Rättspraktiken is an education- and research platform that is in close cooperation with the local community.
Law Clinic
Rättspraktiken started in 2014 and is one of the first university-based Law Clinics in Sweden.
Law Clinics are based on the pedagogical concept Clinical Legal Education, which means a practical oriented approach to law and legal education. In many places of the world Law Clinics and Clinical Legal Education are established elements in law school curriculums.
Law Clinics can be structured in many different ways, but one common element is that law-students provide free legal advice to disadvantaged people.
The Gothenburg model and our courses
Rättspraktiken is based on the so called “Gothenburg model”. The Gothenburg model is based on cooperation with inter alia local non-profit organisations and the City of Gothenburg.
Central to the Gothenburg model is that courses are created with a basis in current societal challenges. The courses provides students with opportunities to combine theoretical studies with practical field work.
Rättspraktiken has two courses on advanced level, Welfare Law in Theory and Practice (Praktisk humanjuridik och välfärdsrätt) and Migration law (Migrationsrätt).
Research and social sustainability
Rättspraktiken has an essential role in the special research platform for social sustainability SSP at the Department of Law.
During the years 2013-2020 the Department of Law has been working with the implementation of Gothenburg University’s Vision 2020. The overarching goal has been to create complete academic environments in which education, research and cooperation with the surrounding society are united in order to create greater societal benefits. These objectives are still central to Rättspraktiken.
Seminar series
Rättspraktiken hosts open seminars on the theme social sustainability. These seminars highlights critical societal challenges and shows the important role that the academia plays in addressing these challenges.
Contact us
Sara Stendahl, professor in public law. Academic director and course director for Welfare Law in Theory and Practice.
Matilda Arvidsson, postdoc international law, Course director Migration Law.
Doctoral students:
Karin Åberg
Partner organisations
- Agape (social work, young immigrants)
- Antidiscrimination Agency West
- Civic office in Angered
- Faktum and Faktumjuristerna (legal support homeless people at the street magazine Faktum)
- Gothenburg Disability Rights Organisation
- Integration Centre Gothenburg (civic office)
- LaSSe Brukarstödcenter (support center for people with disabilities)
- Lex femme (girl’s- and women’s shelter)
- Red Cross
- Rescue Mission (social work)
- Romano Center West (civic office, roma minority rights)
- Swedish Refugee Law Center
- The Swedish Union of Tenants
- Trajosko Drom (roma women’s organisation)
- Unionen (Swedish trade union)
International connections
Rättspraktiken is in contact with and has exchanges with law clinics across the world.
Rättspraktiken is a member of:
- Gaje (Global Alliance for Justice Education), www.gaje.org
- ENCLE (European Network for Clinical Legal Education), www.encle.org
Press archive
Sveriges Radio, P4 - Street Law: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=104&artikel=6921931
Integrationscentrum Göteborg: artikel
Handelshögskolans pressrelease:
Sveriges Radio, P4 Göteborgs aktualitetsprogram fördjupar dagens viktigaste nyhetshändelser: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/450023?programid=2240&playepisode=450023 (vid 4 min 02 sekunder börjar inslaget om Rättspraktik. Sändes 20141023)
Göteborgs Posten: https://www.gp.se/drabbade-ska-f%C3%A5-gratis-juristhj%C3%A4lp-1.249538
Dagens Juridik: http://www.dagensjuridik.se/2014/10/har-startar-sveriges-forsta-rattspraktik-dar-juriststudenter-far-varva-teori-med-praktik
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Juridiknytt/status/525188890299088896
Spionen: http://www.spionen.se/nyheter/1371-juriststudenter-ut-i-verkligheten