Our research
At the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, we combine research based on statistical analysis of extensive population data with research based on qualitative methods and laboratory investigations. We have several interdisciplinary research groups that engage researchers from various disciplines.
Our research reflects a whole-life perspective. The preschool auditory environment is one example of research geared to the very young. Research on mental ill-health related to the work environment is an example of research focusing on the adult population. We also study public health issues connected with, for instance, alcohol consumption, migration and climate change. In addition, we have research groups with specialist methodological expertise in biostatistics and health economics. Our close research–education collaboration means that many of our researchers are also involved in education — in our popular international Master’s programmes, our freestanding courses and vocational programmes in Sahlgrenska Academy, such as the Medical Programme and the Dietetic Programme.
Research areas in Community Medicine and Public Health
- Biostatistics (External link)
- General Practice (Family Medicine) (External link)
- Global public health (External link)
- Health Economics, Policy and Evaluation Research (External link)
- Insurance medicine (External link)
- Lifecourse epidemiology (External link)
- Medicine use and Pharmaceutical policy (External link)
- Occupational and environmental medicine (External link)
- Register epidemiology (External link)
- Social medicine (External link)
Join us
Are you ready to move on to the next stage of your career? Develop your skills in one of our outstanding research environments. At the Institute of Medicine, we conduct preclinical research in a laboratory environment, clinical research and studies at the population level.
We work closely with healthcare providers and have a large international network of collaborators. The Sahlgrenska Academy Core Facilities also provide access to advanced technical infrastructure and expertise for every researcher.
Read more about working with us