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- Marina Povitkina
Marina Povitkina
Department of Political ScienceAbout Marina Povitkina
Research interests: comparative environmental politics, climate politics, corruption, democracy, the performance of public administration, management of marine resources, political organization of small island states, and quantitative methodology.
Interview with Marina about her research on E-IR
Work in Progress
"Obstacles for Environmental NGOs in emerging democracies" with Ruth Carlitz and Ketevan Bolkvadze
"Corruption and climate change" with Aksel Sundström, Niklas Harring, and Sverker Jagers
"Corruption perceptions in Ukraine during the war" with Frank Borge Witzke and Lesley-Ann Daniels
"Why do people not cooperate in corrupt settings - money loss or ethical issues?", with Andrea Martinangeli, Sverker Jagers and Bo Rothstein
“Democratic consequences of natural disasters”, with Oskar Rydén, Sverker Jagers and Martin Sjöstedt
“How to research corruption? Critical reflections on concepts, data and methods in (anti-) corruption research”, co-editor of a Handbook, with Oksana Huss, Ilona Wysmulek, Nils Köbis and Christopher Starke
SK2223 Environmental Problems within Social Science: From Tragedy of the Commons to Planetary Boundaries
Mini-lecture "State Capacity and the Environment" for high school students
Online course in research methods "How to research corruption?" (in Ukrainian)
PhD in Political Science (2018) University of Gothenburg Doctoral dissertation: "Necessary but not Sustainable? The Limits of Democracy in Achieving Environmental Sustainability"
Master's degree in International Administration and Global Governance (2012), University of Gothenburg
Master's degree in International Economic Relations (2009), V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Ukraine
Political Consequences of Natural Disasters: Accidental
Oskar Rydén, Marina Povitkina, Sverker C. Jagers, Martin Sjöstedt
2024 -
The Impact of Corruption on Climate Change
Institutional Quality Causes Generalized Trust: Experimental Evidence on Trusting under the Shadow of
A. F. M. Martinangeli, Marina Povitkina, Sverker C. Jagers, Bo Rothstein
American Journal of Political Science - 2023 -
Political Headwind: How wind power development influences political
Erik Ulla, Marina Povitkina
2023 -
National and Sub-national Policies and
Marina Povitkina
IPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [P.R. Shukla, J. Skea, R. Slade, A. Al Khourdajie, R. van Diemen, D. McCollum, M. Pathak, S. Some, P. Vyas, R. Fradera, M. Belkacemi, A. Hasija, G. Lisboa, S. Luz, J. Malley, (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA. doi: 10.1017/9781009157926 - 2022 -
Global Burning: Rising Antidemocracy and the Climate Crisis. By Eve Darian-Smith. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2022. 230p. $22.00
Marina Povitkina
Perspectives on Politics - 2022 -
In Light of Democracy and Corruption: Institutional Determinants of Electricity
Frida Boräng, Sverker C. Jagers, Marina Povitkina
The Energy Journal - 2021 -
Why are carbon taxes unfair? Disentangling public perceptions of
Marina Povitkina, Sverker C. Jagers, Simon Matti, Johan Martinsson
Global Environmental Change - 2021 -
Local interest group activity and environmental degradation in authoritarian
Ruth D Carlitz, Marina Povitkina
World Development - 2021 -
Environmental Commitments in Different Types of Democracies: The Role of Liberal, Social-liberal, and Deliberative
Institutional Quality Causes Social Trust: Evidence from Survey and Experimental Data on Trusting Under the Shadow of
Andrea Martinangeli, Marina Povitkina, Sverker C. Jagers, Bo Rothstein
2020 -
Why are carbon taxes unfair? Disentangling public perceptions of
Marina Povitkina, Sverker C. Jagers, Simon Matti, Johan Martinsson
2020 -
Fresh pipes with dirty water: How quality of government shapes the provision of public goods in
Marina Povitkina, K. Bolkvadze
European Journal of Political Research - 2019 -
Necessary but not Sustainable? The Limits of Democracy in Achieving Environmental
Marina Povitkina
2018 -
Democracy, Quality of Government, and Public Goods Provision: The Case of Water
Marina Povitkina, Ketevan Bolkvadze
2018 -
The limits of democracy in tackling climate
Marina Povitkina
Environmental Politics - 2018 -
Do Political Institutions Moderate the GDP-CO2
Ole Martin Laegreid, Marina Povitkina
Ecological Economics - 2018 -
“Gimme Shelter”: The Role of Democracy and Institutional Quality in Disaster
Tove Ahlbom Persson, Marina Povitkina
Political research quarterly - 2017 -
Are Carbon Dioxide Emissions Decoupled from GDP Growth in Well-functioning
Ole Martin Laegreid, Marina Povitkina
2017 -
Vulnerability of Small Island Developing States to Natural Disasters. How Much Difference Can Effective Governments
Martin Sjöstedt, Marina Povitkina
Journal of Environment and Development - 2017 -
Political determinants of electricity provision in small island developing
Frida Boräng, Sverker C. Jagers, Marina Povitkina
Energy Policy - 2016 -
Paradise Islands? Island States and the provision of environmental
Sverker C. Jagers, Marina Povitkina, Martin Sjöstedt, Aksel Sundström
Sustainability - 2016 -
Democracy, Corruption and Electricity
Frida Boräng, Sverker C. Jagers, Marina Povitkina
The Quality of Government (QoG) conference. Bohuslän, Sweden. 22-23 August - 2016 -
How corruption shapes the relationship between democracy and
"Green" Potential of Small Island States. A Comparative
Marina Povitkina
Bäckstrand K., Kronsell A. (eds) "Rethinking the Green State: Environmental Governance towards Climate and Sustainability Transitions" - 2015 -
Democracy, development and the marine environment - A global time-series
Marina Povitkina, Sverker C. Jagers, Martin Sjöstedt, Aksel Sundström
Ocean & Coastal Management - 2015 -
Democracy and economic development: Investigating the effects on the marine
Marina Povitkina, Sverker C. Jagers, Martin Sjöstedt, Aksel Sundström
2013 -
Paradise Islands? Island States and the provision of environmental
Sverker C. Jagers, Marina Povitkina, Martin Sjöstedt, Aksel Sundström