Civil Society, Social Movement and Resistance Research: CSM-RESIST
Short description
With around 15 researchers studying different forms of social movements, the Department is one of the leading research environments within the field in Europe. In order to further strengthen this research environment the Forum for Civil Society and Social Movement Research (CSM) was formed in 2011. The CSM’s aim is to develop and deepen our understanding of social movements and social change.
A social movement is a form of organized collective action aiming for, or resisting, social change. Examples of social movements that have played important roles in shaping modern societies – and which are still active – are the Labor Movement, the Women’s Movement, the Environmental Movement and the Peace Movement. Since the turn of the millennium new movements have emerged, some of them with significant influence on societal developments. Examples of these are the Global Justice Movement, the Arab Spring, the Indignados Movement and Occupy. We have also seen the emergence of new nationalist and religious movements with a neo-Conservative agenda.
The Civil Society, Social Movement and Resistance Research: CSM-RESIST is based at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, with close ties to other departments and research centers at University of Gothenburg as well as a number of international research networks. The Forum organizes seminars, workshops, conferences and co-ordinates research projects.
The Resistance Studies research adopts a critical approach to the study of various aspects of ”resistance”, and to the relationship between resistance, power and social change. The group focuses on relations of power in order to understand global social change because power is usually closely related to resistance. By honing attention to resistance it is possible to explore a multitude of action forms that expresses opposition to contemporary issues of democracy, culture, security and development. This is of particular interest for studies of the global South. In this context, research into relations of power and various aspects of action, ‘governmentality’ and biopolitics, as well as ‘everyday resistance’ by local groups and individuals are highly relevant.
Carl Cassegård
Environmentalism, precarity movement, homeless movement, Japan, public sphere
Gabriella Elgenius
Nationalism, diaspora, identity-politics and use of symbolism, migrant organisations, cultural heritage
Christoph Haug
Organizing; globalization; meetings; decision-making; South Africa
Kerstin Jacobsson
Social movements, urban movements, animal rights activism, Central and Eastern Europe
Isabel Köhler
antifeminist and anti-gender movements, intersectionality, motherhood, parent activism, discourse and identity
Lotte Schack
social movements, precarity, the climate crisis, feminist and Marxist theory, and ethnographic methods
Nathan Siegrist
Social movement studies, urban sociology and critical theory
Sebastian Svenberg
Economic democracy, Anti-corporate protests, Climate crisis, Critical theory
Håkan Thörn
Social change, globalization, governmentality/governance, environmental movement, urban movements
Anton Törnberg
Complexity theory, innovation and social change, free social spaces, automated text analysis, social media
Sara Uhnoo
Partnerships, civilian participation in policing/voluntary policing, distaster management/disaster volunteerism, civil society
Stellan Vinthagen
Resistance, activism, power theory, social movements, non-violent strategies of change (civil resistance)
Mattias Wahlström
Protest participation, protest policing, political violence, May Day marches, Pride parades
Cathrin Wasshede
Feminism, queer activism, cultural products, sustainable urban development, cohousing
Magnus Wennerhag
Pride parades; May Day marches; Radical left movements; Social class and protests
Åsa Wettergren
Sociology of emotions, law, politics, social movements, migration,
Emotionssociologi, rätt, politik, sociala rörelser, migration
Katarzyna Wojnicka
Men’s social movements, fathers’ rights movements, feminist activism, gender equality, European studies