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Professional seminars
The Professional seminars target the business community in general and the finance sector in particular. Invited speakers are typically distinguished representatives of the Swedish private and public sector. Finance students, faculty and local business community are invited. Welcome!
The seminars are scheduled Wednesdays at 3.15 pm for approximately one hour. The seminars are open for the public, registration is not required. For invitations to these seminars, contact Katarina Forsberg.
Upcoming seminars
Thomas Gür, Ölander & Gür AB
"Market for Minorities"
Dag: onsdag 2:e oktober 2024
Place: E44, School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1
Passed seminars
Jacob Lundberg, IFN
"Winners and Losers in the Swedish Pension System"
Day: Wednesday 22:nd May 2024
Place: School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1
Joachim Gahm, Investment Banking at Greenhill & Co
"Blowing in the Wind - Renewables in the future"
Day: Wednesday 8:e May 2024
Place: School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1
Oscar Holm, Litigium Capital
Dag: onsdag 27:e mars 2024
Plats: Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 1
Jörgen Petersen, Finansanalytiker Kommuninvest - the seminar will be held in Swedish
"Kredtibedömning av kommuner"
Dag: onsdag 15:e november 2023
Plats: Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 1
Annika Wallenskog, Chefsekonom SKR, Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner - the seminar will be held in Swedish
"En favorit i repris - Regionernas ekonomiska utmaningar"
Dag: onsdag 11:e oktober, 2023
Plats: Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 1
Magnus Henrekson - the seminar will be held in Swedish
former IFN CEO
"Hybrit - en grön bubbla"
Day: Wednesday May 3, 2023 at 3:15 pm
Magnus Henrekson disputerade år 1990 vid Göteborgs universitet. Han har speciellt ägnat sig åt det svenska näringslivets utveckling och den ekonomiska politiken. Åren 2005-2020 var Magnus VD på IFN. Han har också verkat som rådgivare och styrelseledamot i noterade bolag.
Mikael Nyman, chefredaktör för de dagliga Pensionsnyheterna och sedan 13 år en huvudattraktion i Plånboken på SR-P1 - the seminar was held in Swedish
"Vad hände med vårt fina pensionssystem"
Dag: onsdag 1:e mars kl. 15:15, 2023
Han har följt pensionsfrågorna mer än någon annan. Det statliga pensionssystemet var för de flesta tänkt att bygga på en livsinkomstprincip vilket nu har urholkats. Mikael ger en bild av varför systemet ej fick fungera som tänkt, vilka ytterligare utmaningarna som kommer och vad man bör göra åt det.
Jan Häggström, former Chief economist at Handelsbanken
"Real interest rates and growth"
Day: October 26, 2022
Jan is a legend among bank economists. He was with Handelsbanken since 1988 and most of the time until retirement as Chief economist and Head of their Macro and Financial Research. Today he is equally active as board member at the hedgefund Kvartil and speaker if he is not surfing or skiing. At today’s seminar he will summarize research and his thoughts related to the real-interest rate.
No professional seminar took place during 2021 due to Covid19.
Two seminars could be held before the outbreak of Covid19.
Jelena Nesic and Henrik Hedencrona, Nordea
"Leveraged Finance"
Day: Wednesday February 5
Marianne Nilsson, Chef för Ägarstyrning Swedbank Robur
"Hållbar ägarstyrning hos ett fondbolag"
Dag: onsdag 19:e februari
These seminars were postponded due to Covid19
Jan Häggström, former Chief economist at Handelsbanken
"Real interest rates and growth"
Day: new date to be set
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: Lecture hall E44, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
The CFF Professional seminar with PwC has been postponed!
Title: “title to be decided”
Day: new date to be set
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E44 lecture hall, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Seminars 2019
"Vostok New Ventures a vehicle for active ownership in markets with low transparency and weak governance but high returns"
with Per Brilioth, CEO Vostok New Ventures Ltd
Date: Wednesday March 20
"Smart Eye Driver Monitoring in Self-driving Cars"
with Martin Krantz, CEO Smart Eye AB
Date: Wednesday September 18
"Kambi, Sportsbetting & more"
with Jonas Jansson, COO Kambi
Date: Wednesday September 25
"Vad kan vi lära oss av skandalerna kring Skandia, Prosolvia, HQ och SCA?"
med Dan Brännström
Dag: onsdag oktober 9
"Pricing of shares and governance issues related to take-over bids"
with Rolf Skog & Erik Lidman
Date: October 16
"Hur man utvecklar och hittar talanger"
med Fredrik Hillelson, CEO Novare
Dag: onsdag oktober 23
"Financing Scandinavian Industry"
with Jan Petter Sissener, CEO Sissener A/S
Date: Wednesday November 6
"AI and Machine learning disrupting old school regulations"
with Lena Apler, Chairman Collector
Date: Wednesday December 11
"Some experiences from running start-ups"
with Jacob Rudbäck, CEO Yepstr
Date: Wednesday February 7
"Financial due diligence at EY Corporate Finance"
with Camilla Lindau and Sebastian Backlund, Ernst & Young
Date: Wednesday February 14
"Entrepreneurship and Curiosity"
with Bile Daar, Keel Capital
Date: Wednesday February 28
"Effekten av migration och höjd pensionsålder på pensionen resp. samhällsekonomin"
with Tommy Lowén, Pensionsmyndigheten
Date: Wednesday March 7
"Incitamentssystem för lärare, elever, föräldrar och stat i framtidens skola"
med Magnus Henrekson
Dag: onsdag 21:e mars
"Future retail arena"
with Camilla Wernlund, Head of New Business at Kapp Ahl
Date: Wednesday March 28
"Hur skall Kommuner och Landsting klara sitt uppdrag när inte skatter kan höjas? – Hur ser incitamenten ut för att minska beroendet av statsbidrag?"
with Annika Wallenskog, Chefsekonom SKL
Date: Wednesday April 18
“From Idea to Product – Challenges for Entrepreneurs”
with Anders Martin-Löf, CFO Wilson Therapeuticals
Date: Wednesday April 25
"Trafikverket presenterar kalkylerna bakom Höghastighetstågen"
med Peter Bernström, Trafikverket
Dag: Onsdag 26:e september
"Global In Vitro Fertilization Market"
with Peter Svalander, founder of Vitrolife
Date: Wednesday October 10
"The Economic Consequences of Brexit"
with Gianmarco Ottaviano, Bocconi University and London School of Economics
Date: Wednesday November 7
"Bodenholm Capitals Hedge Fund Strategy"
with Per Johansson, CEO Bodenholm
Date: Wednesday December 5
"Portfolio Design and Long Term Investing"
with Lars Meuller, Head of Portfolio Strategy and Construction
CPPIB (Canada Pension Plan Investment Board)
Date: Wednesday January 18
"Current monetary policy and the outlook for the Swedish economy"
with Henry Ohlsson, deputy governor of the Riksbank
Date: Tuesday March 7
"Housing Risks in Swedish Banks"
with Pehr Wissén, PhD, Senior Advicer, Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics
Date: March 29, 2017
"Household Debt and implications for Swedish Banks"
with Sean Cotten, Director European Financial Services - Financial Institutions, Standard & Poor's
Date: April 5, 2017
"The Nordic Tech Miracle and Gambling Industry"
with Erik Sprinchorn, PM at Swedbank Robur, and
Jonas Eixmann, AP2
Date: April 19, 2017
"Carbon footprint data and climate-aware equity strategies"
with Henrik Wold Nielsen, Storebrand
Date: April 26, 2017
"Vart skall PPM ta vägen"
med Stefan Lundbergh, Cardano och AP4
Dag: fredag 15:e september
"The Role of Macroeconomic Policy Analysis in the Great Inflation, Great Moderation and Great Recession"
The Félix Neubergh lecture 2017
with Jon Faust, Center for Financial Economics at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore
Date: Thursday October 12
"The adaptable survives - the effects of increased regulation for Swedish banks"
with Torbjörn Jacobsson, Cheif Risk Officer Avida Finans
Date: Wednesday October 25
"A Tour of Accounting and Finance"
with Peter Clemedtson, chairman PwC
Date: Wednesday November 22
med Jerker Wesslén, Skatteverket
Dag: onsdag 29:e november
"An introduction to XVA - Latest trends in pricing of derivatives"
with Niklas Palm, Head of Pricing & Capital, Nordea Markets
Day: Wednesday December 6
"Victoria Park och den svenska fastighetsmarknaden"
with Peter Strand, VD Victoria Park
Dag: Onsdag 13:e december
"Hedging Climate Risk"
with Björn Sandberg & Christian Peters, Amundi
Date: Wednesday February 10, 2016
"Data - transforming marketing from Good to Great"
with Manuel Stan, Head of Digital Marketing & Dimiter Pantaleev, Head of Relationship Marketing, Unibet
Date: Wednesday March 2, 2016
"Blowing in the Wind – Wind Power and Arise"
with Joachim Gahm, chairman Arise
Date: Wednesday March 9, 2016
"Knowledge based companies driven by strong corporate values"
with Lars Stugemo, CEO HiQ
Date: Wednesday April 27
"Risky returns? EU financial policy and climate change"
with Global Chair of Responsible Investment at Mercer;
Jane Ambachtsheer and Toby Buscombe
Date: Tuesday May 24
"The U.S. Election!"
with Richard J. Sweeney, Chair in International Finance, Emeritus
McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
Date: Wednesday June 1
"Why we need to protect consumers in finance"
with Malin Omberg and Karl Hjert, finansinspektionen
Date: Wednesday September 14
"International product development – Innovation, opportunities and trends"
with Markus Granlund, CEO Semcon
Date: Wednesday September 21
"Investments in Renewable Energy – How technology disrupts an old business model"
with Peter Zachrisson, CEO Stena Renewable
Date: Wednesday September 28
"Up & Down in the Telecom Industry - a Tour of Transactions and Governance"
with Karl Thedéen, Infinera
Date: Wednesday October 5
"Vad skapar Latours framgång?"
med Fredrik Palmstierna, Latour
Dag: onsdag 12:e oktober
"The Volvo Group Transformation Journey"
with Jan Gurander, Deputy CEO AB Volvo
Date: Wednesday October 26
"SEB Private Banking - A holistic financial partner tailored for personal needs"
with Henrik Larsson, Investment Strategy and
Martin Gustafsson, Sales Manager
SEB Private Banking
Date: December 7, 2016
"A banking perspective on the global financial flows"
with Martin Bolander, Swedbank Research
Date: December 14, 2016
Time: 3.15 p.m.
"Consequences of Globalization - my perspective from the Automotive Industry and Semcon"
with Kjell Nilsson, Chairman Semcon
Day: Wednesday February 4
Chairman since 2012, board member since 2007. Also Chairman Lindab, member of board Choice Hotels AS, Home Properties AB and Home Invest AS. Former CEO Boliden, Trelleborg and Semcon and member of several other boards.
"1000 Bln SEK under management - challenge or opportunity?"
with Tomas Hedberg, VD Swedbank Robur
Day: Wednesday February 18
"Shale Revolution"
with Torbjörn Iwarson, Structured Finance, Carnegie
Day: Wednesday February 25
Torbjörn has a long and prominent career in Derivatives Trading, cf. as Head of Derivatives at Handelsbanken, Head of Commodities Trading at SEB. He was also instrumental in developing the OTC-market for derivatives. Today he will give a background to the dramatic changes in energy prices.
"Finansinspektionens Ingripanden 2004-2014"
med Anne-Marie Pålsson, Lunds universitet
Dag: onsdag 4:e mars
Docent i nationalekonomi vid Lunds universitet, tidigare riksdagspolitiker (m) och har skrivit flera böcker bland annat om skattepolitik.
"Change is the new constant - Volvo Cars and the continuous journey as an industrial high tech company"
with Hans Oscarsson, CFO Volvo Cars
Day: Wednesday March 11
Hans Oscarsson has worked within Volvo Cars since 1990. He has served as a controller and CFO at Volvo's national sales companies and has held a number of central functions, including temporary CFO in 2010-2011.
As interim finance chief he played a key role during Zhejiang Geely's acquisition of Volvo from Ford Motor Co. In 2010, Geely bought Volvo from Ford for $1.8 billion.
"National Accounts in a global world - challenges and possibilities"
with Monica Nelson Edberg, Avdelningschef, Chefekonom Nationalräkenskaper Statistiska Centralbyrån
Day: Tuesday May 5
It is almost impossible to have a discussion about a topic in Applied Macro Economics without using concepts such as GDP, price-deflators etc. all based on our national accounts. At the same time we have a very diffuse (if at all) idea about how these measures are calculated. Are they estimates – if so what is the precision? How do we account for services being bought on the net?
Fortunately, we will have the ideal speaker that can help us in answering these questions at our up-coming seminar. The speaker is Monica Nelson Edberg who is Head of the National Accounts Group at SCB. Before joining SCB she has had various positions within Nordea trading such as: senior economist, Risk research, etc. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst and has a Master degree in Economics from our Alma Mater.
"The Common Agricultural Policy - why was it introduced? - how has it worked? - why is it still around?
with Sören Höjgård, Associate Professor
Day: Wednesday May 20
Sören Höjgård has a PhD in economics from Lund University and is associate professor in health economics. He is also responsible for the part of AgriFood Economics Centre that belongs to the department of Economics at SLU. AgriFood Economics Centre is a platform for applied research, run in co-operation between SLU and Lund University, with the aim of supplying government bodies with a solid foundation supporting strategic and long-term policy choices.
"MQ - Ett modeföretag i konstant förändring"
med Christina Ståhl, VD MQ
Dag: onsdag 27:e maj
På MQ sedan 2013. Styrelseledamot MQ Retail AB.
Tidigare VD Mio AB och före det VD Etos AB, dotterbolag ICA samt koncernansvarig ICAs storsatsning inom Hälsa&Skönhet.
"Bitcoin - the future of internet-based money and assets"
with Mats Henricson, Chairman Svenska Bitcoinföreningen
Day: Wednesday October 14
Henrik Saxborn, VD Castellum
Dag: onsdag 21:e oktober
Diskuterar kring Fastighetsvärderingar och IPO-flöden.
"Värdet av Västlänken"
med Alexander Hellervik, Trafikanalytiker vid Trafikverket
Dag: onsdag 11:e november
Håkan Svärdman, Välfärdsanalytiker på Folksam
Dag: tisdag 17:e novermber
Håkan presenterar resultat från sin kommande vitbok om Pensioner; bl.a. berättar han om skillnader i pensionsutfall och förslag till reformer av den allmänna pensionen.
"Megaprojects: Front-end governance, costs and benefits"
with Professor Knut Samset, NTNU Trondheim
Date: Wednesday November 18
Knut Samset is Professor of Project Management at the Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology on Front-end Management of Large Investment Projects, read more info.
"The Nederman Transition from Local to Glocal"
with Sven Kristensson, VD Nederman
Date: Wednesday November 25
"From an Idea via an Entrepreneur to the Stock Exchange"
with Lars Backsell, Chairman Recipharm
Date: Wednesday December 2
Lars has an extensive background from Pharma Industry, both as an executive in Coloplast, Pharmacia, Recip; and as a board member of BioInvent, Probi Lund University BioScience; to mention a few. His interest for entrepreneurship and the Sciences, is clearly demonstrated by him being the Chairman of the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). Lars is also the founder of Recipharm which is a leading developer and manufacturer in the Pharma Industry. He has degrees from SSE and Insead.
"Creating Value through M&A in the Pharma Industry - some cases"
with Kerstin Valinder-Strinnholm
Date: Wednesday December 9
Kerstin has more than twenty years of experience from business development from the Pharma Industry - Astra, Nycomed and Takeda. She has been responsible for the M&A activity at Nycomed from 1999. Today she is heading her own consultancy business focused on pharmaceutical companies as well as being a non-exec board member to private pharma companies. Kerstin is a graduate from the University of Gothenburg with a degree in journalism.
"Currency Carry Trades and Funding Risk"
with Matti Suominen, Aalto University
Date: March 12, 2014
"Throttling hyperactive robots - Message to trade ratios at the Oslo Stock Exchange"
with Bernt-Arne Odegaard, University of Stavanger
Date: April 2, 2014
Read paper
"Banks, corporate governance and human capital of managers"
with Miguel Angel Garcia Cestona, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Date: April 9, 2014
”When and how does the family manage the family firm?”
with Øyvind Bohren, Norwegian Business School (BI)
Date: New date! May 7, 2014
"Latour; a Mixed Investment Company"
with Jan Svensson, CEO Investment AB Latour
Date: May 14, 2014
"Banking 2014: Strategy & Valuation - lessons and considerations"
with Hans Larsson, Owner and CEO at Linderyd Advisory AB
Date: May 21, 2014
"The Price of Wine"
with Christophe Spaenjers, Assistant Professor of Finance, HEC Paris
Date: May 28, 2014
"Entrepreneurship with internet as a business model. Case study: Unibet"
with Anders Ström, founder UniBet
Date: Friday October 10, 2014
Anders studied Math and Economics at Karlstad University. He then founded Unibet in 1997, which was then IPO’d in 2004. During the phenomenal development of Unibet, Anders has held all major positions in the company. Since 2008, Anders has founded and participated in several internet companies.
"The hedge-fund RAM from a Client perspective and some of my thoughts when recruiting"
with Sven Nyman, CEO Rational Asset Management AB
Date: Wednesday November 12, 2014
Sven Nyman is the Founder of RAM Rational Asset Management and serves as its Chief Executive Officer. Sven served as Executive Vice President at Investor AB. He has also founded Lancelot Asset Management and been a Managing Director of Arbitech. Sven has been a Director at Alecta, and Deputy Chairman at OMX AB. He is a Director at SEB, Nobel Foundation Investment Committee, and the Stockholm School of Economics. Sven graduated from the SSE.
"Challenges and Opportunities in Specialty Pharma and some insights from MEDA"
with Jörg-Thomas Dierks, CEO Meda Group
Date: Wednesday November 19, 2014
"The NCC Case and Negotiating Tactis"
with Tomas Billing, CEO Nordstjernan and Chairman NCC
Date: Tuesday December 16, 2014 Note day!
Tomas is also member of the Parkinson Research Foundation board and Stenas Sfärråd. Former CEO Hufvudstaden AB. He has also been working several years within Proventus, of which the last two years as CEO for Monark Bodyguard AB. Tomas was awarded the Golden Gavel 2014, an award for outstanding performance as chairman for NCC. Tomas has during his 13 years as chairman reversed from loss to profit, stimulating growth at the benefit of both coworkers and stock holders.
"Danish firms corporate governance compliance - how does corporate governance add value?"
with Casper Rose, Copenhagen Business School
Date: February 20
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"Green Circle, Consafe Offshore, Good Morning Hotels - how to work in an entrepreneurial investment company"
with Hampus Ericsson, President and CEO JCE Group AB
Date: February 27
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E44, Vasagatan 1
"Firm-Level Shocks and Labor Adjustment"
with Mikael Carlsson, Riksbanken och Uppsala Universitet
Date: March 6
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"Different Problem, Same Solution: Contract-Specialization in Venture Capital"
with Ola Bengtsson, Lund
Date: April 10
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"Intellectual Property Rights as an obstacle or support to technological innovation - examples from Telecom and the Music Industry"
with Johan Tydén, advokat/partner Bird & Bird
Date: April 24
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: CG-salen, Vasagatan 1
"Consumers and Financial Markets"
with Paolo Sodini, Ass. Prof Dept Economics, Stockholm School of Economics
Date: May 13 (Monday)
Time: 1:15 p.m. (note time)
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"The illusion of predictability How regression statistics mislead experts"
with Robin Hogarth, Dept of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Date: May 15
Time: 1:15 p.m. (note time)
Place: CG-salen, Vasagatan 1
"Do entrepreneurs matter?"
with Hans Hvide, Bergen
Date: May 28 (Tuesday)
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E44, Vasagatan 1
"How aggressive are high frequency traders?"
with Lars Nordén, Stockholm University
Date: September 18
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E44, Vasagatan 1
"Who Takes Risks When and Why? Determinants of Financial Risk Taking"
with Elke Weber, Columbia University
Date: September 26 - note Thursday!
Time: 12:15 a.m. - note time!
Place: E44, Vasagatan 1
"A detrimental feedback loop: deleveraging and adverse selection"
with Cristoph Bertsch, Riksbanken
Date: October 23
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: B33, Vasagatan 1
"Value Creation through Long-term ownership"
with Martin Svalstedt, Managing Director Stena Adactum
Date: November 13
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E44, Vasagatan 1
"Capital flows, exchange rates and the international monetary system"
with Helene Rey, London Business School
Félix Neubergh Lecture
Date: November 14
Time: 2:15 p.m. Note time!
Place: SEB lecture hall, Vasagatan 1
"Valuation of commercial properties: Market data and analysis for investors and institutions"
with Jonas Zakrisson, Datscha
Date: November 20
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: CG-salen, Vasagatan 1
"En ekonomisk utblick"
with Rune Andersson
Date: December 4
Time: 2:15 p.m. Note time!
Place: B33, Vasagatan 1
"Nya regelverk för Affärsbanker & Sparbanker i Sverige"
MeetingPoint Finance 2013
CFF, Handelshögskolan och de Västsvenska Sparbankerna arrangerar en halvdag där akademi och näringsliv kan mötas och diskutera frågor som rör banker i teori och praktik
Datum: 5/12
Tid: 13:15 - 17:00 med efterföljande mingel
Plats: CG-salen, Vasagatan 1
"Sharing voice with employees: Implications for firm behavior and performance"
with Aleksandra Gregoric, Copenhagen Business School
Date: December 11
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E44, Vasagatan 1
"Dela bankerna - minska riskerna"
Ulla Andersson, Vänsterpartiet
Datum: 30 januari
Ulla Andersson, Vänsterpartiets representant i riksdagens finansutskott och partiets ekonomiska talesperson presenterar rapporten om bankdelning. Presentationen följs av frågor, kritik och debatt. Ted Lindblom, Lennart Hjalmarsson och Evert Carlsson deltar.
"Corporate Governance and how to meet it with effective board work"
with Finn Johnsson
Date: February 8
Finn Johnsson is one of our most senior industrial leaders. His CV is quite phenomenal and covers in a very abbreviated form a wide variety of companies such as: presently chairman of Ovako Steel , Thomas Concrete, EFG, Bravida, Geveko, Poseidon, Chamber of Commerce; member of Norske Skog; past chairman of AB Volvo, Industrivärden, Unomedical, KappAhl, Luvata, City Airline, Skanska.
His work experience is very international with positions as President: Tarkett, Stora AB, Euroc, United Distillers, Guinness, Mölnlycke Health Care.
"Meddling with money: Are we heading for steady inflation, deflation or double-digit inflation?"
with Torgeir Høien, Skagen Fonder
Date: March 14
Torgeir Høien is responsible for managing the bond funds SKAGEN Tellus, economic analysis and external communication about the fixed income funds. He joined SKAGEN 2005, previously senior economist for Handelsbanken and also former member of the executive board of Norges Bank (Norway’s central bank).
"Limited Stock Market Participation Among Renters and Home Owners"
with Roine Vestman, SIFR
Date: March 28
"Statistical Dependence and Causal inference"
with Priyantha Wijayatunga, Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE)
Date: April 25
"Corporate Governance in Financial Capitalism - dealing with institutional investors and shorttermism"
with Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall, Stockholm School of Economics
Date: May 2
Sophie recently presented a study sponsored by SN, which achieved a lot of attention. She is also in the finishing stage of her PhD on take-overs. Her CV is quite phenomenal.
"Sovereign Defaults, Waves of Defaults and Chronic Defaulters: The Message from Europe"
with Dick Sweeney, Bolton Sullivan and Thomas A. Dean Professor of International Finance, McDonough School of Business, Washington
Date: May 9
"Mergers and European Bank Performance"
with John Thornton, Head of Bangor Business School and Professor of Global Studies
Date: May 16
"Keep it or Sell it?
An Experimental Analysis of the Disposition Effect"
with Matteo Ploner, University of Trento
Date: May 23
Partnership Programme's Executive Seminar Finance
"Corporate Governance Codes and Regulation: Do they have any Real Effects?"
Date: May 29
Members of Panel:
Sudipto Dasgupta, Professor Hong-Kong University
Marianne Nilsson, Swedish Corporate Governance Board and Swedbank Robur AB
Rolf Skog, Honorary Professor School of Business, Economics and Law, co-founder Swedish Corporate Governance Forum, representative to the OECD
Anjan Thakor, Professor Washington University, St Louis
Karin Thorburn, Professor Norweigan School of Economics
"Basel III: Effects and Adverse Effects - on derivatives and the economy at large"
with Erik Blomberg and Niklas Palm, Nordea
Date: October 3
"Simple heuristics that make us smart"
with Gerd Gigerenzer, Max Planck Institute
Date: October 10
"No guts, no glory: Excessive Risk-taking in Tournaments"
with Ola Kvalöy, University of Stavanger
Date: October 17
"The Fall of the Icelandic Financial System in 2008"
with Gudrun Johnsen, Reykjavik University
Date: October 24
"The Performance Effect of Corporate Board of Directors"
with Johanna Palmberg, Entreprenörskapsforum
Date: November 7
"The fund management industry"
with Ola Björkmo, QQM
Date: November 14
"Ink that sticks! Media outcry about excessive executive compensation and the reputation of outside directors"
with Georg Wernicke, University of Mannheim
Date: November 21
"Growth Management"
with Nicolas Hassbjer, vice chairman HMS
Date: December 5
"The value of (corrupt) lobbying"
with Eitan Goldman, Indiana University
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
"The Cross-Section of Credit Risk Premia and Equity Returns"
with Christian Wagner, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
"Integration of Sustainability at the Second AP Fund: Presentation of the Fund's Thesis Price in Finance and Sustainability"
with Christina Olivecrona, AP2
and "Hierarchies and Corruption"
with Shubashis Gangopadhyay, IDF, GU and Shiv Nadar University
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"Trading and Under-Diversification"
with Anders Andersson, SIFR
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place:E43, Vasagatan 1
"Tightrope Walking"
with Robert Bergqvist, SEB
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"Aristotle's Politics on Corporate Governance: In Pursuit of the Common Good"
with Krishna K Ladha
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
Time: 12:00
Place: F43, Vasagatan 1
Krishna K Ladha is Professor of Economics at the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode in Kerala, India since 2009. He has a Ph. D. in Economics (GSIA, Carnegie-Mellon University) and PGDM from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. He has taught Microeconomics, Game Theory, Social Choice Theory, the Economics of Public Policy, Business and Government, and Management of Societies at one or more of the following: Washington University in St. Louis, New York University, University of Mississippi, University of Maryland at Baltimore County as well as Helsinki School of Business, U.S. Business School of Prague in the Czech Republic, Management Development Institute Delhi, and the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. The current areas of research include Law and Economics; Democracy, Stability and Constitution Design; Markets and Institutions; Information Aggregation in Committees; Political Philosophy and Management of Societies; and the Origin and Implementation of the Constitution of Ancient Athens.
with Prof Philip Molyneux, Bangor University
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Philip Molyneux is Head of the College of Business, Social Sciences and Law and Professor of Banking and Finance at Bangor University, UK. He has published widely in the banking area with particular emphasis on the structure and efficiency of banking markets. Professor Molyneux has acted as a consultant to New York Federal Reserve Bank, the World Bank, the European Commission, the UK Treasury, Citibank Private Bank, Bermuda Commercial Bank, McKinsey & co, Credit Suisse and various other international banks and consulting firms. In 2002-2003 he was the Bertil Danielsson guest professor at Stockholm School of Economics and Gothenburg School of Economics, Business and Law.
"Public information and IPO underpricing"
with Karin Thorburn, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Karin Thorburn is professor in financial economics at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen. Her research focuses on takeovers, bankruptcy, IPOs, corporate restructuring, corporate governance, and environmentally responsible investing. Professor Thorburn is a director of the board of Nordea Bank Norge ASA and of the Norwegian Finance Market Fund. She holds a PhD in financial economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and she was a faculty member at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, USA, from 1998-2009.
"Investor Inattention"
with Magnus Dahlquist, SIFR
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E44, Vasagatan 1
Magnus Dahlquist is Peter Wallenberg Professor of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and Research Fellow at the Institute for Financial Research (SIFR) in Stockholm. Dahlquist was the Director of SIFR between 2003 and 2008. Dahlquist is also a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, and of the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (NETSPAR) in the Netherlands. Dahlquist's research interests lie in the fields of asset pricing and international finance. His current research focuses on (i) risks and returns in global equity markets, (ii) information and incentives as determinants of the portfolio choice of individual and institutional investors, (iii) the behavior and determination of exchange rates and interest rates, and (iv) performance evaluation and practical problems related to portfolio selection.
Finansmarknadsminister Peter Norman besöker Handelshögskolan
Onsdag 30 mars
kl 14.30-15.15
sal D33
"You can't put lipstick on a PIIG"
with Pär Magnusson, Chief Economist Royal Bank of Scotland
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"The Swedish Corporate Control Model: Convergence, Persistence or Decline"
with Magnus Henreksson, IFN
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
"Global recovery with structural challenges - How should economic policy adjust?"
with Håkan Frisén, Head of Economics Research SEB
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
"Commodity Investments"
with Torbjörn Iwarsson, SHB Head of Commodities
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
"Banking in Sweden"
with Francis Dallaire, Finance Analyst, Öhman
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"Managers' private information, investor underreaction and long-run SEO performance"
with Pawel Bilinski, Manchester Business School
Time: 1.15 p.m.
Place: C33, Vasagatan 1
"In-house Models for Insurance Companies"
with Petter Pettersson, Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"What do we know about return predictability?"
with Jesper Rangvid, Copenhagen Business School
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
"The role of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) - today and tomorrow"
with Martin Andersson, Generaldirektör Finansinspektionen
2010-10-06 New date to be set!
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: Volvosalen, Vasagatan 1
Increasing threats and our Macro-outlook
with Olof Manner, Royal Bank of Scotland
Olof, who is one of the most prolific individuals in the fixed income market (mostly known as "Räntegurun"), will give a talk on the topic "Increasing threats and our Macro-outlook". He will also give an important input into what it takes to establish a successful career in the financial market.
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: Volvosalen, Vasagatan 1
The emergence of biofuels and the co-movement between crude oil and agricultural prices
with Augusto Rupérez Micola, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona,
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Caught between Scylla and Charybdis? Regulating bank leverage when there is rent seeking and risk shifting
Bertil Danielsson visiting scholar 2010: Professor Anjan Thakor, Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis
Time: 15.30 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
title to be decided
with Stefan Brocker, VD, Partner Mannheimer Swartling
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Free market economy - a model to stay?
Senior Partner Seminar; open for professionals, alumni and students
with Jan Olsson, Managing Director and Head of Global Banking Nordic Region
Time: 4.00-5.00 p.m.
Place: D32, Vasagatan 1
Refreshments and mingle afterwards in the Malmstensvåning
Please register for this seminar: www.career-service.handels.gu.se/anmalan
Personal Character and Firm Performance: The Economic Implications of Having Fraudulent Board Members
with Henrik Nilsson, Umeå School of Business
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
An interpretation of the present economic situation and future consequences
with Dag Lindskog, chefsekonom DnbNor
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Experiments and Football in Finance
with visiting professor Michael Kirchler
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Operational Risk in Trading
with Bengt Prambog, Swedbank
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: C33, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
The Félix Neubergh lecture; "How have we handled the economic crisis and what do we don now?"
with Lars Calmfors, Stockholm university
Time: 10:15 a.m.
Place: Malmstensalen, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
The Money Market and the Stock Market
with Per Östberg, Norges Handelshoyskole
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: C22, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Direct Investments in Russia
with Eugene Nivorozhkin
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: C22, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Valuing Green Funds
with Prof Shubashis Gangopadhyay, Director India Development Foundation
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
The Monetization and the Capitalization of Intellectual Assets: Evidence from the Innovative Technology Start-Up Sector in Israel
with Prof Tamir Agmon, The Graduate School of Business, the College of Management, Rishon Lezion, Israel
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
The End of the Tunnel? DnB NOR Markets Economic Outlook
with Oystein Dorum, DnB NOR Markets Chief Economist
Time: 10:30-12.00 a.m.
Place: Volvosalen, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Financial Crisis: revisited by former and first Director General of the Swedish FSA
with Anders Sahlén, former chairman of Hansabank and Robur
New Time!: 2:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Anders Sahlén var verksam i Sveriges Riksbank 1973-1990, den senare tiden som vice riksbankschef. Han var 1990-1993 chef för Finansinspektionen och därefter, 1994-1996, minister vid svenska ambassaden i Washington. Anders Sahlén var 1996-1997 generaldirektör i Statsrådsberedningen. 1998-2004 var han rådgivare i Swedbank och var under denna tid styrelseordförande i Robur och Hansabank. Han har också varit styrelseordförande i VPC och Svensk Exportkredit SEK.
Application of extremes in Levy processes
with Mattias Sundén, Post-doc Centre for Finance
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: D32, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Swedish takeovers: Do dual class (A and B) shares reduce shareholder short-termism? Or are they just used as an anti-takeover device
Inauguration of professor Martin Holmén
Chair in Corporate Finance sponsored by SEB
Time: 10.15 - 11.15 a.m.
Place: SEB-salen, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Incentive Contracts and Hedge Fund Management
New date is 2009-05-14
with Prof Jens Jackwerth, University of Konstanz, Institute of Finance
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: C23, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Seminarium om Fastighetsvärdering
with Ulrika Danielsson, ekonomidirektör, Castellum; Bo Söderberg, professor, fastighetsekonom, Högskolan i Gävle; Bo Nordlund, tekn dr KTH, redovisningsspecialist, KPMG; Robert Treutiger, partner, fastighetsvärdering, PWC; Göran Råckle, chef fastighetsanalys, Swedbank; Marie Ideström, ekonomidirektör, Wallenstam; Anders Ahlberg, chef analys och strategi, Vasakronan
Time: 13.00 - 16.00 p.m.
Place: Volvosalen, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
The Icelandic banking crisis
with Prof. Fridrik M. Baldursson
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Exposé over exotic option valuation
with Georgios Foufas, Post-doc Centre for Finance
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: CG-salen, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Dynamic Allocation
with Gunnar Dahlfors, Head of Carnegie Asset Mgmt
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: CG-salen, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Några reflektioner kring dagens och nittiotalets finanskris
with Göran Collert, Former President and CEO Föreningssparbanken
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: CG-salen, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
The Swedish Premium Pension Scheme - Experiences from the first five Years
with Prof. Karl-Olof Hammarkvist, Dept Marketing and Strategy, Stockholm School of Economics
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Quick and reliable detection of changes in volatility
with Prof. Sven Knoth, Advanced Mast Technology Center, Dresden, Germany
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Mergers and Acquisitions - Deal Making in Financial Turbulence
with Jan Olsson, Senior Partner Finance Deutsche Bank
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Corporate Finance and Value Management
with Prof. Tamir Agmon, the Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers professor of Financing and Banking
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Place: CG-salen, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Capital adequacy requirements and the availability of credit
with Ashok Thampy, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
CANCELLED! New date next year.
Trends in Asset Management
with Niklas Ekvall, Head of Asset Management, Nordea
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Place: C33, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
Strategic Asset Allocation
with Peter Schotman, Institute for Financial Research, SIFR
Time: 4.15 p.m.
Place: C33, Vasagatan 1, School of Business, Economics and Law
A non-parametric test for weakly dependence, stationary long-range dependence and unit roots
with Gilles Teyssiere, CFF, Mistra-project "Sustainable Investment"
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Private vs Public Equity competition on equal terms?
with Lennart Jeansson, Assar Gabrielssons gästprofessur i tillämpad företagsledning
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Sophistication in risk management and banking stability
with Jan Wenzelburger, Reader in Economics at the School of Economic and Management Studies, Keele University
Applicant for the Felix Neubergh chair.
Time: 1:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
The Mulit-Fractal Model of Asset Returns: Its Estimation via GMM and Its Use for Forecasting Volatility
with Thomas Lux, Prof of Monetary Economics and International Finance, University of Kiel
Applicant for the Felix Neubergh chair.
Time: 1:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
De nya pensionsavtalen, en revolution för unga - Hur påverkas Du?
with Mikael Nyman
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
Increasing goal congruence in project evaluation by introducing a strict market depreciation schedule
with Ted Lindblom & Stefan Sjögren, Dept of Business Administration, Industrial and Financial Management
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: C33, Vasagatan 1
Deposit Insurance Coverage, Credibility of Non-Insurance and ...
with Prof. Claes Wihlborg, Copenhagen Business School
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
THE ZACCARIA DEAL. Contract and options to fund a Genoese shipment of alum to Bruges in 1298
with Eric Briys
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
Tjänstepensionsmarknaden; tidigare skötte "proffsen" placeringarna, nu inriktning mot att den anställde själv ska sköta det
with Elisabeth Wass, merpension.se
Time: 15:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
Evaluating Fund Manager alfa-Persistence - Future trends in the Asset Management Industry
with Jan Bernard Waage
Time: 13:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Variance of hedging strategies in discrete time
with Prof Stephano Herzel, University of Perugia
Time: 15:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
The Skandia Case
2007-09-26 New date!
with Hans-Erik Andersson, fd VD Skandia
Time: 15:15 a.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
Driving forces behind certain transactions
with Lennart Jeansson, Assar Gabrielssons gästprofessur i tillämpad företagsledning
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Interpreting Announcement Effects using Market Microstructure: An Examination of Convertible Bond Calls
with Ken Lemdahl Bechmann
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
A Tale of Two Systems: Winners and Losers when moving from DB to DC
with Jonas Gustafsson, PhD student, Evert Carlsson, director and Kalle Erlandzon, PhD student at the Centre for Finance
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Integor optimization, knapsack problems and their use in finance
with Kent Höj Andersen, Ass prof Inst Mathematical Sciences, Univ Copenhagen
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Stochastic programming and portfolio optimization
with Kourosh Rasmussen, PhD TechU in Denmark
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
Varför tillsyn över försäkringssektorn
with Eva Ekström, Finansinsepktionen
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Utveckling och förbättringsarbete inom bank - Föreningssparbanken
with Annika Wijkström
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Corporate Governance and investments in energy production
with Anders Sandoff, IFE, Dept Business Administration
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43
Private Equity in Sweden
with Mikael Ahlström, Procuritas
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45
Globalization - Best Practices from Best Companies
with Göran Malm
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43
Presentation av fastighetsbolaget Castellum och deras affärsidé
with Håkan Hellström, Castellum
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43
Joint Determination of Earnings and Guidance Management
with Dick Sweeney, Professor Georgetown University
Time: 1:15 p.m.
Place: E43
Life-Cycle Housing and Portfolio Choice with Bond Markets
with Otto van Hemert, SIFR
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: C33
Dynamic Factor Models and Dimension Reduction
with Giovanni Motta, Université Catholique de Louvain
Time: 1:15 p.m.
Place: C22
Efficiency and Rationality in Housing Markets: Do Home-Buyers Know How to Discount?
with Erik Hjalmarsson, Federal Reserve Board
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
>> download paper
The Bright Side of Shiller-swaps: a solution to inter-generational risk sharing in mandatory pensions
with Kalle Erlandzon and Evert Carlsson, Centre for Finance
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
Aspects of portfolio credit derivatives
with Alexander Herbertsson, PhD candidate, Centre for Finance
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
Moving Forward Into the Future
with Lars Nordén, Associate Professor, Stockholm University
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
A Behavioral Model of Investor Risk Taking and Reference Points: Theory and Evidence
with Prof. Sari Carp, BI, Norway
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Financial Giffen Goods
with Rolf Poulsen, Univ. of Copenhagen & Univ. of Leeds
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: CG-lecture hall, Vasagatan 1
Investment in Russia and CIS
with Nils Nilsson, Chairman RURIC
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E45, Vasagatan 1
VFS - a captive finance company
with Sal Mauro, CEO Volvo Financial Services, USA
Time: 1:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Workshop "Financial Surveillance"
Statistical methods for surveillance as decision strategies in finance.
November 28-29
Overview of statistical methods in finance
with Helgi Tomasson, University of Iceland, Reykjavik
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Place: E43, Vasagatan 1
Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Agents and Limited Risk Sharing
2005-01-25, Tuesday
with Prof. Francisco J. Gomes, London Business School
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
The role of Hedge fonds and market efficiency
with Peter Thelin, Partner, Brummer & Partners
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43
Man and Machine new possibilities in leveraging competencies in trading
NEW DATE!! 2005-02-16
with Nils Nilsson, cofounder of ORC Software and Ruric and will also discuss the potential of the Russian Real Estate Market
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43
"The new SKF - strategic and financial aspects"
with Tore Bertilsson, CFO, SKF
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43
Finansiering av hantering av kärnkraftsavfall
with Peter Rosén, vice prefekt, IFE
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43
Investors perspective on Capital structure
with Stefan Johnsson, CFO, AB Volvo
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: Volvo-salen
Are Stock Markets Predictable?
with Erik Hjalmarsson, Yale & Federal Reserve Bank
Time: 3 -5 p.m.
Place: E43
Environmentally Driven Business
with Anders Jansson, VD Stena Metall
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: SEB-salen
Den globala ekonomin och finansiella obalanser - några reflektioner
with Göran Collert
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Relative robustness in portfolio optimization
with Reha Tutuncu, Ass.Prof. Carnegie Mellon
Time: 1 p.m.
Place: E45
Sarbanes-Oxley Act - kommer den att förhindra finansskandaler?
with Marc Steiberg, Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Fear and Greed in Financial Markets: A Clinical Study of Day-Traders
with Prof Dmitry Repin, MIT
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E44
The Dark Side of Wage Indexed Pension
with Evert Carlsson and Kalle Erlandzon, Centre for Finance
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Pensionsformen i Sverige samt dess resultat och balansräkning
with Ole Setterberg, Försäkringskassan
"skaparen av pensionsformen i Sverige"
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
New directions in private equity finance research
with Tamir Agmon, Ass.prof. Centre for Finance
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Property Rights, Risk and Leverage
with Joe Kairys, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Capital budgeting and political risk: empirical evidence
with Bengt Pramborg and Stefan Sjögren
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
ALM-problem i Pensionsfonder
with Tomas Franzén
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Title to be decided
with Lars Lundquist, CFO, SEB
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43
Valuation of Cliquet Options with Global Floor and Cap
with Mats Kjaer, PhD Candidate CFF
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Shifting Perspectives on Pensions
with Ed Palmer, Professor Uppsala universitet
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Short selling and Stock returns
with Jay R Ritter, Cordell Professor of Finance, University of Florida
Time: 1 p.m.
Place: B44
Investment practice and process ¿ the good, bad and ugly
with Göran Espelund, MD Lannebo Fonder
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
On a nonstationary structural adaptive approach to volatility
with Jörg Polzehl, Weierstrass-Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43
Allocation of Resources in the Presense of Indivisibilities: Scarfs
with Kurt Jörnsten, Professor
Time: 1 p.m.
Place: D501J/K
Finding New Drivers of Investment Value
with Eric Gelfgren, SAM Sustainable Asset Mgmt
Time: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Place: E43
Implied Volatilities of Caps: a Gaussian approach
with Stefano Herzel, University of Perguia
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
On stock market return predictability
with Erik Hjalmarsson, PhD Candidate
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Modelling and investigating the relationship between electricity prices and water reservoir content at Nord Pool Power Exchange
with Daniel Deng, PhD Candidate CFF
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Analyzing the fine structure of electricity prices
with Prof. Helyette Geman, University Paris Dauphine & ESSEC Business School
Time: 10-12 a.m.
Place: C-G salen
Budgeting Risk for institutions - INSTÄLLT!
with Gunnar Dahlfors, Third National Pension Fund
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Property & Casualty Insurance
with Nils Henriksson, Mgmt in Property & Casualty
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: C22
Intressanta skillnader i resultat mellan kontinuerlig och diskret tid
with Christer Borell
Time: 1:15 p.m.
Place: E45
En exposé av frågor kring traditionell livförsäkring
with Bengt von Bahr, PPM
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
The role of Private Equity in Company Development
with Håkan Johansson, Partner EQT
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Vad de lär dig på Handels som ej fungerar
with Tom Dinkelspiel
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: C22
Reflections on the National Pension Funds
with Lars Gavelin, Ministry of Finance
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43
The crisis in life insurance industry and its future implications
with Anders Kvist
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: CG-salen
CANCELLED! - The Future of Exchanges and a case study of Jiway
with Per Larsson
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E45
Changes in the Capital Structure - some trends and recent examples
with Per Hillström, Morgan Stanley
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43
Change points and arbitrage
with Albert Shiryaev
Time: 1 p.m.
Place: C33
Inauguration seminar
Value based balance sheet
with Prof. Tamir Agmon
Time: 1.30 p.m.
Place: E44
Marknadsrisker inom Trading
with Mikael Eriksson, Head of Capital Markets, SHB
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: E43