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- Marie Kivi
Marie Kivi
Affiliated Researcher
Department of PsychologyAbout Marie Kivi
I have previously had the roles of project leader of the research project HEARTS, HEalth Aging and Retirement Transitions in Sweden and Project leader and Deputy Secretary General for the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region 9th Congress, 2019 in Gothenburg.
PhD in december 2015 defending the thesis "Internet-based Treatment of Depression in Primary Care: Effectiveness and Feasibility"
Graduated as a psychologist 2005, focusing on Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Earned my license as a clinical psychologist 2006 working under supervision at a psychiatric outpatient ward. 2007-2016 employed as a primary care psychologist at a primary care center within Närhälsan, Primary Care Västra Götaland. Studied Information and Computer Science 1987-1990.
Research interests
My current main research interest is aging and life-transitions, as well as psychological treatments in late life.
I am a member of the research group Lifespan Development Lab (LIFELAB),
My dissertation emanates from the research-project PRIM-NET and investigates the effectiveness and feasibility of the implementation of Internet-based treatment for depression in primary care.
Older adults’ preferences and behaviour during warm weather and heatwaves in the urban environment: A case study in southwestern
Jessika Lönn, Sandra Lujic, Fredrik Lindberg, Isabelle Hansson, Pär Bjälkebring, Susanne Gustafsson, Marie Kivi, Sofia Thorsson
Sustainable Cities and Society - 2025 -
Effekter av samtalsbehandling för män som utövar våld i nära
Marie Kivi, Miriam Hansen
2024 -
Heat wave resilience in aging populations: insights from a Swedish interdisciplinary
Isabelle Hansson, Pär Bjälkebring, Susanne Gustafsson, Marie Kivi, Jessika Lönn, Fredrik Lindberg
Nordic Congress of Gerontology (27NKG), Stockholm, Sweden, June 12–14, 2024 - 2024 -
Between- and within-person longitudinal associations between personality traits and social support across relationships during older
Patrick L Hill, Gabrielle N Pfund, Mathias Allemand, Marie Kivi, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Isabelle Hansson
European Journal of Personality - 2024 -
Depressive symptoms across the retirement transition in men and women: associations with emotion regulation, adjustment difficulties and work
Sara Hed, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Margda Waern
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Well-Being of Older Adults in Sweden: Longitudinal Trajectories from 2015 to
Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Pär Bjälkebring
British Society of Gerontology 52nd Annual Conference, Norwich, United Kingdom, July 5-7, 2023 - 2023 -
Gabrielle Pfund, Patrick Hill, Mathias Allemand, Marie Kivi, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Isabelle Hansson
The Gerontological Society of America's 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, United States, November 2-6, 2022 - 2022 -
Future time perspective and personality trait change during the retirement transition: Insights from a six-wave longitudinal study in
Patrick L. Hill, Marie Kivi, Isabelle Hansson, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Mathias Allemand
Psychology and Aging - 2022 -
Who benefits from a prolonged working life? Findings in the HEalth, Aging and Retirement Transitions in Sweden (HEARTS)
Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson
Nordic Congress of Gerontology (26NKG), Odense, Denmark, June 8–10, 2022 - 2022 -
Dismantling, optimising, and personalising internet cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis using individual
T. A. Furukawa, A. Suganuma, E. G. Ostinelli, G. Andersson, C. G. Beevers, J. Shumake, T. Berger, F. W. Boele, C. Buntrock, P. Carlbring, I. Choi, H. Christensen, A. Mackinnon, J. Dahne, M. J. H. Huibers, D. D. Ebert, L. Farrer, N. R. Forand, D. R. Strunk, I. D. Ezawa, E. Forsell, V. Kaldo, A. Geraedts, S. Gilbody, E. Littlewood, S. Brabyn, H. D. Hadjistavropoulos, L. H. Schneider, R. Johansson, R. Kenter, Marie Kivi, C. Bjorkelund, A. Kleiboer, H. Riper, J. P. Klein, J. Schroder, B. Meyer, S. Moritz, L. Bucker, O. Lintvedt, P. Johansson, J. Lundgren, J. Milgrom, A. W. Gemmill, D. C. Mohr, J. Montero-Marin, J. Garcia-Campayo, S. Nobis, A. C. Zarski, K. O'Moore, A. D. Williams, J. M. Newby, S. Perini, R. Phillips, J. Schneider, W. Pots, N. E. Pugh, D. Richards, I. M. Rosso, S. L. Rauch, L. B. Sheeber, J. Smith, V. Spek, V. J. Pop, B. Unlu, K. M. P. van Bastelaar, S. van Luenen, N. Garnefski, V. Kraaij, K. Vernmark, L. Warmerdam, A. van Straten, P. Zagorscak, C. Knaevelsrud, M. Heinrich, C. Miguel, A. Cipriani, O. Efthimiou, E. Karyotaki, P. Cuijpers
Lancet Psychiatry - 2021 -
Basic psychological need satisfaction across the retirement transition: Changes and longitudinal associations with depressive
Andreas Stenling, Georg Henning, Pär Bjälkebring, Susanne Tafvelin, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
Motivation and Emotion - 2021 -
Up and About: Older Adults’ Well-being During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Swedish Longitudinal
Marie Kivi, Isabelle Hansson, Pär Bjälkebring
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences - 2021 -
Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Network
Eirini Karyotaki, Orestis Efthimiou, Clara Miguel, Frederic Maas Genannt Bermpohl, Toshi A. Furukawa, Pim Cuijpers, Heleen Riper, Vikram Patel, Adriana Mira, Alan W. Gemmil, Albert S. Yeung, Alfred Lange, Alishia D. Williams, Andrew Mackinnon, Anna Geraedts, Annemieke Van Straten, Björn Meyer, Cecilia Björkelund, Christine Knaevelsrud, Christopher G. Beevers, Cristina Botella, Daniel R. Strunk, David C. Mohr, David D. Ebert, David Kessler, Derek Richards, Elizabeth Littlewood, Erik Forsell, Fan Feng, Fang Wang, Gerhard Andersson, Heather Hadjistavropoulos, Heleen Christensen, Iony D. Ezawa, Isabella Choi, Isabelle M. Rosso, Jan Philipp Klein, Jason Shumake, Javier Garcia-Campayo, Jeannette Milgrom, Jessica Smith, Jesus Montero-Marin, Jill M. Newby, Juana Bretón-López, Justine Schneider, Kristofer Vernmark, Lara Bücker, Lisa B. Sheeber, Lisanne Warmerdam, Louise Farrer, Manuel Heinrich, Marcus J.H. Huibers, Marie Kivi, Martin Kraepelien, Nicholas R. Forand, Nicky Pugh, Nils Lindefors, Ove Lintvedt, Pavle Zagorscak, Per Carlbring, Rachel Phillips, Robert Johansson, Ronald C. Kessler, Sally Brabyn, Sarah Perini, Scott L. Rauch, Simon Gilbody, Steffen Moritz, Thomas Berger, Victor Pop, Viktor Kaldo, Viola Spek, Yvonne Forsell
JAMA Psychiatry - 2021 -
Towards an active and happy retirement? Changes in leisure activity and depressive symptoms during the retirement
Georg Henning, Andreas Stenling, Allison Bileak, Pär Bjälkebring, Alan J. Gow, Marie Kivi, Graciela Muniz-Terrera, B Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
Aging and Mental Health - 2021 -
Gender differences in resources related to depressive symptoms during the early years of retirement: A Swedish population-based
Sara Hed, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Margda Waern
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2020 -
Transitioning from face-to-face treatment to iCBT for youths in primary care – therapists’ attitudes and
Sandra Weineland, Rasmus Ribbegårdh, Marie Kivi, Andreas Bygdell, Anna Larsson, Kristofer Vernmark, Josefine Lilja
Internet Interventions - 2020 -
Going web or staying paper? The use of web-surveys among older
S. Kelfve, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
BMC Medical Research Methodology - 2020 -
Att arbeta vidare efter 65 – vem gör det och
Isabelle Hansson, Linn Elena Zulka, Marie Kivi, Linda Hassing, Boo Johansson
2020 -
The Role of Personality in Retirement Adjustment: Longitudinal Evidence for the Effects on Life
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
Journal of personality - 2020 -
Preretirement Work Motivation and Subsequent Retirement Adjustment: A Self-Determination Theory
Georg Henning, Andreas Stenling, Susanne Tafvelin, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
Work, Aging and Retirement - 2019 -
Clinical outcomes in the routine evaluation of psychotherapy given by trainees: Effects on clients’ inter-personal problems and psychological
Helene Ybrandt, Kristina Berglund, Catarina Strid, Marie Kivi, Jens Knutsson
International Journal of Psychotherapy - 2019 -
The Role of Personality in Retirement Adjustment: Longitudinal Effects on Life
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, Texas, USA, November 13-17, 2019 - 2019 -
Cost-effectiveness analysis of internet-mediated cognitive behavioural therapy for depression in the primary care setting: results based on a controlled
Anna Holst, Cecilia Björkelund, Alexandra Metsini, Jens-Henrik Madsen, Dominique Hange, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Maria Christina Eriksson, Marie Kivi, Per-Åke Andersson, Mikael Svensson
BMJ open - 2018 -
Do guided internet-based interventions result in clinically relevant changes for patients with depression? An individual participant data
Eirini Karyotaki, David Daniel Ebert, Liesje Donkin, Heleen Riper, Jos Twisk, Simone Burger, Alexander Rozental, Alfred Lange, Alishia D Williams, Anna Carlotta Zarski, Anna Geraedts, Annemieke van Straten, Annet Kleiboer, Björn Meyer, Burçin B Ünlü Ince, Claudia Buntrock, Dirk Lehr, Frank J Snoek, Gavin Andrews, Gerhard Andersson, Isabella Choi, Jeroen Ruwaard, Jan Philipp Klein, Jill M Newby, Johanna Schröder, Johannes A C Laferton, Kim Van Bastelaar, Kotaro Imamura, Kristofer Vernmark, Leif Boß, Lisa B Sheeber, Marie Kivi, Matthias Berking, Nickolai Titov, Per Carlbring, Robert Johansson, Robin Kenter, Sarah Perini, Steffen Moritz, Stephanie Nobis, Thomas Berger, Viktor Kaldo, Yvonne Forsell, Nils Lindefors, Martin Kraepelien, Cecilia Björkelund, Norito Kawakami, Pim Cuijpers
Clinical psychology review - 2018 -
Patients' experiences of a computerised self-help program for treating depression - a qualitative study of Internet mediated cognitive behavioural therapy in primary
Anna Holst, Shabnam Nejati, Cecilia Björkelund, Maria Christina Eriksson, Dominique Hange, Marie Kivi, Carl Wikberg, Eva-Lisa Petersson
Scandinavian journal of primary health care - 2017 -
The impact of internet-based cognitive behavior therapy on work ability in patients with depression - a randomized controlled
Dominique Hange, Nashmil Ariai, Marie Kivi, Maria Christina Eriksson, Shabnam Nejati, Eva-Lisa Petersson
International Journal of General Medicine - 2017 -
Psychological health in the retirement transition: Rationale and first findings in the HEalth, Ageing and Retirement Transitions in Sweden (HEARTS)
Magnus Lindwall, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Pär Bjälkebring, Sandra Buratti, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing, Georg Henning, Marie Kivi, Stefanie König, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
Long-term effects of Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in primary care - the PRIM-NET controlled
Maria Christina Eriksson, Marie Kivi, Dominique Hange, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Nashmil Ariai, Per Häggblad, Hans Ågren, Fredrik Spak, Ulf Lindblad, Boo Johansson, Cecilia Björkelund
Scandinavian journal of primary health care - 2017 -
Experiences of staff members participating in primary care research activities: a qualitative
Dominique Hange, Cecilia Björkelund, Irene Svenningsson, Marie Kivi, Maria Christina Eriksson, Eva-Lisa Petersson
International Journal of General Medicine - 2015 -
Experiences and attitudes of primary care therapists in the implementation and use of internet-based treatment in Swedish primary care
Marie Kivi, Maria Christina Eriksson, Dominique Hange, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Cecilia Björkelund, Boo Johansson
Internet Interventions - 2015 -
Comparison Between the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale–Self and the Beck Depression Inventory II in Primary
Carl Wikberg, Shabnam Nejati, Maria E H Larsson, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Jeanette Westman, Nashmil Ariai, Marie Kivi, Maria Christina Eriksson, Robert Eggertsen, Dominique Hange, Amir Baigi, Cecilia Björkelund
The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders - 2015 -
Assessment of cognitive performance online: A first report from the “Health, Aging and Retirement Transition in Sweden” – HEARTS
Georg Henning, Pär Bjälkebring, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Sandra Buratti, Linda Hassing, Marie Kivi, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
Third International Conference on Aging & Cognition. Dortmund, Germany, 23-25 April. - 2015 -
Internet-based Treatment of Depression in Primary Care: Effectiveness and
Marie Kivi
2015 -
Internet-based Treatment of Depression in Primary Care: Does it work and what do therapists think of
Marie Kivi
2015 -
Internet-Based Therapy for Mild to Moderate Depression in Swedish Primary Care: Short Term Results from the PRIM-NET Randomized Controlled
Marie Kivi, Maria Christina Eriksson, Dominique Hange, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Kristofer Vernmark, Boo Johansson, Cecilia Björkelund
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - 2014 -
Internet therapy for Depression in Primary Care – a Randomized Controlled
Marie Kivi, Maria Eriksson, Dominique Hange, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Boo Johansson, Cecilia Björkelund
13th European Congress of Psychology - 2013 -
Internet therapy for depression in primary care - a
Marie Kivi, Maria Eriksson, Dominique Hange, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Kristofer Vernmark, Boo Johansson, Cecilia Björkelund
European Society for Research on Internet Internvention (ESRII) 2013 - 2013 -
Experiences and perceptions of Primary Health Care staff participating in scientific research in the
Dominique Andersson-Hange, Irene Svenningsson, Cecilia Björkelund, Maria Eriksson, Marie Kivi, Eva-Lisa Petersson
“Crossing Borders in Primary Care”. The Future of Primary health Care in Europe IV. Gothenburg 3-4 September, 2012 - 2012 -
Internet therapy for depression in Primary Care
Marie Kivi, M. Eriksson, Dominique Hange, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Boo Johansson, Cecilia Björkelund
IVth Biannual European forum for primary care (EFPC) Conference: Crossing Borders in Primary Care. 3-4 September 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2012