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- Sofia Strid
Sofia Strid
Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapUniversitetslektor
Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapOm Sofia Strid
Sofia Strid är docent vid Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap vid Göteborgs universitet och gästforskare vid Oxford Brookes University, UK. Hon har uppdrag som proprefekt och som studierektor för forskarutbildningen vid Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap vid Göteborgs universitet. Hon har tidigare varit lektor och forskare i genusvetenskap, kvinnovetenskap, policystudier, sociologi och statsvetenskap i Belgien, Storbritannien, Sverige och Österrike, i sociologi senast vid Lancaster University, UK. Hennes profil är internationell, mångvetenskaplig, samt samarbets- och samverkansinriktad, med fokus på europeiska mångpartnersamarbeten och projekt. Hon har kommunicerat sina forskningsresultat genom dryga tvåhundra publikationer och hundrafemtio konferenspresentationer i 30 länder.
Sofia Strids forskning är brett samhällsvetenskaplig och utgår från feministisk teori och samhällsteori för att analysera politik, mobilisering och motstånd, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet samt våldets ontologi och aetologi. Hon använder både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Sofia Strids forskning har publicerats i bland annat Current Sociology, Feminist Theory, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of Sex Research, Politics and Governance, Social Politics, Social Problems, Sociologisk Forskning, Sociology och Theory & Society och finansieras av till exempel Europeiska kommissionen, Europaparlamentet, Europeiska jämställdhetsinstitutet (EIGE), Vetenskapsrådet och FORTE.
Pågående forskningsprojekt
- GenderSAFE Advancing the zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research in the European Research Area (2024-2027). Projektet syftar till att bidra till säkra, inkluderande och respektfulla miljöer för forskning och högre utbildning, med nolltolerans mot våld. GU-teamet består av Sofia Strid (PI), Fredrik Bondestam, Anne Laure Humbert och Sarah Philipsson Isaac. GenderSAFE finansieras med ca 23 miljoner SEK av EU Horizon Europe.
- ST4TE: Strategies for just and equitable transitions in Europe (2024-2027). Projektet syftar till att undersöka effekterna av den gröna, digitala och tvillingövergången på ojämlikheter mellan individer och territorier, och att undersöka hur befintliga ojämlikheter påverkar övergångsvägarna. GU-teamet består av Sofia Strid (PI), Anna Davidsson, Sebastian Svenberg, Martin Hultman och Christopher Ali Thorén. ST4TE finansieras med ca 35 miljoner SEK av EU Horizon Europe.
- SUPPORTER: Securing sports education through innovative and inclusive gender equality plans (2023-2026). Projektet syftar till att främja inkluderande jämställdhet inom det europeiska forskningsområdet, med fokus på genusbaserat våld och utsatthet, inom högre idrottsutbildning. GU-teamet består av Sofia Strid (PI), Karin Grahn, Suzanne Lundvall och Nathalie Wuiame. SUPPORTER finansieras med ca 12 miljoner kronor av EU Horizon Europe.
- ACCTING: Advancing behavioural change through an inclusive green deal (2021-2025). ACCTING mobiliserar forskningsexperiment och innovation för att främja en jämställd, inkluderande och socialt rättvis europeisk grön giv. ACCTING genomförs av tolv europeiska partners och ett femtiotal forskare i över 30 länder. ACCTING finansieras med ca 50 miljoner av EU H2020 (grant agreement no 101036504) och koordineras av European Science Foundation (ESF) i Strasbourg.
Avslutade forskningsprojekt
- UniSAFE: Gender-based Violence and Institutional Responses: Building a Knowledge-base and Operational Tools to Make Universities and Research Organisations Safe (2021-2024). I UniSAFE undersöker ett konsortium med nio EU-partners och ett 50-tal forskare och innovatörer genusbaserat våld och sexuella trakasserier i högre utbildning i Europa, och designar policyinitiativ, rekommendationer och aktioner. Materialet består bland annat av analys av policy- och rättsligt ramverk i EU27 och av 46 forskningsorganisationer, en prevalensstudie (n=42 000) och 16 fallstudier i 15 länder, samt intervjuer med särskilt utsatta grupper. UniSAFE finansieras av EU H2020 (grant agreement no. 101006261) med ca 35 miljoner kronor. European Science Foundation (ESF) är projektkoordinator. Sofia Strid är UniSAFEs vetenskapliga koordinator, GU PI och ledare för WP6.
- RESISTIRÉ: Responding to outbreaks through co-creative inclusive equality strategies (2021-2023). RESISTIRÉ och dess elva europeiska partners bidrar till att minska könsrelaterade och intersektionella ojämlikheter till följd av covid-19-politiska åtgärder och skapar innovativa operativa verktyg för att motverka dessa ojämlikheter. Projektet ger fördjupad kunskap och förståelse för befintliga problem, samt nuvarande och framtida prioriteringar och lösningar. RESISTIRÉ finansieras av EU H2020 (grant agreement no 101015990) med ca 50 miljoner kronor. European Science Foundation (ESF) i Strasbourg är projektkoordinator. Sofia Strid är RESISTIRÉs vetenskapliga koordinator och leder WP4.
- Violence Regimes: Theorising and Explaining Variations in the Production of Violence in Welfare State Regimes (VR 2018-2022). PI: Sofia Strid, Göteborgs universitet.
- Mellan relation och prostitution: Sugardejting och omförhandlingen av gränsen mellan ekonomi och intimitet (FORTE, 2019-2022). PI: Lena Gunnarsson, Örebro universitet.
- Femicide Across Europe (EU, 2015-2022). PI: Shalva Veil, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- Feminist Theories on Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies (VR, 2012-2018). PI: Nina Lykke, Linköpings universitet.
- FATIMA: Preventing Honour Related Violence by Education and Dialogue Through Immigrant NGO:s (EU 2015-2018), PI: Yevgenia Averhead, Uppsala universitet.
- Gender Based Violence in Sports (EU 2015-2017). PI: Lut Mergaert, Yellow Window, Belgium.
- Female Genital Mutilation: Girls at Risk in the EU, PI: Lut Mergaert, Yellow Window, Belgium. Finansierat av Europeiska jämställdhetsinstitutet (EIGE).
- Rape and Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Zones (EU, 2014-2015). PI: Sylvia Walby, Lancaster University, UK.
- Worldwide Best Practices for Rape Prevention and for Assisting Women Victims of Rape (EU, 2013-2014). PI: Sylvia Walby, Lancaster University, UK.
- The Strength of Feminist Civil Society Organisations in the EU 27 (VR, 2010-2013). PI: Sofia Strid, Lancaster University, UK.
- Physical and Legal Security and the Criminal Justice System (EHRC, 2009-2011). PI: Sylvia Walby, Lancaster University, UK.
- QUING: The Quality of Gender + Equality Policy (EU, 2006-2011). PI: Mieke Verloo, Radboud University, the Netherlands.
Sofia Strid har utvecklat och givit kurser samt handlett på samtliga nivåer i olika ämnen, bland annat genusvetenskap, rättsvetenskap, media och kommunikationsvetenskap, socialt arbete, sociologi och statsvetenskap. Hon utvecklar och leder workshops om jämställdhet, jämställdhetsintegrering och könsrelaterat våld för universitetspersonal, praktiker och beslutsfattare. Hon handleder för närvarande tre doktorander i sociologi och genusvetenskap. Sofia Strid välkomnar forskarstuderande och postdoks med intresse för motstånd mot feminism, genusperspektiv på hållbarhet och feministiska våldsstudier i online/offlinekontexter.
Samarbeten och uppdrag
Sofia Strid har uppdrag som proprefekt vis Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap. Hon har varit studierektor för forskarutbildningen vid institutionen. Hon har även varit grundutbildningsansvarig och ledamot i Fakultetsnämnden för humaniora och socialvetenskap vid Örebro universitet. Sofia Strid är aktiv i ett flertal väletablerade europeiska nätverk och samarbeten, bland annat som före detta ordförande i Nordic Association for Feminist and Gender Research, styrelsen för NORA, Europarepresentant i International Sociological Association RC32: Women and Society; Sektionsledare för S09: Gender-based violence vid European Consortium for Political Research-ECPG, och medlem i EU-finansierade COST-Action on Femicide.
“If it was my account with my name, I would be scared for my life”: queer online sex work in
Rukaya Al Zayani, Maria Jansson, Sofia Strid
Journal of Gender Studies - 2025 -
Interconnecting violences for research, policy and
Jeff Hearn, Sofia Strid, Bob Pease, Kate Seymour
Interconnecting the Violences of Men. Continuities and Intersections in Research, Policy and Activism - 2025 -
Interconnecting the violences of men: Continuities and intersections in research, policy, and
Kate Seymour, Bob Pease, Sofia Strid, Jeff Hern
Interconnecting the Violences of Men. Continuities and Intersections in Research, Policy and Activism - 2025 -
Interconnecting the Violences of Men. Continuities and Intersections in Research, Policy and
Kate Seymour, Bob Pease, Sofia Strid, Jeff Hearn
2025 -
Sons of honour, honour of sons. Expectations of chastity and restrictions of marriage to identify boys with culture of honour in
Jan-Magnus Enelo, Rúna í Baianstovu, Sofia Strid
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research - 2025 -
Institutional confidence, underreporting and academic consequences of gender-based violence among university staff and students in
Anne Laure Humbert, Sofia Strid
Studies in Higher Education - 2025 -
Intersectionality and gender-based violence: An empirical multi-level examination of prevalence and frequency in universities and research
Anne Laure Humbert, Sofia Strid
Violence against Women - 2024 -
Operational Guidelines and Recommendations for an Inclusive European Green Deal. ACCTING Deliverable D5.1 for the European
Nikita Sharma, Nikos Zaharis, Alain Denis, Sofia Strid, Ayse Gül Altinay, Martin Felix Gadjusek, Carolin Zorell, Carina Green, Gabor Szüdi, Aart Kerremans, Gabriele Quinti, Manousos Klados, Guiseppe Pellegrini Masini, Ana Vivas, Marina Cacace, Burcu Borhan Türeli, Esin Düzel
2024 -
Kvinnors trygghet 2021 (Version 1) [Data
Hans Ekbrand, Sofia Strid, Jenny Westerstrand
Svensk nationell datatjänst (SND) - 2024 -
Inclusive gender+ equality policy and practice in sports higher education institutions. SUPPORTER Deliverable D2.1 for the European
Report on zero-tolerance approaches to gender-based violence in higher education and research. GenderSAFE Deliverable D2.1 for the European
Fredrik Bondestam, Sofia Strid, Michaela Fikejzová, Marcela Linková
2024 -
Resisting the Pandemic. Better Stories and Innovation in Times of
María Belloso López, Sara Clavero, Sofia Strid
2024 -
‘Better stories’ of feminist+ witnessing and co- creativity in dark
Ayşe Gül Altınay , Sofia Strid
Resisting the Pandemic. Better Stories and Innovation in Times of Crisis - 2024 -
Research project methodology during and about crisis for innovations to address
Sofia Strid, Alain Denis
Resisting the Pandemic. Better Stories and Innovation in Times of Crisis - 2024 -
Navigating crisis through innovation: A multifaceted
María Belloso López, Alain Denis, Sofia Strid
Resisting the Pandemic. Better Stories and Innovation in Times of Crisis - 2024 -
Better stories and innovations as resistances to inequalities in
María Belloso López, Sofia Strid, Sara Clavero
Resisting the pandemic. Better stories and innovation in times of crisis - 2024 -
Men's economic abuse towards women in Sweden: Findings from a national
Linnéa Bruno, Sofia Strid, Hans Ekbrand
Violence against Women - 2024 -
The role of intersectionality and context in measuring gender-based violence in universities and research performing organisations in Europe for the development of inclusive structural
Anne Laure Humbert, Sofia Strid, Jagriti Tanwar, Anke Lipinsky, Claudia Schredl
Violence against Women - 2024 -
Complexities facing social work: Honor-based violence as lived reality and
Runa i Baianstovu, Sofia Strid
Genusbaserat våld i
Sofia Strid, Liisa Husu
Tidskriften Astra. Samhälle, kultur, feminism - 2024 -
Open Studios: Using better stories and personas to develop inclusive solutions to reduce
Sofia Strid, Alain Denis
SAGE Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research - 2024 -
Using design-thinking approaches to diversify and co-create solutions to wicked problems with multiple
Sofia Strid, Alain Denis
SAGE Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research - 2024 -
SUPPORTER Report on Design of Institutional
Faye Ververidou, Zoi Tatsioka, Eugenia Vilarchao, Sofia Strid, Ildiko Ipolyi
2024 -
Capacity Building Scheme (D3.1
Eugenia Vilarchao, Faye Ververidou, Zoi Tatsioka, Suzanne Lundvall, Nikos Zaharis, Sofia Strid, Ildiko Ipolyi
2024 -
Narratives on inequalities in enablers and hindrances for advancing behavioural change through an inclusive Green Deal in Europe. ACCTING
Sofia Strid, Dag Balkmar, Carolin Zorell, James White, Magnus Boström
ACCTING Community. Zenodo - 2024 -
Advancing behavioural change through an inclusive green deal. Report on first cycle experimental
Carolin Zorell, Sofia Strid
2023 -
Mäns våld mot kvinnor i det jämställda Sverige: Resultat från en
Sofia Strid, Hans Ekbrand, Jenny Westerstrand, Astrid Carsbring
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning - 2023 -
D5.3. ACCTING Research Agenda – 1st cycle. Report delivered to the European
Manousos Klados, James White, Carolin Zorell, Martin Felix Gadjusek, Giuseppe Pellegrini Masini, Pariman Boostani, Sofia Strid, Patricia Abrantes, Luís Moreno, Daniela Ferreira, Maria Lucinda Fonesca, Ana B. Vivas, Vasileios Chatzimpyros,, Dag Balkmar, Gabriele Quinti, Marina Cacace
2023 -
Inclusive gender+ equality policy and practice in sport higher education institutions (SUPPORTER
Navigating the pandemic: Gendered perspectives
on vulnerability, resilience and institutional change
in times of
María López Belloso, Sofia Strid
Papers. Revista de Sociologia - 2023 -
Training materials and tools for institutional transformation (SUPPORTER
Covid, crisis and public policy: Analysis of the impact of the pandemic and social policies implemented on gendered
María Lopéz Belloso, Sofia Strid
Papers. Revista de Sociologia - 2023 -
Recommendations for research funding organisations towards ending gender-based
Liisa Husu, Sofia Strid, Fredrik Bondestam, Lut Mergaert, Nathalie Wuiame, Vasia Madesi
2023 -
RESISTIRE D4.4: Summary report on qualitative
Alexandra Kent, Sofia Strid, Lina Sandström, Anne-Charlott Callerstig
2023 -
RESISTIRE: Agenda for future research. Addressing the impacts of Covid-19 policies on gendered inequalities - cycle
Lina Sandström, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Sofia Strid
2023 -
Gender mainstreaming in times of crisis: Missed opportunities in pandemic
Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Sofia Strid
Papers. Revista de Sociologia - 2023 -
Theorising Gender-Based Violence Policies: A 7P
Lut Mergaert, Marcela Linková, Sofia Strid
Social Sciences - 2023 -
Local is beautiful. ACCTING
Ayşe Gül Altinay, Türeli Borhan, Marina Cacace, Ana B Vivas, Sofia Strid, Esin Düzel
2023 -
UniSAFE D6.2 Assessment framework to take stock, measure progresses, and identify strengths and weakness in organisational responses to gender-based violence along the
Sofia Strid, Fredrik Bondestam, Anne Laure Humbert, Charoula Tzakanou, Lut Mergaert
2023 -
Integrating gender equality in economics and
F. Costanza, Sofia Strid, M. Ortega Gil, L. Barez Lopez
Gender-Competent Legal Education - 2023 -
Feminist political and legal
Antonio Álvarez del Cuvillo, Fabio Macioce, Sofia Strid
Gender-Competent Legal Education - 2023 -
Assessment framework to take stock, measure progresses, and identify strengths and weakness in organisational responses to gender-based violence along the
Sofia Strid, Fredrik Bondestam, Anne Laure Humbert, Charoula Tzanakou, Lut Mergaert
2023 -
Crisis as a Continuum: Learning from an Inclusive Feminist Crisis Response. RESISTIRÉ
Ayşe Gül Altınay, Nazlı Türker, Pınar Ensari, Charoula Tzanakou, Sofia Strid, Maria López Belloso, Audrey Harroche
2023 -
Digital Transformation for an Inclusive Post-COVID Recovery. RESISTIRÉ
Lina Sandström, Sofia Strid, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Roberto Cibin, Agnieszka Kolasińska, Charikleia Tzanakou, Audrey Harroche
2023 -
Narratives on inequalities caused by policy and societal responses to Covid-19 in Europe – second cycle [Data
Sofia Strid, Lina Sandström, Claudia Aglietti, Anne-Charlott Callerstig
2023 -
Inclusive civil society for an inclusive Green Deal. ACCTING
Sofia Strid, Ana B Vivas, Marina Cacace, Ayşe Gül Altinay, Burcu Borhan Türeli
2023 -
Narratives on inequalities caused by policy and societal responses to Covid-19 in Europe – third cycle [RESISTIRÉ Data
Sofia Strid, Lina Sandström, Claudia Agletti, Anne-Charlotte Callerstig
2023 -
Inclusive gender+ equality policy and practice in sport higher education
Sofia Strid, Karin Grahn, Suzanne Lundvall, Angelica Simonsson, Nathalie Wuiame
2023 -
The use of the Design Sociology approach in pandemic
Roberto Cibin, Teresa Stöckeleva, Alain Denis, Sofia Strid
Sociology of health and medicine in the public arena during the Covid-19 pandemic. ESA RN16 Midterm conference, - 2023 -
The violently gender-equal Nordic welfare
Sofia Strid, Anne Laure Humbert, Jeff Hearn
Re-imagining Sexual Harassment. Perspectives from the Nordic Region. - 2023 -
Varieties of sugar dating in Sweden: Content, compensation,
Lena Gunnarsson, Sofia Strid
Social problems - 2023 -
RESISTIRÉ Politika Metni: Krizlerin Devamlılığı: Kapsayıcı Feminist Mücadeleden
Ayşe Altınay, Nazlı Türker, Pinar Ensari, Charoula Tzanakou, Sofia Strid, Audrey Harroche
2023 -
RESISTIRE D6.3 Report on solutions cycle
Aart Kerremans, Alain Denis, Agnieszka Kolasinska, Roberto Cibin, Marcela Linkova, Sofia Strid, Lina Sandström, Anne-Charlott Callerstig
2023 -
RESISTIRÉ D6.4: Overall report on
Art Kerremans, Alain Denis, Grace Romeo, Agnieszka Kolasińska, Claudia Aglietti, Sofia Strid
2023 -
RESISTIRÉ D4.3 Summary report on qualitative indicators - cycle
Lina Sandström, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Sofia Strid, Lorenzo Lionello, Federica Rosetti
2023 -
Building back better? Qualitative indications of inequalities produced by Covid-19 and its policy and societal responses. RESISTIRÉ D4.2: Second cycle summary
Lina Sandström, Axelsson Tobias K, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Sofia Strid, Alicja Bobek
2022 -
Report on the multi-level analysis and integrated dataset. Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge-base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe. UniSAFE
Anne Laure Humbert, Nicole Ovesen, Angelica Simonsson, Sofia Strid, Jeff Hearn, Zuzana Andreska, Averil Huck, Marcela Linková, Vilana Pilinkaitė Sotirovič, Giedrė Blažytė, Bruna Pereira
2022 -
Reinforcing EU level action to combat Gender-Based Violence. RESISTIRE
Sofia Strid, Ayşe Gül Altınay, Nazli Türker, Elena Ghidoni, Laia Fenosa Tarragona
2022 -
Improving national responses to gender-based violence: Lessons from the pandemic crisis. RESISTIRE
Sofia Strid, Ayşe Gül Altınay, Nazli Türker, Elena Ghidoni, Laia Tarragona Fenosa
2022 -
Violence and
Sofia Strid, Jeff Hearn
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict (3rd edition) - 2022 -
RESISTIRE Factsheet: Gender-Based Violence during Crises: Risk Assessment, Prevention and Effective
María López Belloso, Laia Tarragona, Elena Ghidoni, Ainhoa Izaguirre, Lina Sandström, Sofia Strid, Claudia Aglietti
2022 -
RESISTIRE Factsheet: Education: Developing Resilient Education
Charoula Tzanakou, Alexis Still, Federica Rossetti, Lina Sandström, Caitriona Delaney, Sofia Strid, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Aart Kerremans, Jagriti Tanwar
2022 -
Better stories for a gender equal and fairer social recovery from outbreaks: learnings from the RESISTIRÉ
Sofia Strid, Colette Schrodi, Roberto Cibin
Gender and Development - 2022 -
RESISTIRÉ - Agenda for Future Research - 1st
Igor Živković, Aart Kerremans, Alain Denis, Sofia Strid, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Tobias Axelsson, Ayşe Gül Altinay, Nazli Turker, Elena Ghidoni, Laia Tarragona Fenosa, Roberto Cibin, Clare Stovell, Charoula Tzanakou, Rana Charafeddine, Federica Rosetti
2022 -
RESISTIRÉ Agenda for Future Research - cycle
Lina Sandström, Sofia Strid
2022 -
Violence Regimes: A Useful Concept for Social Politics, Social Analysis, and Social
Jeff Hearn, Sofia Strid, Anne Laure Humbert, Dag Balkmar
Theory and Society - 2022 -
From gender regimes to violence regimes: Re-thinking the position of
Jeff Hearn, Sofia Strid, Anne Laure Humbert, Dag Balkmar, Marine Delaunay
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society - 2022 -
Chemistry or Service? Sugar Daddies’ (Re)quest for Mutuality within the Confines of Commercial
Lena Gunnarsson, Sofia Strid
Journal of Sex Research - 2022 -
RESISTIRÉ D6.2 Report on solutions cycle
Aart Kerremans, Alain Denis, Agnieszka Kolasińska, Marcela Linková , Roberto Cibin, Claudia Aglietti, Marina Carace, Sofia Strid, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Tobias Axelsson, Colette Schrodi, Claire Braun, Grace Romeo
2021 -
RESISTIRÉ D6.1 Report on solutions cycle
Igor Živković, Aart Kerremans, Alain Denis, Roberto Cibin, Marcela Linková, Claudia Aglietti, Marina Cacace, Sofia Strid, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Tobias Axelsson, Colette Schrodi, Claire Braun, Grace Romeo
2021 -
Theoretical and conceptual framework. Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge-base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe. UniSAFE
Sofia Strid, Anne Laure Hearn, Fredrik Bondestam, Liisa Husu
2021 -
Report on the European Policy Baseline. UniSAFE
Veronika Fajmonová, Averil Huck, Zuzana Andreska, Jana Dvořáčková, Marcela Linková, Katarzyna Struzińska, Sofia Strid, Jeff Hearn, Liisa Husu, Agostina Allori, Nathalie Wuiame
2021 -
Qualitative indications of inequalities produced by COVID-19 and its policy responses. RESISTIRÉ D4.1. 1st cycle summary
Tobias K. Axelsson, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Lina Sandström, Sofia Strid
2021 -
Undoing the ‘Nordic Paradox’: Factors affecting rates of disclosed violence against women across the
Anne Laure Humbert, Sofia Strid, Jeff Hearn, Dag Balkmar
PLoS ONE - 2021 -
States of violence: Exploring welfare state regimes as violence regimes by developing a violence regimes
Sofia Strid, Anne Laure Humbert, Jeff Hearn, Dag Balkmar
Journal of European Social Policy - 2021 -
Inequalities, isolation, and intersectionality: A quantitative study of honour-based violence among girls and boys in metropolitan
Sofia Strid, Rúna Baianstovu, Jan Magnus Enelo
Women's Studies: International Forum - 2021 -
Jämställdhet under attack: En feministisk analys av våldsamt motstånd
Sofia Strid
Tidskrift for kjønnsforskning - 2020 -
Betydelser av könsstympning hos migrerade minoriteter i Sverige: En feministisk
Sofia Strid
Sociologisk forskning - 2020 -
Minority migrant men’s attitudes toward female genital mutilation: Developing strategies to engage
Tobias K. Axelsson, Sofia Strid
Health Care for Women International - 2020 -
Involving Men: The Multiple Meanings of Female Genital Mutilation in a Minority Migrant
Sofia Strid, Tobias K. Axelsson
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research - 2020 -
Trans* Politics and the feminist project: Revisiting the politics of recognition to resolve
Zara Saeidzadeh, Sofia Strid
Politics and Governance - 2020 -
The concept and measurement of violence against women and
Sylvia Walby, Jude Towers, Consuelo Corradi, Brian Francis, Markku Heiskanen, Karin Helweg-Larsen, Lut Mergaert, Philippa Olive, Emma Palmer, Sofia Strid
2017 -
Interrogating violence against women and state violence policy: Gendered intersectionalities and the quality of policy in The Netherlands, Sweden and the
Jeff Hearn, Sofia Strid, Liisa Husu, Mieke Verloo
Current Sociology - 2016 -
Intersectionality and multiple inequalities: Visibility in british policy on violence against
Sofia Strid, Sylvia Walby, Jo Armstrong
Social Politics - 2013 -
Intersectionality and the quality of the gender equality
Sylvia Walby, Jo Armstrong, Sofia Strid
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society - 2012 -
Intersectionality: Multiple inequalities in social
Sylvia Walby, Jo Armstrong, Sofia Strid
Sociology - 2012