Jeanette Tenggren Durkan
About Jeanette Tenggren Durkan
I am the Co-ordinator of, and work with, communication and public engagement at the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred care – GPCC, a post I have held since 2011. GPCC is a national interdisciplinary research centre, which was established in 2010. At GPCC over 200 national and international researchers, clinicians and patients and relatives/carers collaborate in various research, implementation and dissemination projects. I handle the Centre’s internal and external communication, public engagement and events. My work with science communication is most often directed towards specific stakeholder groups, in this case health care decision and policy makers, staff and politicians, as well as patient and user organizations.
- I am the Editor and Writer for GPCC:s web site.
- I the Editor and Writer for our three separate external and internal newsletters.
- I work with the Centre’s social media, where I post information and enable networking on LinkedIn and Facebook.
- I co-ordinate the production of GPCC:s other marketing material, such as images, illustrations, as well as digital and printed information material.
Public engagement:
I initiated and since 2016 co-ordinate the work surrounding GPCC:s Person Council for Patient and Relatives/Carers, which has had major impact on the Centre, and has contributed to GPCC doing very well in external reviews.
I co-ordinate and market the majority of GPCC:s participation at events, from our own internal and external seminars and events, to participation at major national and international arenas and conferences, for example the International Forum for Quality and Safety in Healthcare.