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- Johan Woxenius
Johan Woxenius
Department of Business AdministrationAbout Johan Woxenius
Johan Woxenius is professor of Maritime Transport Management and Logistics at University of Gothenburg since 2008. He received the degrees of M.Sc. (Industrial engineering), PhD and associate professor/docent at Chalmers University of Technology. His main research field is maritime and intermodal freight transport and the research covers sustainability, industrial organisation, production systems, traffic designs and information systems. Increasingly, he engages in urban freight research. He teaches a course on shipping in the M.Sc. in Logistics and Transport Management, contributes with lectures in various other courses and supervises MSc theses.
He leads the university’s part of the maritime research and education programme Lighthouse and the Area of Advance Transport, and he is engaged in the logistics research centre Northern LEAD, all run together with Chalmers University of Technology.
Johan Woxenius is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, on the scientific advisory boards of research funding organisations, associate editor of the journal Transport Reviews, on the editorial boards of journals and he frequently serves the expert evaluator. He is also member of the Scientific Committee of the World Conference on Transport Research Society, DB Schenker’s strategic advisory board and of the research and innovation platform CLOSER.
He has published in the journals: Built Environment, Computers in Industry, European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, European Transport - International Journal of Transport Economics, Engineering and Law, Growth & Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Journal of Shipping and Trade, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, Logistik-Management, MarIus, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Research in Transportation Economics, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, Sustainability, Transport, Transport Policy, Transport Reviews, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment and World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research.
On other web sites
Research areas
- Maritime transport
- Intermodal freight transport
- Transport system sustainability
- Urban freight transport
- Logistics
Teaching areas
- Shipping
- Intermodal freight transport
- Logistics
Personality and grocery hoarding during a
John Magnus Roos, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
International Journal of Personality Psychology - 2024 -
Low degree of Agreeableness as a predictor of grocery hoarding in
Magnus Roos, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
Nordic retail and wholesale conference 2024, Helsingborg, 5-7 November - 2024 -
Advancing regional freight planning: A strategic policy
Michael Browne, Sam McLeod, Johan Woxenius
In: Tavasszy, L., Browne, M., Piecyk, M. (Eds.), Advances in Transport Policy and Planning - 2024 -
Förstudie om juridiken och logistiken för Just-in-time som del av smarta
Shipping in the EU emissions trading system: implications for mitigation, costs and modal
Jonas Flodén, Lars Zetterberg, A. Christodoulou, Parsmo Rasmus, Erik Fridell, Julia Hansson, Johan Rotzén, Johan Woxenius
Climate Policy - 2024 -
Analysing the changed supply chain rules during the acute phase of
Martin Svanberg, Johan Woxenius, Sara Rogersson, Patrik Jonsson
European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Barcelona, 29 Juni-3 Juli - 2024 -
Remember the pandemic? Analyzing long-term implications for actors in international supply
Martin Svanberg, Johan Woxenius, Sara Rogerson, Patrik Jonsson
36th Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics (NOFOMA), Stockholm, 13-14 Juni - 2024 -
Comparing flexibility-based measures during different disruptions: evidence from maritime supply
Sara Rogerson, Martin Svanberg, Ceren Altuntas Vural, Sönke von Wieding, Johan Woxenius
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management - 2024 -
International container shipping through the Covid-19 pandemic - Disruptions from a Swedish
Ceren Altuntas Vural, Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Johan Woxenius, Sara Rogerson, Martin Svanberg
2024 -
Risk in Transporting Dangerous Goods via RoRo and RoPax
Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
Regulation of Risk - Transport, Trade and Environment in Perspective - 2023 -
Digital transformation of maritime logistics: Exploring trends in the liner shipping
Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius, Ceren Altuntas Vural, Mikael Lind
Computers in industry - 2023 -
Customer-driven Sustainable Business Practices and their relationships with Environmental and Business Performance - Insights from the European Shipping
Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius
Business Strategy and the Environment - 2023 -
Sandra Haraldson, Mikael Lind, Zeeshan Raza, Fredrik Olindersson, Johan Woxenius
2023 -
Sustainable port-city interactions in Medium and Low Income
Johan Woxenius
World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2023), Montreal, 17-21 July - 2023 -
Grocery hoarding in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for
John Magnus Roos, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2023), Montreal, 17-21 July - 2023 -
Consumers’ perceived food supply chain resilience in urban and rural areas during crisis - Evidence from grocery hoarding during the COVID-19
Jonas Flodén, John Magnus Roos, Johan Woxenius
World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2023), Montreal, 17-21 July - 2023 -
The concept of the sustainable port – ports becoming enablers of sustainability in transports and
Sandra Haraldson, Mikael Lind, Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius, Fredrik Olindersson
2023 -
Case study: Coastal shipping in sub-Saharan
Abisai Konstantinus, Johan Woxenius
Case Studies on Transport Policy - 2022 -
Impact of including maritime transport in the EU
Julia Hansson, Lars Zetterberg, Johan Rootzén, Rasmus Parsmo, Erik Fridell, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius, Zeeshan Raza, Anastasia Christodoulou, Dimitrios Dalaklis, Aykut Ölcer
2022 -
The impact of EU-ETS on RoRo and RoPax
Jonas Flodén, Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius, Anastasia Christodoulou
IAME 2022, International Association of Maritime Economists Conference 2022, September 14-16 - 2022 -
Grocery hoarding during the Covid 19 pandemic - Personality and supply chain
John Magnus Roos, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
ECP2022, European Association of Personality Psychology, Madrid 12-15 July - 2022 -
Myndigheters roll för urban vattenburen
Sönke Behrends, Johan Woxenius, Jon Williamsson, Michael Browne
2022 -
CEOs’ understanding of blockchain technology and its adoption in export-oriented companies in West Sweden: a
Viktor Elliot, Jonas Flodén, Conny Overland, Zeeshan Raza, Miroslaw Staron, Johan Woxenius, Abhinayan Basu Bal, Trisha Rajput, Gerardo Schneider, Gunnar Stefansson
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing - 2021 -
A stakeholder analysis of actors and networks for land transport of dangerous
Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2021 -
Urban Freight Flow Estimation Model with Limited Data: The Case of Delhi
Leeza Malik, Geetam Tiwari, Udayin Biswas, Johan Woxenius
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review - 2021 -
The effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the Swedish shipping industry and its resilience capabilities - Part 1 – the acute phase March 2020 – May
Ceren Altuntas Vural, Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Johan Woxenius
2021 -
Modal shift to inland waterway transport: Five case studies in the North Sea
Vendela Santén, Sara Rogerson, Jon Williamsson, Johan Woxenius
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research - 2021 -
Where to open maritime containers?: A decision model at the interface of maritime and urban
Yann Bouchery, Johan Woxenius, Rickard Bergqvist
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research - 2021 -
BRAVE ECO – Benchmark for Reduction of Anchoring Vessels’ Emissions – Enabling Change of
Rasmus Parsmo, Fredrik Rauer, Johan Woxenius, Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Lars-Göran Malmberg, Kent Salo, Josefine Kristiansson, Ludvig Wall, Valeria Betancur, Carlos Florez, Arthur Therman, Fredrik Wass
2021 -
Maritime Route Planning
Johan Woxenius
Vickerman, R. (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Transportation, 1st Edition, vol. 5 - 2021 -
Säkrare transporter av farligt gods – Ett förslag till
Therese Bäckman, Thomas Erhag, Jonas Flodén, Lars-Göran Malmberg, Pär Meiling, Urban Nuldén, Kalevi Pessi, Ann-Sophie Sallander, Johan Woxenius
2021 -
Säkrare transporter av farligt gods genom transparent informationshantering och
Therese Bäckman, Thomas Erhag, Jonas Flodén, Lars-Göran Malmberg, Pär Meiling, Urban Nuldén, Kalevi Pessi, Ann-Sophie Sallander, Johan Woxenius
2021 -
Reducing undeclared and misdeclared dangerous goods to improve maritime transport
Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius, Lars-Göran Malmberg, Ann-Sophie Sallander, Urban Nuldén, Kalevi Pessi, Joanne Ellis
2021 -
Customer expectations: An antecedent of sustainable business practices in European short sea shipping
Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius
WCTRS SIG A2 Conference: The port and maritime sector: Key developments and challenges, Antwerp (digitally), 5-7 May. - 2021 -
Support for Financial
Corrado Lillelund Forcellati, Claire Georgeson, Mikael Lind, Sukhjit Singh, Carl Sjöberger, Johan Woxenius
Maritime Informatics. Lind, M., Michaelides, M., Ward, R., T. Watson, R. (Eds.) - 2021 -
Editorial - Integrating Urban Freight in Urban Transport
Johan Woxenius, Mathieu Gardrat, Eleonora Morganti
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research - 2021 -
Supply chain finance is not for
Viktor Elliot, Christiaan De Goeij, Luca Gelsomino, Johan Woxenius
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management - 2020 -
Spatial patterns of logistics facilities in Gothenburg,
Adeline Heitz, Laetitia Dablanc, Jerry Olsson, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz, Johan Woxenius
Journal of Transport Geography - 2020 -
Identifying the market areas of port-centric logistics and hinterland intermodal
Yann Bouchery, Johan Woxenius, Jan Fransoo
European Journal of Operational Research - 2020 -
Modal shift to inland waterways: dealing with barriers in two Swedish
Sara Rogerson, Vendela Santén, Martin Svanberg, Jon Williamsson, Johan Woxenius
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications - 2020 -
Short-distance maritime geographies: short sea shipping, RoRo, feeder and inter-island
Anastasia Christodoulou, Johan Woxenius
Geographies of Maritime Transport - Transport, Mobilities and Spatial Change, Eds. Gordon Wilmsmeier and Jason Monios - 2020 -
Digitalisation and automation in small and medium sized Swedish ports
Sandra Haraldson, Mikael Lind, Mathias Karlsson, Andreas Bach, Johan Woxenius, Marta Gonzalez-Aregall
2020 -
Including maritime transport in the EU Emission Trading System – addressing design and
Anna Mellin, Milan Elkerbout, Julia Hansson, Lars Zetterberg, Erik Fridell, Anastasia Christodoulou, Johan Woxenius
2020 -
Consequences of speed reductions for ships - An impact study for shipping companies and Swedish
Karl Jivén, Catrin Lammgård, Johan Woxenius, Erik Fridell
2020 -
Ways to achieve an increased use of inland water-way
Sara Rogerson, Vendela Santén, Jon Williamsson, Johan Woxenius
32nd Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics (NOFOMA), Reykjavik/Online, 17-18 September - 2020 -
Svenska konsumenters hamstrande under covid-19. Vad, vem, varför och hur påverkar det
John Magnus Roos, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
Konsumtionsrapporten 2020 - 2020 -
The Shipper's perspective on slow steaming - Study of Six Swedish
C. Finnsgård, J. Kalantari, V. Roso, Johan Woxenius
Transport Policy - 2020 -
Från järnväg till
Johan Woxenius
Nautiska Föreningen 150 år 1869 – 2019 - 2020 -
Is research becoming a game with 4 players and 22
Johan Woxenius
Transport reviews - 2019 -
Barriers and Enablers for Short Sea Shipping in the Southern African Development
Abisai Konstantinus, Mark Zuidgeest, Anastasia Christodoulou, Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius
Sustainability - 2019 -
Sustainable Short Sea
Anastasia Christodoulou, Johan Woxenius
Sustainability - 2019 -
The integration of RoRo shipping in sustainable intermodal transport chains: the case of a North European RoRo
Anastasia Christodoulou, Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius
Sustainability - 2019 -
Urban logistics: management, policy and innovation in a rapidly changing
Michael Browne, Sönke Behrends, Johan Woxenius, Genevieve Giuliano, José Holguin-Veras
2019 -
Förlängda sjöben: när- och kustsjöfartens
Petra Stelling, Johan Woxenius, Catrin Lammgård, Björn Petersson, Anastasia Christodoulou
2019 -
Slow Steaming as Part of SECA Compliance Strategies among RoRo and RoPax Shipping
Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius, Christian Finnsgård
Sustainability - 2019 -
Port cities and urban
Michael Browne, Johan Woxenius
Urban logistics : management, policy and innovation in a rapidly changing environment / edited by Michael Browne, Sönke Behrends, Johan Woxenius, Genevieve Giuliano, José Holguin-Veras. - 2019 -
Introduction to urban
Michael Browne, Sönke Behrends, Johan Woxenius
Urban logistics : management, policy and innovation in a rapidly changing environment / edited by Michael Browne, Sönke Behrends, Johan Woxenius, Genevieve Giuliano, José Holguin-Veras. - 2019 -
Kent Lumsden, Gunnar Stefansson, Johan Woxenius
2019 -
A stakeholder analysis of actors and networks for land transport of dangerous
Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2019 Mumbai 26-31 May 2019 - 2019 -
Supply chain finance is not for everyone: Are logistics service providers willing to advance supply chain
Viktor Elliot, Johan Woxenius
The 28th International Purchasing and Supply, Education and Research Association (IPSERA) Conference, 14-17 April, Milan - 2019 -
Port-centric cities: The role of freight distribution in defining the port-city
Jason Monios, Rickard Bergqvist, Johan Woxenius
Journal of Transport Geography - 2018 -
Different Perspectives on Supply Chain Finance – In search of a holistic
Abhinayan Basu Bal, Viktor Elliot, Ted Lindblom, Trisha Rajput, Lars-Göran Malmberg, Johan Woxenius
Gong, S., Cullinane, K., (Eds.) Finance and Risk Management for International Logistics and the Supply Chain, 1st Edition - 2018 -
Modal shift to inland waterways: dealing with barriers in two Swedish
Sara Rogerson, Vendela Santén, Martin Svanberg, Jon Williamsson, Johan Woxenius
The 23rd Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN), Plymouth, 5-7 September - 2018 -
The integration of RoRo shipping in sustainable inter-modal transport chains: the case of a North European RoRo
Anastasia Christodoulou, Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius
International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference, 11-14 September, Mombasa - 2018 -
Swedish shippers' strategies for coping with slow-steaming in deep sea container
Christian Finnsgård, Joakim Kalantari, Zeeshan Raza, Violeta Roso, Johan Woxenius
Journal of Shipping and Trade - 2018 -
Urban Freight-Parking Practices: The Cases of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Delhi
Leeza Malik, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz, Geetam Tiwari, Johan Woxenius
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2017 -
The Rise of On-Demand 'Instant Deliveries' in European
Laetitia Dablanc, Eleonora Morganti, Niklas Arvidsson, Johan Woxenius, Michael Browne, Neïla Saidi
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal - 2017 -
Abhinayan Basu Bal, Viktor Elliot, Ted Lindblom, Trisha Rajput, Johan Woxenius
NOFOMA 2017 Conference, 7-9th of June, Lund - 2017 -
Mombasa: options for the port city interface – final
Henrik Køster, Karsten Sten Pedersen, Paul M. Syagga, Johan Woxenius
2017 -
Mombasa options for the port city interface - Comprehensive Review of Available
Johan Woxenius
2017 -
Intermodal freight transport
Johan Woxenius, Cathy Macharis, Dries Meers, Allan Woodburn
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2017 -
Improving Transnational Transport Corridors In the OIC Member Countries: Concepts and
Fadiah Achmadi, Douglas Rasbash, Johan Woxenius, Joel van der Beek, Sayed Faruque
2017 -
Different Perspectives on Supply Chain Finance – In search of a holistic
Abhinayan Basu Bal, Viktor Elliot, Ted Lindblom, Trisha Rajput, Lars-Göran Malmberg, Johan Woxenius
PLAN’s Research and Application Conference, 25-26 October, Gothenburg - 2017 -
Port cities and urban
Michael Browne, Johan Woxenius, Laetitia Dablanc, Tom Cherrett, Eleonora Morganti
The 22nd Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN), 6-8 September, Southampton - 2017 -
Slow steaming as part of SECA compliance strategies among RoRo and RoPax shipping
Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius, Christian Finnsgård
International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2017 Conference, June 27-30, Kyoto - 2017 -
Port-Centric Cities: An Analysis of Logistics Development in
Jason Monios, Rickard Bergqvist, Johan Woxenius
14th NECTAR International Conference: Transport in a networked society, May 31-June 2, 2017, Madrid, Spain - 2017 -
Intermodal system management and
Jason Monios, Johan Woxenius
Bergqvist, R. & Monios, J. (Eds.), Intermodal Freight Transport and Logistics - 2017 -
Debatt: Köparens ansvar kräva hållbara
Anna Dubois, Anders Roth, Linda Styhre, Johan Woxenius
Ny Teknik - 2017 -
Agility in the Swedish intermodal freight market – The effects of the withdrawal of the main
Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2017 -
Långsamma transporter kan ge snabba förändringar i rätt
Anders Grimvall, Johan Woxenius
Johansen Lilja, T., Lundberg, F., Sundblad, E-L., (Red.) Åtgärder för att minska sjöfartens påverkan på havsmiljön. Havsmiljöinstitutets rapport 2017:2 - 2017 -
Vattenvägen - den intermodala
Karl Garme, Anders Ljungberg, Einar Tufvesson, Johan Lantz, Johan Woxenius, Marcus Sundberg, Niklas Arvidsson, Susanna Hall Kihl
2017 -
Costs, not SECAs make RoRo steam
Christian Finnsgård, Henrik Holm, Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius
HANSA International Maritime Journal - 2017 -
Urban Freight-Parking Practices: The Cases of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Delhi
Leeza Malik, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz, Geetam Tiwari, Johan Woxenius
14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 2016, Shanghai, 10-15 July - 2016 -
Review of port-city interactions, keynote
Johan Woxenius
Arnaud Serry, Ed., Colloque international DEVPORT 2016, University of Le Havre, Le Havre, 19-20 May - 2016 -
Exploring Last Mile Synergies in Passenger and Freight
Niklas Arvidsson, Moshe Givoni, Johan Woxenius
Built Environment - 2016 -
Shipper strategies for coping with slow-steaming in deep sea container
Christian Finnsgård, Joakim Kalantari, Zeeshan Raza, Violeta Roso, Johan Woxenius
14 th World Conference on Transport Research, 10-15 July. Shanghai, China. - 2016 -
Spatial patterns of logistics facilities in Gothenburg,
Adeline Heitz, Laetitia Dablanc, Jerry Olsson, Ivan Sánchez-Díaz, Johan Woxenius
14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 2016, Shanghai, 10-15 July - 2016 -
Slow Steaming and Competitiveness of European Short Sea RORO
Zeeshan Raza, Christian Finnsgård, Joakim Kalantari, Rickard Bergqvist, Johan Woxenius
Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, 23-26 August, Hamburg, Germany - 2016 -
Transport and logistics facilities expansion and social sustainability: A critical discussion and findings from the City of
The consequences of the extended gap between curiosity-driven and impact-driven
Johan Woxenius
Transport reviews - 2015 -
Making Hinterland Transport more Sustainable – a Multi Actor Multi Criteria
Rickard Bergqvist, Cathy Macharis, Dries Meers, Johan Woxenius
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2015 -
Slow Steaming Logistics – A study of shippers’ ability to demand, and manage the consequences of, slow steaming maritime transportation services in their supply
Christian Finnsgård, Joakim Kalantari, Johan Woxenius, Violeta Roso
16th Nordic Maritime Universities Workshop. 22-23 januari 2015. Chalmers, Göteborg. - 2015 -
Sea Shuttle Concept in North-Eastern
Violeta Roso, Linda Styhre, Johan Woxenius, Rickard Bergqvist, Kenth Lumsden
MarIus - 2015 -
Slow steaming from the shippers’
Christian Finnsgård, Joakim Kalantari, Violeta Roso, Johan Woxenius
2015 METRANS International Urban Freight Conference (I-NUF), October 21-23 2015. Long Beach, California. - 2015 -
Slow steaming from shippers'
Violeta Roso, Christian Finnsgård, Joakim Kalantari, Johan Woxenius
Nofoma Conference Proceedings, WIP - 2015 -
Slow steaming från varuägarnas
Christian Finnsgård, Joakim Kalantari, Violeta Roso, Johan Woxenius
Transporteffektivitetsdagen 2015. 27 Augusti 2015, Örebro. - 2015 -
Cathy Macharis, Sandra Melo, Johan Woxenius, Tom van Lier
2014 -
Modelling modal choice effects of regulation on low-sulphur marine fuels in Northern
Johan Holmgren, Zoi Nikopoulou, Linda Ramstedt, Johan Woxenius
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - 2014 -
The 4 A’s of Sustainable
Cathy Macharis, Sandra Melo, Johan Woxenius, Tom van Lier
Sustainable Logistics, Transport and Sustainability, Volume 6, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, UK - 2014 -
Development of the Short Sea Shuttle
Linda Styhre, Violeta Roso, Rickard Bergqvist, Johan Woxenius, Kenth Lumsden
2014 -
Sustainability via Short Sea Shuttle
Violeta Roso, Linda Styhre, Johan Woxenius, Rickard Bergqvist, Kenth Lumsden
14th Annual International Business Conference on Sustainability Globalization and Business Education, feb 21-22, 2014, Jacksonville, Florida - 2014 -
Designing Intermodal Supply
Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius, Fawad Awais, Jon Williamsson, Moa Berglund, Helena Billing Clason, Dag Hersle, Johanna Enström, Behzad Kordnejad
2014 -
Localisation of freight consolidation centres serving small road hauliers in a wider urban area: barriers for more efficient freight deliveries in
Jerry Olsson, Johan Woxenius
Journal of Transport Geography - 2014 -
Utilising more of the loading space in intermodal line trains – measures and decision
Johan Woxenius, Jan Persson, Paul Davidsson
Computers in industry - 2013 -
Approach for handling heterogeneous goods in intermodal freight networks -
Per Olof Arnäs, Johan Woxenius
13th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), July 15-18, Rio de Janeiro - 2013 -
Measuring efficiency in transport networks - an operational
Per Olof Arnäs, Johan Woxenius, Joakim Kalantari
Work-in-progress, the 25th NOFOMA, Gothenburg, 4-5 June - 2013 -
Review of road hauliers’ measures for increasing transport efficiency and sustainability in urban freight
Niklas Arvidsson, Johan Woxenius, Catrin Lammgård
Transport Reviews. A Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal. - 2013 -
Agility in the Swedish intermodal freight market - The effects of the withdrawal of the main
Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius
World Conference on Transport Research, WCTR, 15-18th July 2013 - 2013 -
Directness as a key performance indicator for freight transport
Johan Woxenius
Research in Transportation Economics - 2012 -
Flexibility vs. specialisation in ro-ro shipping in the South Baltic
Johan Woxenius
Transport - 2012 -
Location of freight consolidation centres serving the city and its
Jerry Olsson, Johan Woxenius
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences - 2012 -
Editorial for Intermodal Freight Transport and
A Woodburn, Michael Browne, Johan Woxenius
Research in Transportation Business and Management - 2012 -
Comparing maritime containers and semi-trailers in the context of hinterland transport by
Johan Woxenius, Rickard Bergqvist
Journal of Transport Geography - 2011 -
Information flows supporting hinterland transportation by rail: Applications in
Badi Almotairi, Jonas Flodén, Gunnar Stefansson, Johan Woxenius
Research in Transportation Economics - 2011 -
The development of hinterland transport by rail – the story of Scandinavia and the Port of
Rickard Bergqvist, Johan Woxenius
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics - 2011 -
Establishing intermodal
Rickard Bergqvist, Gunnar Falkemark, Johan Woxenius
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research - 2010 -
Flexibility vs. specialisation in European short sea
Johan Woxenius
International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference 2010, Lisbon 7-9 July - 2010 -
Freight transport
Johan Woxenius
The 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, 11-15 July 2010 - 2010 -
Innovation drivers and barriers in intermodal freight
Johan Woxenius, Sönke Behrends
Logistics Research Network Annual Conference (LRN), Harrogate, 8-10 September - 2010 -
Assessment of the impact of the application of new sulphur limits to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic European
James Kehoe, Johan Woxenius
2010 -
Novel rail transport
Sönke Behrends, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius, Hitesh Gadhia, Herbert Kotzab, Hans Unseld
2010 -
Information Flows Supporting Hinterland Transport: Applications in
Badi Almotairi, Jonas Flodén, Gunnar Stefansson, Johan Woxenius
Dryport Conference, Edinburgh, 21-22 October - 2010 -
Options for increasing transport efficiency in urban freight distribution: do more with
Niklas Arvidsson, Johan Woxenius, Catrin Lammgård
Logistics Research Network Annual Conference (LRN), Cardiff, 9-11 September - 2009 -
The dry port concept: connecting container seaports with the
Violeta Roso, Johan Woxenius, Kenth Lumsden
Journal of Transport Geography - 2009 -
Hinterland transport by rail – The story of Scandinavia and Port of
Johan Woxenius, Rickard Bergqvist
International Business Research Conference, Jacksonville, 13-14 februari - 2009 -
Hinterland Transport by Rail – Comparing the Scandinavian Conditions for Maritime Containers and
Johan Woxenius, Rickard Bergqvist
IAME, Copenhagen, 24-26th June 2009 - 2009 -
The impact of urban freight transport: a definition of sustainability from an actors
Sönke Behrends, Maria Lindholm, Johan Woxenius
Transportation Planning and Technology - 2008 -
Hinterland transport by rail - a success for maritime containers but still a challenge for
Johan Woxenius, Rickard Bergqvist
Conference proceedings, Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, 10-12 September 2008, University of Liverpool, UK - 2008 -
Intermodal Road-Rail Transport in the European
Johan Woxenius, F. Bärthel
The future of intermodal freight transport : operations, design and policy / edited by Rob Konings, Hugo Priemus and Peter Nijkamp - 2008 -
Establishing Intermodal
Rickard Bergqvist, Gunnar Falkemark, Johan Woxenius
Nectar Logistics and Freight Cluster Meeting in Delft, 27-28 March 2008 - 2008 -
Etablering av
Rickard Bergqvist, Gunnar Falkemark, Johan Woxenius
2007 -
A generic framework for transport network designs: applications and treatment in intermodal freight transport
Johan Woxenius
Transport Reviews - 2007 -
Challenging the lead time issues in global supply
Johan Woxenius
Lalwani, C., Mangan, J., Butcher, T., Mondragon, A. C. (2007) Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2007, 5-7 September, Kingston upon Hull - 2007 -
The Concept of Smart Freight Transport Systems – the road haulier’s
Gunnar Stefansson, Johan Woxenius
proceedings of the 19th NOFOMA Conference, Reykjavik, 7-8 June 2007 - 2007 -
Interface design for the coordination of container freight infrastructure with urban logistical
Paul Beavis, John Black, Iain MacGill, Johan Woxenius, Stephen Moore
the 11th WCTR– World Conference on Transport Research, UC Berkeley, 24-28 June 2007 - 2007 -
Measures for increasing the loading space utilisation of intermodal line train
Johan Woxenius, Jan Persson, Paul Davidsson
the 11th WCTR– World Conference on Transport Research, UC Berkeley, 24-28 June 2007 - 2007 -
Time perspectives on intermodal transport of consolidated
Robert Sommar, Johan Woxenius
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research - 2007 -
Intermodal freight transport network designs and their implication for transhipment
Johan Woxenius
European Transport - International Journal of Transport Economics, Engineering and Law - 2007 -
Towards a ”Smart Growth” Strategy for Sustainable
Fredrik Hedenus, Allan Larsson, Bo Samuelsson, Anders Ahlbäck, Sara Backlund, Iain Begg, Ola Carlsson, Raul Carlson, Göran Dave, Rikard Engström, Bengt Fjällborg, Zsofia Ganrot, Lena Gustafsson, Katarina Gårdfeldt, Anders Hagson, Filip Johnsson, Christer Larsson, Jonas Norrman, Barry Ness, Jonas Nässen, Mattias Olofsson, Lennart Olsson, Magnus Pruth, Khanh-Quang Tran, Frances Sprei, Dan Strömberg, Hans Theliander, Paul Weaver, Stefan Wirsenius, Johan Woxenius
2006 -
Organisation of Swedish dry port terminals, A report in the EU Interreg project
Violeta Roso, Johan Woxenius, Göran Olandersson
2006 -
Possibilities to transfer goods from road to rail to and from the ports of Karlskrona and
Johan Woxenius, M. Kania, M. Podsiadly
2006 -
Temporal elements in the spatial extension of production
Johan Woxenius
Growth & Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy - 2006 -
Modelling operational decision-making in freight transport
Linda Ramstedt, Johan Woxenius
Proceedings of the 18th Nofoma, Oslo 8-9 June - 2006 -
Intermodal Versus Unimodal Road Freight Transport - A Review of Comparisons of the External
Ekki Kreutzberger, Cathy Macharis, Johan Woxenius
Jourquin, B., Rietveld, P., Westin, K. (Eds.) Transportation Economics - Towards Better Performance Systems - 2006 -
Trafikslagsövergripande databas för
Dan Andersson, Johan Woxenius, Jonas Flodén, Catrin Lammgård, Bernt Saxin
2005 -
Time perspectives on Intermodal transport of consolidated
Robert Sommar, Johan Woxenius
The 8th NECTAR conference, Las Palmas, 2-4 June 2005 - 2005 -
Järnvägar och avfallstransporter - vilken roll kan järnvägen spela för
Fredrik Bärthel, Johan Woxenius
Transport och Hantering - 2005 -
Torrhamnar - Lösningen på mångas
Johan Woxenius
Transport och Hantering - 2005 -
Koldioxid - en ödesfråga för
Johan Woxenius
Transport och Hantering, No. 21, s. 10 - 2005 -
The Dry Port Concept - Connecting Seaports with their Hinterland by
Johan Woxenius, Violeta Roso, Kenth Lumsden
Presented at the First International Conference on Logistics Strategy for Ports, Dalian, 22-26 September 2004 - 2004 -
Verkstadsindustrins logistik - en
Roger Lindau, Johan Woxenius, Pernilla Edlund
2004 -
A Swedish intermodal transport service based on line-trains serving freight
Johan Woxenius, E. Andersson, Fredrik Bärthel, G. Troche, Robert Sommar, J. Trouvè
Paper presented at the 10th World Conference on Transport Research : WCTR '04 ; Istanbul Lütfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Center, July 4 - 8, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey - 2004 -
Developing intermodal transport for small flows over short
Fredrik Bärthel, Johan Woxenius
Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology - 2004 -
Terminals as part of the Swedish Transport System - an
Johan Woxenius, Robert Sommar, Violeta Roso, Fredrik Bärthel, Kenth Lumsden
2003 -
Urban impact of new production philosophies for intermodal freight
Johan Woxenius
Locistics Solutions - 2003 -
Utvecklingstrender för lastbärartransport med sjöfart och
Johan Woxenius
2003 -
Intermodala transporter och SJ/Green Cargos utvecklingsprojekt
Johan Woxenius
2003 -
An Industry Analysis of Express Freight from a European Railway
Sofia Ohnell, Johan Woxenius
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management - 2003 -
The Dalecarlian Girl - Evaluation of the implementation of the Light-combi
Johan Woxenius, Fredrik Bärthel
AGS (Alliance for Global Sustainability. Annual meeting, University of Tokyo, 24-27 march, 2003. - 2003 -
Logistics trends and their impact on European combined transport - services, traffic and industrial
Johan Woxenius, Lars Sjöstedt
Logistik-management - 2003 -
Is intermodal freight transport more environmentally friendly than all-road freight transport? A
E. Kreutzberger, C. Macharis, L. Vereecken, Johan Woxenius
The NECTAR (Network on European Communication and Transportation Activities Research) Conference No. 7, Umeå, Sweden June 13-15. - 2003 -
Idépromemoria för hållbar tillväxt i innovationssystemet för godstransport och
Johan Woxenius, Sebastian Bäckström
2002 -
The organisation of the European Intermodal road/rail freight Transport
Johan Woxenius, Fredrik Bärthel
Paper presented at the: International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality, 23-24 May, 2002. - 2002 -
Trafikslag i samverkan: Järnvägsforskning på Transportteknik på
Johan Woxenius
Modern Järnväg - 2002 -
Johan Woxenius
Nordisk infrastruktur - 2002 -
Approach for Handling the Increased Complexity of European Intermodal Freight
Johan Woxenius, Per Olof Arnäs, Sofia Ohnell
Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 2001, July, Seoul, Korea. - 2001 -
The Dalecarlian Girl - Evaluating the implementation of the light-combi
Johan Woxenius, Fredrik Bärthel, Agnes Andersson
Collaboration in logistics : connecting islands using information technology : conference proceedings / NOFOMA 2001, 14-15 June, Reykjavík, Iceland ; Gunnar Stefansson, ed., Bernhard Tilanus, ed. - 2001 -
Forskning för framtida
Johan Woxenius
Presented at VTI:s och Vinnova:sTransportforum, 10-11 January. - 2001 -
Intermodal Freight Transport - Urban Impact of New Network Operation Principles and Transshipment
Johan Woxenius
Cities of Tomorrow : Human Living in Urban Areas - Transportation of People and Goods, Göteborg, 23-24 August. - 2001 -
Forskning pågår: Hur skall kombitrafiken kunna
Johan Woxenius
Modern Järnväg - 2001 -
Intermodal Transport in
Dirk Henstra, Johan Woxenius
2001 -
Intermodal transport of the
Johan Woxenius
X-Rail News - 2001 -
Johan Woxenius
KFB & VTI forskning - 2000 -
A scenario for future European
Johan Woxenius
VTI's and KFB's Transport Forum, Linköping 13-14 January, published in KFB & VTI forskning - 1999 -
Redesigning an introductory course in transportation with a diversified student
Johan Woxenius
Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education, Göteborg, 3-5 september 1999. R. / Pudlowski, Z.J., Niklasson, C. and Irandoust, S. - 1999 -
Development of Small-Scale Intermodal Freight Transportation in a Systems
Johan Woxenius
1998 -
Att införa ny teknik i intermodala transportsystem - trösklar och sätt att hantera dem (to introduce new technology in intermodal transport systems - thresholds and ways to overcome
Johan Woxenius
Mekanisten / SMR - Svenska mekanisters riksförening - 1998 -
Evaluation of small-scale Intermodal Transshipment
Johan Woxenius
Opening Markets for Logistics, Proceedings of the 10th NOFOMA Conference, Helsingfors, 9-10 juni / edited by Anu H. Bask & Ari P. J. Vepsäläinen - 1998 -
Intermodal Freight Transport - Urban Impact of New Network Operation Principles and Transshipment
Johan Woxenius
Towards a Better Living and Working Environment, conference arranged by the European Commission, DG XII, Toulouse, 27-30 October. - 1997 -
Terminals - a Barrier for
Johan Woxenius
Proceedings NTF conference report 1997:1 - 1997 -
Att överbrygga trösklar vid införandet av nya
Johan Woxenius, Kenth Lumsden
KFB/VTI Transport Research Seminars, Linköping, 8 January, published in KFB & VTI forskning - 1997 -
Inventory of Transshipment Technologies in Intermodal Transport (Study for the International Road Transport Union (IRU),
Johan Woxenius
1997 -
Information Flows Along Integrated Transport
Johan Woxenius
Information systems in logistics and transportation / edited by Bernhard Tilanus - 1997 -
Development of New Technologies for Integrated Transport Chains in
Johan Woxenius
Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 94-97. - 1996 -
Thresholds for Implementing New Technology in Multimodal Freight Transport
Johan Woxenius
Extended abstract in: Mason, R. M., Lefebvre, L., Khalil, T. M., Management of Technology V Technology Management in a Changing World, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Management of Technology, Miami, 27 February - 1 March. - 1996 -
Trösklar vid införandet av nya
Johan Woxenius, Kenth Lumsden
VTI:s och KFB:s forskardagar : rapportsammanställning av föredrag vid forskardagarna i Linköping, 1996-01-10--11. - 1996 -
Implementing New Technology in Intermodal Transport Systems - Threshold Identification and Bridging
Johan Woxenius, Kenth Lumsden
Techno Ocean'96, Kobe, 23-25 October - 1996 -
Behov av forskning om kombinerade
Johan Woxenius
KFB & VTI forskning - 1996 -
A combined approach to
Johan Woxenius, Johan Hellgren, Ola Karlsson
European intermodal yearbook : directory of intermodal transport, equipment and services - 1996 -
Combined Transport in the Perspective of the
Johan Woxenius
Pan-European transport issues : proceedings of Seminar A held at the PTRC European Transport Forum, University of Warwick, England from 11-15 September 1995 - 1995 -
Groupage of Goods and Information in Systems for Combined
Johan Woxenius
Transportation systems : theory and application of advanced technology. Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Transportation systems, Tianjin, 24-26 August ,1994. - 1995 -
Combined Transport in Scandinavia - state-of-the-art and
Johan Woxenius
The Crisis of European Combined Transport, report from an ECIS Workshop, Rotterdam, 6 April./ BUKOLD, S. (ed.) - 1995 -
Combined Transport Transshipment Technology Trends in
Johan Woxenius, Johan Hellgren, Ola Karlsson, Lars Sjöstedt
Operation of the Technical University of Wroclaw, No. 77, Series: Conferences No. 23, 1995. - 1995 -
Flexibility versus Specialisation - on the Controllability of Combined Transport
Lars Sjöstedt, Johan Woxenius, Lars A. R. Hultén
Transportation systems : theory and application of advanced technology. Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems, Tianjin, 24-26 August, 1994 - 1995 -
Swedish country
Johan Woxenius
Combi-terminal and intermodal freight centre development : an assessment / Peter W Cardebring, Christiane Warnecke / KFB-report 1995:16 - 1995 -
Handbok för
Johan Woxenius, A. Hensriksson, Lars Sjöstedt
1995 -
System and Functional Requirements for RoRo Cassettes in Multimodal
Johan Woxenius, Kenth Lumsden
RoRo 94 the 12th International Conference & Exhibition on Marine transport using Roll-on/Roll-off Methods, Göteborg, 26-28 April - 1994 -
Kombinerade transporter mellan Sverige och Västeuropa - modeller för rollfördelning mellan aktörer (Combined Transport Between Sweden and Western Europe - Models of Rolecasting Among
S. Sjögren, Johan Woxenius
Nordic Network in Logistics papers presented at the 5th NOFOMA congress at the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Turku, 10-11 June 1993 / TAIMA, J. (Ed.) - 1994 -
The Production System of Swedish Domestic Combined
Johan Woxenius
KFB/VTI Transport Research Seminars, Linköping, 12-13 January - 1994 -
Modelling European Combined Transport as an Industrial
Johan Woxenius
1994 -
System and Functional Requirements for RoRo Cassettes in Multimodal
Johan Woxenius, Kenth Lumsden
Scandinavian Shipping Gazette = Svensk sjöfartstidning - 1994 -
Renässans för
Johan Woxenius
Globala Transporter - 1994 -
Combined transport proceedings of a
Johan Woxenius
1994 -
Railway Organization: A Preliminary Appraisal of the Swedish
A. Jensen, Lars Sjöstedt, Johan Woxenius
Selected proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Transport Research : Lyon '92. Vol. 3, Transport policies = Politiques de transport - 1993 -
Five Traffic Designs in Combined Transport Systems - A Theoretical
Johan Woxenius, Lars Sjöstedt, Johan Hellgren
Logistyka Engineering Machines Problems - 1993 -
Constraints Experienced in a Direct Distribution System when Safety Mechanisms are
Roger Lindau, Johan Woxenius, Kenth Lumsden
Proceedings of the 10th International Logistics Congress, Toronto, 20-22 June. - 1993 -
Enhetslaster teknik, ekonomi och
Johan Woxenius
1993 -
Tråddrageri i
Johan Woxenius
Polhem - tidskrift för teknikhistoria - 1992 -
Railway Organisation - A Preliminary Appraisal of the Swedish
Arne Jensen, Lars Sjöstedt, Johan Woxenius
Proceedings of the WCTR World Conference 1992, Lyon - 1992