
Asha Tickoo


Institutionen för språk och litteraturer
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

Om Asha Tickoo


I have a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, with specialty in Pragmatics and formal approaches to Discourse Analysis. I also have an MA in English, MPhil in Linguistics, and post-doctoral education in Applied Linguistics, with focus on Second Language Acquisition.


I have interest, and specialty, in the following areas:

  • Second Language Acquisition (functional approaches)
  • Pragmatics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Stylistics (with focus on the study of narrative)
  • World English(es)


I have some thirty-six years of teaching experience in the university system.

I have taught the following courses in Graduate and Undergraduate programs in Linguistics & Applied Linguistics:

  • General Linguistics
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Pragmatics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Stylistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Ethnography of Speech
  • Language and Culture
  • World English
  • Research Methods

I also have many years of experience supervising graduate and undergraduate theses.


Second Language Learning in a Foreign Language Environment: A Pragma-discoursal Account”, ISBN 978 81 920475 9 1, Madras: Terra Firma. 2016. 1-264.

“On Undercoded English and Linguistic Accommodation”, Language and Language teaching, ISSN 2277-307X, 4.1:7. 2015. 1-8.

“On narrative in support of an opening end-state statement: A case study” The EFL Journal, ISSN 0976-660X, 5.1. 2014. 65-84.

“Performance-keying and dialogicity: A case study in Kashmiri oral narrative.” RASK, International Journal of Language and Communication (University Press of Southern Denmark), ISSN 0909-8976, 36. 2012. 3-49.

“Strategic undercoding and language learning” The EFL Journal, ISSN 0378-2166, 2.1. 2011. 1-18.

“On assertion without free speech”. Journal of Pragmatics, ISSN 0378-2166, 42.6. 2010. 1577-1594.

“On felicitous assertion and free speech” HDLS-8 Proceedings, 8. 2009. 1-16.

“Performance devices in Hatim’s Tales”. Texas Linguistics Forum, 53. 2009. 89-99.

Book review: De Fina, Schiffrin & Bamberg (Ed.) “ Discourse and Identity”. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 11.2. 2009. 71-72.

Book review: Enric Llurda (Ed.), “Non-native language teachers”. World Englishes, ISSN 0883-2919, , 26.1. 2007. 104-106.

“Information design and language learning” in Pragmatics, ISSN 229-581X, (Ed. A. Thorat) 2006. 33-60.

“The selective marking of past tense: Insights from Indian learners of ESL.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics, ISSN 0802-6106, 15.3. 2005. 364-378.

“A key means to marking the evaluation in narrative as story: the sentential representation of variable temporal passage.” ITL Review of Applied Linguistics , ISSN 1783-1490, 150. 2005. 19-46.

“Text building, language learning and the emergence of local varieties.” World Englishes, ISSN 0883-2912, 24: 1. 2005. 21-38.

“On information packaging and hearer engagement in Kashmiri narrative.” Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, ISSN 0049-2388, 32. 2. 2005. 73-90.

“Basic modes of text building and textualization as learning task.” To appear in International Symposium on Applied Linguistics.

“Past Tense Acquisition in ESL: A Reassessment of the Developmental Sequence Hypothesis.” To appear in The International Convention on English Grammar.

“On word order, information distribution and narrative development in Kashmiri” SALA 23, 2004.

Comment on forum paper, “Whose norms? Proficiency tests in English” World Englishes, ISSN 0883-2919, 23.2. 2004. 321-322.

Comment on Shanta Nair Venugopal’s response to review of “S. N. Venugopal, Language Choice and Communication in Malaysian Business.” World Englishes, ISSN 0883-2919, 22. 4. 2003. 615-616.

Book review: S. N. Venugopal, Language Choice and Communication in Malaysian Business. World Englishes, ISSN 0883-2919, 21.3, 2003. 460-461.

“On variable temporal passage in story telling: identifying constraints and evidencing constraint violation in ESL prose.” TEXT, ISSN 1981-2005, 23:1. 2003. 129-163.

“On the framing of one kind of indefinite referring expression: Learning challenges and pedagogical implications.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics, ISSN 0802-6106, 12.2. 2002, 176-194.

“On the use of ‘then’/ ‘after that’ in the marking of chronological order: Insights from Vietnamese and Chinese learners of ESL.” System, ISSN 0346-251X, 30. 2002. 107-124.

“On Enumerative Prose in ESL: The Rhetorical Structure and Learning Challenges of One Type of Collection.” Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, ISSN 1833-7139, 2001. 1-26.

“How to create a crisis: Empowering the ESL writer with lessons from narrative art.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics, ISSN 0802-6106, 11:1, 2001.21-37

“The challenge of unstated meaning: A study of ESL written recall of narrative prose” ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, ISSN 1783-1490, 2001. 207-225 .

“Re-examining the developmental sequence hypothesis for past-tense marking in ESL: Transfer effects and implications.” Prospect: A Journal of Australian TESOL, ISSN 0814-7094, 16.1. 2001. 16-34. “How to Create a Crisis: A Study of ESL Narrative Prose.” ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, ISSN 1783-1490, 2000, 169 -190.

“Problems in the Acquisition of Tense-Aspect Systems: A Two Way Study of the Acquisition patterns of Chinese ESL learners and English CSL learners.” Proceedings of the 10th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, 1999.

“How to Create a Crisis: A Study of ESL Narrative Prose.” Creating Sense: Texts and Realities (Ed. D. Allison), 1999.

“Monitoring the Structure of Meaning in Beginners’ ESL Prose.” TESL Canada Journal, ISSN 0826-435X, 1998, 16.1. 1-17.

“The Lexico-Syntactic Marking of Chronological order: Insights from Vietnamese Learners of ESL.” Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, ISSN 1833-7139, 1998, 21.1. 109-192.

“Learner Hypothesis and Past-Tense Marking in Vietnamese English.” World Englishes ISSN 0883-7139, 1996, 15.2. 183-192.

“On Preposing and Word order Rigidity.” Pragmatics, ISSN 1018-2101, December, 1992. 2:4. 467-486.

“Seeking a Pedagogically Useful Understanding of Given-New: An Analysis of Native-Speaker Errors in Written Discourse.” Pragmatics and Language Learning, Vol. 3, 1992. 130-143

“Kashmiri V-1 Declarative Clauses.” The Penn Review of Linguistics, 1991.

“On the Discourse Representation of Temporal Order.” WECOL Proceedings, 90.3. 1990. 303-309.