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- Karin Aijmer
Karin Aijmer
Professor emerita
Institutionen för språk och litteraturerOm Karin Aijmer
My research is mainly concerned with pragmatics and discourse. Some of the issues I am interested in are epistemic modality/evidentiality, pragmatic markers, conversational routines and other fixed phrases. My approach to studying conversational routines (in particular conventionalised speech acts such as thanking and apologies) is to start with a particular function and to use the corpus to show how different realisations are used in different situations and for different goals. Pragmatic markers are studied with a view to how they are used in different situations and varieties of English. Research on modality, evidentiality and pragmatic markers in spoken English also make it necessary to consider the role of prosody and semantic changes both diachronically and as reflected in synchronic flexibility.
My methods are corpus-based and I use both monolingual and multilingual corpora for research. The English-Swedish Parallel Corpus (ESPC) which I have used in my research was originally compiled at the English Department in Lund and has been further developed at the English Department in Gothenburg. A parallel corpus consists of translations in two directions, e.g. between English and Swedish and vice versa. By confronting two (or more languages) we can get a fine-grained picture of similarities and differences between the compared languages. Cross-linguistic studies are valuable because they make it possible to study what is universal in language and what is language-specific. The translations into another language also mirror the meanings and functions of lexical items and constructions in another languages. They can therefore also serve to analyse and disambiguate elements with flexible or context-bound meanings such as pragmatic markers like well or you know.
Both differences and similarities between languages can influence or be reflected in how learners write or speak English. It is therefore interesting to try to link cross-linguistic studies with the analysis of data representing advanced learners’ spoken or written English in learner corpora. A learner corpus consists of electronically stored data of the English written by advanced learners. The learner corpus used to study Swedish advanced learners (SWICLE) is integrated in the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE) and comparisons can be made with other learner groups or with native speakers of English. There is a corresponding Swedish spoken learner corpus (a component of the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI) together with spoken learner corpora collected by other learner groups). The written and spoken learner corpora can provide the data to study for example how advanced learners use pragmatic markers or modal elements differently from advanced learners. The differences are both quantitative and qualitative and can have many different explanations including transfer from the mother tongue.
‘Apparently’ in an English-Swedish cross-linguistic
Karin Aijmer
Nordic Journal of English Studies (NJES) - 2024 -
Corpora and Pragmatics in
Karin Aijmer
The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Translation Studies / Defeng, Li and John Corbett (eds.) - 2024 -
“A contrastive analysis of (-) ish in English and Swedish
Karin Aijmer
Languages in Contrast - 2024 -
Theresa Neumaier. Conversation in World Englishes: Turn-taking and cultural variation in Southeast Asian and Caribbean English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. xvi.288 pp. ISBN
Karin Aijmer
ICAME Journal - 2024 -
Pragmatic approaches to Germanic
Karin Aijmer
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. - 2024 -
The present status and recent trends in corpus-based contrastive
Karin Aijmer
Contrastive corpus linguistics. Patterns and lexicogrammar in discourse / edited by Anna Cermakova, Hilde Hasselgård, Markéta Malá, Denisa Šebestová - 2024 -
Karin Aijmer
The Cambridge Handbook of Language in Context / edited by Jesús Romero-Trillo, - 2023 -
Corpus and
Karin Aijmer
Readings in corpus linguistics. A Teaching and Research Guide for Scholars in Nigeria and Beyond, edited by Foluke Olayinka Unuabonah Rotimi Olanrele Oladipupo and Florence Oluwaseyi Daniel - 2023 -
Looking at grammaticalization from the perspective of short-time changes in real time. A comparative corpus-based study of
Karin Aijmer
De Smet, H., Petré, P. and B. Szmrecsanyi (eds), Context, intent and variation in grammaticalization. - 2023 -
Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Discourse structuring markers in English: A historical constructionalist perspective on pragmatics (Constructional Approaches to Language 33). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2022. Pp. xviii 274. ISBN
Karin Aijmer
English Language and Linguistics - 2023 -
Type nouns in some varieties of
Karin Aijmer
Mihatsch ,W., Hennecke , I., Kisiel , A. ,Alena Kolyaseva ,A., Davidse,K. and L. Brems (eds), Type Noun Constructions in Slavic, Germanic and Romance Languages. Semantics and Pragmatics on the Move. - 2023 -
“Well He’s Sick Anyway Like”: Anyway in Irish
Karin Aijmer
Corpus Pragmatics - 2022 -
Did you just basically steal everything?’ - A study of discourse-pragmatic variation and
Karin Aijmer
Journal of Pragmatics - 2022 -
"Review of Heine, Kaltenböck, Kuteva & Long (2021): The Rise of Discourse
Karin Aijmer
Functions of language - 2022 -
"That is totally not my type of film”– innovations in the intensifier system of UK
Karin Aijmer
Peterson, E. , Hiltunen, T. and J. Kern (eds), Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change in English : Theory, Innovations, Contact - 2021 -
““That’s well good”: A Re-emergent Intensifier in Current British English
Karin Aijmer
Journal of English Linguistics - 2021 -
That's absolutely fine: an investigation of 'absolutely' in the spoken
Karin Aijmer
Corpora and the changing society : studies in the evolution of English / edited by P. Rautionaho, Nurmi, Aa and J. Klemola - 2020 -
Karin Aijmer
The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities, Svenja Adolphs and Dawn Knight (red.) - 2020 -
Sort of and kind of from an English-Swedish
Karin Aijmer
Voices Past and Present - Studies of Involved, Speech-related and Spoken Texts. In honor of Merja Kytö / edited Ewa Jonsson, Tove Larsson. - 2020 -
Contrastive pragmatics and
Karin Aijmer
Contrastive Pragmatics. A cross-disciplinary journal - 2020 -
Challenges in the contrastive study of discourse markers: The case of
Karin Aijmer
Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, edited by Loureda, Óscar, Inés Recio Fernández, Laura Nadal and Adriana Cruz. - 2019 -
‘Ooh whoops I'm sorry! Teenagers' use of English apology
Karin Aijmer
Journal of pragmatics - 2019 -
'What is happening to 'must' in Present-day English?
A contrastive perspective on a declining modal
Karin Aijmer
Sawada, H., Nitta, Y. & Yamanashi, M. (eds) Bamen to shutaisei/shukansei (Situation and subjectivity). - 2019 -
Review of Laurel Brinton. 2017. The evolution of pragmatic markers in English. Pathways of change. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Karin Aijmer
Language - 2018 -
Epistemic must in an English-Swedish contrastive
Karin Aijmer
The Corpus Linguistics Discourse. In honour of Wolfgang Teubert, by Čermáková, Anna and Michaela Mahlberg (eds.) - 2018 -
Corpus pragmatics: From form to
Karin Aijmer
Methods in Pragmatics / edited by Andreas H. Jucker, Klaus P. Schneider, Wolfram Bublitz - 2018 -
Positioning of self in interaction. Adolescents’ use of
Karin Aijmer
Positioning the self and others : linguistic perspectives / edited by Kate Beeching, Chiara Ghezzi, Piera Molinelli - 2018 -
Kate Beeching. Pragmatic markers in British English. Meaning in social interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2016. 255 pp. ISBN:
Karin Aijmer
ICAME Journal/International Computer Archive of Modern English - 2018 -
Review of Juana Isabel Marín Arrese, Gerda Haßler and Marta Carreto (eds), Evidentiality Revisited: Cognitive Grammar, Functional and Discourse-pragmatic Perspectives,Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins,
Karin Aijmer
Discourse Studies - 2018 -
Corpus approaches to contemporary British speech. Sociolinguistic studies of the spoken
Vaclav Brezina, Robbie Love, Karin Aijmer
2018 -
"That’s well bad": Some new intensifiers in spoken British
Karin Aijmer
Corpus approaches to contemporary British speech : sociolinguistic studies of the spoken BNC2014 / edited by Vaclav Brezina, Robbie Love, Karin Aijmer - 2018 -
Intensification with very, really and so in selected varieties of
Karin Aijmer
Corpora and Lexis / editors: Sebastian Hoffmann, Andrea Sand, Sabine Arndt-Lappe and Lisa Marie Dillmann - 2018 -
The Swedish modal auxiliary ska/skall seen through its English
Karin Aijmer
BELLS. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies - 2018 -
Introduction. Contrastive analysis of discourse-pragmatic aspects of linguistic
Karin Aijmer, Diana Lewis
Contrastive Analysis of Discourse-Pragmatic Aspects of Linguistic Genres / edited by Karin Aijmer, Diana Lewis. - 2017 -
The semantic field of obligation in an English-Swedish contrastive
Karin Aijmer
Contrastive analysis of discourse-pragmatic aspects of linguistic genres / Karin Aijmer, Diana Lewis, editors - 2017 -
Contrastive analysis of discourse-pragmatic aspects of linguistic
Karin Aijmer, Diana Lewis
2017 -
"You're absolutely welcome, thanks for the ear": The use of absolutely in American soap
Karin Aijmer
Nordic Journal of English Studies - 2016 -
The Swedish modal particle 'nog': A contrastive
Karin Aijmer
Nordic Journal of English Studies - 2016 -
Modality and mood in functional linguistic
Karin Aijmer
The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood / edited by Jan Nuyts and Johan Van der Auwera - 2016 -
Pragmatic markers as constructions. The case of
Karin Aijmer
Kaltenböck, Gunther, Evelien Keizer and Arne Lohmann (eds.),Outside the Clause. Form and function of extra-clausal constituents. - 2016 -
Revisiting actually in different positions in some national varieties of
Karin Aijmer
Alonso Almeida, Francisco, Cruz García, Laura and González Ruiz Víctor (eds), Corpus-based studies on language varieties - 2016 -
Introduction. Cross-linguistic studies at the Interface between lexis and
Karin Aijmer, Hilde Hasselgård
Karin Aijmer and Hilde Hasselgård (eds), 2015. Cross-linguistic studies at the Interface between lexis and grammar. - 2015 -
Recent changes in the modal area of necessity and
Karin Aijmer
Shaw, P., Erman, B., Melchers, G. and P. Sundkvist (eds), From clerks to corpora: Essays on the English language yesterday and today. Essays in honour of Nils-Lennart Johannesson. - 2015 -
General extenders in learner
Karin Aijmer
Groom, Nicholas, Charles, Maggie and Suganthi John (eds.), Corpora, Grammar and Discourse. In honour of Susan Hunston. - 2015 -
Well in an English-Swedish and English-French contrastive
Karin Aijmer
Beeching, K. and H. Woodfield (eds), Researching sociopragmatic variability.Perspectives from variational, interlanguage and contrastive pragmatics. - 2015 -
"Will you fuck off please”. The use of please by London teenagers.”Jódete por favor”. El uso de please por parte de los adolescents
Karin Aijmer
Pragmatica Sociocultural/Sociocultural Pragmatics - 2015 -
Review of Ursula Lutzky, Discourse Markers in Early Modern
Karin Aijmer
English Text Construction - 2015 -
Quotative markers in a Corpus of English Dialogues
Karin Aijmer
Arendholz, Jenny, Bublitz, Wolfram and Monika Kirner-Ludwig (eds), The pragmatics of quoting now and then - 2015 -
Analysing Discourse Markers in Spoken Corpora: Actually as a Case
Karin Aijmer
Baker, Paul and Tony McEnery (eds), Corpora and discourse studies. Integrating discourse and corpora - 2015 -
Cross-linguistic studies at the interface between lexis and
Karin Aijmer, Hasselgård Hilde
2015 -
’What I mean is’: What is it doing in conversational
Karin Aijmer
The European English Messenger - 2015 -
The Swedish modal particle väl in a contrastive
Karin Aijmer
Nordic Journal of English Studies - 2015 -
Karin Aijmer
Corpus Pragmatics. A Handbook, edited by Karin Aijmer and Christoph Rühlemann - 2014 -
Corpus pragmatics: Laying the
Karin Aijmer, Christoph Rühlemann
Corpus Pragmatics. A Handbook, edited by Karin Aijmer and Christoph Rühlemann - 2014 -
Corpus Pragmatics. A
Karin Aijmer, Christoph Rühlemann
2014 -
Discourse linguistics theory and
Karin Aijmer, A. Fetzer
Functions of Language - 2014 -
I don’t know as a marker of youth
Karin Aijmer
Helgesson, K., Landqvist, H., Lyngfelt, B., Nilsson, och C. Norrby (red.), Fint språk/Good Languge. Festskrift till Lars-Gunnar Andersson - 2014 -
“Discourse linguistics: Theory and practice”.
Karin Aijmer, Anita Fetzer
Special issue of Functions of Languge. Discourse linguistics: theory and practice - 2014 -
Karin Aijmer
The Routledge companion to English Studies, edited by Constant Leung and Brian V. Street - 2014 -
Text-based contrastive
Bengt Altenberg, Karin Aijmer
2013 -
Fried, Miriam, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds). Variation and change. Pragmatic perspectives. Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights 6. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins,
Karin Aijmer
Multilingua - Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication - 2013 -
Looking at 'must' in the English-Swedish Parallel
Karin Aijmer
Language, football and all that jazz : a Festschrift for Sölve Ohlander / Gunnar Bergh, Rhonwen Bowen & Mats Mobärg (eds.) - 2013 -
Analyzing modal adverbs as modal particles and discourse
Karin Aijmer
Discourse markers and modal particles : categorization and description / edited by Liesbeth Degand, Bert Cornillie, Paola Pietrandrea - 2013 -
Swedish 'gärna' and German 'gern(e)' and their English correspondences: A contrastive study at the crossroads of modality and illocutionary
Karin Aijmer, Bengt Altenberg
Languages in Contrast : International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics - 2013 -
The pragmatic markers look and listen in a cross-linguistic
Karin Aijmer, Anna Elgemark
Johannesson, Nils-Lennart, Melchers, Gunnel and Beyza Björkman (eds), Of butterflies and birds, of dialects and genres. Essays in honour of Philip Shaw - 2013 -
Introduction (Advances in corpus-based contrastive
Karin Aijmer, Bengt Altenberg
Aijmer Karin and Bengt Altenberg (eds). 2013. Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics. Studies in Honour of Stig Johansson. - 2013 -
Understanding Pragmatic Markers: A Variational Pragmatic
Karin Aijmer
2013 -
Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics. Studies in honour of Stig
Karin Aijmer, Bengt Altenberg
2013 -
Introducing the pragmatics of
Karin Aijmer, Gisle Andersen
Pragmatics of Society - 2012 -
Pragmatics.An advanced resource book for
Dawn Archer, Karin Aijmer, Anne Wichmann
2012 -
Introducing the pragmatics of
Gisle Andersen, Karin Aijmer
Andersen, Gisle and Karin Aijmer (eds), Pragmatics of Society - 2011 -
Karin Aijmer, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
Discursive Pragmatics, edited by Zienkowski, Jan, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren - 2011 -
Pragmatics of Society. Volume. 5 Handbooks of
Karin Aijmer, Gisle Andersen
2011 -
'Are you totally spy?' A new intensifier in present-day American
Karin Aijmer
Hancil, Sylvie (ed.). Marqueurs discursifs et subjectivité. - 2011 -
Review of Koenraad Kuiper . Formulaic Genres . Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan .
Karin Aijmer
Journal of Sociolinguistics - 2011 -
Karin Aijmer
2011 -
“Well I’m not sure I think… The use of well by non-native speakers”. Errors and Disfluencies in Spoken
Karin Aijmer
Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16:2 (2011) - 2011 -
Please: A politeness formula viewed in a translation
Karin Aijmer
Brno Studies in English. Special issue on Discourse as Function, edited by Jan Chovanek. - 2010 -
How prosody reflects semantic change: A synchronic case study of of course. In: Davidse, K., Vandelanotte, L. and H. Cuyckens (eds). Subjectification, Intersubjectification and
Karin Aijmer, Anne Wichmann, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
Davidse, K., Vandelanotte, L. and H. Cuyckens (eds). Subjectification, Intersubjectification and Grammaticalization.Mouton de Gruyter Berlin - 2010 -
Then - a temporal adverb and a discourse
Karin Aijmer
English philology and corpus studes: A festschrift in honour of Mitsunori Imai to celebrate his seventieth birthday, edited by Shinichori Watanabe and Yukiteru Hosoya. - 2009 -
Parallel and comparable
Karin Aijmer
Corpus Linguistics An International Handbook, edited by Anke Lüdeling and Merja Kytö - 2009 -
The pragmatics of
Karin Aijmer
One language, two grammars? : differences between British and American English - 2009 -
The attention-getting devices look, see and
Karin Aijmer
The Prague School and Theories of Structure - 2009 -
Karin Aijmer, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
Handbook of Pragmatics 2009 installment - 2009 -
Interjections in the COLT
Karin Aijmer
From 'will' to 'well'. Studies in linguistics offered to Anne-Marie Simon- Vandenbergen, edited by Slembrouck, Stef, Taverniers, Miriam and Mieke Van Herreweghe, - 2009 -
The learner corpus: Description and
Karin Aijmer
LULCLII. Lesser Used Languages & Computer Linguistics II. Proceedings of the Second Colloqium on Lesser Used Languages and Computer Linguistics, Bolzen-Bolzano, 13th-14th November 2008, ed. by Verena Lyding. EURAC Research. - 2009 -
Review of Adolphs, S. 2008. Corpus and context. Investigating pragmatic functions in spoken
Karin Aijmer
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics - 2009 -
Review of Wray, Alison. Formulaic Language: Pushing the boundaries. Oxford Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Karin Aijmer
Moderna språk - 2009 -
Review of Christoph Rühlemann. Conversation in Context. A Corpus-Driven Approach.
Karin Aijmer
ICAME Journal. Computers in English Linguistics - 2009 -
"So er I just sort of I dunno I think it's just because...": A corpus study of 'I don't know' and 'dunno' in learner spoken
Karin Aijmer
Corpora: Pragmatics and Discourse. Papers from the 29th International Conference on English Language, edited by Andreas H. Jucker - 2009 -
Does English have modal
Karin Aijmer
Corpus Linguistics Reassessed. Papers from the 27th International Conference on English Language, edited by Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe - 2009 -
Languages in Contrast- Special issue on Contrastive
Karin Aijmer
2009 -
'Seem' and
Karin Aijmer
Functions of languge - 2009 -
Introduction (Corpora and Language
Karin Aijmer
Corpora and Language Teaching, edited by Karin Aijmer - 2009 -
Corpora and Language
Karin Aijmer
2009 -
Parallel and comparable
Karin Aijmer
Corpus Linguistics. An International Handbook, edited by Anke Ladling and Merja Kytö Volume 1 - 2008 -
Pragmatic and discourse-analytic approaches to present-day English.
Karin Aijmer, Anita Fetzer
Special Issue of Journal of Pragmatics - 2008 -
Modal adverbs in interaction-'obviously' and
Karin Aijmer
The Dynamics of Linguistic Variation. Corpus evidence on English past and present - 2008 -
At the interface between grammar and discourse- a corpus-based study of some pragmatic
Karin Aijmer
Pragmatics and Corpus Linguistics. A mutualistic entente, Ed. by Romero-Trillo, Jesús - 2008 -
The actuality adverbs 'in fact', 'actually', 'really' and 'indeed'-establishing similarities and
Karin Aijmer
Proceedings of the BAAL Conference 2007, edited by Martin Edwardes - 2008 -
Set phrases in the national varieties of
Karin Aijmer
Phraseologie : ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung = Phraseology : an international handbook of contemporary research / edited by Harald Burger ... - 2007 -
Argumentation in dialogic media genres. Talk shows and
Gerda Lauerbach, Karin Aijmer
Journal of Pragmatics - 2007 -
Translating discourse particles: A case of complex
Karin Aijmer
Incorporating corpora. The linguist and the translator. Anderman, Gunilla and Margaret Rogers (eds) - 2007 -
The meanings and functions of the Swedish discourse marker alltså— Evidence from translation
Karin Aijmer
Catalan Journal of Linguistics. Special issue Contrastive perspectives on Discourse Markers, ed. by Maria Josep Cuenca. 2007(6): 31-59. - 2007 -
The semantic field of modal certainty. A corpus-based study of English
Karin Aijmer, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
2007 -
Presupposition and 'taking-for-granted' in mass communicated political argument: An illustration from British, Flemish and Swedish political
Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Peter R. White, Karin Aijmer
Political Discourse in the Media, edited by Fetzer, Anita and Gerda Lauerbach. - 2007 -
The discourse functionality of adjectival and adverbial epistemic expressions. Evidence from present-day
Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Karin Aijmer
Functional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse: In Honour of Angela Downing, edited by Butler, Christopher S., Downing, Raquel Hidalgo and Julia Lavid. - 2007 -
Epistemic Possibility in an English-Swedish Contrastive
Karin Aijmer
Teubert, W. & Krishnamurthy, R. (eds). Corpus Linguistics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics - 2007 -
The interface between grammar and discourse: The fact is
Karin Aijmer
Connectives as Discourse Landmarks, edited by Celle, Agnès and Ruth Huart. - 2007 -
Modal adverbs as discourse markers: A bilingual approach to the study of
Karin Aijmer
Connectivity in Discourse, edited by Rehbein, Jochen, Hohenstein, Christiane and Lukas Pietsch. - 2007 -
Review of Paul Baker, Using Corpora in Discourse
Karin Aijmer
ICAME Journal - 2007 -
Dialogue analysis in a cross-linguistic
Karin Aijmer
Theoretical Approaces to Dialogue Analysis, edited by Laurence N. Berlin. Beiträge zur Dialogforschung. - 2007 -
Idiomaticity in a cultural and activity type perspective -conventionalisation of routine
Karin Aijmer
Phraseology and Culture in English, edited by Paul Skandera. Topics in English Linguistics. - 2007 -
Pragmatic markers in translation: a methodological
Karin Aijmer, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Ad Foolen
Approaches to discourse particles - 2006 -
Lines and Traces: Papers presented to Lennart Björk on the occasion of his 70th
Gunilla Florby, Karin Aijmer
2006 -
Pragmatic markers in
Karin Aijmer, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
2006 -
Evaluation and pragmatic
Karin Aijmer
Tognini Bonelli, Elena and Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti (eds) Strategies in academic discourse - 2005 -
New tendencies in translation
Karin Aijmer, Cecilia Alvstad
2005 -
Approaches to Spoken
Karin Aijmer, Anna-Brita Stenström (editor)
Journal of Pragmatics - 2005 -
Rapport från det kontrastiva seminariet med professor Christer Laurén 23 september 2005. Nationalism, internationalism och forskarens
Karin Aijmer
2005 -
Rapport från det kontrastiva seminariet. (10 december 2004). Professor Barbara Seidlhofer 'Contrasting Englishes: native language and lingua
Karin Aijmer
2005 -
Review of Corbett, John 2003. An intercultural approach to English Language
Karin Aijmer
Intercultural Pragmatics - 2005 -
Karin Aijmer
2005 -
Why is of course so frequent in Swedish learners' argumentative
Karin Aijmer
The power of words. Studies in honour of Moira Linnarud.- Granath, Solveig, Milliander, June and Elisabeth Wennö (eds) - 2005 -
Learner corpora and their use in EFL
Karin Aijmer
The Journal of South China Normal University. Selected articles from 'First National Symposium on Corpus Linguistics and EFL education', held at Sourth China Normal University, Guangzhou October 11-13 2004. - 2005 -
Just and
Karin Aijmer
Contexts-Historical, social, linguistic. Studies in celebration of Toril Swan.-McCafferty, Kevin, Bull, Tove and Kristin Killie (eds) - 2005 -
Engelska kan väl
Karin Aijmer, Solveig Granath, David Minugh
2005 -
The discourse marker of course in British political interviews and its Dutch and Swedish counterparts: a comparison of persuasive
Karin Aijmer, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
Dialoge analysis IX: Dialogue in literature and the media: Selected papers from the 9th IADA Conference Salzburg 2003. Part 2. Media. - 2005 -
The fact is–– -an emergent discourse
Karin Aijmer
An International Master of Syntax and Semantics. Papers presented to Aimo Seppänen on the occasion of his 75th birthday.- Bergh, Gunnar, Herriman, Jennifer and Mats Mobärg (eds) - 2004 -
Advances in Corpus Linguistics: papers from the 23rd International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 23), Göteborg 22-26 May
Karin Aijmer, Bengt Altenberg
2004 -
Signe Oksefjell Ebeling: The Norwegian verb 'bli' and 'få' and their correspondences in English. A corpus-based contrastive study. Dr.art-disputas ved Høgskolen i Agder. Kristiansand 27 september 2003. Comments from førsteopponent professor Karin Aijmer, Göteborgs
Karin Aijmer
Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift - 2004 -
Pragmatic markers in spoken
Karin Aijmer
Nordic Journal of English Studies. Specail Issue. - 2004 -
A model and methodology for the study of pragmatic markers: the semantic field of
Karin Aijmer, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
Journal of Pragmatics - 2004 -
Pragmatic markers in spoken
Karin Aijmer
Worlds of Words. A tribute to Arne Zettersten, ed. Cay Dollerup - 2004 -
The influence of English on the languages in the Nordic
Karin Aijmer, Gunnel Melchers
The Nordic Journal of English Studies - 2004 -
Contrast in
Karin Aijmer
Languages in Contrast: International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics - 2004 -
Dialogue Analysis VIII: Understanding and Misunderstanding in Dialogue. Selected Papers from the 8th IADA Conference Göteborg
Karin Aijmer
2004 -
Translation and corpora. Selected papers from the Göteborg-Oslo Symposium 18-19 October
Karin Aijmer, Hilde Hasselgård
2004 -
Discourse patterns in spoken and written
Karin Aijmer, Anna-Brita Stenström
2004 -
Interjections in a contrastive
Karin Aijmer
Emotion in dialogic interaction. - Weigand, Edda (ed.) - 2004 -
The expectation marker 'of course' in a cross-linguistic
Karin Aijmer, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
Languages in contrast. Special issue on functional linguistics and contrastive description. Davidse, Kristin (ed.) - 2004 -
Introduction. Discourse patterns in spoken and written
Karin Aijmer, Anna-Brita Stenström
Discourse patterns in spoken and written corpora. -Aijmer, Karin and Anna-Brita Stenström (eds) - 2004 -
Karin Aijmer, Bengt Altenberg
Advances in corpus linguistics.-Aijmer, Karin and Bengt Altenberg (eds) - 2004 -
The semantic path from modality to aspect: 'be able to' in a cross-linguistic
Karin Aijmer
Corpus approcahes to grammaticalization in English. - Lindquist, Hans and Christian Mair (eds) - 2004 -
Språkens roll i Bolognaprocessen. En rapport från det kontrastiva
Karin Aijmer
2004 -
The interface between perception, evidentiality and discourse particle use-using a translation corpus to study the polysemy of
Karin Aijmer
Tradterm - 2004 -
Discourse particles in contrast: the case of in fact and
Karin Aijmer
Corpus linguistics by the lune. A festschrift for Geoffrey Leech. -eds: Wilson, Andrew, Rayson, Paul and McEnery, Tony - 2003