
Christoph Haug

Senior Lecturer

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Christoph Haug

Christoph is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Work Science. He wrote his doctoral thesis about “Discursive Decision-making in Meetings of the Global Justice Movement: Cultures and Practices” at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and at Freie Universität Berlin (2010) and then accepted a post-doc position at the Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development (GCGD) to study “the politics of the poor” in and around South African shack settlements. He also collaborated with Håkan Thörn, Maj-Lis Follér and Beniamin Knutsson in a Sida-funded project entitled “Governing AIDS through aid to civil society: Global solutions meet local problems in Sub-Saharan Africa”. He then was a Marie-Curie research fellow at the Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI) and the Département de Communication, Université de Montréal where he studied inter-organizational collaboration in face-to-face meetings. In 2017 he initiated a transdisciplinary conference series, The Meeting Science Symposium.

On other web sites

Research areas

  • organizational communication; meetings; social movements; globalization; consensus

Teaching areas

  • globalization; social psychology; qualitative methods; social movements; theory of science

Selected publications

Haug, Christoph (2013): Organizing spaces: Meeting arenas as a social movement infrastructure between organization, network, and institution. Organization Studies, 34:5-6, 705–732. doi: 10.1177/0170840613479232

Haug Christoph (2015): What is consensus and how is it achieved in meetings? Four practices of consensus decision-making In: Joseph A. Allen, Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock, Steven G. Rogelberg (Eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Meeting Science, New York: Cambridge University Press, 556–584. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781107589735.024