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- Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Department of Social WorkAbout Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand obtained her PhD in Sociology in 2005 and became Associate Professor of Sociology in 2011. Since 2024, she is Professor of Sociology. She was Director of Postgraduate Education at the Department of Sociology and Work Science for just over four years in 2018-2022.
Hansen Löfstrand's existing and ongoing research has two orientations. She conducts research on different forms of policing. This includes the the police authority's camera surveillance and criminal justice investigations, the private security industry's provision of policing and non-profit (civic) participation in policing. She also conducts research about the margins of welfare society. This includes both the work performance of employees and experiences of service users. Overall, her research is characterized by an interest in power, governance, social control, policing, legitimacy, the rule of law and legal certainty.
Ongoing research projects
Hansen Löfstrand leads the research project From police investigation to court verdict: mass video surveillance for criminal justice purposes (funded by the Swedish Research Council 2023-2026) This project provides knowledge about when and how recordings from surveillance cameras is used by Swedish police and courts to solve crimes. Based on observations of investigative work and interviews with police, prosecutors, lawyers, and judges, as well as observations of trials and analysis of verdicts, we produce knowledge about when and how recordings from surveillance cameras are used and made useful in the legal process. More information is available here: From Police Investigation to Court Verdict: Mass Video Surveillance for Criminal Justice Purposes | University of Gothenburg (gu.se)
Hansen Löfstrand works in the research project Video surveillance recordings and artificial intelligence in criminal investigations (funded by the Swedish Research Council 2023-2026). This project provides knowledge on how the increased use of surveillance camera recordings – together with artificial intelligence (AI) to process recordings – affects the capacity of the police to investigate and solve crimes and how the material produced is used and turned into evidence by crime investigators. In the project, we conduct observations of and interviews with investigators and image analysts employed within the police authority at local, regional, and national level. More information is available here: Video surveillance recordings and artificial intelligence in crime investigation | University of Gothenburg (gu.se)
Recently finished research projects
Hansen Löfstrand lead the research project Body-worn cameras: implications for the work environment of security guards (funded by AFA Insurance). In this project, Hansen Löfstrand and Christel Backman examined the use of body-worn cameras in the surveillance industry from a work environment perspective to contribute with knowledge about how employees perceive and use the cameras, how it affects their work environment and how companies and the industry regulate and manage camera use. More information: Body-worn cameras: implications for the work environment of private security officers | University of Gothenburg (gu.se)
Hansen Löfstrand has recently (2019-2021) participated in the project Geographies of home-based service interactions at the margins of welfare in Finland and Sweden (funded by the Academy of Finland and led by Professor Kirsi Juhila, University of Tampere, Finland). Hansen Löfstrand was responsible for the Swedish sub-study and for supervising a post-doc (Doris Lydahl). The project contribute with knowledge about implications of social contructions of place in home-based services targeting people in the margins of welfare, how employees and clients orient towards each other, and tensions between public/private, support/surveillance and inclusion/exclusion. More information: Geographies of home-based service interactions at the margins of welfare in Finland and Sweden | Tampere universities (tuni.fi)
Hansen Löfstrand teaches courses in criminology, sociology and social psychology and has extensive experience of teaching qualitative methods. She is currently responsible for and teaches a course in qualitative analysis and conceptualization for doctoral students. Furthermore, she has extensive experience of supervision at all levels, including in postgraduate education.
Från kameraövervakning till tillförlitlig kunskap i
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Christel Backman, Corinna Kruse
Sociologidagarna, Göteborg, 13-15 mars, 2024 - 2024 -
Från polisutredning till dom: kameraövervakning och AI i rättskipande
Christel Backman, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Corinna Kruse
Sociologidagarna, Göteborg, 13-15 mars, 2024 - 2024 -
From Police Investigation to Court Verdict: Mass Video Surveillance and AI for Criminal Justice
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Christel Backman, Corinna Kruse
CUPP Conference 2024 The Discreet Charm of Prediction: Critical Understandings of the Digitalisation of Policing - 2024 -
The everyday reality of private security work in Sweden: negotiations at the front line of public
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Policing & Society - 2024 -
Patrullerande ordningsvakt: kroppskamera för skydd, kontroll och
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Christel Backman
Arbetsliv i omvandling - 2023 -
Introduction Transforming
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Kerstin Jacobsson
Transforming Subjectivities. Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times - 2022 -
Subjectification, Advice Giving and Resistance in Mental Health Home Visit
Kirsi Juhila, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Transforming Subjectivities. Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times - 2022 -
Conclusion: Towards a New Research
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Kerstin Jacobsson
Transforming Subjectivities. Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times - 2022 -
Representations of policing problems and body-worn cameras in existing
Christel Backman, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
International Criminal Justice Review - 2022 -
Organizational legitimation of body-worn camera use in the Swedish private security
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Christel Backman
Qualitative research in organization and management - 2022 -
Transforming Subjectivities. Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary
Home‐ and Community‐Based Work at the Margins of Welfare: Balancing between Disciplinary, Participatory and Caring
Kirsi Juhila, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Johanna Ranta
Social Inclusion - 2021 -
Control or protection? Work environment implications of police body-worn
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Christel Backman
New technology, work and employment - 2021 -
Transforming Worker–Client Identities: From Shelters to Housing
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Kirsi Juhila
Social Inclusion - 2021 -
Devoted work without limits? Activities and premises of home visit work at the margins of community
Kirsi Juhila, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Suvi Raitakari
International journal of care and caring - 2021 -
Marketization in a state-centred policing context: The case of
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
European Journal of Criminology - 2021 -
Home- and Community-Based Work at the Margins of Welfare: Balancing between Disciplinary, Participatory and Caring
Kirsi Juhila, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Johanna Ranta
Social Inclusion - 2021 -
Doing good: autonomy in the margins of
Doris Lydahl, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Sociology of Health and Illness - 2020 -
Blurred boundaries and legal uncertainty in police-volunteer
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Sara Uhnoo
Policing & Society - 2020 -
Doing good- normativities in the margins of
Doris Lydahl, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), New Orleans 4-7 September - 2019 -
Private security as moral drama: a tale of two
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Bethan Loftus, Ian Loader
Policing and Society - 2018 -
Partnerskap mellan polis och medborgare: Polisens volontärer och Missing People
Sara Uhnoo, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor - 2018 -
Voluntary policing in Sweden: media reports of
contemporary forms of police–citizen
Sara Uhnoo, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention - 2018 -
Responsibilisation in governmentality
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Kirsi Juhila, Suvi Raitakari
Juhila, K. Raitakari, S & Hall, C. (Eds.) Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare Services - 2017 -
Responsibilities and current welfare
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Kirsi Juhila, Suvi Raitakari
Juhila, K. Raitakari, S & Hall, C. (Eds.) Responsibilisation at the Margins of Welfare Services - 2017 -
Housing First as a Moral Tale and a Travelling
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Kirsi Juhila
Den motspänstiga akademikern. Festskrift till Ingrid Sahlin - 2017 -
Doing 'dirty work': Stigma and esteem in the private security
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Bethan Loftus, Ian Loader
European Journal of Criminology - 2016 -
Policing as Politics and Market in
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Keynote presentation at ESRC Public Policy Conference on Markets in Policing: The Appetite for and Organisational, Cultural and Moral Limits to Markets in Public Policing - 2016 -
Cultural Images and Definitions of Homeless Women: Implications for Policy and Practice at the European
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Deborah Quilgars
Mayock, P. & Breatherton, J. (eds.). Women's Homelessness in Europe - 2016 -
The Policing of a Homeless Shelter: Private Security Patrolling the Border of
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
European Journal of Homelessness - 2015 -
Private security policing by ‘ ethnic matching ’ in Swedish suburbs: avoiding and managing accusations of ethnic
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy - 2015 -
Diversity Policing–Policing Diversity: Performing Ethnicity in Police and Private-Security Work in
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Sara Uhnoo
Social Inclusion - 2014 -
När säkerhet blir en marknadsvara: etnisk mångfald som resurs och problem för
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Den sorterande ordningsmakten : studier av etnicitet och polisiär kontroll / Abby Peterson & Malin Åkerström redaktörer - 2013 -
The Discourse of Consumer Choice in the Pathways Housing First
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Kirsi Juhila
European Journal of Homelessness - 2012 -
On the Translation of the Pathways Housing First
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
European Journal of Homelessness - 2012 -
Homelessness as an Incurable Condition? The Medicalization of the Homeless in the Swedish Special Housing
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Mental Illnesses - Evaluation, Treatments and Implications, Luciano L'Abate (Ed.) - 2012 -
Brottsofferstöd som brottsprevention - riskprofilering och offret som
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Heber, Anita, Tiby, Eva & Wikman, Sofia (red.) Viktimologisk forskning. Brottsoffer i teori och metod. - 2012 -
Homelessness as Politics and
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
In: Larsson, B., Letell, M., Thörn, H. (Eds) Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State. From Social Engineering to Governance? - 2012 -
Pseudo-solutions and facade renovations. The Gothenburg version of
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Holgersson, Helena, Thörn, Catharina, Thörn, Håkan och Wahlström, Mattias (eds.) (Re)searching Gothenburg. Essays on a Changing City. Gothenburg: Glänta. - 2010 -
Skenlösningar och fasadrenoveringar. Hemlöshet på göteborgskt
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Holgersson, Helena, Thörn, Catharina, Thörn, Håkan och Wahlström, Mattias (red.) Göteborg utforskat. Studier av en stad i förändring. Göteborg: Glänta. - 2010 -
Reforming the Work to Combat Long-Term Homelessness in
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Acta Sociologica - 2010 -
Understanding Victim Support as Crime Prevention Work: The Construction of Young Victims and Villains in the Dominant Crime Victim Discourse in
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention - 2009 -
Supporting Young Crime Victims: Discursive Environments and Formula
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Journal of Youth Studies - 2009 -
Support to Young Crime Victims: Professional Discourse and Victim
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
DANASWAC (Discourse and Narrative Approaches to Social Work and Councelling)-seminar, Aarhus, Denmark, 19-20 August, 2008. - 2008 -
"Det här är större än en mottagning" Utvärdering av Stödcentrum för unga brottsoffer i
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Socialmedicinsk tidskrift - 2008 -
Platsen för "de utsorterade" i
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Bostadslös! Lokal politik och praktik - 2007 -
"Det är ju ofta drogen som är största boven" Missbruksvård som åtgärd mot
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Bostadslös! Lokal politik och praktik - 2007 -
Bostadslös! Lokal politik och
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Marie Nordfeldt
2007 -
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Bostadslös! Lokal politik och praktik - 2007 -
"Vi är oerhört unika" Träning i boende som åtgärd mot
Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Bostadslös! Lokal politik och praktik - 2007