University of Gothenburg
Tre specialistsjuksköterskor neurosjukvård göteborgs universitet
Photo: Göteborgs universitet

Postgraduate specialist nursing

The postgraduate programme in specialist nursing is a second-cycle programme for licensed nurses. The programme leads to a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing and a Master of Science with a specialisation in a certain area of expertise, and also provides a basis for continued second- and third-cycle studies

The programme leads to a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing and a Master of Science with a specialisation in a certain area of expertise, and also provides a basis for continued second- and third-cycle studies.

At the Sahlgrenska Academy, the programme has twelve different specialisations. All specialisations provide expertise for advanced care in person-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality development and patient-safety.


  • anaesthesia care,
  • paediatric and adolescent healthcare
  • intensive care
  • surgical nursing 
  • district nursing 
  • surgical care
  • cardiological care
  • oncological care
  • psychiatric care
  • elderly care
  • diabetes care
  • neurological care 

Application, entrance requirements and selection

 NB: All education is conducted in Swedish.

Applicants must have: a Swedish or Nordic licence to practice nursing, completed the bachelor's degree or equivalent foreign degree in one of the health care sciences major areas, one year of working experience as a nurse. In addition to this, applicants need language skills corresponding to Swedish B and English A.