University of Gothenburg

Doctoral Studies

The Department of Law offers doctoral studies leading to Doctor of Laws Degree or Licenciate of Laws Degree in seven subjects: jurisprudence, public law, private law, criminal law, international law, law of procedure and tax law.

Doctoral studies in Law

The Doctor of Laws programme corresponds to four years of full-time studies totalling 240 higher education credits/ECTS credits.
The programme consists of:

  • writing and defending a doctoral thesis, 177 higher education credits/ECTS credits
  • compulsory courses at third cycle, 33 higher education credits/ECTS credits
  • elective courses at third-cycle, 30 higher education credits/ECTS credits

The Licentiate of Laws programme corresponds to two years of full-time studies totalling 120 higher education credits/ECTS credits.
The programme consists of:

  • writing and defending a licentiate thesis,  87 higher education credits/ECTS credits
  • compulsory courses at third cycle, 13 higher education credits/ECTS credits
  • elective courses at third cycle, 20 higher education credits/ECTS credits

The Department of Law participates in the Nordic network Nordic Network for Legal Research Education. Courses, conferences and seminars of interest to doctoral students are announced on the network's Nordic Network for Legal Research Education.


The doctoral positions are open to persons who are not admitted to a doctoral programme. In order to be admitted to the LLD-programme, the applicant must meet the requirements for both general and specific eligibility (the Higher Education Ordinance 7:35). Furthermore, the applicant must be considered in other respects to have the ability required to benefit from the study programme.

General eligibility

An applicant meets the general eligibility requirements for doctoral studies (third-cycle studies) if he or she:

  • has been awarded a degree at advanced level (second-cycle qualification)
  • has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 higher ECTS credits of which at least 60 ECTS credits were awarded at advanced level (second-cycle), or
  • has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

Specific eligibility for Doctor of Laws and Licenciate of Laws programmes

An applicant meets the specific eligibility requirements if he or she has been awarded a Swedish juristexamen or corresponding degrees, i.e. an LLB degree (min. 3 years full time studies, 180 ECTS credits) and an LLM degree, or otherwise has acquired the same level of knowledge and skills.

Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of Swedish or English.

When assessing whether the qualifications are sufficient, particular consideration shall be
given to the requirements to successfully carry out the doctoral studies within a specific legal subject area.

Doctoral theses

Pedroso, J. (2024). Environmental Taxes from the EU State Aid Control System Perspective – A Legal Analysis of the Integration of Environmental Protection. Full text in English

Wejstål, K. (2024). At the Border – EU Law, Asylum and the Spatialities of Fundamental Rights. Full text in English

Hultegård, K. (2023). Vänskapens kunskap och kraft. En rättsvetenskaplig studie av vänskapen omkring unga målsägande i sexualbrottmål. Abstract in English

Meyerson, A. (2023). TO BELIEVE OR NOT TO BELIEVE – IS THAT THE QUESTION? En kritisk studie av hur de Svenska migrationsdomstolarna hanterar sitt ansvar att döma i asylmål. Full text in English

Kyrönviita, J. (2022). Odla fisk rätt - en systemanalytisk undersökning av den rättsliga styrningen av svenskt vattenbruk. Abstract in English

Krabbe, N. (2021). Bioprospecting and Deep-sea genetic Resources in a Fragmenting International Law. Full text in English

Westholm, A. (2021). Scaling Marine and Water Management. Full text in English

Kern, J. (2021). Wreck Law - A Systematisation of Legal Interests and Conflicts. Full text in English

Emblad, P. (2020). Det civilrättsliga i svensk inkomstskatterätt. [Substance and Function –Theories on private law within Swedish income taxation]. Abstract in English

Bailey, S. (2020). The Common Good in Common Goods - The Decommodification of Fundamental Resources through Law. Full text in English

Lidman, E. (2020). Controlling shareholders and takeover regulation: Equal treatment in takeover bids and the effects on corporate governance. Abstract in English

Ryffé, D. (2019). Mission impossible: Legal direction and collisions of norms regarding the compensatory duty in education. Abstract in English

Lenk, H. (2019). The EU investment court system. A viable reform initiative?. Full text in English

Johansen, T. (2019). Administration as activity: Contributions to the general theory of public law. Abstract in English

Argüello, G. (2018). Environmentally Sound Management – Its status and role in the sea-land interface regulation of wastes. Full text in English

Wejedal, S. (2017). The right to counsel – On the allocation of counsel fees before Swedish courts. Abstract in English

Almestrand Linné, P. (2017). Regulating Vessel-Source Air Pollution - Standard-Setting in the Regulation of SOx Emissions. Full text in English

Käll, J. (2017). Converging Human and Digital Bodies. Posthumanism, Property, Law. Full text in English

Björling, E. (2017). Legal application without words: A theoretical and narratological study on argumentation and legal application within civil procedure. Abstract in English

Warberg, A. (2017). Insolvency crossing borders: A study of international jurisdiction regarding insolvency proceedings within the EU. Abstract in English

Nästegård, E. (2016). The Liability of Credit Rating Agencies to Investors - A Swedish Perspective. Abstract in English

Hult, D. (2015). Lagstiftnings ändamålsenlighet – En regleringsteoretisk utvärdering av fjärrvärmelagens potential att skapa förtroende. Abstract in English

Wallerman, A. (2015). Om fakultativa regler - En studie av svensk och unionsrättslig reglering av skönsmässigt beslutsfattande i processrättsliga frågor [On discretionary rules in civil procedure – A study of Swedish and EU regulation of the exercise of discretion in procedural matters]. Uppsala: Iustus Förlag. Abstract in English

Bruncevic, M. (2014). Fixing the Shadows, Access to art and the legal concept of Cultural Commons. Full text in English

Svedberg, W. (2013). Ett (o)jämställt transportsystem i gränslandet mellan politik och rätt - En genusrättsvetenskaplig studie av rättslig styrning för jämställdhet inom vissa samhällsområden. [A Gender (Un)Equal Transport System in the borderland between Policy and Law – A Gender Legal Study of legal governance for Gender Equality in certain areas of society]. Abstract in English

Andersson, P. (2013). Vidta alla åtgärder som behövs – en rättvetenskaplig studie av arbetsgivarens ansvar att förebygga stressrelaterad ohälsa och uppnå en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö. [Take all precautions necessary - A legal study of the employer’s responsibility to prevent stress related illhealth and to achieve a sound psychosocial work environmentAbstract in English

Härkönen, E. (2013). Aktiemarknadsbolagets informationsgivning - särskilt om amerikansk och svensk reglering av selektiv information på sekundärmarknaden för värdepapper. [Disclosures by publicly listed corporations ­‐ with particular reference to American and Swedish regulation of selective disclosures on the secondary market for securities] Stockholm: Jure Förlag AB. Abstract in English

Bäckman, T. (2013). Gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft och rättssäkerhet - för människor med funktionsnedsättning inom rättsområdena SoL och LSS. [Principle of legitimate expectations and legal certainty – for disabled persons
within the legal areas SoL and LSS
]. Stockholm: Jure Förlag AB. Abstract in English

Kleist, D. (2012). Methods for Elimination of Double Taxation under Double Tax Treaties – with Particular Reference to the Application of Double Tax Treaties in Sweden. Uppsala: Iustus Förlag AB. Abstract in English

Siegl, S. (2011). Fondförvaltaransvaret - särskilt om etisk fondförvaltning. [Liability for mutual fund managers – especially about ethical mutual fund management]. Abstract in English

Åhman, J. (2011). Trade Liberalisation, Health Protection, and the Burden of Proof in WTO Law. Abstract in English

Andreasson, J. (2010). Intellektuella resurser som kreditsäkerhet. En förmögenhetsrättslig undersökning. [Intellectual resources as credit security]. Abstract in English

Dimitrievski, N. (2010). Allmännytta som norm i svensk skatterätt. Om inkomstskattefrihet för ideella föreningar. [Public benefit as a norm in Swedish tax law. Income tax exemption for non-for-profit associations]. Abstract in English

Johansson, K. (2010). Substance over form - en redovisningsrättslig studie. [Substance over form - in accounting law]. Abstract in English

Olsen-Lundh, C. (2010). Att ransonera utsläppsutrymme. En miljörättslig studie om utsläppshandel enligt Kyotoprotokollet och EU ETS. [Rationing the available space for emissions - An environmental legal study on emissions trading under the Kyoto Protocol and EU ETS]. Abstract in English

Pamp, C. (2010). Intellectual property in science. Abstract in English

Moberg, A. (2009). Villkorsklausuler - om avtalsklausuler som utrikespolitiskt instrument. [Conditionality clauses – on the use of contractual clauses as instruments of foreign policy]. Uppsala: Iustus förlag. Abstract in English

Schollin, K. (2008). Digital Rights Management - the New Copyright. Stockholm: Jure. Abstract in English

Odlöw, T. (2005). Ställföreträdare för vuxna : kamrer eller handledare?. [Gardian of incapable adults - accountant or supervisor?] Stockholm: Jure förlag. Abstract in English

Stendahl, S. (2004). Communicating justice providing legitimacy : the legal practices of Swedish administrative courts in cases regarding sickness cash benefit. Uppsala: Iustus. Full text in English

Kouvo, S. (2004). Making just rights? Mainstreaming Women?s Human Rights and a Gender Perspective. Uppsala: Iustus. Abstract in English

Nowak, K. (2003). Oskyldighetspresumtionen. Norstedts juridik. Abstract in English

Gustafsson, H. (2002). Rättens polyvalens. En rättsvetenskaplig studie av sociala rättigheter och rättssäkerhet. Abstract in English

Erhag, T. (2002). Fri rörlighet och finansiering av social trygghet : en rättslig studie av EG-rättens inverkan på medlemsstaternas uttag av avgifter för finansiering av social trygghet. [Freedom of movement and social financing - a legal study of the impact of Ciommunity law on the member states' level of socialsecurity]. Stockholm: Santérus. Abstract in English

Martinson, C. (2002). Kreditsäkerhet i fakturafordringar - en förmögenhetsrättslig studie. Göteborg: Iustus. Abstract in English

Fransson, S. (2001). Lönediskriminering. En arbetsrättslig studie av könsdiskriminerande löneskillnader och konflikten mellan kollektivavtal och lag. Abstract in English

Olsson, S. (2001). Punktskatter - rättslig reglering i svenskt och europeiskt perspektiv. [Excise taxes - legal regulations in a Swedish and European perspectiv]. Uppsala: Iustus. Abstract in English

Johansson, S. O. (2001). Stoppningsrätt under godstransport. [Stoppage in transit]. Stockholm: Norstedt. Abstract in English

Glavå, M. (2000). Arbetsbrist och kravet på saklig grund. En alternativrealistisk arbetsrättslig studie. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik AB. link

Petrusson, U. (1999). Patent och industriell omvandling. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik. link

Cramér, P. (1998). Neutralitet och europeisk integration. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik AB. Abstract in English

Svensson, E-M. (1997). Genus och rätt. En problematisering av föreställningen om rätten. Stockholm: Iustus. link

Landelius, A-C. (1996). Självbestämmande, valfrihet och samtycke inom socialtJänsten. Stockholm: Nerenius & Santérus. link