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- Miranda Rocksén
Miranda Rocksén
Assistant Head of Department
Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional StudiesSenior Lecturer
Unit for Subject Matter Education with specialization in Science and Technology EducationSenior Lecturer
ManagementAbout Miranda Rocksén
My research interest is to better understand the communication during teaching and learning, with a primary focus on the science subjects: biology, physics and chemistry. I work with analysing video-recordings made in classroom settings and in my research I seek to capture, map and better understand specific aspects of this interaction, for example communicative strategies, structures and patterns of activity.
I teach in various courses for becoming teachers, mostly under the teaching and learning of science.
Currently, I work in two research projects. ÄMNOS, which is a research collaboration with a pre-scool and school, aiming for developing models for teaching topics in the natural sciences. The project is part of ULF - Pilot operation on practise-oriented school research. In the second project is about issues of sustainability in science and technology teacher education. This is a research collaboration between universitites in Sweden and South Africa financially supported by STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education; VR, The Swedish Research Council and Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare.
The role of peers, artifacts, and environment in technical problem-solving: Studying a group of engineering students constructing
Miranda Rocksén, Maria Berge
European Journal of Engineering Education - 2025 -
Developing Subject Specific Didactic Models – Tools for Teaching Practice and Didactic
Miranda Rocksén, Marlene Sjöberg, Eva Nyberg, Maria Åström
European Conference on Educational Research, ECER, Glasgow 22 - 25 August - 2023 -
Displaying uncertainty in collaborative interaction: a turning point in students' making sense of SSI
Anne Solli, Miranda Rocksén
Narst International Conference - Reflecting on reform, April 18-21, Chicago - 2023 -
Känslor och estetik i förskolans
Eva Nyberg, Miranda Rocksén, Nada Baker, Cecilia Silverhagen Camacho
NorDiNa : Nordic Studies in Science Education - 2022 -
Culturally embodied learning as instructional practices in science education: Different contexts and different
Emmanuel Mushayikwa, Miranda Rocksén, Sakyiwaa Danso Boateng, Samuel Khoza, Git Börjesson
Science and Technology Teacher Education in the Anthropocene Addressing Challenges in the North and South / In M. Rocksén, E. Vhurumuku, M. Svensson, E. Mushayikwa & A. Msimanga (Eds), - 2022 -
Science and technology teacher education in a global world: Concluding
Elaosi Vhurmuku, Miranda Rocksén, Maria Svensson, Audrey Msimanga, Emmanuel Mushayikwa
Science and Technology Teacher Education in the Anthropocene Addressing Challenges in the North and South / In M. Rocksén, E. Vhurumuku, M. Svensson, E. Mushayikwa & A. Msimanga (Eds), - 2022 -
Linguistic opportunities and challenges of teaching science for sustainability in multilingual
Audrey Msimanga, Miranda Rocksén, Anna Maria Hipkiss
Science and Technology Teacher Education in the Anthropocene Addressing Challenges in the North and South / In M. Rocksén, E. Vhurumuku, M. Svensson, E. Mushayikwa & A. Msimanga (Eds), - 2022 -
Sustainability and science and technology teacher education: A review of the
Miranda Rocksén, Elaosi Vhurumuku, Maria Svensson
Science and Technology Teacher Education in the Anthropocene Addressing Challenges in the North and South. / M. Rocksén, E. Vhurumuku, M. Svensson, E. Mushayikwa & A. Msimanga (Eds) - 2022 -
Science and Technology Teacher Education in the Anthropocene Addressing Challenges in the North and
Miranda Rocksén, Elaosi Vhurmuku, Maria Svensson, Emmanuel Mushayikwa, Audrey Msimanga
2022 -
En kartläggning av forskning om lärande och undervisning om energi: implikationer för
Anne Solli, Miranda Rocksén, Maria Svensson, Dawn Sanders, Maria Åström
Praktiknära skolforskning FND 2022 - 2022 -
Introduction to the
Miranda Rocksén, Elaosi Vhurmuku, Maria Svensson, Emmanuel Mushayikwa, Audrey Msimanga
Science and Technology Teacher Education in the Anthropocene Addressing Challenges in the North and South / In M. Rocksén, E. Vhurumuku, M. Svensson, E. Mushayikwa & A. Msimanga (Eds), - 2022 -
Handling uncertainty in the case of vaccines: students' challenges in interpreting online
Anne Solli, Miranda Rocksén
ESERA Online Conference 2021, 30/8 - 3/9 - 2021 -
Pupils building with ball and stick: a narrow analysis of laboratory work in school
Marie Ståhl, Miranda Rocksén
The Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education NFSUN 2021: Science Education in the light of Global Sustainable Development – Trends and possibilities, digital konferens 1-2/6 2021, Århus - 2021 -
Känslor och estetik i förskolans
Eva Nyberg, Cecilia Silverhagen Camacho, Nada Baker, Miranda Rocksén
Presentation på den digitala konferensen: FND 2020 "Flerspråkighet och multimodalitet i naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik", 11-12 nov, Svensk förening för forskning i naturvetenskapernas didaktik. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. - 2020 -
Language challenges in initial science teacher education: exploring the cases of South Africa and
Miranda Rocksén, Audrey Msimanga, Anna Maria Hipkiss
Presentation på den digitala konferensen: FND 2020 "Flerspråkighet och multimodalitet i naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik", 11-12 nov, Svensk förening för forskning i naturvetenskapernas didaktik. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet - 2020 -
Samverkan kring Ämnesdidaktiska modeller för naturvetenskapligt innehåll i flerspråkig miljö: aktivitetssystem i
Miranda Rocksén, Katarina Zupancic
Presentation på den digitala konferensen: FND 2020 "Flerspråkighet och multimodalitet i naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik", 11-12 nov, Svensk förening för forskning i naturvetenskapernas didaktik. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet - 2020 -
Ämnesdidaktiska modeller för de naturorienterande ämnena i förskola och grundskola: ett samarbetsprojekt mellan lärare, forskare, lärarutbildare, lärarstudenter, barn och
Miranda Rocksén, Eva Nyberg
Konferensen Forskning pågår, Göteborg, 30 okt 2019 - 2019 -
Approaching dialogue in a sequence of lessons about evolution: science classroom communication on
Miranda Rocksén
Symposium 21: Dialogical Perspectives in Science Education: Approaching Dialogue in Contemporary Science Classrooms, ESERA Conference 2019, 26-30/8 Bologna, Italy - 2019 -
Symposium 21: Dialogical Perspectives in Science Education: Approaching Dialogue in Contemporary Science
Miranda Rocksén, Anne Solli
Symposium conducted at 2019 European Science Education Research Association Conference in Bologna, Italy, August 26-30, 2019 - 2019 -
Ämnesdidaktiska modeller för de naturorienterande ämnena i förskola och grundskola: ett projekt inom den nationella försöksverksamheten kring praktiknära
Miranda Rocksén, Eva Nyberg, Katarina Zupancic
Forum för forskningsbaserad NT-undervisning, Norrköping, 17-18 oktober 2019 - 2019 -
Kurslitteraturens forskningsanknytning på
Miranda Rocksén, Djamila Fatheddine, Elisabeth Ohlsson , Charlotte Nilsson
Vetenskaplighet i högre utbildning. Exempel från lärarutbildningen. Franck, Olof (red.) - 2019 -
Jämföra molekylbilder kan förbättra undervisning om kemisk
Miranda Rocksén
Nationellt centrum för naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik (NATDID) - 2019 -
Teaching and learning in the science classroom: The methodological challenges of
Miranda Rocksén
In C. Osbeck, Å. Ingerman, S. Claesson (Eds), Didactic classroom studies - A potential research direction - 2018 -
Den anatomiska dissektionens roll för undervisning och lärande om/i anatomi och
Bjørn Friis Johannsen, Miranda Rocksén, Eva Nyberg
Friis Johannsen, B., Rocksén, M. & Nyberg, E. (2018). Den anatomiska dissektionens roll för undervisning och lärande om/i anatomi och kirurgi. Presentation på FND 2018, Forskning i naturvetenskapernas didaktik, Malmö, 7-8/11. - 2018 -
Phases of interaction in relation to problem-solving: an approach to the analysis of a project-organised engineering
Miranda Rocksén, Maria Berge, Eva Silfver, Allison Gonsalves
ESERA SIG “Video‐based research of teaching and learning processes”, biannual meeting, Giessen, Germany, Nov 23th-24th. - 2018 -
Universeum i
Miranda Rocksén
Kemilärarnas informationsbrev - 2018 -
Finding the 'Rhythm' in a Science Classroom: Analysing Teacher's Spatial Positions and the Interaction During
Miranda Rocksén
Finlayson, O.E., McLoughlin, E., Erduran, S., & Childs, P. (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2017 Conference. Research, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education, Part 3/3 (co-ed. Sabine Fechner & André Tiberghien) - 2018 -
Course Literature In The Field Of Tension Between Academic And Professional Practice: What Is Included And What Is
Djamila Fatheddine, Miranda Rocksén, Charlotte Nilsson, Elisabeth Ohlsson
ECER 2018, Bolzano - 2018 -
Research Collaboration in Science and Technology Teacher Education in the
Maria Svensson, Miranda Rocksén, Elaosi Vhurumuku
presented roundtable at XVIII IOSTE SYMPOSIUM "Future Educational Challenges from Science and Technology Perspectives", August 13-17, 2018 Malmö , Sweden - 2018 -
Learning study in initial teacher
Ann-Marie Von Otter, Jan Landström, Miranda Rocksén
Presentation at 2018 Sweden-Norway-South Africa Joint Workshop: Collaboration in Science and Technology Teacher Education in the Anthropocene, 10th-12th August, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2018 -
Didaktiska klassrumsstudier – Innebörder, styrkor och
Christina Osbeck, Miranda Rocksén
Presentation vid Nationell konferens om den praktiknära skolforskningens teori och praktik, 24 maj 2018, Stockholm - 2018 -
Spänningsfältet mellan akademi och profession: en studie av kurslitteratur i tre
Djamila Fatheddine, Charlotte Nilsson, Elisabeth Ohlsson , Miranda Rocksén
Forskning om högre utbildning, 15-16 maj 2018, Lunds universitet - 2018 -
The use of examples in school science: Developing an analytical tool to enable a discussion in science teacher
Gerd Johansen, Miranda Rocksén, Birgitte Bjønness
NorDiNa : Nordic Studies in Science Education - 2018 -
Undervisning om hållbar utveckling ger
Miranda Rocksén
ATENA Didaktik - 2017 -
The Temporality of Participation in School Science: Coordination of Teacher Control and the Pace of Students’
Miranda Rocksén
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2017 -
A Topical Trajectory on Survival: an Analysis of Link-Making in a Sequence of Lessons on
Miranda Rocksén, Clas Olander
Research in Science Education - 2017 -
Developing awareness of 'illustrative examples' in science teaching practices: the case of the
Miranda Rocksén, Gerd Johansen, Birgitte Bjønness
Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education (NFSUN) 7-9/6 2017, Trondheim, Norway. - 2017 -
Finding the ’rhythm’ in a science classroom: analysing teacher’s spatial positions and the interaction during
Miranda Rocksén
in Krabbe, H. Methodologies and Methods in video based research of teaching and learning processes. Invited symposia at ESERA Conference 2017, August 21th-25th, Dublin, Ireland. - 2017 -
The word ”explanation” in science education – and the writing of an
Miranda Rocksén
Invited seminar, UmSER – Umeå Science Education Research, Jan 24, 2017. Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Umeå University - 2017 -
Ups and downs and around: Doing physics at the
Miranda Rocksén, Git Börjesson
Presentation at ETEN 2017, annual conference for the European Teacher Education Network, Gothenburg, Sweden, 20-22/4 2017. - 2017 -
The many roles of "explanation" in science education: a case
Miranda Rocksén
Cultural Studies of Science Education - 2016 -
Lärare i naturvetenskapliga ämnen: se upp med
Miranda Rocksén
Nationellt centrum för naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik (NATDID) - 2016 -
Analysing teachers’ physical positions and phases in science classroom activity:
a comparison between classrooms 1967 and
Miranda Rocksén
ESERA SIG “Video‐based research of teaching and learning processes”, biannual meeting, Paris, Nov 24th-26th. - 2016 -
Att förstå ämnesundervisningens ögonblick och
Miranda Rocksén
i Osbeck, Ingerman & Claesson (red) Didaktik i klassrumsstudier – Vad är det och vad kan dess bidrag vara? Symposium vid konferensen Forskning pågår 2016-11-02, Göteborg. - 2016 -
Reasoning in a Science
Miranda Rocksén
2015 -
Exploring science literacy
Miranda Rocksén
Språk, diskurs och identitet: Ämnesdidaktisk forskning inom molekylärvetenskaperna, Niklas Gericke (red.) - 2014 -
The many roles of 'explanation' in science education: a video-based study of teacher
Miranda Rocksén
ESERA 2013 Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus - 2013 -
Science Enacted in Everyday Life: Studies of On-line and Classroom
Miranda Rocksén
2012 -
Scientific Literacy in the Blogosphere- blog texts discussing inheritance, disease and
Miranda Rocksén
The ESERA Conference "Science Learning and Citizenship", European Science Education Research Association, Program booklet, 5-9 Sep 2011, Lyon, France. - 2011 -
Communicating about
Birgitta Frändberg, Miranda Rocksén, Anne Solli, Karin Thörne, Sara Wahlberg
ESERA 2009 CONFERENCE Istanbul, Turkey - 2009