University of Gothenburg

Completed research projects at GPCC

Person-centredness is the point of departure for all our research projects. These are all of our completed research projects in alphabetical order. Some have links to individual project web pages which include research findings and links to publications.

A study on the connection between symptoms and heart function in the adult congenital heart population

Accountability in person-centred care - Accountability and the practice of person-centred care

Cancer - next-of-kin support

Care4ourselves (C4) - Person-centred information and communication technology (ICT) support to people with chronic heart failure and / or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - A randomized, controlled study

Chronic liver disease - Fatigue in patients with chronic liver disease

Colo-Rectal Cancer Surgery - the PINCORE project, a controlled study.

Evaluation of person-centred care after acute coronary syndrome - A randomized, controlled study.

Evaluation of person-centred care at rheumatic disease

Exploring documentation in a person-centred care pathway for persons with chronic health conditions

Following the process of person-centred care at a medical emergency ward in a Swedish hospital – patients’ and health care professionals’ perspectives

Functional somatic syndrome - Contextualisation of functional symptoms in primary health care

Home-based person-centred care after stroke - a randomized study

HOPE – Help Overcoming Pain Early

IBS, irritable bowel syndrome

Lung disease - Systematization of subjective health changes and objective signs prior to diagnosis with lung disease

Medical education - Learning person-centred care, continuity and multidisciplinary cooperation in medical education

Medication overuse and headache - A qualitative study of psychosocial processes leading to medication overuse in headache

Methods for valid and reliable assessments of personcentred care of older people

Motivation for physical activity Effects of an exercise intervention program in patients with mild cognitive impairment - a self-determined motivational person-centred approach

Myths and conceptions about person-centred care

National and regional governance of person-centred care in Sweden

Neuropsychiatric disorders in children - Child-centred focus: Effectively addressing the interests and needs of the child during neuropsychiatric assessments

Organizing person-centred care in pediatric diabetes - communication, decision making, ethics and health

Patient participation in treatment of hypertension using mobiles - MIHM

Patients' Preference for Participation in Patient Safety Activities

PCPC Person-Centred Psychosis Care

PERHIT - PERson-centredness in Hypertension management using Information Technology

Person-centred care and rehabilitation after acute vertebral compression fracture - a randomized, controlled study.

Person-centred care and the importance of the multidisciplinary cancer team for patients with head and neck cancer

Person-centred care for adults with CHD (PCC-GUCH)

Person-centred care for care providers

Person-centred care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with a moderate to high disease activity- a controlled study.

Person-centred care in European countries – stakeholders, practitioners and researchers' perspectives

Person-centred care in practice with focus on continence - a controlled study.

Person-centred care of pregnant women with BMI over 30, MoObese

Person-centred health promotion to support capability in elderly persons born abroad - implementation and RCT

Person-centred learning and support in children with urinary bladder dysfunction - symptoms and signs, person centering

Person-centred physiotherapy in major depression - a randomized controlled trial

Person-centred, web-based support in pregnancy and early motherhood for women with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled study

Resistance exercise for persons with fibromyalgia

Respiratory patterns

Safe Hands at the Sharp End - implementing aseptic technique in the care of frail persons undergoing acute hip surgery - a prospective controlled implementation study with an embedded process evaluation.

Schizophrenia - Cognition, adherence and stigma - COAST

Stroke - aspects of and relations between patients' perceptions and objective assessments - To explore the perception of problems, autonomy and participation of persons with impaired arm-hand function after stroke and compare this with objective assessments

Supporting participation and autonomy in neurological rehabilitation by a Virtual Reality System - PCC / ICT -services for care with the home as a base

SVENIS - Swedish national inventory of person-centredness, health and quality of life in residential aged care

Translating Person-centred Care from Theory into Practice

Web based learning and support - a person centred care approach in long term illness

Will it nudge: A feasibility study of PCC nudging to increase uptake of PCC practice