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- Eva Maria Jernsand
Eva Maria Jernsand
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business AdministrationAbout Eva Maria Jernsand
My PhD studies were based on a transdisciplinary research project in Kisumu, Kenya. The project was partly funded by Mistra Urban Futures and their local interaction platform in Kisumu. I worked with other PhD students, practitioners and residents in the fishing village Dunga by Lake Victoria. Our common aim was to develop the place for ecotourism purposes. My research was about understanding and developing participatory place branding. It includes what it is about and how it comes about, and what is needed for place branding and other development work to become participatory. I worked closely with a PhD student from design, Helena Kraff (HDK). We integrated marketing and design to reach community participation and to develop processes, methods and tools together with the local community. The research was both pragmatic and critical. For example, we developed a spiral model of tourism experience innovation where the specific characteristics of experiences are considered. We also discussed who is left out and who has the power in participatory processes. We criticized consensus thinking in place branding since it does not correspond with the multifaceted nature of places or the pluralistic point of democracy and participation. A lot of the work focused on understanding transdisciplinary research, since it is based in a developing country in a project where research and practice were intertwined and where several disciplines were involved.
I am now involved in a maritime development project in Bohuslän, where I study the development of an innovation arena for maritime tourism. The project is partly EU-funded. An innovation arena can be seen as part of the expected outcome of the project, i.e. "a model for the future development of the maritime business community in Bohuslän, and create enhanced cooperation on issues such as transport, ports and business development." The innovation arena can be in the form of clusters/networks, collaborations on specific packages or products, or physical venues, what can be called test beds or "living labs". It can also be a way to work with common tools, strategies or definitions. The actors may be researchers, the public, private and non-profit sectors.
On other web sites
Research areas
- Place branding
- Experience Innovation
- Sustainable Tourism
- Design
- Transdisciplinary Research
Research in progress
- Maritim utveckling i Bohuslän, 2017-01 - 2019-06
Teaching areas
- CSR in Tourism and Events
- Experience Innovation
- Place Branding
- Transdisciplinary Research
Selected publications
Inclusive place branding – What it is and how to progress towards it
Jernsand, Eva Maria
Engagement as transformation: Learnings from a tourism development project in Dunga by Lake Victoria, Kenya
Jernsand, Eva Maria
Action Research, 15:1, s. 81-99, 2017
Tourism Experience Innovation Through Design
Jernsand, Eva Maria, Kraff, Helena, Mossberg, Lena
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15:1, s. 98, 2015
Participatory place branding through design: the case of Dunga beach in Kisumu, Kenya
Jernsand, Eva Maria, Kraff, Helena
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 11:3, s. 226-242, 2015
Hållbar turism - vad är
Eva Maria Jernsand, Emma Björner, Chiara Rinaldi
2024 -
Tourism memories – a collaborative reflection on inclusion and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Caroline Adolfsson, Emma Björner, Lillian Omondi, Thomas Pederson, Sofia Ulver
Critical Inclusive Tourism: Empowering Marginalized Groups - 2024 -
Political and relational co-creation for inclusive
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2024 -
Policyöversikt: Turism, inkludering och
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Emma Björner
2024 -
Fjordguides in west coast Sweden: An empirical study of a blue public-private
Juliana Bennett, Maris Boyd Gillette, Eva Maria Jernsand
IASNR Europe - 2024 -
Tourism memories – a collaborative reflection on inclusion and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Caroline Adolfsson, Emma Björner, Lillian Omondi, Thomas Pederson, Sofia Ulver
Tourism Recreation Resarch - 2023 -
Multicultural food events – opportunities for intercultural exchange and risks of
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Tourism Recreation Resarch - 2023 -
Kräftskivan i och utanför
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Lena Mossberg
Matarvets trådar: Från antik fisksås till svenskt fredagsmys - 2023 -
Crafting Sweden as a sustainable destination - Place branding, destination governance and social
Emma Björner, Eva Maria Jernsand
The 7th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association, Helsingborg, 18-20 October - 2023 -
Scary seafood - a brand name
Eva Maria Jernsand, Lena Mossberg
The 31st Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, Östersund, 19-21 September - 2023 -
Ocean Literacy and sustainable tourism - development of societal interest through ocean-related non-formal educational
Sally Marie Schadendorf, Eva Maria Jernsand
The 31st Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, Östersund, 19-21 September - 2023 -
Time as an issue of power in participatory
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Proceedings of DRS - 2023 -
Political and relational co-creation for inclusive tourism
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Extended abstract presented at the 30th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research: Participatory approaches to development for desirable tourism futures. Haaga-Helia university, Porvoo, Finland 26-29 September. - 2022 -
Kunskapsturism som kan utveckla
Destination governance and social learning: Crafting Sweden as a sustainable
Emma Björner, Eva Maria Jernsand
5th Advances in Destination Management (ADM 2022), Linnaeus University, Kalmar Campus, June 8-10 - 2022 -
Towards a research agenda on tourism, knowledge and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Maria Persson, Erik Lundberg
Tourism, Knowledge and Learning - 2022 -
Tourism, Knowledge and
Science tourism: a conceptual
Erik Lundberg, Maria Persson, Eva Maria Jernsand
Tourism, Knowledge and Learning Conceptual Development and Case Studies. Edited By: Eva Maria Jernsand, Maria Persson, Erik Lundberg - 2022 -
Destination development based on knowledge and learning: Initiating a UNESCO
biosphere reserve in
Eva Maria Jernsand, Andreas Skriver Hansen, Clas Mellby, Lena Gipperth
Tourism, Knowledge and Learning Conceptual Development and Case Studies. Edited By: Eva Maria Jernsand, Maria Persson, Erik Lundberg - 2022 -
An Introduction: Tourism, Knowledge and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Maria Persson, Erik Lundberg
Tourism, Knowledge and Learning - 2022 -
Fokusområde maritim
Eva Maria Jernsand
Maritima klustret I Västsverige - Omvärldsanalys 2021-2022 - 2022 -
Student living labs as innovation arenas for sustainable
Eva Maria Jernsand
Critical Issues in Tourism Co-Creation. G.T. Phi & D. Dredge (Eds) - 2021 -
Multicultural food events: exploring opportunities for intercultural exchange and risks of
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
1st Tourism and Hospitality International Conference (THInC), 19-21 May: cultural diversity and tourism for community development - 2021 -
The Role of Community-Based Tourism Initiatives in Socio-Economic
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Walia, S.K. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Community Based Tourism Management: Concepts, Issues & Implications - 2021 -
Collaborative introspection as a methodological tool of reflexivity - from multidisciplinary to transdisciplinary
Caroline Adolfsson, Emma Björner, Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Marcus Nyström, Lillian Omondi, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Thomas Pederson, Sofia Ulver
International Transdisciplinarity Conference (ITD21), 13-17 Sept: Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for learning and experimentation - 2021 -
Place making taking place: the New Mill
Lars Aronsson, Emma Björner, Eva Maria Jernsand
29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21-23 Sept. Shaping mobile futures: Challenges and possibilities in precarious times - 2021 -
Managing inclusiveness: representation and knowledge integration in tourism development and place
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21-23 Sept. Shaping mobile futures: Challenges and possibilities in precarious times - 2021 -
The roles of social enterprises in a Swedish labour market integration programme – opportunities and challenges for social
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Social Enterprise Journal - 2021 -
Effektstudie av Mistra Urban Futures Göteborgsplattform
Learning through extraordinary tourism
Eva Maria Jernsand, Sandhiya Goolaup
The Routledge handbook of tourism experience management and marketing. Saurabh Kumar Dixit (red.) - 2020 -
Clustering and assemblage
Henrietta Palmer, Erica Righard, Nils Björling, Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Lillian Omondi
Comparative Urban Research from Theory to Practice: Co-production for Sustainability - 2020 -
Conceptualising inclusive tourism and place
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand, Emma Björner
Act Sustainable Research Conference, Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development - GMV, Nov 18-19 - 2020 -
Student living labs as innovation arenas for sustainable
Eva Maria Jernsand
Tourism Recreation Resarch - 2019 -
Old habits die
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Anatomy of a 21st century sustainability project: The untold stories - 2019 -
Getting and Keeping a Foot in the Door: Strategies by Migrant and Informal Sector Women to Remain Relevant in the Labour
Lillian Omondi, Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences - 2019 -
The role of small-scale social enterprises in the Swedish integration system – opportunities and
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
2019 Organizing Migration and Integration in Contemporary Societies - OMICS, 6-8 November, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2019 -
Small but diverse: the role of urban and rural communities in place-based diversity and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Emma Björner, Lillian Omondi
Mistra Urban Futures annual international conference Realising just cities - lessons, impacts and outcomes, 15 October 2019, Sheffield, UK - 2019 -
Multiculturalism in place and destination development of rural
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
28th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 23-25 October 2019, Roskilde University, Denmark - 2019 -
Living labs: forums for tourism experience innovation and
Eva Maria Jernsand
28th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 23-25 October 2019, Roskilde University, Denmark - 2019 -
Innovationsarenor för turism – från ekosystem till
Eva Maria Jernsand
2019 -
Initial involvement of stakeholders in transdisciplinary projects - exploring issues of expectations, roles and
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand, Lillian Omondi, Emma Björner, Sayaka Osanami Törngren
International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2019 - Joining forces for change, Gothenburg 10-13 September - 2019 -
Digitalisering, samskapande och innovation. Tre scenarier för framtidens turistbyrå som
Exploring integration activities organised by social enterprises: losing the subject in favour of
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Mistra Urban Futures 3rd annual conference - Realising Just Cities: Comparative Co-production - 2018 -
Co-creation methodologies for students’ employability in the food sector: some evidence from the FOODbiz
Chiara Rinaldi, Eva Maria Jernsand, Lena Mossberg
27th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, Alta, Norway, 24-26 September - 2018 -
Scary seafood: an experience-based view on sustainable food production and
Eva Maria Jernsand
Tomorrow’s Food Travel (TFT) conference, Centre for Tourism, University of Gothenburg, 8-10 October - 2018 -
A space of multiplicity, heterogeneity and co-creation: developing an innovation arena for
Eva Maria Jernsand
ATLAS Annual Conference 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-29 September - 2018 -
Engagement as transformation: Learnings from a tourism development project in Dunga by Lake Victoria,
Eva Maria Jernsand
Action Research - 2017 -
Collaboration across
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Mistra Urban Futures' annual conference: Realising just cities - learning through comparison - 2017 -
Democracy in participatory place branding: a critical
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Inclusive place branding; critical perspectives on theory and practice - 2017 -
Place branding and (co-)innovation in a west Sweden
Eva Maria Jernsand
The 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Falun 4-6 October 2017 - 2017 -
Learning through extraordinary tourism experiences: the case of oyster safaris in Lysekil and the oyster bar on
Sandhiya Goolaup, Eva Maria Jernsand
Abstract presented at the 9th International Congress on Coastal and Marine Tourism (CMT2017), University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 13-16 June - 2017 -
Innovation as a vital part of place
Eva Maria Jernsand
Proceedings AIRTH 2017 – Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality – Preparing for the Future, Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-25 March 2017 - 2017 -
Collaborative PhDs: New approaches, challenges and
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Co-production in action: towards realising just cities - 2016 -
Inclusive place branding – What it is and how to progress towards
Eva Maria Jernsand
2016 -
Multiple identities in place branding - embracing
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Abstract presented at the Inaugural Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA) in London (Middlesex University) 7-9 December 2016 - 2016 -
Transformational tourism: extraordinary experiences and
Eva Maria Jernsand
25th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research in Turku, Finland, September 28-30, 2016 - 2016 -
Time as an issue of power in development
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Development research conference (DEVRES) 2016: Global visions and local practices, 22-24 August 2016, Stockholm University - 2016 -
Tourism Experience Innovation Through
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff, Lena Mossberg
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2015 -
Unequal distributions of time in transdisciplinary
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
The 1st biennial reserch conference on time , November 4-6, 2015 Gothenburg. - 2015 -
Participatory place branding through design: the case of Dunga beach in Kisumu,
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy - 2015 -
Democracy in participatory place branding: a critical
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Critical management studies - 9th International conference: Is there an alternative - management after critique. Leicester 8-10 July - 2015 -
Participation in educational tourism: transforming individuals, communities and societies by stakeholder
Eva Maria Jernsand
24th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitaly: Responsible tourism, Reykjavik, October 1-3 - 2015 -
From disciplines to common ground and actions: reflections on a transdisciplinary project in Kisumu,
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Design with the other 90%: Cumulus Johannesburg Conference Proceedings. - 2014 -
Value co-cration in tourism
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
23rd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research: Values of tourism, October 1-4, Copenhagen - 2014 -
Designing For or Designing
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Proceedings of the 19th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference - 2014 -
A marketing design approach to destination
Eva Maria Jernsand
2014 -
Community‐based tourism development - a designerly approach to destination
Eva Maria Jernsand, Helena Kraff
Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research: Innovation and value creation in experience‐based tourism, September 24-27, Bodö and Lofoten Islands - 2013 -
Participatory Design Tools in Place
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
Proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Design Conference, Crafting the Future, April 17-19 in Gothenburg - 2013 -
Participatory Design in a Destination Branding
Helena Kraff, Eva Maria Jernsand
10th European Academy of Design Conference, Crafting the Future, April 17-19 in Gothenburg - 2013