The ISS2024 conference was held in Gothenburg, Sweden 2024. The confewrence theme was "Transformation: Creative Accumulation and Creative Destruction in the Economy".
15th November 2023 |
Submission of Extended abstracts opens |
15th January 2024 |
Registration opens |
1st February 2024 |
Deadline for Submission of Extended abstracts |
March 2024 |
Notification of acceptance/rejection decision to authors |
8th April 2024 |
Deadline for authors to register & pay fees for conference |
Fees and Registration
8th April |
Final day to pay Regular conference fee |
30th May |
Final day to pay Late conference fee |
Conference dates
Sunday 9th June |
Registration, Mingle, Early Career Scholar Workshops, ISS Executive Committee, ISS Board of Management |
Monday 10th June |
Registration, Plenary Lecture, Paper Sessions, Invited Sessions, Poster Session, Presidential Lecture & Panel, Schumpeter Prize Dinner |
Tuesday 11th June |
Plenary Lecture, Paper Sessions, Invited Sessions, Poster Session, ISS General Assembly |
ISS2024 is the 20th biennial conference of The International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society. The conference takes place in Gothenburg, Sweden, between Sunday 9th June and Tuesday 11th June, 2024.
“Transformation: Creative Accumulation and Creative Destruction in the Economy” is this year’s conference theme. Transformation as the theme focuses our attention upon change, which is a classical aspect of Schumpeter’s analysis of the economy and society. Creative accumulation and creative destruction refer to different organizational ways of creating transformation, either through large organizations or entrepreneurial ventures, respectively.
Keeping in the spirit of the Schumpeter Society, submitted papers can address a broad range of topics. Transformation and related notions of novelty, emerging challenges, and socio-economic change can be analyzed in different ways, perspectives and theoretical traditions. For example, papers are welcome which analyze industrial sectors, market systems, public policies, technologies, socio-economic contexts, history, geographical spatiality, amongst others. Due to Schumpeter’s interest in the individuals and organizations who are active in the creative accumulation and creative destruction, papers are also welcome on the micro-level of actors and agents who are engaged in activities like innovation, entrepreneurship, financing, R&D, and creating ecosystems.
The International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society will hold its 20th Annual conference – ISS2024 in Gothenburg, Sweden, hosted by the Gothenburg U-GOT KIES centre. More information about the Society can be found here.
We wish to acknowledge the gracious support and to thank all our sponsors for ISS2024:
- Bromanska stiftelsen för forskning och företagande
- Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs Stiftelse (Fh23-0054)
- Gothenburg U-GOT KIES centre
- Partnerprogrammets internationaliseringsstöd, Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet (GU 2023/2229)
- Vetenskapsrådets rådsprofessorsprogram (McKelvey, VR DNR 2017–03360)
President and organizing committee
Maureen McKelvey
Professor, President of the Schumpeter Society, Director of Gothenburg U-GOT KIES centre, University of Gothenburg.
Organizing committee
Madeleine Englund, Chair, University of Gothenburg
Karin Berg, Mid Sweden University & University of Gothenburg
Marouane Bousfiha, University of Gothenburg
Linus Brunnström, University of Gothenburg & Wallander post-doctoral scholar
Ethan Gifford, University of Gothenburg
Erik Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg & Wallander post-doctoral scholar
Daniel Ljungberg, University of Gothenburg
Viktor Ström, University of Gothenburg & Esmaeilzadeh Holding

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