Centre for Environmental Political Studies (CEPS)
Short description
CEPS is a research group within the Department of Political Science. We work with multidisciplinary social science studies of environmental policy and environmental problems. Our research activities focus on various problems in the field of environmental politics and policy and we use a broad scope of methodological approaches. Examples of topics that we study includes sustainable development, climate change, environmental public opinion and management of natural resources such as fisheries, water and energy policy.
The CEPS research group has comprehensive contacts with both society and with researchers at other departments and universities. We have close ties with researchers within the natural sciences and other social sciences within and outside of the University of Gothenburg. Examples of our collaborating partners are found below:
- Center for Collective Action Research, CeCAR
- The Environmental Social Science Programme
- The SOM Institute
- Masters Programme in Environmental Management and Economics
- The Environmental Economics Unit, at the school of business, economics and law, University of Gothenburg
- The Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg
- School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg
- Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, (GMV)
- Tellus, Centre for Earth System Science, University of Gothenburg
- Environmental Systems Analysis, Chalmers University of Technology
- Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology
- Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
- University of Lund
- Luleå University of Technology
The CEPS group is also very active when it comes to informing about current research and to contributing to the public debate. For example, people at CEPS have participated in the following fora during the last years:
- Staff meeting of the Minister for the Environment
- The Standing Committee on Environment and Agriculture
- The Swedish Climate Policy Council
- The Ministry of Finance
- The Swedish Energy Agency
- The Swedish Board of Fisheries
- The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
- Evening lectures at the NGO Ekocentrum (Centre for Ecology)
- The International Science Festival Gothenburg and the day of social sciences at the University of Gothenburg
- Folkuniversitetet, adult education association
- Medborgarskolan, adult education association
- Breakfast lectures at the Centre for Environment and Sustainability, (GMV)
- ABF Stockholm, adult education association
- The Swedish Forum for Human Rights
- The research seminar of the Adlerbertska Foundations
- Student associations
- Members of CEPS are regularly engaged by media for various expert assignments
Research Projects
CEPS is linked to several research project. A selection of these are listed below:
Climate change and the prospects for economic growth: How extreme weather events affect regime stability. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council and is a collaboration between the Department of Political Science and the Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg.
Household Emergency Preparedness: What Drives People to (Not) Prepare for Future Societal and Environmental Crises? The project is funded by Formas and is a collaboration between the Department of Political Science and the Department of Psychology at the University of Gothenburg.
A tax on meat? Is it politically feasible? The project is funded by Formas and is a collaboration between the University of Gothenburg and Luleå University of Technology.
The importance of physical and socio-political factors for wind power deployment. The project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and is a collaboration between the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology and Luleå University of Technology.
EECC – Swedish Opinion on Environment, Energy and Climate Change. The project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.
Fem-LEAD - Female Leadership and Effects from African Droughts. The project funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant.
Waging war to save the peace parks: A study of militarization of wildlife management. Project funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Understanding spillovers on corruption from protected area establishments. Project funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Research Group
- Taiwo Ahmed, Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
- Sofia Axelsson, Chief Analyst, Department of Political Science
- Monika Bauhr, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science
Paul Bederke, Associate Researcher, Department of Political Science
- Anna Bendz, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science
- Frida Boräng, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science
- Stephen Dawson, PostDoc, Department of Political Science
- Göran Duus-Otterström, Professor, Department of Political Science
- Emily Elia, PostDoc, Department of Political Science
- Niklas Harring, Researcher, Department of Political Science
- Sofia Henriks, Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
- Sverker C. Jagers, Professor, Department of Political Science
Markus Johansson, Researcher, Department of Political Science
Simon Källman, Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
Olof Larsson, Researcher, Department of Political Science
Milla Marzelius, Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
Patrik Michaelsen, PostDoc, Department of Political Science
- Ulrika Möller, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science
- Frida Nilsson, Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
Frederik Pfeiffer, Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
- Anna Persson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science
- Marina Povitkina, Researcher, Department of Political Science
- Björn Rönnerstrand, Researcher, the SOM Institute
- Jacob Sohlberg, Researcher, Department of Political Science
- Helena Stensöta Olofsdotter, Professor, Department of Political Science
- Aksel Sundström, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science
Lauren Yehle, Associate Researcher, Department of Political Science