PHYSBE / Moving On – Physical fitness and Brain – Epidemiological and Interventional studies
Short description
Neurological and psychiatric disorders and cardiovascular disease are main contributors to the global burden of illness and to premature death. To a large extent, these conditions are preventable, with risk factors accumulating over the life course. Most studies on causal factors are conducted in older populations where potentially important influences from early life not can be captured. We have several ongoing cohort studies linked to nationwide Swedish registries including health profiles later in life. We investigate the significance of early risk factors for various chronic diseases. The risk factors we study include occupation, work environment, physical fitness, BMI, and mental health. We are also conducting a large treatment study in primary care within the Västra Götaland Region, called Moving On, for patients with anxiety.
Ongoing projects
Below you will find more information about our current projects.
PHYSBE Steering Group
Researchers (at the Institute of Medicine if nothing else is specified)
- Maria Åberg (chairman), professor
- Margda Waern, professor, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology
- Kjell Torén, professor
- Mia Söderberg, doctor
- Georg Kuhn, professor, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology
- Annika Rosengren, professor
- Magnus Lindwall, professor, Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science and Department of Psychology
- David Åberg, senior lecturer
- Jenny Nyberg, Docent, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology
- Linus Schiöler, Doctor
- Martin Lindgren, Doctor
- Josefina Robertson, Doctor
- Kirsten Mehlig, docent
- Martin Adiels, docent
Moving On steering group
- Maria Åberg, (chairman), professor
- Jenny Nyberg, docent
- Irene Svenningsson, docent
- Ann Blomstrand, docent
- Cecilia Björkelund, professor
- Tine Högberg, adjunct
- Louise Danielsson, docent
- Anna Grimby-Ekman, professor
- Margda Waern, professor
- Annika Rosengren, professor
- Berit Larsson, post-doc
- Malin Henriksson, post-doc
- Elisabeth Staats, phD-student
- Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Doctor
- Berit Larsson, Doctor
- Malin Henriksson, Doctor
- Elisabeth Staats, specialist in family medicine
PhD-project: ”Association with suicidal behavior and common mental disorder versus occupation - a Swedish population-based longitudinal cohort study during 1970-2019” - Johan Sandslätt, resident physician in family medicine. PhD-project: ”Adherence to statin therapy in patients with hypertension in primary care.”
- Agnes af Geijerstam, intern physician. PhD-project: "Risk factors and severity of COVID-19 from a lifetime perspective."