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- Leif Eriksson
Leif Eriksson
Institutionen för kemi och molekylärbiologiOm Leif Eriksson
Kontaktinformation: Natrium-huset, Medicinaregatan 7b, 405 30 Göteborg; rum 7283.
Teoretisk biofysikalisk kemi i form av datorbaserad modellering av olika biokemiska processer och system. Vårt fokus har under lång tid varit relaterad till DNA-skador, cancer och utveckling av läkemedel. Vi har under senare år studerat allt större system, inklusive diffusion genom biologiska membran, läkemedelsladdade liposomer, framtagning av proteinstrukturer och studier av dess mekanismer, modellering av protein-protein-växelverkan samt utveckling av inhibitorer inom cancer och som ny antibiotika. En stor del av vår forskning rör förståelsen av olika stressrespons-mekanismer i cellerna, och hur vi kan utnyttja dessa för behandling av aggressiva cancerformer som glioblastom, TNBC och metastaserande cancer.
Vi använder en rad olika metoder i vår forskning, från DFT och QM/MM, till molekyldynamiksimuleringar, och bioinformatiska verktyg såsom VHTS/dockning och homologimodellering. Under senare år har vi utvecklat egna AI-baserade verktyg för ultrasnabb framtagning av läkemedel, ADMET egenskaper, läkemedelsinteraktioner, m.m.
ResearcherID: D-1226-2012. ORCID: 0000-0001-5654-3109
Forskargrupp: 1 1'e forskningsingenjör (Dr Jalil Mahdizadeh), 2 Postdocs (Dr Asma Gholami, Dr Shraddha Parate), 1 doktorand (Fredrik Lannestam Holmelin), ett antal Masterstudenter, gästforskare och gästdoktorander.
Framför allt inom: Grundläggande kemi (KEM011) Analytisk farmaceutisk kemi (KER210) Allmän farmaceutisk kemi (KER220) Grundläggande Molekylmodellering (KEM552)
Vice ordförande i nationella allokerings-kommittén (NAC) för datortid vid nationella superdatorcentra.
Medverkar i H2020 MSCA-RISE projekt VIDEC. Medlem i UGOT CARe (Center for Antibiotics Resestance Research).
Leif Eriksson studerade Kemi vid Stockholm universitet och University of Sussex. Han disputerade i Kvantkemi vid Uppsala Universitet (1992), och erhöll postdocstipendium från VR (dåvarande NFR) vid Dalhousie University, Kanada, 92/93. Han kommer senast från NUI Galway, Irland, och innnehar sin Professur i fysikalisk kemi vid GU sedan 2011. Tilldelades år 2017 Naturvetarsektion vid Göta Studentkårs pedagogiska pris.
Eriksson har >300 vetenskapliga arbeten och ett 20-tal översiktsartiklar/bokkapitel. Han har patenterat nya läkemedel mot hudcancer, glioblastom, och nedbrytning av Vitamin A, samt är delägare i avknoppningsbolagen ANYO Labs, C26 Bioscience AB och Cell Stress Discoveries. I dagsläget arbetar hans grupp med utveckling av ett flertal nya läkemedel, av vilka de första befinner sig i patenteringsfasen.
Erikssons forskning stöds av bl.a. Vetenskapsrådet (vr.se), Cancerfonden (cancerfonden.se), Sven och Lilly Lawskis fond (lawskistiftelsen.se), Wenner-Gren stiftelserna (swgc.org) och USA-baserade GBM Foundation (gbmfoundation.com).
Computational Characterization of the Interaction of CARD Domains in the
Rita Ortega-Vallbona, Linda C Johansson, Laureano E. Carpio, Eva Serrano-Candelas, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Howard Fearnhead, Rafael Gozalbes, Leif A Eriksson
An experimental target-based platform in yeast for screening Plasmodium vivax deoxyhypusine synthase
Suélen Fernandes Silva, Angélica Hollunder Klippel, Sunniva Sigurdardóttir, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Ievgeniia Tiukova, Catarina Bourgard, Luis Carlos Salazar-Alvarez, Heloísa Monteiro do Amaral Prado, Renan Vinicius de Araujo, Fabio Trindade Maranhão Costa, Elizabeth Bilsland, Ross D King, Katlin Brauer Massirer, Leif A Eriksson, Mário Henrique Bengtson, Cleslei Fernando Zanelli, Per Sunnerhagen
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases - 2024 -
Phosphorylation of GCN2 by mTOR confers adaptation to conditions of hyper-mTOR activation under
Odai Darawshi, Olaya Yassin, Miri Shmuel, Ronald C. Wek, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Leif A Eriksson, Maria Hatzoglou, Boaz Tirosh
Mechanism of Dual-Site Recognition in a Classic DNA
Yun-Peng Wang, Leif A Eriksson, Ru-Bo Zhang
Selectivity analysis of diaminopyrimidine-based inhibitors of MTHFD1, MTHFD2 and
Vibhu Jha, Leif A Eriksson
An automated positive selection screen in yeast provides support for boron-containing compounds as inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main
Sunniva Sigurdardóttir, Suélen Fernandes Silva, Ievgeniia Tiukova, Hanna Alalam, Ross D. King, Morten Grötli, Leif A Eriksson, Per Sunnerhagen
Microbiology spectrum - 2024 -
Dess-Martin periodinane-mediated oxidation of the primary alcohol of cytidine into a carboxylic
Alexandra R. E. Serre, Vibhu Jha, Adele Rivault, Leif A Eriksson, Goreti Ribeiro Morais, Robert A. Falconer
Discovery of novel inhibitors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipase enzyme from in silico and in vitro
Asma Gholami, D. Minai-Tehrani, Anne Farewell, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics - 2024 -
UFMylation: a ubiquitin-like
Xingchen Zhou, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Matthieu Le Gallo, Leif A Eriksson, Eric Chevet, Elodie Lafont
Trends in Biochemical Sciences - 2024 -
Multiscale In Silico Study of the Mechanism of Activation of the RtcB Ligase by the PTP1B
Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Michael Stier, Antonio Carlesso, Aurore Lamy, Melissa Thomas, Leif A Eriksson
Different binding modalities of quercetin to inositol-requiring enzyme 1 of S. cerevisiae and human lead to opposite
Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Johan Grandén, Diana Pelizzari-Raymundo, Xavier Guillory, Antonio Carlesso, Eric Chevet, Leif A Eriksson
Communications Chemistry - 2024 -
Insights into the structure and function of the RNA ligase
M. Moncan, H. Rakhsh-Khorshid, Leif A Eriksson, A. Samali, A. M. Gorman
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences - 2023 -
Binding Modes of Xanthine-Derived Selective Allosteric Site Inhibitors of
Vibhu Jha, Leif A Eriksson
Chemistryopen - 2023 -
Gene Editing Corrects In Vitro a G > A GLB1 Transition from a GM1 Gangliosidosis
D. Leclerc, L. Goujon, S. Jaillard, B. Nouyou, L. Cluzeau, L. Damaj, C. Dubourg, A. Etcheverry, T. Levade, R. Froissart, S. Dreano, X. Guillory, Leif A Eriksson, E. Launay, F. Mouriaux, M. A. Belaud-Rotureau, S. Odent, D. Gilot
Crispr Journal - 2023 -
Metalloprotease-mediated cleavage of CD95
V. Risso, Melissa Thomas, B. Guevel, R. Lavigne, E. Com, S. Martin, M. Nivet, C. Pineau, L. Negroni, E. Lafont, E. Chevet, Leif A Eriksson, M. Le Gallo
FEBS Journal - 2023 -
A novel IRE1 kinase inhibitor for adjuvant glioblastoma
D. Pelizzari-Raymundo, D. Doultsinos, R. Pineau, C. Sauzay, T. Koutsandreas, T. Langlais, Antonio Carlesso, E. Gkotsi, L. Negroni, T. Avril, A. Chatziioannou, E. Chevet, Leif A Eriksson, X. Guillory
iScience - 2023 -
Binding Analysis and Structure-Based Design of Tricyclic Coumarin-Derived MTHFD2 Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents: Insights from Computational
Vibhu Jha, Fredrik Lannestam Holmelin, Leif A Eriksson
Acs Omega - 2023 -
Structural Insights into Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exotoxin A-Elongation Factor 2 Interactions: A Molecular Dynamics
Asma Gholami, D. Minai-Tehrani, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, P. Saenz-Mendez, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2023 -
In silico and in vitro studies confirm Ondansetron as a novel acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase
Asma Gholami, D. Minai-Tehrani, Leif A Eriksson
Scientific Reports - 2023 -
High-resolution structure of a fish aquaporin reveals a novel extracellular
Jiao Zeng, Florian Schmitz, Simon Isaksson, Jessica Glas, Olivia Arbab, Martin Andersson, Kristina Sundell, Leif A Eriksson, Kunchithapadam Swaminathan, Susanna Törnroth-Horsefield, Kristina Hedfalk
Life Science Alliance - 2022 -
A novel DPH5-related diphthamide-deficiency syndrome causing embryonic lethality or profound neurodevelopmental
Suma P. Shankar, Kristin Grimsrud, Louise Lanoue, Alena Egense, Brandon Willis, Johanna Hörberg, Lama AlAbdi, Klaus Mayer, Koray Ütkür, Kristin G. Monaghan, Joel Krier, Joan Stoler, Maha Alnemer, Prabhu R. Shankar, Raffael Schaffrath, Fowzan S. Alkuraya, Ulrich Brinkmann, Leif A Eriksson, Kent Lloyd, Katherine A. Rauen
Genetics in Medicine - 2022 -
Virtual Screening Expands the Non-Natural Amino Acid Palette for Peptide
Kosala N. Amarasinghe, L. De Maria, C. Tyrchan, Leif A Eriksson, J. Sadowski, D. Petrovic
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2022 -
Stress-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of RtcB modulates IRE1 activity and signaling
A. Papaioannou, F. Centonze, A. Metais, M. Maurel, L. Negroni, M. Gonzalez-Quiroz, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Gabriella Svensson, Ensieh Zare, A. Blondel, A. C. Koong, C. Hetz, R. Pedeux, M. L. Tremblay, Leif A Eriksson, E. Chevet
Life science alliance - 2022 -
Markov state models elucidate the stability of DNA influenced by the chiral 5S-Tg
S. D. Wang, R. B. Zhang, Leif A Eriksson
Nucleic Acids Research - 2022 -
QM/MM Well-Tempered Metadynamics Study of the Mechanism of XBP1 mRNA Cleavage by Inositol Requiring Enzyme 1 alpha
Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Emil Pålsson, Antonio Carlesso, E. Chevet, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2022 -
Mechanical strain stimulates COPII-dependent secretory trafficking via
S. Phuyal, E. Djaerff, A. L. Le Roux, M. J. Baker, D. Fankhauser, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, V. Reiterer, A. Parizadeh, E. Felder, J. C. Kahlhofer, D. Teis, M. G. Kazanietz, S. Geley, Leif A Eriksson, P. Roca-Cusachs, H. Farhan
Embo Journal - 2022 -
Dynamics of 5R-Tg Base Flipping in DNA Duplexes Based on Simulations-Agreement with Experiments and
S. D. Wang, Leif A Eriksson, R. B. Zhang
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2022 -
Computational Studies of the Photodegradation Mechanism of the Highly Phototoxic Agent
K. A. K. Musa, Leif A Eriksson
Acs Omega - 2022 -
Sensor dimer disruption as a new mode of action to block the IRE1-mediated unfolded protein
Kosala N. Amarasinghe, D. Pelizzari-Raymundo, Antonio Carlesso, E. Chevet, Leif A Eriksson, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal - 2022 -
Anterior gradient proteins in gastrointestinal cancers: from cell biology to
Emeric Boisteau, Céline Posseme, Federico Di Modugno, Julien Edeline, Cédric Coulouarn, Roman Hrstka, Andrea Martisova, Frédéric Delom, Xavier Treton, Leif A Eriksson, Eric Chevet, Astrid Lièvre, Eric Ogier-Denis
Oncogene - 2022 -
Structure-Based Drug Discovery of IRE1
D. Pelizzari Raymundo, Leif A Eriksson, E. Chevet, X. Guillory
The Unfolded Protein Response - 2022 -
Structural and molecular bases to IRE1 activity
T. Langlais, D. Pelizzari-Raymundo, Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, N. Gouault, F. Carreaux, E. Chevet, Leif A Eriksson, X. Guillory
Biochemical Journal - 2021 -
SARS-CoV-2 integral membrane proteins shape the serological responses of patients with
S. Martin, C. Heslan, G. Jegou, Leif A Eriksson, M. Le Gallo, V. Thibault, E. Chevet, F. Godey, T. Avril
Iscience - 2021 -
Molecular-dynamics-simulation-guided membrane engineering allows the increase of membrane fatty acid chain length in Saccharomyces
J. M. Maertens, S. Scrima, M. Lambrughi, Samuel Genheden, C. Trivellin, Leif A Eriksson, E. Papaleo, L. Olsson, M. Bettiga
Scientific Reports - 2021 -
Reconstruction of the Fas-Based Death-Inducing Signaling Complex ( DISC) Using a Protein-Protein Docking
Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Melissa Thomas, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2021 -
Loss of WD2 subdomain of Apaf-1 forms an apoptosome structure which blocks activation of caspase-3 and
A. R. Noori, A. Tashakor, M. Nikkhah, Leif A Eriksson, S. Hosseinkhani, H. O. Fearnhead
Biochimie - 2021 -
Peptidomimetic-based identification of FDA-approved compounds inhibiting IRE1
D. Doultsinos, Antonio Carlesso, C. Chintha, J. C. Paton, A. W. Paton, A. Samali, E. Chevet, Leif A Eriksson
Febs Journal - 2021 -
Apoptosome Formation through Disruption of the K192-D616 Salt Bridge in the Apaf-1 Closed
F. Sahebazzamani, S. Hosseinkhani, Leif A Eriksson, H. O. Fearnhead
Acs Omega - 2021 -
The stressosome, a caspase-8-activating signalling complex assembled in response to cell stress in an ATG5-mediated
K. Mnich, I. Koryga, K. Pakos-Zebrucka, Melissa Thomas, S. E. Logue, Leif A Eriksson, A. M. Gorman, A. Samali
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine - 2021 -
Protein kinase A controls yeast growth in visible
Mikael Molin, Katarina Logg, Kristofer Bodvard, Ken Peeters, Annabelle Forsmark, Friederike Roger, Anna Jörhov, Neha Mishra, Jean-Marc Billod, Sabiha Amir, Mikael Andersson, Leif A Eriksson, Jonas Warringer, Mikael Käll, Anders Blomberg
BMC biology - 2020 -
Molecular dynamics study of the recognition of ATP by nucleic acid
Y. C. Xie, Leif A Eriksson, R. B. Zhang
Nucleic acids research - 2020 -
Interaction of cobalt and iron hydroperoxo bleomycin with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): Dynamic vs. electronic structure
F. Carrascoza, M. Surducan, Leif A Eriksson, R. Silaghi-Dumitrescu
Inorganica Chimica Acta - 2020 -
Oxygen Dependent Purine Lesions in Double-Stranded Oligodeoxynucleotides: Kinetic and Computational Studies Highlight the Mechanism for 5 ',8-Cyclopurine
C. Chatgilialoglu, Leif A Eriksson, M. G. Krokidis, A. Masi, S. D. Wang, R. B. Zhang
Journal of the American Chemical Society - 2020 -
Footprints of natural selection at the mannose-6-phosphate isomerase locus in
J. C. B. Nunez, P. A. Flight, K. B. Neil, S. Rong, Leif A Eriksson, D. A. Ferranti, Magnus Alm Rosenblad, Anders Blomberg, D. M. Rand
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2020 -
Molecular modeling provides a structural basis for PERK inhibitor selectivity towards
C. Chintha, Antonio Carlesso, A. M. Gorman, A. Samali, Leif A Eriksson
RSC Advances - 2020 -
New insights on human IRE1 tetramer structures based on molecular
Antonio Carlesso, Johanna Hörberg, Anna Reymer, Leif A Eriksson
Scientific Reports - 2020 -
Deciphering the selectivity of inhibitor MKC9989 towards residue K907 in IRE1 alpha; a multiscale in silico
Sayyed Jalil Mahdizadeh, Antonio Carlesso, Leif A Eriksson
RSC Advances - 2020 -
Pharmacological Targeting of IRE1 in
D. P. Raymundo, D. Doultsinos, X. Guillory, Antonio Carlesso, Leif A Eriksson, E. Chevet
Trends in Cancer - 2020 -
The unfolded protein response modulators GSK2606414 and KIRA6 are potent KIT
M. Mahameed, T. Wilhelm, O. Darawshi, A. Obiedat, W. S. Tommy, C. Chintha, T. Schubert, A. Samali, E. Chevet, Leif A Eriksson, M. Huber, B. Tirosh
Cell Death and Disease - 2019 -
A new split-luciferase complementation assay identifies pentachlorophenol as an inhibitor of apoptosome
A. Tashakor, M. H-Dehkordi, E. O'Connell, S. G. Ganau, R. Gozalbes, Leif A Eriksson, S. Hosseinkhani, H. O. Fearnhead
Febs Open Bio - 2019 -
Control of anterior GRadient 2 (AGR2) dimerization links endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis to
M. Maurel, J. Obacz, T. Avril, Y. P. Ding, O. Papadodima, X. Treton, F. Daniel, E. Pilalis, Johanna Hörberg, W. Y. Hou, M. C. Beauchamp, J. Tourneur-Marsille, D. Cazals-Hatem, L. Sommerova, A. Samali, J. Tavernier, R. Hrstka, A. Dupont, D. Fessart, F. Delom, M. E. Fernandez-Zapico, G. Jansen, Leif A Eriksson, D. Y. Thomas, L. Jerome-Majewska, T. Hupp, A. Chatziioannou, E. Chevet, E. Ogier-Denis
EMBO Molecular Medicine - 2019 -
Selective Inhibition of IRE1 Signalling mediated by MKC9989: New Insights from Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics
Antonio Carlesso, Leif A Eriksson
Chemistryselect - 2019 -
Merits and pitfalls of conventional and covalent docking in identifying new hydroxyl aryl aldehyde like compounds as human IRE1
Antonio Carlesso, C. Chintha, A. M. Gorman, A. Samali, Leif A Eriksson
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Proline 411 biases the conformation of the intrinsically disordered plant UVR8 photoreceptor C27 domain altering the functional properties of the
Min Wu, Daniel Farkas, Leif A Eriksson, A. Strid
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Endoplasmic reticulum stress signalling - from basic mechanisms to clinical
A. Almanza, Antonio Carlesso, C. Chintha, S. Creedican, D. Doultsinos, B. Leuzzi, A. Luis, N. McCarthy, L. Montibeller, S. More, A. Papaioannou, F. Puschel, M. L. Sassano, J. Skoko, P. Agostinis, J. de Belleroche, Leif A Eriksson, S. Fulda, A. M. Gorman, S. Healy, A. Kozlov, C. Munoz-Pinedo, M. Rehm, E. Chevet, A. Samali
Febs Journal - 2019 -
Effect of Kinase Inhibiting RNase Attenuator (KIRA) Compounds on the Formation of Face-to-Face Dimers of Inositol-Requiring Enzyme 1: Insights from Computational
Antonio Carlesso, C. Chintha, A. M. Gorman, A. Samali, Leif A Eriksson
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2019 -
Alcohols enhance the rate of acetic acid diffusion in S. cerevisiae: biophysical mechanisms and implications for acetic acid
L. Lindahl, Samuel Genheden, F. Faria-Oliveira, S. Allard, Leif A Eriksson, L. Olsson, M. Bettiga
Microbial Cell - 2018 -
Binding Analysis of the Inositol-Requiring Enzyme 1 Kinase
Antonio Carlesso, C. Chintha, A. M. Gorman, A. Samali, Leif A Eriksson
ACS Omega - 2018 -
QM/MM Studies of Dph5-A Promiscuous Methyltransferase in the Eukaryotic Biosynthetic Pathway of
Johanna Hörberg, P. Saenz-Mendez, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2018 -
In silico and in vitro studies of the reduction of unsaturated alpha,beta bonds of trans-2-hexenedioic acid and 6-amino-trans-2-hexenoic acid - Important steps towards biobased production of adipic
E. Karlsson, J. H. Shin, G. Westman, Leif A Eriksson, L. Olsson, V. Mapell
Plos One - 2018 -
Exploring polypharmacology in drug
Patricia Saenz-Méndez, Leif A Eriksson
Rational drug design - 2018 -
Theoretical Insights on the Inefficiency of RNA Oxidative Damage under Aerobic
S. Zhao, Leif A Eriksson, R. B. Zhang
Journal of Physical Chemistry A - 2018 -
Analysis of Biphenyl-Type Inhibitors Targeting the Eg5 alpha 4/alpha 6 Allosteric
Chunxia Gao, N. F. Lowndes, Leif A Eriksson
Acs Omega - 2017 -
Homology model of the human tRNA splicing ligase
A. Nandy, Patricia Saenz-Mendez, A. M. Gorman, A. Samali, Leif A Eriksson
Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics - 2017 -
Ibuprofen and ketoprofen potentiate UVA-induced cell death by a photosensitization
E. Bignon, M. Marazzi, V. Besancenot, H. Gattuso, G. Drouot, C. Morell, Leif A Eriksson, S. Grandemange, E. Dumont, A. Monari
Scientific Reports - 2017 -
Analysis of aquaporins from the euryhaline barnacle Balanus improvisus reveals differential expression in response to changes in
Ulrika Lind, Michael Järvå, Magnus Alm Rosenblad, Piero Pingitore, Emil Karlsson, Anna Lisa Wrange, Emelie Kamdal, Kristina Sundell, Carl André, Per R. Jonsson, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Leif A Eriksson, Kristina Hedfalk, Anders Blomberg
PLoS ONE - 2017 -
Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling
Samuel Genheden, Anna Reymer, Patricia Saenz-Méndez, Leif A Eriksson
Computational Tools for Chemical Biology - 2017 -
On the formation of a side product with hexahydroaporphine-like structure in the Grewe cyclization of
Qiao Zhao, Kai Zhao, Sheng ying Wu, Bo xue Tian, Leif A Eriksson, Li min Wang, Na An, Zhong zhu Long, Shui hong Cai
Research on Chemical Intermediates - 2017 -
Structures, Properties, and Dynamics of Intermediates in eEF2-Diphthamide
Jean-Marc Billod, Patricia Saenz-Mendez, Anders Blomberg, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2016 -
Secretion of protein disulphide isomerase AGR2 confers tumorigenic
D. Fessart, C. Domblides, T. Avril, Leif A Eriksson, H. Begueret, R. Pineau, C. Malrieux, N. Dugot-Senant, C. Lucchesi, E. Chevet, F. Delom
Elife - 2016 -
Defects in the calcium-binding region drastically affect the cadherin-like domains of RET tyrosine
Chunxia Gao, Morten Grøtli, Leif A Eriksson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2016 -
DNA Distortion Caused by Uracil-Containing Intrastrand
C. D. M. Churchill, Leif A Eriksson, S. D. Wetmore
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2016 -
Exploration of multiple Sortase A protein conformations in virtual
C. X. Gao, Ivana Uzelac, Johan Gottfries, Leif A Eriksson
Scientific Reports - 2016 -
Improved Homology Model of the Human all-trans Retinoic Acid Metabolizing Enzyme
M. K. A. Awadalla, T. M. Alshammari, Leif A Eriksson, P. Saenz-Mendez
Molecules - 2016 -
Targeting cancer using KAT inhibitors to mimic lethal
James A L Brown, Emer Bourke, Leif A Eriksson, Michael J Kerin
Biochemical Society transactions - 2016 -
Estimation of Liposome Penetration Barriers of Drug Molecules with All-Atom and Coarse-Grained
Samuel Genheden, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation - 2016 -
Permeability of 5-aminolevulinic acid oxime derivatives in lipid
Emma S. E. Eriksson, E. Erdtman, Leif A Eriksson
Theoretical Chemistry accounts - 2016 -
Sphingolipids contribute to acetic acid resistance in Zygosaccharomyces
Lina Lindahl, Samuel Genheden, Leif A Eriksson, Lisbeth Olsson, Maurizio Bettiga
Biotechnology and Bioengineering - 2016 -
A Structural Comparison Approach for Identifying Small Variations in Binding Sites of Homologous
Ivana Uzelac, Thomas Olsson, Leif A Eriksson, Johan Gottfries
Computational Molecular Bioscience - 2015 -
Characterization of interactions and pharmacophore development for DFG-out inhibitors to RET tyrosine
Chunxia Gao, Morten Grøtli, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Molecular Modeling - 2015 -
Membrane engineering for reduced acetic acid stress: insights from Zygosaccharomyces
Lina Lindahl, Aline X S Santos, Samuel Genheden, Leif A Eriksson, Howard Riezman, Lisbeth Olsson, Maurizio Bettiga
Oral presentation at 12th Yeast Lipid Conference, May 20-22 2015, Ghent, Belgium - 2015 -
Membrane engineering for reduced acetic acid stress: insights from Zygosaccharomyces
Lina Lindahl, Samuel Genheden, Leif A Eriksson, Lisbeth Olsson, Maurizio Bettiga
Oral presentation at 37th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (SBFC), April 27-30 2015, San Diego, USA - 2015 -
Lina Lindahl, Helén Olsson, Samuel Genheden, Leif A Eriksson, Aline X S Santos, Howard Riezman, Lisbeth Olsson, Maurizio Bettiga
ISSY31: 31st International Specialised Symposium on Yeast - 2014 -
Improved homology model of cyclohexanone monooxygenase from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus based on multiple
Eduardo Bermúdez, Oscar N. Ventura, Leif A Eriksson, Patricia Saenz-Méndez
Computational biology and chemistry - 2014 -
Molecular dynamics studies of Liposomes as carriers for photosensitizing drugs: Development, validation, and simulations with a coarse-grained
J. P. M. Jämbeck, Emma S. E. Eriksson, A. Laaksonen, A. P. Lyubartsev, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation - 2014 -
De novo tertiary structure prediction using RNA123-benchmarking and application to
Emma S. E. Eriksson, L. Joshi, Martin Billeter, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Molecular Modeling - 2014 -
Deamination features of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, a radical and enzymatic DNA oxidation
A. Grand, N. Jorge, C. Morell, J. Cadet, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Molecular Modeling - 2014 -
Hydrogen peroxide contributes to the ultraviolet-B (280-315 nm) induced oxidative stress of plant leaves through multiple
G. Czegeny, Min Wu, A. Der, Leif A Eriksson, A. Strid, E. Hideg
Febs Letters - 2014 -
Rational design and validation of a Tip60 histone acetyltransferase
Chunxia Gao, E. Bourke, M. Scobie, M. A. Famme, T. Koolmeister, T. Helleday, Leif A Eriksson, N. F. Lowndes, J. A. L. Brown
Scientific Reports - 2014 -
Photochemical Reaction Mechanism of UV-B-Induced Monomerization of UVR8 Dimers as the First Signaling Event in UV-B-Regulated Gene Expression in
Min Wu, A. Strid, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2014 -
Impact of mutations on K-Ras-p120GAP
Chunxia Gao, Leif A Eriksson
Computational Molecular Biosciences - 2013 -
Interactions and Stabilities of the UV RESISTANCE LOCUS8 (UVR8) Protein Dimer and Its Key
Min Wu, Åke Strid, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2013 -
Mechanistic insight into self-propagation in organo-mediated Beckmann rearrangement: A combined experimental and computational
N. An, B.-X. Tian, H.-J. Pi, Leif A Eriksson, W.-P. Deng
Journal of Organic Chemistry - 2013 -
Of mice and men: Dissecting the interaction between Listeria monocytogenes Internalin A and murine vs human
Samuel Genheden, Leif A Eriksson
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal - 2013 -
Development of non-standard arginine residue parameters for use with the AMBER force
Min Wu, A. Strid, Leif A Eriksson
Chemical Physics Letters - 2013 -
Modification of the anticancer drug tamoxifen to avoid CYP2D6
L. Gao, X. Q. Sun, Y. Q. Tu, H. Agren, Leif A Eriksson
Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie - 2013 -
Predicting Enzyme-Substrate Specificity with QM/MM Methods: A Case Study of the Stereospecificity of D-Glucarate
B. X. Tian, F. Wallrapp, C. Kalyanaraman, S. W. Zhao, Leif A Eriksson, M. P. Jacobson
Biochemistry - 2013 -
UV-induced formation of the thymine–thymine pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproduct – a DFT study of the oxetane intermediate ring
Vanessa Labet, Nelly Jorge, Christophe Morell, Thierry Douki, André Grand, Jean Cadet, Leif A Eriksson
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences - 2013 -
Theoretical prediction of the protein-protein interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana COP1 and
Min Wu, Åke Strid, Leif A Eriksson
Theoretical Chemistry accounts - 2013 -
Catalysts or Initiators? Beckmann Rearrangement
B. X. Tian, N. An, W. P. Deng, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Organic Chemistry - 2013 -
Insight into reaction mechanism and product formation a C8-purine radical in RNA: a theoretical
C. Qi, F. C. Liu, Leif A Eriksson, R. B. Zhang
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts - 2013 -
Antioxidant properties of beta-carotene isomers and their role in photosystems: insights from ab initio
J. Cerezo, J. Zuniga, A. Bastida, A. Requena, J.P. Cerón-Carrasco, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Physical Chemistry A - 2012 -
Comparison of the Mechanism of Deamination of 5,6-dihydro-5-methylcytosine with other cytosine
A. Grand, J. Cadet, Leif A Eriksson, V. Labet, N.L. Jorge, M.L. Schreiber, T. Douki, C. Morell
Theoretical Chemistry accounts - 2012 -
Stability and iron coordination in DNA adducts of Anthracycline based anti-cancer
A. Eizaguirre, M. Yanez, Leif A Eriksson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2012 -
Cloning and Functional Studies of a Splice Variant of CYP26B1 Expressed in Vascular
A. A. Elmabsout, A. Kumawat, P. Saenz-Mendez, O. Krivospitskaya, H. Savenstrand, P. S. Olofsson, Leif A Eriksson, A. Strid, G. Valen, H. Torma, A. Sirsjo
Plos One - 2012 -
Identifying the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) as a potential target for hypericin - a theoretical
Emma S. E. Eriksson, Leif A Eriksson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2012 -
COMPARE analysis of the toxicity of an iminoquinone derivative of the imidazo[5,4-f]benzimidazoles with NAD(P)H:quinone Oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) activity and computational docking of quinones as NQO1
V. Fagan, S. Bonham, M.P. Carty, P. Saenz-Mendez, Leif A Eriksson, F. Aldabbagh
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry - 2012 -
Characterization of Agonist Binding to His524 in the Estrogen Receptor α Ligand Binding
L. Gao, Y. Tu, H. Ågren, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2012 -
Synthesis, kinase activity and molecular modeling of a resorcylic acid lactone incorporating an amide and a trans-enone in the
C. Napolitano, V. R. Palwai, Leif A Eriksson, P. V. Murphy
Tetrahedron - 2012 -
7-Nitro-4-(phenylthio)benzofurazan is a potent generator of superoxide and hydrogen
Erik V. Patridge, Emma S. E. Eriksson, Philip G. Penketh, Raymond P. Baumann, Rui Zhu, Krishnamurthy Shyam, Leif A Eriksson, A. C. Sartorelli
Archives of Toxicology - 2012 -
Homology models of human all-trans retinoic acid metabolizing enzymes CYP26B1 and CYP26B1
P. Saenz-Mendez, A.A. Elmabsout, H. Sävenstrand, M.K.A. Awadalla, Å. Strid, A. Sirsjö, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - 2012 -
Theoretical studies of chemical reactivity of metabolically activated forms of aromatic amines towards
I. Shamovsky, L. Ripa, N. Blomberg, Leif A Eriksson, P. Hansen, C. Mee, C. Tyrchan, M. O'Donovan, P. Sjö
Chemical Research in Toxicology - 2012 -
Catalytic mechanism of porphobilinogen synthase: The chemical step revisited by QM/MM
B.-X. Tian, E. Erdtman, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2012 -
Catalytic Mechanism and Product Specificity of Oxidosqualene-Lanosterol Cyclase: A QM/MM
B. X. Tian, Leif A Eriksson
Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 2012 -
Catalytic Mechanism and Roles of Arg197 and Thr183 in the Staphylococcus aureus Sortase A
Bo-Xue Tian, Leif A Eriksson
The journal of physical chemistry. B - 2011 -
Theoretical study of pyridoxine (vitamin b6)
Min Wu, Qi Xu, Ake Strid, Jaime M Martell, Leif A Eriksson
The journal of physical chemistry. A - 2011