375-1393.
Westram AM, Rafajlovíc M, Chaube P, Faria R, Larsson T, Panova M, Ravinet M, Blomberg A, Mehlig B, Johannesson K, Butlin R, 2018. Clines on the seashore: The genomic architecture underlying rapid divergence in the face of gene flow. Evolution Letters 2:297-309
Jonsson PR, Kotta J, Andersson HC, Herkul K, Virtanen E, Nyström Sandman A, Johannesson K, 2018. High climate velocity and population fragmentation may constrain climate-driven range shift of the key habitat former Fucus vesiculosus in the Baltic Sea. Diversity and Distribution 24:892–905
Reusch TBH, Dierking J, Andersson HC, Bonsdorff E, Carstensen J, Casini M, Czajkowski M, Hasler B, Hinsby K, Hyytiäinen K, Johannesson K, Jomaa S, Jormalainen V, Kuosa H, Kurland S, Laikre L, MacKenzie BR, Margonski P, Melzner F, Oesterwind D, Ojaveer H, Refsgaard JC, Sandström, Schwarz G, Tonderski K, Winder M, Zandersen M, 2018. The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal ocean. Science Advances 2018;4:eaar8195.
Rafajlović M, Kleinhans D, Gulliksson C, Fries J, Johansson D, Ardehed A, Sundqvist L, Pereyra RT, Mehlig B., Jonsson PR, Johannesson K, 2017. Neutral processes forming large clones during colonisation of new areas. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30:1544-1560.
Johannesson K and Butlin R. 2017. What explains rare and conspicuous colours in a snail? - A test of time-series data against models of drift, migration or selection. Heredity 118:21–30. doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.77
Johannesson K. 2015. What can be learnt from a snail? Evolutionary Applications 9:153-165 doi: 10.1111/eva.12277
Butlin RK, Saura M, Charrier G, Jackson B, André C, Caballero A, Coyne JA, Galindo J, Grahame JW, Hollander J, Kemppainen P, Martínez-Fernández M, Panova M, Quesada H, Johannesson K, Rolán-Alvarez E. 2014. Parallel evolution of local adaptation and reproductive isolation in the face of gene flow. Evolution 68:935-949.
Johannesson K, Panova M, Kemppainen P, Rolán-Alvarez E, André C and Butlin RK 2010. Repeated evolution of reproductive isolation in a marine snail - unveiling mechanisms of speciation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (Biology) 365:1735-1747.
Highly cited earlier publications (google scholar statistics)
Reusch TBH, Dierking J, Andersson HC, Bonsdorff E, Carstensen J, Casini M, Czajkowski M, Hasler B, Hinsby K, Hyytiäinen K, Johannesson K, Jomaa S, Jormalainen V, Kuosa H, Kurland S, Laikre L, MacKenzie BR, Margonski P, Melzner F, Oesterwind D, Ojaveer H, Refsgaard JC, Sandström, Schwarz G, Tonderski K, Winder M, Zandersen M, 2018. The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal ocean. Science Advances 4:eaar8195. (Cited 114 times)
Johannesson K & André C 2006. Life on the margin - genetic isolation and diversity loss in a peripheral marine ecosystem, the Baltic Sea. Molecular Ecology 15:2013-2029. This publication was chosen by the Faculty of 1000 Biology. (Cited 405 times)
Tatarenkov A, Bergström L, Jönsson RB, Serrao EA, Kautsky L and Johannesson K 2005. Intriguing asexual life in marginal populations of the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. Molecular Ecology 14:647-651. (Cited 135 times)
Johannesson K 2001 Parallel speciation: a key to sympatric divergence. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16:148-153 (Cited 106 times)
Johannesson K, Johannesson B & Lundgren U 1995 Strong natural selection causes microscale allozyme variation in a marine snail. Proc. Nat. Acad.Sci., USA 92:2602-2606. (Cited 153 times)
Johannesson K, Rolán-Alvarez E & Ekendahl A 1995 Incipient reproductive isolation between two sympatric morphs of the intertidal snail Littorina saxatilis. Evolution 49:1180-1190. (Cited 201 times)
Johannesson K, Johannesson B & Rolán-Alvarez E 1993 Morphological differentiation and genetic cohesiveness over a microenvironmental gradient in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis. Evolution 47:1770-1787. (Cited 222 times)
Johannesson K 1988 The paradox of Rockall: why is a brooding gastropod (Littorina saxatilis) more widespread than one having a planktonic larval dispersal stage (L. littorea)? Marine Biology 99:507-513. (Cited 339 times)
Janson K 1983 Selection and migration in two distinct phenotypes of Littorina saxatilis in Sweden. Oecologia 59:58-61. (Cited 150 times)
Diverse pathways to speciation revealed by marine
Kerstin Johannesson, Rui Faria, Alan Le Moan, Marina Rafajlović, Anja Marie Westram, Roger Butlin, Sean Stankowski
Trends in Genetics - 2024 -
Predicting rapid adaptation in time from adaptation in space: A 30-year field experiment in marine
Diego Garcia Castillo, Nick Barton, Rui Faria, Jenny Larsson, Sean Stankowski, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson, Anja Marie Westram
Strain-specific metabarcoding reveals rapid evolution of copper tolerance in populations of the coastal diatom Skeletonema
Björn Andersson, Olof Berglund, Helena L. Filipsson, Olga Kourtchenko, Anna Godhe, Kerstin Johannesson, Mats H. Töpel, Matthew I. M. Pinder, Lara Hoepfner, Karin Rengefors
Chromosome-scale Genome Assembly of the Rough Periwinkle Littorina
Aurélien De Jode, Rui Faria, Giulio Formenti, Ying Sims, Timothy P. Smith, Alan Tracey, Jonathan M.D. Wood, Zuzanna B. Zagrodzka, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, Erica H Leder
Genome Biology and Evolution - 2024 -
The brittle star genome illuminates the genetic basis of animal appendage
Elise Parey, Olga Ortega-Martínez, Jérôme Delroisse, Laura Piovani, Anna Czarkwiani, David Dylus, Srishti Arya, Samuel Dupont, Michael C. Thorndyke, Tomas Larsson, Kerstin Johannesson, Katherine M. Buckley, Pedro Martinez, Paola Oliveri, Ferdinand Marlétaz
Nature Ecology and Evolution - 2024 -
Coupling of twelve putative chromosomal inversions maintains a strong barrier to gene flow between snail
Alan Le Moan, Sean Stankowski, Marina Rafajlović, Olga Ortega-Martínez, Rui Faria, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson
The genetic basis of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine
Sean Stankowski, Zuzanna B. Zagrodzka, Martin D. Garlovsky, Arka Pal, Daria Shipilina, Diego Garcia Castillo, Hila Lifchitz, Alan Le Moan, Erica H Leder, James Reeve, Kerstin Johannesson, Anja Marie Westram, Roger Butlin
Science (New York, N.Y.) - 2024 -
How chromosomal inversions reorient the evolutionary
Emma L Berdan, Nicholas Barton, Roger Butlin, Brian Charlesworth, Rui Faria, Inês Fragata, Kimberly J. Gilbert, Paul Jay, Martin Kapun, Katie E. Lotterhos, Claire Mérot, Esra Durmaz Mitchell, Marta Pascual, Catherine L. Peichel, Marina Rafajlović, Anja Marie Westram, Stephen W. Schaeffer, Kerstin Johannesson, Thomas Flatt
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2023 -
The molecular background of the aspartate aminotransferase polymorphism in Littorina snails maintained by strong selection on small spatial
Felix Mittermayer, Cecilia Helmerson, Mårten Duvetorp, Kerstin Johannesson, Marina Panova
Gene - 2023 -
Ten years of marine evolutionary biology - challenges and achievements of a multidisciplinary research
Kerstin Johannesson, Erica H Leder, Carl André, Samuel Dupont, Susanne P. Eriksson, Karin C. Harding, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Marlene Jahnke, Per R. Jonsson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Henrik Pavia, Marina Rafajlović, Eva Marie Rödström, Michael C. Thorndyke, Anders Blomberg
Evolutionary Applications - 2023 -
Clones on the run: The genomics of a recently expanded partially clonal
Ricardo T. Pereyra, Marina Rafajlović, Pierre De Wit, Matthew I. M. Pinder, Alexandra Kinnby, Mats H. Töpel, Kerstin Johannesson
Molecular Ecology - 2023 -
Genetic structure and diversity of the seagrass Zostera marina along a steep environmental gradient, with implications for genetic
Stefanie Ries, Ellika Faust, Kerstin Johannesson, Per R. Jonsson, Per-Olav Moksnes, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Marlene Jahnke
Frontiers in Climate - 2023 -
A metabarcoding analysis of the wrackbed microbiome indicates a phylogeographic break along the North Sea-Baltic Sea transition
Emma L Berdan, F. Roger, M. Wellenreuther, Alexandra Kinnby, Gunnar Cervin, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Mats H. Töpel, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, Carl André
Environmental Microbiology - 2023 -
Ecological adaptation in cod and herring and possible consequences of future climate change in the Baltic
L. Andersson, Carl André, Kerstin Johannesson, M. Pettersson
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2023 -
Ten years of demographic modelling of divergence and speciation in the
Aurélien De Jode, Alan Le Moan, Kerstin Johannesson, Rui Faria, Sean Stankowski, Anja Marie Westram, Roger Butlin, Marina Rafajlović, Christelle Fraïsse
Evolutionary Applications - 2022 -
Cross-contamination risks in sediment-based resurrection studies of
Björn Andersson, K. Rengefors, Olga Kourtchenko, Kerstin Johannesson, O. Berglund, H. L. Filipsson
Limnology and Oceanography Letters - 2022 -
Genetic architecture of repeated phenotypic divergence in Littorina saxatilis ecotype
E. L. Koch, M. Ravinet, A. M. Westram, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin
Evolution - 2022 -
An allozyme polymorphism is associated with a large chromosomal inversion in the marine snail Littorina
Alan Le Moan, Marina Panova, Aurélien De Jode, Olga Ortega-Martínez, Mårten Duvetorp, Rui Faria, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson
Evolutionary Applications - 2022 -
Introduction to the theme issue 'Species' ranges in the face of changing
Marina Rafajlović, Jake M. Alexander, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - 2022 -
Marina Rafajlović, Jake M. Alexander, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - 2022 -
Differing associations between sex determination and sex-linked inversions in two ecotypes of Littorina
K. E. Hearn, E. L. Koch, S. Stankowski, Roger Butlin, R. Faria, Kerstin Johannesson, A. M. Westram
Evolution Letters - 2022 -
Very short mountings are enough for sperm transfer in Littorina
Samuel Perini, Roger Butlin, A. Westram, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Molluscan Studies - 2022 -
Combining population genomics with demographic analyses highlights habitat patchiness and larval dispersal as determinants of connectivity in coastal fish
Halvor Knutsen, Diana Catarino, Lauren Rogers, Marte Sodeland, Morten Mattingsdal, Marlene Jahnke, Jeffery A. Hutchings, Ida Mellerud, Sigurd H. Espelund, Kerstin Johannesson, Olivia Roth, Michael M. Hansen, Sissel Jentoft, Carl André, Per Erik Jorde
Molecular Ecology - 2022 -
Local adaptation through countergradient selection in northern populations of Skeletonema
Josefin Sefbom, A. Kremp, P. J. Hansen, Kerstin Johannesson, Anna Godhe, K. Rengefors
Evolutionary Applications - 2022 -
Inversions and parallel
A. M. Westram, R. Faria, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, N. Barton
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences - 2022 -
The rise and fall of an alien: why the successful colonizer Littorina saxatilis failed to invade the Mediterranean
L. Bosso, S. Smeraldo, D. Russo, M. L. Chiusano, G. Bertorelle, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, R. Danovaro, F. Raffini
Biological Invasions - 2022 -
A large chromosomal inversion shapes gene expression in seaweed flies (Coelopa
Emma L Berdan, Claire Mérot, Henrik Pavia, Kerstin Johannesson, Maren Wellenreuther, Roger Butlin
Using replicate hybrid zones to understand the genomic basis of adaptive
Anja M. Westram, Rui Faria, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin
Genetic and morphological divergence between Littorina fabalis ecotypes in Northern
J. Galindo, J. Carvalho, G. Sotelo, Mårten Duvetorp, D. Costa, P. Kemppainen, Marina Panova, A. Kaliontzopoulou, Kerstin Johannesson, R. Faria
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2021 -
Population structure and phylogeography of two North Atlantic Littorina species with contrasting larval
A. M. H. Blakeslee, A. W. Miller, G. M. Ruiz, Kerstin Johannesson, Carl André, Marina Panova
Marine Biology - 2021 -
From tides to nucleotides: Genomic signatures of adaptation to environmental heterogeneity in
J. C. B. Nunez, S. P. Rong, D. A. Ferranti, A. Damian-Serrano, K. B. Neil, H. Glenner, R. G. Elyanow, B. R. P. Brown, Magnus Alm Rosenblad, Anders Blomberg, Kerstin Johannesson, D. M. Rand
Molecular Ecology - 2021 -
Ecological load and balancing selection in circumboreal
Joaquin C B Nunez, Stephen Rong, Alejandro Damian-Serrano, John T Burley, Rebecca G Elyanow, David A Ferranti, Kimberly B Neil, Henrik Glenner, Magnus Alm Rosenblad, Anders Blomberg, Kerstin Johannesson, David M Rand
Molecular biology and evolution - 2021 -
Speciation in marine environments: Diving under the
R. Faria, Kerstin Johannesson, S. Stankowski
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2021 -
Post-glacial establishment of locally adapted fish populations over a steep salinity
Erica H Leder, Carl André, Alan Le Moan, Mats H. Töpel, Anders Blomberg, Jonathan N. Havenhand, K. Lindstrom, Filip Volckaert, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Kerstin Johannesson, Ola Svensson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2021 -
A Darwinian Laboratory of Multiple Contact
Kerstin Johannesson, Alan Le Moan, Samuel Perini, Carl André
Trends in Ecology & Evolution - 2020 -
The evolution of strong reproductive isolation between sympatric intertidal
S. Stankowski, A. M. Westram, Z. B. Zagrodzka, I. Eyres, T. Broquet, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences - 2020 -
Combining an Ecological Experiment and a Genome Scan Show Idiosyncratic Responses to Salinity Stress in Local Populations of a
Alexandra Kinnby, Per R. Jonsson, Olga Ortega-Martínez, Mats H. Töpel, Henrik Pavia, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Kerstin Johannesson
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2020 -
Assortative mating, sexual selection, and their consequences for gene flow in
Samuel Perini, Marina Rafajlović, A. M. Westram, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin
Evolution - 2020 -
Secondary contacts and genetic admixture shape colonization by an amphiatlantic epibenthic
J. Hudson, Kerstin Johannesson, C. D. McQuaid, M. Rius
Evolutionary Applications - 2020 -
Spatial genetic structure in a crustacean herbivore highlights the need for local considerations in Baltic Sea biodiversity
Pierre De Wit, Per R. Jonsson, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Marina Panova, Carl André, Kerstin Johannesson
Evolutionary Applications - 2020 -
Phylogeographic history of flat periwinkles, Littorina fabalis and L.
Graciela Sotelo, Mårten Duvetorp, Diana Costa, Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson, Rui Faria
BMC Evolutionary Biology - 2020 -
Is embryo abortion a post-zygotic barrier to gene flow between Littorina
Kerstin Johannesson, Z. Zagrodzka, R. Faria, A. M. Westram, Roger Butlin
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2020 -
Understanding and bridging the conservation-genetics gap in marine
Annica Sandström, Carina Lundmark, Klas Andersson, Kerstin Johannesson, Linda Laikre
Conservation Biology - 2019 -
Genomic architecture of parallel ecological divergence: Beyond a single environmental
Hernán E. Morales, R. Faria, Kerstin Johannesson, Tomas Larsson, Marina Panova, A. M. Westram, Roger Butlin
Science Advances - 2019 -
Multiple chromosomal rearrangements in a hybrid zone between Littorina saxatilis
R. Faria, P. Chaube, Hernán E. Morales, Tomas Larsson, A. R. Lemmon, E. M. Lemmon, Marina Rafajlović, Marina Panova, M. Ravinet, Kerstin Johannesson, A. M. Westram, Roger Butlin
Molecular Ecology - 2019 -
R. Faria, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, A. M. Westram
Trends in Ecology & Evolution - 2019 -
Factors affecting formation of adventitious branches in the seaweeds Fucus vesiculosus and F.
Alexandra Kinnby, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Pierre De Wit, Per R. Jonsson, Henrik Pavia, Kerstin Johannesson
Bmc Ecology - 2019 -
Integrating experimental and distribution data to predict future species
J. Kotta, J. Vanhatalo, H. Jänes, H. Orav-Kotta, L. Rugiu, V. Jormalainen, I. Bobsien, M. Viitasalo, E. Virtanen, A. N. Sandman, M. Isaeus, S. Leidenberger, Per R. Jonsson, Kerstin Johannesson
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Diet-dependent gene expression highlights the importance of Cytochrome P450 in detoxification of algal secondary metabolites in a marine
Pierre De Wit, Keith Yamada, Marina Panova, Carl André, Kerstin Johannesson
Scientific Reports - 2018 -
Population genomics of parallel evolution in gene expression and gene sequence during ecological
M. J. Rivas, M. Saura, A. Pérez-Figueroa, Marina Panova, T. Johansson, Carl André, A. Caballero, E. Rolán-Alvarez, Kerstin Johannesson, H. Quesada
Scientific Reports - 2018 -
Clines on the seashore: The genomic architecture underlying rapid divergence in the face of gene
A. M. Westram, Marina Rafajlović, P. Chaube, R. Faria, Tomas Larsson, Marina Panova, M. Ravinet, Anders Blomberg, Bernhard Mehlig, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin
Evolution Letters - 2018 -
Bring the ocean to the classroom- introducing experimental studies to teachers with fair or no science
Angela Wulff, Kerstin Johannesson
Exemplary Practices in Marine Science Education, A Resource for Practitioners and Researchers Editors: Géraldine Fauville Diana L. Payne Meghan E. Marrero Annika Lantz-Andersson Fiona Crouch - 2018 -
The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal
T. B. H. Reusch, J. Dierking, H. C. Andersson, E. Bonsdorff, J. Carstensen, M. Casini, M. Czajkowski, B. Hasler, K. Hinsby, K. Hyytiainen, Kerstin Johannesson, S. Jomaa, V. Jormalainen, H. Kuosa, S. Kurland, L. Laikre, B. R. MacKenzie, P. Margonski, F. Melzner, D. Oesterwind, H. Ojaveer, J. C. Refsgaard, A. Sandstrom, G. Schwarz, K. Tonderski, M. Winder, M. Zandersen
Science Advances - 2018 -
High climate velocity and population fragmentation may constrain climate-driven range shift of the key habitat former Fucus
Per R. Jonsson, J. Kotta, H. C. Andersson, K. Herkul, E. Virtanen, A. N. Sandman, Kerstin Johannesson
Diversity and Distributions - 2018 -
Oceanographic barriers to gene flow promote genetic subdivision of the tunicate Ciona intestinalis in a North Sea
Kerstin Johannesson, Anna-Karin Ring, Klara B. Johannesson, Elin Renborg, Per R. Jonsson, Jonathan N. Havenhand
Marine Biology - 2018 -
Adaptation to dislodgement risk on wave-swept rocky shores in the snail Littorina
Guénolé Le Pennec, Roger Butlin, Per R. Jonsson, Ann I. Larsson, Jessica Lindborg, Erik Bergström, Anja Marie Westram, Kerstin Johannesson
PloS one - 2017 -
What explains rare and conspicuous colours in a snail? A test of time-series data against models of drift, migration or
Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin
Heredity - 2017 -
Genetic diversity and
Risto Väinölä, Kerstin Johannesson
Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea (eds: Pauline Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, Hendrik Schubert &Teresa Radziejewska) - 2017 -
Transporting ideas between marine and social sciences: experiences from interdisciplinary research
Lucy M. Turner, Ramachandra Bhatta , Louise Eriander, Lena Gipperth, Kerstin Johannesson, Alin Kadfak, Iddya Karanusagar, Indrani Karanusagar, Per Knutsson, Kristjan Laas, Per-Olav Moksnes, Anna Godhe
Elementa - 2017 -
Comparative mitogenomic analysis of three species of periwinkles: Littorina fabalis, L.obtusata and L.
João P Marques, Graciela Sotelo, Tomas Larsson, Kerstin Johannesson, Marina Panova, Rui Faria
Marine Genomics - 2017 -
Genome architecture enables local adaptation of Atlantic cod despite high
Julia M.I. Barth, Paul R. Berg, Per R. Jonsson, Sara Bonanomi, Hanna Corell, Jakob Hemmer-Hansen, Kjetill S. Jakobsen, Kerstin Johannesson, Per Erik Jorde, Halvor Knutsen, Per-Olav Moksnes, Bastiaan Star, Nils Chr Stenseth, Henrik Svedäng, Sissel Jentoft, Carl André
Molecular Ecology - 2017 -
Reciprocal transplants support a plasticity-first scenario during colonisation of a large hyposaline basin by a marine macro
Daniel Johansson, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Marina Rafajlović, Kerstin Johannesson
BMC Ecology - 2017 -
Neutral processes forming large clones during colonization of new
Marina Rafajlović, David Kleinhans, C. Gulliksson, Johan Fries, Daniel H Johansson, Angelica Ardehed, Lisa Sundqvist, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Bernhard Mehlig, Per R. Jonsson, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2017 -
Shared and nonshared genomic divergence in parallel ecotypes of Littorina saxatilis at a local
Mark Ravinet, Anja Westram, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, Carl André, Marina Panova
Molecular Ecology - 2016 -
Anja Westram, Kerstin Johannesson
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology (ed. Kliman R) - 2016 -
A universal mechanism generating clusters of differentiated loci during
Marina Rafajlović, Anna Emanuelsson, Kerstin Johannesson, Roger Butlin, Bernhard Mehlig
Evolution - 2016 -
Divergence within and among Seaweed Siblings (Fucus vesiculosus and F. radicans) in the Baltic
Angelica Ardehed, Daniel H Johansson, Lisa Sundqvist, E. Schagerstrom, Zuzanna Zagrodzka, N. A. Kovaltchouk, L. Bergstrom, L. Kautsky, Marina Rafajlović, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Kerstin Johannesson
Plos One - 2016 -
Non-random paternity of offspring in a highly promiscuous marine snail suggests postcopulatory sexual
Kerstin Johannesson, Sara H Saltin, Grégory Charrier, Anna-Karin Ring, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Carl André, Marina Panova
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2016 -
What can be learnt from a
Kerstin Johannesson
Evolutionary Applications - 2016 -
No precopulatory inbreeding avoidance in the intertidal snail, Littorina
Terence P.T. Ng, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of molluscan studies - 2016 -
DNA Extraction Protocols for Whole-Genome Sequencing in Marine
Marina Panova, Henrik Aronsson, R. Andrew Cameron, Peter Dahl, Anna Godhe, Ulrika Lind, Olga Ortega-Martínez, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Sylvie V M Tesson, Anna-Lisa Wrange, Anders Blomberg, Kerstin Johannesson
Marine Genomics: Methods and Protocols - 2016 -
The Skeletonema marinoi genome
Mats H. Töpel, Sylvie V M Tesson, Magnus Alm Rosenblad, Tomas Larsson, Alvar Almstedt, Susanna Gross, Kerstin Johannesson, Anders Blomberg, Anna Godhe
EMBO: Molecular life of Diatoms. 7-10 July, Seattle, USA - 2015 -
Complex spatial clonal structure in the macroalgae Fucus radicans with both sexual and asexual
Angelica Ardehed, Daniel H Johansson, E. Schagerstrom, L. Kautsky, Kerstin Johannesson, Ricardo T. Pereyra
Ecology and Evolution - 2015 -
Christian Azar, Göran Finnveden, Kerstin Johannesson, Olof Johansson-Stenman, Anna Ledin, John Munthe, Annika E Nilsson, Annika Nordin, Johan Rockström, Henrik Smith, Sverker Sörlin, Anders Turesson, Marie Vahter
2014 -
Species and gene divergence in Littorina snails detected by array comparative genomic
Marina Panova, T. Johansson, B. Canbäck, J. Bentzer, Magnus Alm Rosenblad, Kerstin Johannesson, A. Tunlid, Carl André
BMC Genomics - 2014 -
Roger Butlin, M. Saura, Grégory Charrier, B. Jackson, Carl André, A. Caballero, J. A. Coyne, J. Galindo, J. W. Grahame, J. Hollander, Petri Kemppainen, M. Martinez-Fernandez, Marina Panova, H. Quesada, Kerstin Johannesson, E. Rolan-Alvarez
Evolution - 2014 -
Variable salinity tolerance in ascidian larvae is primarily a plastic response to the parental
Elin Renborg, Kerstin Johannesson, Jonathan N. Havenhand
Evolutionary Ecology - 2014 -
Characterization of new EST-linked microsatellites in the rough periwinkle (Littorina saxatilis) and application for parentage
Grégory Charrier, Anna-Karin Ring, Emma Johansson, Mikael Dahl, Sara H Saltin, Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson, Carl André
Journal of molluscan studies - 2013 -
Genetic biodiversity in the Baltic Sea: Species-specific patterns challenge
L. Wennerström, L. Laikre, N. Ryman, F. M. Utter, N. I. Ab Ghani, Carl André, J. DeFaveri, Daniel H Johansson, L. Kautsky, J. Merilä, N. Mikhailova, Ricardo T. Pereyra, A. Sandström, A. G. F. Teacher, R. Wenne, A. Vasemägi, M. Zbawicka, Kerstin Johannesson, C. R. Primmer
Biodiversity and Conservation - 2013 -
Snails and their trails: the multiple functions of trail following in
TPT Ng, Sara Hintz-Saltin, MS Davies, Kerstin Johannesson, R Stafford, GA Williams
Biological Reviews - 2013 -
The Effect of Multiple Paternity on Genetic Diversity of Small Populations during and after
Marina Rafajlović, A. Eriksson, Anna Rimark, Sara Hintz-Saltin, Grégory Charrier, Marina Panova, Carl André, Kerstin Johannesson, Bernhard Mehlig
Plos One - 2013 -
Parallel speciation or long-distance dispersal? Lessons from seaweeds (Fucus) in the Baltic
Ricardo T. Pereyra, C. J. Huenchunir, Daniel H Johansson, H. Forslund, L. Kautsky, Per R. Jonsson, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2013 -
Preference of males for large females causes a partial mating barrier between a large and a small ecotype of Littorina fabalis (W. Turton,
Sara H Saltin, Hanna Schade, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Molluscan Studies - 2013 -
Phenotypic variation in sexually and asexually recruited individuals of the Baltic Sea endemic macroalga Fucus radicans: in the field and after growth in a
Kerstin Johannesson, Helena Forslund, Åstrand Capetillo N, Lena Kautsky, Daniel H Johansson, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Råberg Sonja
BMC Ecology - 2012 -
The Littorina Sequence Database (LSD) – an online resource for genomic
Björn Canbäck, Carl André, Juan Galindo, Kerstin Johannesson, Tomas Johansson, Marina Panova, Anders Tunlid, Roger Butlin
Molecular Ecology Resources - 2012 -
Increased resistance towards generalist herbivory in the new range of a habitat-forming
Göran M. Nylund, Ricardo T. Pereyra, Hannah L. Wood, Kerstin Johannesson, Henrik Pavia
Ecosphere - 2012 -
Genetic architecture in a marine hybrid zone: comparing outlier detection and genomic clines analysis in the bivalve Macoma
Pietronella Luttikhuizen, Jan Drent, KTCA Peijnenburg, HW van der Veer, Kerstin Johannesson
Molecular Ecology - 2012 -
Glacial History of the North Atlantic Marine Snail, Littorina saxatilis, Inferred from Distribution of Mitochondrial DNA
Marina Panova, M. H. April, A. Blakeslee, Whitman Miller, Tuuli Mäkinen, Gregory M. Ruiz, Kerstin Johannesson, Carl André
PLoS ONE - 2011 -
Intron sequences of arginine kinase in an intertidal snail suggest an ecotype-specific selective sweep and a gene
Petri Kemppainen, T. Lindskog, Roger Butlin, Kerstin Johannesson
Heredity - 2011 -
Frequent clonality in fucoids (Fucus radicans and Fucus vesiculosus; Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in the Baltic
Kerstin Johannesson, Daniel H Johansson, Karl-Henrik Larsson, C. J. Huenchunir, J. Perus, H. Forslund, L. Kautsky, Ricardo T. Pereyra
Journal of Phycology - 2011 -
The Future of Baltic Sea Populations: Local Extinction or Evolutionary
Kerstin Johannesson, K. Smolarz, M. Grahn, Carl André
Ambio - 2011 -
Extreme female promiscuity in a non-social invertebrate
Marina Panova, Johan Boström, Tobias Hofving, Therese Areskoug, Anders Eriksson, Bernhard Mehlig, Tuuli Mäkinen, Carl André, Kerstin Johannesson
PLoS ONE - 2010 -
Repeated evolution of reproductive isolation in a marine snail - unveiling mechanisms of
Kerstin Johannesson, Marina Panova, Petri Kemppainen, Carl André, Emilio Rolán-Alvarez, Roger Butlin
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Biology - 2010 -
Indiscriminate Males: Mating Behaviour of a Marine Snail Compromised by a Sexual
Kerstin Johannesson, Sara H Saltin, Iris Duranovic, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Per R. Jonsson
Plos One - 2010 -
Are we analyzing speciation without
Kerstin Johannesson
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - 2010 -
Multiple paternity: determining the minimum number of sires of a large
Anders Eriksson, Bernhard Mehlig, Marina Panova, Carl André, Kerstin Johannesson
Molecular Ecology Resources - 2010 -
Rapid speciation in a newly opened postglacial marine environment, the Baltic
Ricardo T. Pereyra, L. Bergstrom, L. Kautsky, Kerstin Johannesson
Bmc Evolutionary Biology - 2009 -
Rödlistor och ekosystemansats – en svårlöst
Kerstin Johannesson
Naturvård bortom 2009. (red. Lars J Lundgren) - 2009 -
Case studies and mathematical models of ecological speciation 3. Ecotype formation in a Swedish
Suzanne Sadedin, Johan Hollander, Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson, Sergey Gavrilets
Molecular Ecology - 2009 -
Complete lack of mitochondrial divergence between two species of NE Atlantic marine intertidal
Petri Kemppainen, Marina Panova, J. Hollander, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2009 -
Inverting the null-hypothesis of speciation: a marine snail
Kerstin Johannesson
Evolutionary Ecology - 2009 -
Kerstin Johannesson, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Per R. Jonsson, Mats Lindegarth, Annika Sundin, Johan Hollander
Evolution - 2008 -
Microsatellite cross-species amplification in the genus Littorina and detection of null alleles in Littorina
Marina Panova, Tuuli Mäkinen, M. Fokin, Carl André, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Molluscan Studies - 2008 -
Genetic differentiation on multiple spatial scales in an ecotype-forming marine snail with limited dispersal: Littorina
Tuuli Mäkinen, Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson, Andrey Tatarenkov, Christin Appelqvist, Carl André
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2008 -
Snabb evolution i
Kerstin Johannesson, Carl André, Lena Kautsky
Forskning och Framsteg - 2007 -
Hierarchical genetic structure in the marine alga Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae) over spatial scales from 10 m to 800
Andrey Tatarenkov, Rita Jönsson, Lena Kautsky, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Phycology - 2007 -
Site-specific genetic divergence in parallel hybrid zones suggests nonallopatric evolution of reproductive
Marina Panova, Johan Hollander, Kerstin Johannesson
Molecular Ecology - 2006 -
Life on the margin: genetic isolation and diversity loss in a peripheral marine ecosystem, the Baltic
Kerstin Johannesson, Carl André
Molecular ecology - 2006 -
Phenotypic plasticity in two marine snails: constraints superseding life
Johan Hollander, M. L. Collyer, D. C. Adams, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2006 -
Evolution of adaptation through allometric shifts in a marine
Johan Hollander, D. C. Adams, Kerstin Johannesson
Evolution - 2006 -
Colonization history of the baltic harbor seals: Integrating archaeological, behavioral, and genetic
T. Härkönen, Karin C. Harding, S. J. Goodman, Kerstin Johannesson
Marine Mammal Science - 2005 -
Local adaptation but not geographical separation promotes assortative mating in a
Johan Hollander, Mats Lindegarth, Kerstin Johannesson
Animal Behaviour - 2005 -
Utmaning att forska om biologisk mångfald: Flera tusen arter i svenska
Kerstin Johannesson
Miljöforskning - 2005 -
Havets nyckelarter måste
Kerstin Johannesson
Bevara arter – till vilket pris? Formas Fokuserar (ref. B. Johansson), Formas, Stockholm. - 2005 -
Biologisk mångfald – inte bara
Kerstin Johannesson
Bevara arter – till vilket pris? Formas Fokuserar (red. B. Johansson), Formas, Stockholm. - 2005 -
Intriguing asexual life in marginal populations of the brown seaweed Fucus
Andrey Tatarenkov, L. Bergström, R. B. Jönsson, E. A. Serrao, L. Kautsky, Kerstin Johannesson
Molecular Ecology - 2005 -
Refuge function of marine algae complicates selection in an intertidal
Petri Kemppainen, Solveig van Nes, Christofer Ceder, Kerstin Johannesson
Oecologia - 2005 -
Genetic and morphological identification of Fucus radicans sp Nov (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in the brackish Baltic
L. Bergstrom, Andrey Tatarenkov, Kerstin Johannesson, R. B. Jonsson, L. Kautsky
Journal of Phycology - 2005 -
Island isolation and habitat heterogeneity correlate with DNA variation in a marine snail (Littorina
Kerstin Johannesson, Joakim Lundberg, Carl André, Per G. Nilsson
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2004 -
Nonallopatric and parallel origin of local reproductive barriers between two snail
E. Rolan-Alvarez, M. Carballo, J. Galindo, P. Moran, B. Fernandez, A. Caballero, R. Cruz, E. G. Boulding, Kerstin Johannesson
Molecular Ecology - 2004 -
Microscale variation in Aat (aspartate aminotransferase) is supported by activity differences between upper and lower shore allozymes of Littorina
Marina Panova, Kerstin Johannesson
Marine Biology - 2004 -
Habitat-related genetic substructuring in a marine snail (Littorina fabalis) involving a tight link between an allozyme and a DNA
Kerstin Johannesson, Natalia Mikhailova
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2004 -
Evolution in Littorina: ecology
Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Sea Research - 2003 -
Selective predation favouring cryptic individuals of marine snails
Kerstin Johannesson, Anette Ekendahl
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2002 -
Incidence of hemocytes and parasites in coastal populations of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) - testing correlations with area, season, and distance to industrial
Lillemor Svärdh, Kerstin Johannesson
Patology - 2002 -
Symbiotic associations between anthozoans and crustaceans in a temperate coastal
Lisbeth G. Jonsson, Tomas Lundälv, Kerstin Johannesson
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2001 -
Parallel speciation: a key to sympatric
Kerstin Johannesson
Trends in Ecology & Evolution - 2001 -
Parallel speciation with allopatry -
Kerstin Johannesson
Trends in Ecology & Evolution - 2001 -
Hybrid fitness seems not to be an explanation for the partial reproductive isolation between ecotypes of Galician Littorina
Kerstin Johannesson, Ann I. Larsson, R. Cruz, C. Garcia, E. Rolan-Alvarez
Journal of Molluscan Studies - 2000 -
Intraspecific physiological variability of the gastropod Littorina saxatilis related to the vertical shore gradient in the White and North
I. M. Sokolova, A. I. Granovitch, V. J. Berger, Kerstin Johannesson
Marine Biology - 2000 -
Digenetic trematodes in four species of Littorina from the west coast of
A. Granovitch, Kerstin Johannesson
Ophelia - 2000 -
Mechanisms of incomplete prezygotic reproductive isolation in an intertidal snail: testing behavioural models in wild
E. Rolan-Alvarez, Johan Erlandsson, Kerstin Johannesson, R. Cruz
J. Evol. Biol. - 1999 -
Micro- and macrogeographic allozyme variation in Littorina fabalis; do sheltered and exposed forms
Andrey Tatarenkov, Kerstin Johannesson
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 1999 -
Size of mudsnails, Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) and H-ventrosa (Montagu), in allopatry and sympatry: conclusions from field distributions and laboratory growth
Johan Grudemo, Kerstin Johannesson
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 1999 -
Migratory differences between ecotypes of the snail Littorina saxatilis on Galician rocky
Johan Erlandsson, E. Rolan-Alvarez, Kerstin Johannesson
Evolutionary Ecology - 1998 -
A comparison of different protocols for RAPD analysis of
N. Mikhailova, Kerstin Johannesson
Hydrobiologia - 1998 -
Evidence of a reproductive barrier between two forms of the marine periwinkle Littorina fabalis
Andrey Tatarenkov, Kerstin Johannesson
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 1998 -
The maintenance of a cline in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis: The role of home site advantage and hybrid
E. Rolan-Alvarez, Kerstin Johannesson, Johan Erlandsson
Evolution - 1997 -
Microdistribution of the polymorphic snail Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) in a patchy rocky shore
Vladimir E. Kostylev, Johan Erlandsson, Kerstin Johannesson
Ophelia - 1997 -
Growth rate differences between upper and lower shore ecotypes of the marine snail Littorina saxatilis (Olivi)
Kerstin Johannesson, E. RolanAlvarez, Johan Erlandsson
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 1997 -
Shell colour variation in Littorina saxatilis Olivi (Prosobranchia : Littorinidae): a multi-factor
Anette Ekendahl, Kerstin Johannesson
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 1997 -
Allozyme variation in a snail (Littorina saxatilis) - Deconfounding the effects of microhabitat and gene
Kerstin Johannesson, Andrey Tatarenkov
Evolution - 1997 -
Low genetic variability in Scandinavian populations of Ostrea edulis L. - possible causes and
Kerstin Johannesson, Eva Marie Rödström, H Aase
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 1989