
Person-centred, web-based support in pregnancy and early motherhood for women with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled study

Research project
Inactive research
Project period
2009 - 2014
Project owner
The Institute of Health and Care Sciences, University of Gothenburg

The Diabetes Association, the Health and Medical Care funding of the Region Västra Götaland, the Institute of Health and Care Sciences together with Sahlgrenska Academy and the Centre for Person-Centred Care at the university of Gothenburg GPCC

Short description

The project developed and investigated the effectiveness of a person-centred web-based support programme for women with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy and postpartum. The effects that were measured were well-being and diabetes management.

Short description of main results

The web-based support plus standard care was not superior to standard care in terms of womens´general well-being, self-efficacy, and diabetes management.

In addition to the main study, several sub-studies were conducted.



Berg M*, Linden K*, Adolfsson A, Sparud Lundin C, Ranerup A. Web-Based Intervention for Women With Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy and Early Motherhood: Critical Analysis of Adherence to Technological Elements and Study Design. Journal of medical Internet research. 2018;20(5):e160. (*Equal contributers.)

Linden K, Berg M, Adolfsson A, Sparud-Lundin C. Person-centred, web-based support in pregnancy and early motherhood for women with Type 1 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. 2018;35(2):232-41.

Linden K, Berg M, Adolfsson A, Sparud-Lundin C. Well-being, diabetes management and breastfeeding in mothers with type 1 diabetes - An explorative analysis. Sex Reprod Healthc. 2018;15:77-82.

Carlsson I-M, Berg M, Adolfsson A, Sparud-Lundin C. Reprioritizing life: A conceptual model of how women with type 1 diabetes deal with main concerns in early motherhood. International Journal Of Qualitative Studies On Health And Well-Being. 2017.

Linden K, Sparud-Lundin C, Adolfsson A, Berg M. Well-Being and Diabetes Management in Early Pregnant Women with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2016;13(8).

Adolfsson, A., Arbhede, E., Marklund, E., Larsson, P.-G., & Berg, M. (2015). Miscarriage Evidence Based Information for the Web and Its Development Procedure. Advances in Sexual Medicine, 5(04), 89-110.

Ranerup A, Sparud-Lundin C, Koinberg I, Skärsäter I, Jenholt Nolbris M, Berg M. (2014). Role of Theories in the Design of Web-Based Person-Centered Support - A Critical Analysis. International Journal of Chronic Diseases; Article ID 603047, 9 pages

Adolfsson, A., Linden, K., Sparud-Lundin, C., Larsson, P. G., & Berg, M. (2014). A web based support for pregnant women and new mothers with type 1 diabetes mellitus in Sweden (MODIAB-Web): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 15(1), 513. doi:10.1186/1745-6215-15-513

Sparud-Lundin, C., Josefsson, U., Berg, M., Hellstrom, A.-L., Koinberg, I., Nolbris, M. J., Skarsater, I. (2013). Use of participatory design in the development of person-centred web-based support for persons with long-term illness. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 1(2), 369-380.

Berg, M., Adolfsson, A., Ranerup, A., Sparud-Lundin, C., & for the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care, C. (2013). Person-Centered Web Support to Women with Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy and Early Motherhood—The Development Process. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 15(1), 20-25.

Adolfsson, A., & Jansson, M. (2012). Prototype for Internet support of pregnant women and mothers with type 1 diabetes: focus group testing. Psychol Res Behav Manag, 5, 97-103. doi: 10.2147/prbm.s32799

Linden, K., Berg, M., & Sparud-Lundin, C. (2012). Web-based information for pregnant women and new mothers with type 1 diabetes-a description of the development process. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 12(1), 134.

Sparud-Lundin, C., Ranerup, A., & Berg, M. (2011). Internet use, needs and expectations of web-based information and communication in childbearing women with type 1 diabetes. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 11, 49. doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-11-49


Sparud-Lundin, C. Linden, K. Ranerup, A. Adolfsson, A.  Berg, M. A critical analysis of adherence to technological elements and study design -based on a web-based intervention for women with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy and early motherhood. Nordic Conference in Nursing Research. Methods and Network for the Future, 13-15 June, 2018, Oslo, Norway. (oral presentation).

Linden K, Adolfsson A-S, Sparud Lundin C, Berg M. A midwifery challenge – supporting well - being in early pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. 31st International Confederation of Midwives Triennal Congress, Toronto, Canada 18-22 June 2017, Abstract in proceeding ID: 3373.

Sparud Lundin, C. Berg, M., Jenholt Nolbris, M. et al. (2015). Use of participatory design in the development of person-centred web-based support for persons with long-term illness., 19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference. Stockholm 24-26 Augusti,. s. 52.

Linden, K, Adolfsson, AS, Berg, M,. A woman-centered web-support program during pregnancy and early motherhood for women with type 1 diabetes. The International  Confederation of Midwives. ICM 30th Triennial Congress. 1-5 June 2014 Prague, Czech Republic.

Linden, K. ; Sparud Lundin, C. ; Adolfsson, A-S. et al. (2013). Ongoing Research: A Social and learning Community to Support Self-Management in Childbearing Women with Type 1 diabetes.. Medicine 2.0. 6th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0. London, 23-24 September 2013.

Sparud-Lundin, C., Berg, M., Koinberg, I., Jenholt-Nolbris, M., Skärsäter, I., Ranerup, A. Use of theories in web-based support as a health oriented service for persons with chronic illness. The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services. Body and Mind  22-24 May 2013,  Gothenburg, Sweden. (Poster presentation)

Linden, K., Berg, M., Adolfsson, A., Ranerup, A., Sparud-Lundin, C. (2013) Web-based support as a person-centered and health oriented service for women with type 1 diabetes during pregnancy and early motherhood. The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. Gothenburg, Sweden, May 22-24, 2013 (Poster presentation)

Linden K., Sparud-Lundin C., Adolfsson A., Berg, M. Supporting healthy motherhood – web support to pregnant women and new mothers with type I diabetes. The Swedish Association of Midwives Scientific Conference 2013, Stockholm, Sweden October 23-24, 2013, page 34 (Oral presentation K Lindén)

Linden, K., Sparud-Lundin, C., Berg, M., Adolfsson, A. (2013) Study protocol for evaluating a web-support program with a control group for pregnant women and new mothers with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The 7th International DIP Symposium - Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic syndrome & Pregnancy. Florence, Italy, March 13-16, 2013 (posterpresentation with a poster walk presentation)

Josefsson, U., Berg, M., Hellström, AL., Koinberg, I., Jenholt Nolbris, M., Ranerup, A., Sparud-Lundin, C. & Skärsäter, I. (2012). Web-based support in long-term illness – a person-centred care approach, Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2012, October 2–3, Linköping, Sweden. (MODIAB-Web one of four included cases) (Posterpresentation)

Sparud-Lundin C., Ranerup A., Berg M. (2011). Internet use, needs, and expectations of web-based information and communication in childbearing women with type 1 diabetes. Abstract no 554, Medicine 2.0 – Forth World Congress on Social Media and Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine and Biomedical research. Stanford 16-18 September 2011. (poster presentation).


Berg, M & Sparud-Lundin, C. (2013). Välbefinnande, sjukdomskontroll och amningserfarenheter hos nyblivna mammor med typ 1 diabetes. Diabetolognytt, in press.

Berg M, Sparud Lundin C. Livet som nybliven mamma med typ 1 diabetes. Diabetesbladet 2013;1:14-15.


Linden, K. Women with Type 1 Diabetes during Pregnancy and Postpartum Well-being and Diabetes Management, 2018. Dissertation


Candow, Anna. Gassander Jessica (January 2016). Förekomst och samband mellan amning, stöd och välbefinnande hos mödrar med typ 1 diabetes 2 månader efter förlossningen. Inst vårdvetenskap och hälsa, Göteborgs universitet. 

Arbheden E, Marklund E. (2013) Faktabaserad information till par som drabbats av missfall. Examensarbete inom huvudområdet omvårdnad Master one year, 15 Högskolepoäng. Skövde, Sverige:  Högskolan Skövde.

Lindén, K. (2012). Webbaserad information till gravida kvinnor och nyblivna mödrar med typ 1 diabetes – en beskrivning av utvecklinsprocessen. Examensarbete Master RPH 30 högskolepoäng. Göteborg, Sverige: Göteborgs universitet.

Jansson, M. (2012) MODIAB WEB – Women's testing of prototype for web-support to  pregnant women and mother with type 1 diabetes-focus group interview. Examensarbete inom huvudområdet omvårdnad Master one year, 15 Högskolepoäng. Skövde, Sverige:  Högskolan Skövde.


Sparud-Lundin, A critical analysis of adherence to technological elements and study design – based on a web-based intervention for women with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy and early motherhood. Nordic Conference in Nursing Research. Methods and Network for the Future, 13-15 June, 2018, Oslo, Norway.

Linden Karolina (co-authors:, Adolfsson A-S, Sparud Lundin C, Berg M). A midwifery challenge – supporting well-being in early pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. 31st International Confederation of Midwives Triennal Congress, Toronto, Canada 18-22 June 2017

Sparud-Lundin, C. Stöd vid barnafödande. Diabetesforum, Stockholm 27-28 april 2017. (inbjuden föreläsare).

Sparud-Lundin, C. Becoming a Diabetes Mum. 5th International DiaMind Meeting, 7 April 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenien. (invited speaker and workshop).

Linden, K.; Sparud Lundin, C. ; Adolfsson, A-S. et al. (2013). Ongoing Research: A Social and learning Community to Support Self-Management in Childbearing Women with Type 1 diabetes.. Medicine 2.0. 6th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0. London, 23-24 September 2013.

Linden K., Sparud-Lundin C., Adolfsson A., Berg, M. Supporting healthy motherhood - web support to pregnant women and new mothers with type I diabetes. Reproductive Health; The Swedish Association of Midwives Scientific Conference 2013, Stockholm, Sweden October 23-24



Marie Berg, Professor and University Hospital Consultant Midwife, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, University of Gothenburg

Members of the Research group

Carina Sparud Lundin, Professor, Pediatric Nurse, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, University of Gothenburg 

Annsofie Adolfsson, Lecturer and Midwife, School of Medical Sciences, University of Örebro

Agneta Ranerup, Professor, Department of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenbrug

Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, Ass. Professor and Senior Obstetrician, Institute for Clinical Sciences, University of Gothenburg

P-G Larsson, Professor and Senior Obstetrician, Institution for Care and Nature, University of Skövde 

Karolina Lindén, previous project PhD student, consultant midwife, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, University of Gothenburg