Doctoral Studies
The variation in licentiate and doctoral thesis topics in the department over the years reflects the breadth and complexity of the field of conservation. As a doctoral student in conservation, you can conduct research into the conservation of historical cultural objects, craft studies problems or studies of the diverse values of the built environment and the landscape.
A common feature of our doctoral students’ research projects is that they relate in some way or another to the conservation and development of our cultural heritage. As the field is broad and diverse, a number of different methods, approaches and scientific perspectives, taken from the natural sciences, the humanities, the social sciences and artistic research, are used. Many of the projects are carried out in close collaboration with professional actors in conservation in the community. The third-cycle programme is the equivalent of four years of full-time study and comprises one year of coursework and three years working on a thesis.
Post-Graduate Degree Positions
Admission to post-graduate studies is based on individual application following the announcement of an available position by the Department of Conservation. Available positions are announced on the University of Gothenburg main website .
The admissions process evaluates applicants’ academic qualifications and capacity to make the most of the education. Admission to the education and financial aid are interlinked: students may not begin work until they have secured a guaranteed funding source for the entire course of study.
Industry-Based Post-Graduate Students
There is also a possibility of undergoing a post-graduate studies in the department if the candidate has an employer that is willing to finance his or her studies—that is, if the candidate can complete the program within the framework of his or her employment. In such a case, the employer enters into a contract with the University of Gothenburg. The candidate must be able to pursue his or her post-graduate studies at the rate of at least half time, and the employer must guarantee adequate funding for the entire course of study through the successful thesis defense, which means at least half-time work for a period of eight years (or at least half-time work for four years for a Licentiate of Philosophy degree). Admission as an industry-based post-graduate student requires the same application process as other candidates, with an evaluation of the applicant’s academic qualifications and capacity to make the most of the education.
More information
More about the doctoral studies at the department of Conservation