Leadership at the Department of Conservation
The leadership group comprises the Head of Department, the Deputy Head of Department, the Education Coordinator and the Administrative manager. On this page, you find contact information for everyone in the leadership group.
Head of Department
Anneli Palmsköld
Email: anneli.palmskold@conservation.gu.se
Phone: +46 708-62 88 05

Deputy Head of Department, responsible for research
Feras Hammami
Email: feras.hammami@conservation.gu.se
Phone: +46 31-786 57 00

Assistant Head of Department, responsible for education
Johanna Nilsson
Email: johanna.nilsson@conservation.gu.se
Phone: +46 31-786 37 06

Administrative Manager
Lars Runnquist
Lars supervises and coordinates the administrative staff within the areas of research, human resources, economy, education, and communication. Lars is also responsible for staffing questions in education.
Email: lars.runnquist@conservation.gu.se
Phone: +46 31-786 93 60