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- Emma Björner
Emma Björner
Department of Business AdministrationAbout Emma Björner
Dr. Emma Björner is researcher in marketing at the Marketing section at the Department of Business Administration, at the School of Business, Economics, and Law, University of Gothenburg. Her research focuses on the branding and development of sustainable places, destinations and organisations, with a focus on co-creation, inclusion, digitalisation, culture and food.
Emma is a member of the Centre for Tourism and the Centre for Consumption Research. She is coordinator of a Connected Community on Tourism and Experiences within the university alliance Eutopia, and work with developing the Centre for Tourism and southwest Sweden into a node for research and collaboration around tourism in the blue economy.
Research projects:
- Conducting ongoing evaluation at Göteborg & Co, Emma explores the long-term development of the destination Gothenburg.
- In the project Food Systems, Entrepreneurship and Place Development in Halland (2023-2024), Emma explores what is required to support entrepreneurship and small-scale food production, and how it connects to place development and attractiveness.
- In the project Enhancing Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas through Local Food Systems (2022-2025), Emma works with workshops and communication, and with a focus on food strategies and digitalisation of local food systems.
- In the project The Role of Tourism in Multicultural Societies (2019-2024), she studies sustainable tourism and how the plurality of places and destinations is communicated, represented and experienced.
Hållbar turism - vad är
Eva Maria Jernsand, Emma Björner, Chiara Rinaldi
2024 -
The City of Malmö - “A star in the sustainability
Emma Björner, Ingrid Andersson, Sylviane Toporkoff
Implementing Sustainable Cities - 2024 -
Tourism memories – a collaborative reflection on inclusion and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Caroline Adolfsson, Emma Björner, Lillian Omondi, Thomas Pederson, Sofia Ulver
Critical Inclusive Tourism: Empowering Marginalized Groups - 2024 -
Communicating inclusiveness through major sporting events: development and application of a
Erik Lundberg, Emma Björner, Sayaka Osanami Torngren
Johan Hagberg, Lena Hansson, Ulrika Holmberg, Niklas Sörum, Emma Björner, Karin M. Ekström, Magdalena Petersson McIntyre
2024 -
Policyöversikt: Turism, inkludering och
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Emma Björner
2024 -
Symbolic consumption of luxury fashion brands in China: Motives, expression and
Emma Björner, Xinxin Liu
Luxury fashion and media communication: Between the material and immaterial - 2024 -
Communicating sustainable practices: Illustrations from Swedish tourism
Emma Björner
31st Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research – Book of Abstracts - 2023 -
Tourism memories – a collaborative reflection on inclusion and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Caroline Adolfsson, Emma Björner, Lillian Omondi, Thomas Pederson, Sofia Ulver
Tourism Recreation Resarch - 2023 -
Crafting Sweden as a sustainable destination - Place branding, destination governance and social
Emma Björner, Eva Maria Jernsand
The 7th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association, Helsingborg, 18-20 October - 2023 -
Decentralised place branding through multiple authors and narratives: the collective branding of a small town in
Emma Björner, Lars Aronsson
Journal of Marketing Management - 2022 -
Destination governance and social learning: Crafting Sweden as a sustainable
Emma Björner, Eva Maria Jernsand
5th Advances in Destination Management (ADM 2022), Linnaeus University, Kalmar Campus, June 8-10 - 2022 -
Guidelines for citizen engagement and the co-creation of nature-based solutions: Living knowledge in the URBiNAT
Nathalie Nunes, Emma Björner, Knud Erik Hilding-Hamann
Sustainability - 2021 -
Chinese tourism consumption vis-à-vis tourism development strategies in the
Emma Björner, Elena Dybtsyna, Erik Lundberg
Asian Mobilities Consumption in a Changing Arctic. Edited By Young-Sook Lee. - 2021 -
Collaborative introspection as a methodological tool of reflexivity - from multidisciplinary to transdisciplinary
Caroline Adolfsson, Emma Björner, Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Marcus Nyström, Lillian Omondi, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Thomas Pederson, Sofia Ulver
International Transdisciplinarity Conference (ITD21), 13-17 Sept: Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for learning and experimentation - 2021 -
Place making taking place: the New Mill
Lars Aronsson, Emma Björner, Eva Maria Jernsand
29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21-23 Sept. Shaping mobile futures: Challenges and possibilities in precarious times - 2021 -
Conceptualising inclusive tourism and place
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand, Emma Björner
Act Sustainable Research Conference, Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development - GMV, Nov 18-19 - 2020 -
Curators of Sweden - Adding to stereotypes or contributing to
Emma Björner
28th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality - 23-25 October 2019 - 2019 -
The communication, representation and experience of a small community: The case of Dals Långed in Dalsland,
Emma Björner
28th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research - 2019 -
Small but diverse: the role of urban and rural communities in place-based diversity and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Emma Björner, Lillian Omondi
Mistra Urban Futures annual international conference Realising just cities - lessons, impacts and outcomes, 15 October 2019, Sheffield, UK - 2019 -
Initial involvement of stakeholders in transdisciplinary projects - exploring issues of expectations, roles and
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand, Lillian Omondi, Emma Björner, Sayaka Osanami Törngren
International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2019 - Joining forces for change, Gothenburg 10-13 September - 2019