Submission and Paper Sessions
Submission & Sessions for the ISS2024 conference, with the theme “Transformation: Creative Accumulation and Creative Destruction in the Economy”.
ISS2024 includes a variety of different sessions – including Paper Sessions, Panels, PhD Students: Workshops & Poster Sessions, Invited Sessions, Presidential Lecture, and Plenary Lectures. You can read about these activities on other pages. This page primarily contains information for abstracts being submitted to the paper sessions and to the Early Career Scholar Events.
“Transformation: Creative Accumulation and Creative Destruction in the Economy” is this year’s conference theme. Transformation as the theme focuses our attention upon change, which is a classical aspect of Schumpeter’s analysis of the economy and society. Creative accumulation and creative destruction refer to different organizational ways of creating transformation, either through large organizations or entrepreneurial ventures, respectively.
Keeping in the spirit of the Schumpeter Society, submitted papers can address a broad range of topics. Transformation and related notions of novelty, emerging challenges, and socio-economic change can be analyzed in different ways, perspectives and theoretical traditions. For example, papers are welcome which analyze industrial sectors, market systems, public policies, technologies, socio-economic contexts, history, geographical spatiality, amongst others. Due to Schumpeter’s interest in the individuals and organizations who are active in the creative accumulation and creative destruction, papers are also welcome on the micro-level of actors and agents who are engaged in activities like innovation, entrepreneurship, financing, R&D, and creating ecosystems.
What to submit to Paper Sessions
The ISS2024 conference focuses upon extended abstracts and subsequent presentations at the conference, in order to promote scholarly discussions in our field.
The corresponding author should upload an extended abstract in English (in PDF, not anonymized).The abstract should be in the range of 2000-3000 words, and the total text must not exceed 4000 words including notes, tables, appendices, list of references. Please include the name, title and university for all authors in the PDF. You must submit through the website no later than 1st February 2024, before midnight CET.
The submission portal includes queries for information about the corresponding author, as well as queries about all the authors. Please include information about all authors in the PDF and also in the submission portal. Please note: It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to submit a correct proposal; any errors in spelling, or grammar will be published as typed by the submitter, if accepted. Author names can not be changed or removed after submission.
PhD Students: Workshops & Poster Sessions
PhD students can submit their abstract, to be evaluated for inclusion in these events, during the conference. These events include 1) the small-scale workshops on Sunday – where you receive comments on research – as well as 2) your poster sessions on Monday & Tuesday.
The PhD student events are intended for all abstracts involving a PhD student, as the presenting author. Hence, the abstracts submitted by the PhD student as the presenting author can either be authored individually or can be co-authored with any researcher, such as a supervisor.
Participating offers PhD students the opportunity to meet peers as well as established researchers in the Schumpeter economics community. Established researchers who will participate include scholars with different specializations, such as members from the Schumpeter Society Management Board; organizers of Invited Sessions; and the ISS2024 Scientific Committee.
The workshops will be held on Sunday 9th June, from 16:30 to 18:30, at our office building at Viktoriagatan 13. These workshops are held in conjunction with other activities, including Schumpeter Society meetings, registration and mingle for ISS2024.
Scholars selected for these workshops also commit to developing a poster. The poster sessions are at the Wallenberg Conference Center. You will receive information about which day (Monday 10th June or Tuesday 11th June) that your poster will be visible. You should be ready to talk about your research during a specified coffee break.
Please note the following
PhD students have a dedicated submission category and will need a letter of recommendation from a supervisor. Only those PhD students who are selected for these events will pay only 50% of normal fees, if paid before the deadline of 8th April, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors.
Review and presentations
A review process will be conducted for all submitted abstracts, using relevant scientific criteria including alignment to the Schumpeter Society, alignment to the ISS2024 theme, novelty, methodological rigor, and relevance. Reviewers will be drawn from the Scientific Committee as well as additional members of the Society.
All author names should be in both the PDF abstract submitted as well as in the submission portal. Author names can not be changed or removed after submission. The notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the corresponding author only, and no additional comments will be given. No re-scheduling is possible
Paper sessions: 10 minutes for presentations, followed by discussion.
Scholars may be co-authors on multiple papers, and any co-author can present. However, each conference participant may only present one paper in paper sessions. When you register and pay conference fees in Spring 2024, you will be prompted to provide the number of the paper that you will present.
Note that this rule of presenting one paper per participant only applies to the paper sessions. Hence, scholars can also be active at other activities – including Panels, Poster Sessions, Invited sessions, Presidential Lecture, and Plenary Lectures. However, organizers/speakers at these other activities may have lower priority in the paper sessions, as compared to abstracts of similar quality, if we have many submissions.
Everyone who participates physically at the conference must be registered, conference fees paid, and wear their name badges, due to health and safety regulations; no exceptions.
Deadlines, registration and membership fees
Please note the 8th of April 2024. This is the deadline for authors to have registered by paying the fees for the conference. If you have not registered by paying the fees by latest midnight CET (Central European Time), the submitted paper/poster will automatically be removed from the program.
Paper Session may be scheduled on Sunday (only for the Early Career Scholar Workshop, 16:30 pm – 18:30 pm), Monday (parallel paper session, 9:00 to 17:00) or Tuesday (parallel paper session, 9:00 to 16:00) of the conference. All authors attending must be prepared to be available on any of those days. No re-scheduling is possible.
Conference participants should also register for membership at the International Joseph A Schumpeter Society.
Submission of an abstract grants permission to conference organizers including Meetx and the University of Gothenburg to place it on the conference website and distribute to reviewers. These will only be accessible to registered conference participants, after log-in. Meetx and University of Gothenburg reserve the right to control for plagiarism, including using software and taking appropriate action.