University of Gothenburg

Award for best thesis within the area of retailing

Handelns forskningsstiftelse presents an award for the best Bachelor and Master’s thesis within the area of retailing. The award consists of a certificate and a cash prize of 20.000 SEK. Students from all areas within the School of Business, Economics and Law can nominate their thesis. The goal is to stimulate students to immerse in issues concerning retail in their bachelor and master’s thesis.

Ground for judgement

The thesis deals with challenges for the retail industry and is a well written thesis with connection between theory and method and contains a well performed analysis. Issues dealt with can concern the wholesale trade, e-commerce and the retail trade. Contributions from all the disciplines at the School of Business, Economics and Law are welcome.

Example of thesis subjects: discount department stores, retail digitalization, recruiting, profitability, shopping tourism, sustainability, retail shop formats, digital payment solutions, sales or store security. New thinking, creativity or looking at an old problem from a new perspective is encouraged beyond that the subject of the thesis is to be relevant for the retail trade.

Which theses can be nominated?

The bachelor or master’s thesis must have been written during the autumn term 2022 or the spring term 2023. The thesis must have received the grade Pass (Godkänd) no later than 28th June 2023. Last day to nominate is 5th of July 2024.


The author(s) of each prizewinning thesis will receive a stipend of 20.000 SEK in total that is an encouragement for continued studies.


Students themselves nominate their thesis by sending the following documents:

  1. The thesis
  2. An official transcript for the thesis
  3. A two-page letter that summarizes the most important results and describes how the thesis contributes to more knowledge about the retail industry and/or the development of the retail industry, and contact information for the author(s). The nomination will be read by professionals from the retail industry.

Send the above mentioned documents to

Last day for nomination is 5th of July 2024.


The theses will be reviewed by a jury that consists of representatives from academia, the retail industry and Handelns forskningsstiftelse. The applicants will be notified in September  at the latest.

The Board, Handelns forskningsstiftelse

Award winning thesis


Återförsäljarbranschens värdeskapande. En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska återförsäljare inom personbilsbranschen skapar värde i en tid av digitalisering
Viktor Gustafsson and Samuel Götesson

“Calling it vegetable ‘prinskorv’ actually bothers me quite a lot” - How mythologies are shaping the marketization of plant-based protein products
Elisabeth Almgren and Niclas Forssten


Why are ecological problems increasing when corporate sustainability practices are significantly growing? A planetary boundaries perspective of the Swedish food retail market’s sustainability reporting
Ellen Olofsson and Klara Ribom

The Meaning of Transparency: A qualitative study of how transparency information contributes to consumer value perceptions in the purchase of fashion products
Alice Samuelsson and Emma Ericsson


Words are just words until they appear in action, right? Sustainability reporting and its significance for customers in the Swedish fast fashion industry.
Irma Weberg Ekelund  och Clara Grönberg

Virtual Avatars, virtual influencers & Authenticity. A qualitative study from a consumer perspective
Victor Andersson & Tim Sobek


Vad skapar värde i innehåll på Instagram?
Isabella Borrego and Anna Hamnå

Contextualizing slow fashion – disentangling meanings of sustainable clothing consumption among young professionals
Andrea Norberg


A scenario analysis of augmented reality in retail
Tim Ingevaldsson and Johan Lillestöl.

Influencers påverkan på konsumentens köpprocess
Estelle Beaunez Lundqvist and Sara Georgsson.


The success of succession to reduce manager turnover costs
Simon Högnelid and Sofia Dahlström